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From the figure above, frame 286,287,288 show that the tcp connections has been established between PC60 (server, and PC59 (client, The PC60 acts as the server to broadcast the video tennis.mp4 through the VLC player by http and the PC59acts as client to request for the video streaming. The TCP three-way handshake in Transmission Control Protocol (which is also known as the three message handshake is the method used to establish TCP socket connections) is established between PC60 (server, and PC59 (client, by streaming the VLC video using http. TCP's three way handshaking technique is referred to as the 3-way handshake or SYN, SYNACK, ACK. The TCP handshaking mechanism is designed so that two computers attempting to communicate can negotiate the parameters of the network TCP socket connection before beginning communication.

TCP CONNECION OF THREE WAY HANDSHAKE Server ip address: port number 8080 Client ip address: port number 49407

1. Frame 286 shows that the clients send a connection request SYN bit (Seq=0) to Server through transport protocol which is the TCP(transmission control protocol).

Source address: destination address: source port: 8080 destination port: 49407 sequence number: 0 windows size-8192(client has windows size of 8192) maximum segment size-1460 (MSS able sent by the client is 1460) SYN flag is set (1), SYN is a connection establish request to attempt to setup connection

2 Frame 219: the server reply the client by sending an acknowledgement to inform the client that the connection from the client to the server had established and the ACK flag bit are set to 1. At the same time, the server send a request to the client to establish the connection from the server to the client by setting the SYN flag bit as 1. Connection established acknowledgement message is sent by server to the client (SYN + ACK). Source address: destination address: source port:8080 destination port:49407 sequence number-0 (the server will start sequence number =0) Acknowledgement number=1 (the server reply the client with ack=1) windows size-8192 (the maximum windows size of the server=8192)

maximum segment size-1460(MSS able sent by the server =1460)

3 Frame 220: The client reply the server by sending an acknowledgement to inform the server that the connection from the server to the client has established by setting the ACK flag bit to 1 Source address: (client ip address) destination address: (server ip address) source port:49407 destination port: 8080 sequence number-0 (the client will start sequence number =0) Acknowledgement number=1(the client reply the server with ack=1) windows size-65700(the maximum windows size of the client become 65700)

4 Figure below show the three-way-handshake procedure between Client and Server.

5.tcp of reassembly pdu In frame 289, PSH field is set ( PSH= 1and ACK is set) as shown in the figure above that the client send to application of host (server) to informs TCP server that data should be send immediately. PSH bit indicates that the contents of the receive buffer should be immediately passed to the next layer.

6. HTTP GET streaming request From the frame 293, we can know that client is send the get/http to server to request server send the same version of HTTP of client which is version 1.1.

Request Method : GET Request Version: HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: VLC (version 2.0.1) (media that we used to stream)

7. Frame 227: data sending from the server Next, In frame 292, sever will reply the client by sending acknowledgement. -The server start to send the data from frame 227. -This frame is sent by the server (IP address: to the client (IP address: 14) . -The round trip time to ACK the segment was: 0.020980000 seconds. -In this segment, the TCP segment consist of data 84 bytes. -This frame piggybacked the acknowledgement to the client indicate that the server have received the HTTP request . 8. Next , the data will be send seperately in different packet as shown in the figure above where all the data are sepereated into different TCP segment of a resembled PDU with different bytes such as (1514 bytes in frame 295, 4434 bytes in frame 297), and all the packets data is send from server ( to client( Then, when the client received the packets data, client ( will send back to server ( by acknowlegement such as frame frame298, frame 300 and so on.

9. After that, select edit then preferences then choose protocol TCP and disable allow subdissector to reassemble TCP streams as figure shown below It shown that there are few HTTP can contained into 1 TCP segment. So, all the data packets are send TCP packet in term of HTTP from server to client.

STOP OF STREAMING Frame 1017, 1018, and 1020, we can see that the sending packet data process is starting terminated when the client stop the video VLC player We can see that the FINNISH flags in frame 1017 is set where this flag is sending from client to inform server that Then, in frame 1018, server send acknowlegement to client that the TCP connection is allowed to terminate. Figure below show connection termination procedure.

Conclusion We have successfully established the HTTP video streaming connection between server and client. We have analyzed the captured packet and look through the contents inside the packets. In conclusion, the video go through 3 stages that is TCP connections, starting of HTTP streaming and termination of its. In this case, the HTTP using TCP to send the data.

HTTP streaming versus RTSP streaming With RTSP, both the client and the server can issue requests during interaction, as opposed to HTTP where the client always issues the requests. RTSP maintains a state by default which happens to be very important in streaming media files. The HTTP protocol is a stateless protocol. This simply means that HTTP is unable to retain a memory of the identity of each client that connects to a web site. Therefore, it treats each request for a web page as a unique and independent connection, with no relationship whatsoever to the connections that preceded it. Table 2 below shows the comparison of HTTP and RTSP protocol.

Table 2 below shows the comparison of HTTP and RTSP protocol.



a) Video data rate must be no larger than a) Video data rate can have higher data connection allows rates; better quality possible b) No file stored; better for long videos c) Cannot stream all data types d) Can support live or real-time b) File downloaded; replay is easy c) Can stream all data types d) Cannot support live or real-time

Table 1: Comparison of HTTP and RTSP protocol

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