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Self-Leadership: Developing Your Potential

Lecture 2 Leadership Infusion Series

Leadership Infusion Lecture Series

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Engineering Leadership Developing Your Potential Leading in Teams Developing Vision Leadership and Citizenship Reflection and Personal Growth

The need for leaders in Engineering What is leadership? Importance of knowing yourself and developing your potential Emotional Intelligence Johari Window Myers-Briggs Leaders of Tomorrow

A Society in Transition
There is a pressing need to reshape society Change can and should be positive A time of change is a time of opportunity for leaders Engineers should take lead roles in this transformation

Leadership and Engineering

Engineers are needed who can: Innovation: change through technology Leadership: change through people First step in leadership development is understanding yourself, which is what well be talking about today

Leadership is about
YOU: leading yourself, finding strengths, passions and values, self-respect to do what you believe is right LEADING OTHERS: helping others find their best, working to common goals, pulling instead of pushing

VISION: seeing a better POSITIVE IMPACT: tomorrow and the path creating the future we to it, self-confidence want to live in and courage to make it happen

Importance of knowing yourself Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and its also that difficult.
Warren Bennis (scholar)

In Pairs: 1. Do you agree with the first sentence of this quote? 2. What is required for us to become ourselves?

A framework for developing leadership potential




Self-Knowledge Frameworks



IQ may get you the interview. EQ will get you the job or promotion.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Recognizing your emotions Recognizing emotions in others YOU OTHERS

Managing your emotions Handling emotions in relationships

Self Awareness: Recognizing Your Emotions

Self-awareness is a keystone to EQ Knowing yourself and your emotional sensitivities supports healthy relationships Can develop the ability to maintain selfreflectiveness even with challenging, strong emotions

Managing Your Emotions

1) Managing Emotions is an ability that builds on self-awareness. Selfsoothing is a fundamental life skill 2) Self Motivation: Controlling ones emotions in service of a goal and controlling impulses in the moment for longer term gain

Relating Well: Recognizing Emotions in Others

Empathy is an important interpersonal skill The more open we are to our own emotions, the more open we will be to others emotions

Handling Emotions in Relationships

In large part, the skill of handling emotions in others Social competencies that make for effectiveness in dealing with others

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Recognizing your emotions Recognizing emotions in others

Managing your emotions Handling emotions in relationships


Framework applied to EQ
Self-awareness (See) Choice (Intelligence) Im anxious about this class presentation. I want to do something to make myself feel more confident. Im going to: Prepare rather than avoid it Accept input rather than be defensive Relax rather than stress Stay positive

Action (Do)

EQ Inventory
For each item, rate how well you are able to display the ability described (scale of 1-7) For each of the five competencies, count: # of responses 4 # of responses > 5

1. Work out conflicts 2. Relax when under pressure in situations 5. Calm yourself quickly when angry
7. Use internal talk to affect your emotional states 12. Be able to work hard when you want

5 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 4

19. Influence others, directly or indirectly

23. Help other manage their emotions

Total counts # of responses 4 # of responses > 5

2 1 2 1 2 1

Scoring EQ Inventory
Total counts # of responses 4 # of responses > 5

3 4 5 2 1 3 2 1 4 5
Self-awareness Managing Emotions Self-motivations Relating Well Handling Relationships

EQ Inventory
Review your responses and study your EQ competence patterns. Choose one of the EQ competencies that you are developing and describe a recent event that may have been impacted by it. Identify some alternate responses or choices you could have implemented.

Framework for developing potential

New Self-awareness

New Actions

New Choices

Self-awareness through others: Johari Window

The biggest way I handle my weaknesses is to recognize my weaknesses. I used to believe that I was the perfect leader. Once I realized that I have weaknesses, my leadership improved greatly. Since I recognize my weaknesses, I surround myself with people who can help me in these areas. Bret Fox, student at University of Akron

Johari Window
Known to self Known to Not Known to others others Not Known to self



Hidden Unknown

represents things that I know about myself, and that you know about me. 2. The "blind" quadrant represents things that you know about me, but that I am unaware of. 3. The "hidden" quadrant represents things that I know about myself, that you do not know. 4. The "unknown" quadrant represents things that neither I know about myself, nor you know about me.

1. The "open" quadrant

Johari Window
What are some ways we can work on widening the open quadrant? Seeking and giving feedback Being open to discovery through sensitive/ courageous communication Regular self-reflection Building stronger relationships Experience and play (esp. for Unknown)!

Johari Window: Shared Awareness

Known to self Known to others Not Known to others Open Open Open Hidden Hidden Unknown Unknown Unknown Not Known to self Blind BlindBlind

Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory

A psychometric inventory used to measure psychological preference in how people perceive the world and make decisions Understanding your type can help you in understanding ways you prefer to live your life and why you make the choices you do This is a topic that will be recurring in LOT lectures over the next years For more information:

Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory

1) Introvert vs. Extravert 2) iNtuition vs. Sensing 3) Thinking vs. Feeling 4) Judging vs. Perceiving

e.g. ENTP
Many free Myers-Briggs tests online

Mini MBTI (E/I)

Please go through the checklist to see if you have more of a tendency toward extraversion or introversion. No right or wrong No good or bad Its about where you get your energy.

The Extrovert
Energised by people and activity Extraverts focus is directed outward towards people and objects Extraverts desire breadth and are actionoriented Acts and then reflects

The Introvert
Energised by reflection and one-onone connection The Introvert's focus is directed inward toward concepts and ideas Introverts seek depth and are thoughtoriented Reflects and then acts

EXTROVERT STRENGTH -brings energy -shares ideas immediately -bring enthusiam CHALLENGES -dominate conversations -appear thoughtless -unaware of introvert needs

INTROVERT STRENGTHS -reflective -thoughtful -good listeners CHALLENGES -appear shy -appear uncomfortable -can overthink before speaking

Framework for developing potential

New Self-awareness

New Actions

New Choices

Link between action, choice and self awareness Use EQ framework to handle emotions with intelligence. Be open to learning from how others perceive you Understand your personality type Increasing self awareness takes courage "Do one thing every day that scares you.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Leaders of Tomorrow Our Vision An engineering education that is a lifelong foundation for transformational leaders and outstanding citizens

We believe that:
Everyone shares the responsibility of leadership Leadership can be learned and can be taught Leadership empowers an engineering education

Self-awareness Open





Thank You !

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