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Documento 1

Modelado De Un Sistema De Inyeccin

Eloy Calle Luis Bermeo Dorian Rivas Juan Pauta Fabin Daz

La inyeccin de un automvil se puede modelar, este modelado se lo puede comprobar en tiempo real con la ayuda del Arduino y el Matlab, que nos permite tomar seales de entrada y salida para simular el sistema de inyeccin, la entrada de nuestro sistema ser el sensor MAP y el sensor de oxigeno, estos sensores harn los clculos necesarios y controlaran la salida del sistema mediante ancho de pulso a dos inyectores.

Here is the conclusion paragraph.

Here is the Acknowledgment section. This is an optional section.

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This is an example of a Main Heading section. section will include sub-sections. This

This is where main author information is typed, if desired, such as background, education, e-mail address, and web address. This is an optional section.

SUBHEADING - Here is a subsection (second level heading). It uses the Body paragraph style and is identified with a header beginning the paragraph as shown here. Sub-subheading - Here is a sub-subsection (third level heading). It uses the Body paragraph style and is identified with a header beginning the paragraph as shown here. Sub-sub-subheading - Here is a sub-sub-subsection (fourth level heading). It uses the Body paragraph style and is identified with a header beginning the paragraph as shown here. This is an unordered list using bullets This is another list item

Here are any additional sources. section. This is an optional

1. This is an ordered list, using numbers 2. This is another list item


Here is the Definitions section. section. This is an optional


Term: Definition for the term


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