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A distinctive contribution Project Overview 2007 - 2008


Action Africa Help-International

AAH-I South Sudan
P.O. Box 76598
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 (0)20 387 19 78
Mobile: +256 (0)47 710 06 87
Thuraya: +882 162 197 402 8

© by AAH-I South Sudan 03 | 2007

Layout | Editorial | Photography
Dominik Lehnert


Page 03

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A distinctive contribution
By means of adequate information sys- CAPOR project is designed to be imple- developed on the ‘Do No Harm’ approach.
tems and information dissemination, mented in partnership with rural commu- This helps the various stakeholders from
AAH-I CAPOR supports a peaceful post- nities and agencies, to identify information within and outside the community to in-
conflict transition and development proc- needs and priorities and develop pro- tervene immediately if a potential conflict
ess in Equatoria Region, South Sudan. grams and initiatives to address together arises. Through constant capacity build-
Through CAPOR interventions, AAH-I par- with community members their issues and ing of drama-, music-, puppetry and artist
ticipates further in establishing a just soci- concerns. CAPOR is closely allied with the groups, as well as the training of field in-
ety in South Sudan. AAH-I Sudan Programme including Prima- formation officers (FIOs), who are all part
ry Health Care, Food & Income Security of the information gathering as well as the
CAPOR takes and promotes action to and Support to Civil Society. information dissemination process and a
strengthen and enhance people’s capacity web based job market, CAPOR will enable
to participate in a successful and peace- Major activities of CAPOR include to inter individuals to secure productive employ-
ful reintegration to overcome poverty, Above: A poster developed in cooperation with link communities and service providers, by ment. Interagency forums and a close co-
Samedi Sey, a local artist from Yei, to sensitize
disease and violence in the project area - gathering information from the community operation with all the stakeholders involved
people on the negative effect of alcoholism.
a distinctive contribution. and channelling it to the relevant recipient in the reintegration process are key for the
as well as channelling information on the success of the project.
The Capacity Building for Post Conflict TO ACCOMPLISH ITS DEVELOPMENT identified issues e.g. on health, agriculture
Reintegration (CAPOR) project is an ini- GOAL CAPOR FOCUSES ON: and others to the community. Members of CAPOR also offers its information dissemi-
tiative by Action Africa Help-International Encouraging and equipping the targeted the community are always part of the in- nation and gathering tools to interested au-
(AAH-I) for the South Sudan Programme. community for participation in commu- formation gathering and dissemination. thorities and agencies, including film- and
The project started in January 2007. At nity development supporting a peaceful Further CAPOR supports communities to radio production, drama, puppetry, music
present, there are five full time staff imple- reintegartion process. establish a community based early conflict as well as the production of posters, com-
menting the project, in cooperation with the warning system based on conflict profiles ics and other print materials.
community, community based organiza- Developing and disseminating culturally
tions and groups as well as other NGOs. sensitive information, either directly relat-
ed to reintegration or general information
For its work, CAPOR receives funds on Primary Health Care, Food & Income
through the Church Development Service Security and Civil Society issues.
(EED) from the German Federal Ministry
for Economic Cooperation and Develop- Increasing and monitoring the conflict
ment (BMZ) under the umbrella of the management and transformation capacity
Aktions Programm 2015, initiated by the within the targeted communities to over-
German Government to contribute to- come open violence.
wards achieving the Millennium Develop-
ment Goals. Enabling groups and individuals from
within the targeted communities to secure
Front Cover: Diana Danga during the production
productive employment.
of a film about primary education by CAPOR in
Ginapoli, South Sudan, making her first experi- Promoting good cooperation and col- Above: Members of several artistic groups and representatives from ACROSS, Reconcile, IPCS, Yei
ence with a DV camera. laboration between various stakeholders, Resource Centre, TPO and AAH-I CAPOR, after the first Yei Groups Forum held in January 2007.
relevant programmes and agencies. Back Cover: A giant puppet developed by CAPOR for the World Womens Day in March 2006.
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