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KCG College of Technology,Chennai 97 Information Technology CS2353 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design Model Examinations Sample Questions Time : 3 Hours VI-SEM-IT

PART A 1. Define Logical architecture. 2. Define a Layer. What are typical layers? 3. What are the benefits of using layers? 4. What are the strength and weakness of sequence and communication diagrams? 5. What are the relationships used in a UML Class Diagram? 6.. Define the terms a) Classifier b) Package. 7. Define a) GRASP principles b) Pattern. 8. What is visibility? What are different visibility types? 9. What is responsibility driven design? Give examples for Knowing and doing responsibilities. 10. What is use case realization? 11. What is GOF? List nine important Design patterns. 12. Define a) Asswociation Class b) Singleton Class. 13. Define a) Event b) State and c) transition 14. Define a) Guard condition b) Interfaces. 15. What are operation contracts? What are its uses? 16. What are post conditions? 17. What does UML Deployment Diagram represent? 18. Write short notes on a) Exception and error handling b) Test Driven Development 19. What is the purpose of glossary? 20. Define Software Architecture. 21. What are the guidelines followed in design with layers? 22. How reply or return is represented in a Sequence Diagram? 23. What is an implementation model? 24. Define Design Pattern. PART B 11. a) i) Explain how layers are useful in addressing problems in Software Design in an OO System (8) ii) Explain the relationships used in UML class diagram with examples(Association,Aggregation,Composition etc) (8) Or b) i) Explain Model View Seperation principle and what are the motivation for MVS? (10) ii) What is the connection between SSDs,System Operation and layers? Explain with suitable example ( 6)

12. (a) (i) Explain GRASP, Responsibilities and Responsibility Driven Design. (ii) Explain in brief four kinds of visibility Or (b) (i) Explain with examples the patterns a)Low Coupling b) High Cohesion, c) Faade and d) Observer (ii) Tabulate and explain the artifact inputs and their relation to object design 13. (a) (i) Explain in detail Implementation Model(Mapping Design to Code) (ii) Draw and explain a UML State Machine Diagram for a telephone Or (b) (i) Explain with an example (a) UML Deployment Diagram (b) UML Component Diagram. (ii) How class definitions are created from Design Class Diagrams(DCDs)? 14. (a) Explain about UML activity diagram,terminaologies and notations with an example. Or (b) Explain with an example Interaction Diagram. 15. (a) Explain with an example ,the relationship between Sequence Diagrams and Use Cases Or (b) What is the connection between SSDs, System Operations ,and layers? Explain Using an example 16. (a) What are System Sequence Diagrams? What is the relationship between SSDs and Use cases? Explain with an example. l Or (b) What is logical architecture and layers? Explain with examples layers using UML package diagram. 17. a) Explain with a diagram the patterns a) Creator b) Information Expert or b) What are the sections in a contract? Explain with an example.

(10) (6) (10) (6) (10) (6)

(10) (6) (8) (8) (8)

(8) (16). (16) (8) (8)


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