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castrum sex schessburg segesvar

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a Romniei CONSTANTIN, CATALIN D. Sighi[oara / C`t`lin D. Constantin; grafic` Adrian Sorin Georgescu; trad.: Alina Crc; ed. Arpad Harangozo, Ovidiu Morar. - Bucure[ti: NOI Media Print, 2005 ISBN 973-7959-30-2 I. Georgescu, Adrian Sorin (il) II. Crc, Alina (trad.) III. Harangozo, Arpad (ed.) IV. Morar, Ovidiu (ed.) 913(498 Sighi[oara)(084)

castrum sex schessburg segesvar

Sighi[oara Gravur` de la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea de Ludwig Rohbock. Sighisoara Engraving from the mid 19th century by Ludwig Rohbock.



Ora[ul de pe rul ae[ 6 Povestea breslelor, povestea turnurilor 18 Cetatea 32 Vlad Tepe[ sau Dracula? Istoria unei fantasme moderne 64 Ora[ul de Jos 80 Cronologie 90

The city on the Saes river The Story of Guilds, the Story of the Towers In the Castle Vlad the Impaler or Dracula? The story of a modern fantasy The Lower City Chronology

Ora[ul de pe rul ae[

The city on the Saes river

Nimic mai frumos dect s` te plimbi, ntr-o sear` lini[tit`, cnd soarele prelunge[te timid umbrele copacilor asemenea limbilor unui ceas gigantic, printr-un ora[ vechi, p`strnd ntre zidurile umede ale caselor sale pe jum`tate moarte, dar [i vii pe jum`tate, memoria timpului pierdut. i dac` ora[ul acesta e Sighi[oara, priveli[tea cea mai ncnt`toare se deschide de pe Dealul Bisericii. Ca s` ajungi acolo trebuie s` urci treptele nguste [i inegale ale sc`rii de lemn 175 la num`r. O scar` abrupt`, neagr`, acoperit`, construit` pu]in dup` mijlocul secolului al XVII-lea pentru a u[ura drumul c`tre biseric`, cimitir [i [coala de al`turi, anevoios tot timpul, dar mai cu seam` iarna. Ciudat` scara aceasta! Nu e cu nimic deosebit` de restul sc`rilor ridicate prin mai toate burgurile Europei Centrale, [i totu[i ceva ]i spune c` e unic`, c` are povestea ei... Drumul pn` sus nu e nici scurt [i cu att mai pu]in u[or, iar scara seam`n` cu un tunel privirea c`l`torului e oprit`, de o parte [i de alta, de scnduri sub]iri [i parfumate de brad, printre care r`zbate,

What could be more enchanting than to stroll one quiet evening, with the sun timidly casting ever longer tree shadows like a gigantic clock in an old city that preserves the memory of time lost between the humid walls of its houses, half dead but also half alive. And if this city happens to be Sighisoara, the most enthralling view you can get is from the Hill of the Church. To reach this point you have to climb the narrow and uneven steps of the wooden stairs one hundred and seventy five in all. The steep, black, covered flight of stairs was erected a little after the mid 17th century to make easier the access to the church, to the graveyard, and the adjoining school, quite difficult all the time, but particularly so in winter. Strange this flight! It is in no way different from the rest of the stairs put up in nearly all the burgs of Central Europe, and yet something tells you that its story makes it unique. The way up is neither short nor easy, and the stairs resemble a tunnel the travelers gaze is obstructed by the cover of slim, odorous fir tree planks through

Fete n costum de s`rb`toare, n timpul liturghiei Girls in festive attire, during liturgy

discret [i fantastic, o lumin` verzuie. Privirea ]inte[te tot timpul n sus. Apoi, odat` ajuns` n vrf, ]inte[te n sens invers, coboar` infinit mai repede, cuprinde uluit` priveli[tea ce se dezv`luie de acolo, nvelit` n lumina ro[iatic` a soarelui ce cade la apus. Totul seam`n` cu o carte de basme fantastice: ora[ul e mic, ncape aproape cu totul n palma deschis`, se v`d nenum`rate acoperi[uri, ]uguiate [i ro[ii, se v`d mai ales turnurile vechi, care n]eap` cerul la fiecare col] de cetate, se ghicesc uneori [i oamenii, pitici cu to]ii ntr-o mp`r`]ie pierdut` de istorie n mijlocul unui peisaj de dealuri m`runte [i v`i domoale, t`iat de o ap` nu prea mare, n miezul vechiului principat al Transilvaniei. C`tre dreapta re]ine imediat aten]ia Turnul cu Ceas al Sfatului. Hot`rt lucru, e cl`direa cea mai interesant` din ntreaga

which a greenish light filters discreetly and fabulously. Still, one keeps on looking up. Once on top, one tries the other way round, glancing down, infinitely faster, catching the sight wrapped in the haze of the setting sun light. Everything reminds one of a book of fairy tales: the town is small, it fits all into an open palm, it has numerous oblong reddish roofs, the old towers stick out, scraping the sky at each corner of the citadel, people are guessed to be swarming here and there, like dwarfs in a kingdom lost in history, in mid scenery of tiny hills and soft valleys, cut by a not too generous river, at the heart of the time-tested principality of Transylvania. On the right, one cannot fail to notice the Clock Tower of the Council Hall. It is, definitely, the most interesting building in the city. The rest of the towers do not hold a candle to it, although a

Zi de t~rg \n Ora[ul de Jos Fotografie de la nceputul secolului al XX-lea. Day of fair in the Lower City Photograph from the early 20th century.

Magazine din ora[ul vechi Fotografie de la \nceputul secolului al XX-lea. Shops in the old city Photograph from the early 20th century.

Ora[ul Sighi[oara Fotografie de la \nceputul secolului al XX-lea. The city of Sighisoara Photograph from the early 20th century.


Sighisoara noaptea Sighi[oara by night

cetate. Restul turnurilor p`lesc n compara]ie cu acesta, dar o privire atent` le observ` numaidect frumuse]ea, ast`zi s`lb`ticit`. Dincolo de Turnul cu Ceas se z`re[te o cl`dire masiv`, alt`dat` o locuin]` particular`, nu foarte veche, cu ferestre suple [i turnule]e, perfect ncadrat` n atmosfera medieval` a Sighi[oarei. Pare dintotdeauna acolo, de aceea[i vrst` cu cetatea, dar e numai o p`rere, abil ticluit`, pentru c` a fost ridicat` abia n secolul al XIX-lea, dup` toate canoanele arhitecturii epocii romantice. Lng` ea, acoperi[ul cenu[iu, mai pu]in nalt al bisericii m`n`stirii. i, imediat n dreapta, pia]a central`, umbrit` de c]iva pomi, inima cet`]ii, obi[nuitul patrulater al ora[elor medievale, m`rginit` pe toate laturile de case simple [i sobre, n

careful inspection would immediately detect their wild beauty. Beyond the Clock Tower stands a massive construction, once a private residence, not very old, with slim windows and little turrets, blending perfectly into Sighisoaras medieval landscape. It seems to have always been here since the birth of the citadel but that is just a cleverly concocted impression because it was erected in the 19th century, according to all the rules of romantic architecture. Close to it rises the less tall gray roof of the monastery church. On the right, lies the central square, shaded by a few trees, the usual quadrilateral of medieval towns, lined on all sides with simple and sober houses, despite the vivid nuances in which they are painted, identical to what they used to be,

Strad` pietonal` din ora[ul medieval Street only for pedestrians in the medieval city

ciuda culorilor vii n care sunt vopsite, acelea[i ca [i nainte, pentru c` o lege local` impune p`strarea vechilor culori, men]ionate cu stricte]e n cataloage aflate n arhivele ora[ului. De aici de sus, n]elegi c` cetatea nu a fost construit` la ntmplare, vezi limpede harta regulat` de str`du]e nguste care mpart casele cet`]ii n grupuri [i vecin`t`]i. Fiecare are povestea ei, diferit` de a vecinei, de[i casele acestea seam`n` toate ntre ele. Sunt destul de nalte, mai toate pe dou`

since a local law imposes the preservation of the colors of yore, strictly noted in catalogues housed by the towns archives. This makes one think that the burg was not build as it came. One perceives clearly a regular network of narrow lanes separating the citys houses into groups and neighborhoods. Each with its tale, different from the next, despite the fact that all the residences resemble each other. Quite tall, they all have two or three stories, a narrow facade, massive gates


Strada Cositorarilor, fost` Uli]a Pastorului Aici a fost \nfiin]at`, \n 1861, prima [coal` rom~neasc` din ora[. The Tinsmiths Street, former Pastors Lane In 1861, the first Romanian school in the city was established here.

sau trei nivele, cu fa]ada ngust`, cu por]i masive care te duc de-a dreptul n`untru sau te conduc, printr-un gang boltit, prea pu]in luminat, ntr-o curte interioar` de unde p`trunzi apoi, pe sc`ri nguste [i ntunecoase, n nc`peri cu tavane arcuite [i pere]i alt`dat` decora]i cu fresce. Imaginea aceasta fantastic` ntructva ghicit` de dinainte pentru c` seam`n` cu altele, nchipuite n copil`rie, nu se compune dintr-o dat`: dealul e nconjurat de copaci tineri, crescu]i n ultima jum`tate de veac. Slab`, [i totu[i simbolic` protec]ie mpotriva unei istorii nep`s`toare! Alt`dat` se va fi auzit de aici larma locuitorilor din pia]a central`, strig`tele comercian]ilor n zilele de trg, g`l`gia nebun` a copiilor la ie[irea de la biserica de lng` Turnul Sfatului. Cetatea Sighi[oarei e [i ast`zi locuit`, dar sa[ii, vechii ei ntemeietori, au plecat aproape cu to]ii, a[a cum au [i venit. Aproape to]i. Dup` 800 de ani de istorie. Un drept legitim de ap`rare. Erau prea b`trni ca s` se recolonizeze ntr-o alt` constela]ie, [i asta f`cut` opresiv. Dealurile, apele [i cerul nu sunt acolo mai frumoase dect aici. Poate chiar mai nepotrivite pentru felul lor de trai. Dar libertatea... sau cel pu]in ce se crede c` este libertatea... Povestea Sighi[oarei ncepe cu sosirea coloni[tilor germani, n secolul al XII-lea: de pe malurile Rinului, ale Moselei, din

leading straight in or through a vaulted, poorly lit gangway, to an inner yard from where a flight of narrow dark stairs takes up to rooms with vaulted ceilings and walls once decorated with frescoes. This fantastic image, that visitors somehow expected because it somehow matches what they fantasized in their childhood, does not emerge at once. The hill is surrounded by young trees grown in the last fifty years. Weak yet symbolic protection against an uncaring history! Once the place would have been animated by the hubbub coming from the central square, the cries of merchants participating in the fair, the romping frolic of children going out of the church near the Council Tower. The city of Sighisoara continues to be inhabited but its old founders, the Saxons of Transylvania, have gone like they came. Nearly all of them. After eight hundred years of history, in a gesture of legitimate self-defense. They were too old to get recolonized. Hills, waters and the sky are not more beautiful elsewhere than here. Perhaps they are even more unsuited to their way of life. But freedom or at least what is thought to be freedom The story of Sighisoara began with the arrival of German colonists in the 12th century. They came from the banks of the Rhine, of the Moselle, from Flanders, brought by Hungarian King Geza II to

Turnul cu Ceas [i Biserica M`n`stirii Vedere de ansamblu. The Clock Tower and the Monastery Church Overall view.

Flandra, au fost adu[i de regele maghiar Geza al-II-lea pentru a ap`ra grani]ele r`s`ritene ale regatului. Au g`sit aici sate romne[ti [i ruinele unor castre din vremea roman`. i-au ridicat n Transilvania, dup` tipicul [i priceperea apusean`, cet`]i puternice. Nic`ieri n tot cuprinsul Europei nu exist` o mai mare aglomerare de cet`]i [i biserici fortificate ca n Transilvania. Pentru prima dat`, Sighi[oara apare men]ionat` n acte n anul 1280, sub

stand guard at the eastern borders of his kingdom. Here they found Romanian villages and the ruins of Roman camps. And they began to build in Transylvania strong citadels according to their western model and skills. Nowhere in Europe is there a bigger agglomeration of citadels and fortified churches like in Transylvania. Sighisoara is mentioned for the time in documents from 1280 under the Latin name of Castrum Sex. Eighteen years later the German name of Schespurch (as the


Turnul cu Ceas Vedere din Turnul Cositorarilor. The Clock Tower View from the Tinsmiths Tower.


Casa cu Cerb Edificiu specific Rena[terii transilv`nene, dat~nd aproximativ din secolul al XVII-lea. n prezent, g`zduie[te un centru cultural rom~no-german, o pensiune [i un restaurant. The Antlers House A specific Transylvanian Renaissance edifice dating from the 17th century. At present, it features a Romanian-German cultural center, a boarding house and a restaurant.

numele latin de Castrum Sex. Optsprezece ani mai trziu e pomenit [i numele german de Schespurch (cum numeau localnicii burgul) [i, n 1431, ntr-un document al cancelariei domne[ti a lui Vlad Dracul apare [i numele romnesc Sighi[oara, nsemnnd, n limba vremii, ora[ul de pe rul ae[. Sunt dou` feluri de a vedea Sighi[oara. Po]i fi turist sau po]i fi c`l`tor. Turistul e totdeauna n trecere, pentru el

locals called the burg) was mentioned, and in 1431 a document coming from the princely chancery of Vlad The Devil gave it a Romanian name, Sighisoara, which at that time meant the town on the river Saes. There are two ways of seeing Sighisoara: either as a tourist or as a traveler. Tourists are always in passing. For them a guide is sufficient. Travelers have other goals, and guides are less important,


Casele din cetate au fost astfel cl`dite n a[a fel nc~t s` poat` servi ca locuin]e [i totodat` ca loc de refugiu. The houses in the city were thus built as to serve both as dwellings and place of refuge.

ajunge un ndrumar. C`l`torul are alt` ]int`, ghidul e pentru el mai pu]in important, sau nu conteaz` deloc. El g`se[te singur locurile cele mai frumoase, pentru c` exist` ntotdeauna o magie a locurilor vechi care ]i vorbesc nemijlocit, de la sine. C`l`torul acesta seam`n` ntr-un fel cu c`l`torul medieval. P`trunde ntr-un ora[ pe care nu-l [tie, despre care doar poate a auzit [i l descoper` cu sufletul.

if at all. They find the most beautiful spots by themselves as there is this constant magic of old places that charm you over. In a way, the latter resemble a lot medieval travelers. They enter a city they do not know but of which they have heard, and they discover it with their heart.



Povestea breslelor, povestea turnurilor

The Story of Guilds, the Story of the Towers

Turnurile cet`]ii Sighi[oarei compun ast`zi un decor melancolic de teatru romantic. Ar putea fi socotite cu u[urin]` expresia dorin]ei vechilor sighi[oreni de a[i dovedi la modul cel mai conving`tor puterea [i priceperea de a construi. E poate adev`rat [i acest lucru, dar scopul lor a fost n primul rnd unul practic, t`cerea lor solitar` de ast`zi ascunde zgomotul armelor. i fiecare turn poart` un nume de breasl`, pentru c` fiecare breasl` avea n ngrijire un turn. Povestea turnurilor e povestea breslelor. Meseria[i pricepu]i n vremuri de pace, ace[tia deveneau n timp de asediu o[teni la fel de pricepu]i. Nu poate, a[a zice rnduiala breslelor, s` intre n rndul st`pnilor, dect acela care, pe lng` toate celelalte, a mai f`cut [i doi ani de c`l`torie. A[a e bine! Numai ncetul cu ncetul, sub paz` bun`, prin multe ispitiri, numai dup` ce s-a lovit cu capul de toate zidurile [i a dat destule dovezi c` e destoinic de a se pov`]ui nsu[i pe sine, are s-ajung` omul st`pn de capul s`u [i pov`]uitor pentru al]ii... Dup` rnduiala breslelor, calfa de m`celar, care avea s` treac` n rndul

The towers of Sighisoara make up a melancholy scenery of Romantic theater. They could easily be deemed the expression of the locals ingrained desire to prove once and for all their constructive strength and skill. This could be so, but their initial purpose was practical, their lonesome silence of today hiding the clamor of weapons. Each tower carries the name of a guild since every guild had one in its care. The story of the towers is the story of the guilds. Clever craftsmen at times of peace became equally adroit soldiers during sieges. It is not possible, say the rules of the guilds, for anyone to become a master unless, besides many other things, one has taken a two years journey! That is only just! Little by little, under a careful watch, after having endured numerous temptations, struck against many obstacles and given sufficient proof he is worthy to be his own council, can a man become master by himself and adviser for others According to the customs of the guilds, a butchers journeyman who

Figurinele orologiului din Turnul cu Ceas La fel ca n celelalte burguri ale Europei, ceasul este prev`zut cu figurine din lemn de tei, \nf`]i[~nd zei p`g~ni ce simbolizeaz` zilele s`pt`m~nii: Diana, Marte, Mercur, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn [i Soarele. Figurinele fixate pe o roat`, se deplaseaz` la miezul nop]ii, marc~nd \nceputul unei zile noi. The figurines of the famous Clock Tower Like similar mechanisms in other European burgs, the clock is adorned with lime wood figurines, depicting pagan gods that symbolize the days of the week: Diane, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the Sun. The figurines, set on a wheel, start moving at midnight, marking thus the beginning of a new day.

m`ie[trilor, trebuia s` fac` n fa]a starostelui [i a oamenilor de ncredere ai breslei t`ietura de m`iestru. nso]it de un z`vod [i ajutat numai de ucenic, el trebuia s` duc` la t`iere un juncan de trei ani, frumos mpodobit cu flori, cu panglici [i cu crpe, pe care, dup` t`iere, starostele [i oamenii de ncredere le luau drept semne de aducere-aminte. Dup` ce starostele se ncredin]a c` juncanul nu e ame]it cu spirt, ucenicul i d`dea lovitura n frunte, iar viitorul m`iestru trebuia s`-l njunghie a[a, ca pn` ce numeri la zece s` nu se mai mi[te, [i s`-l jupoaie iute [i curat, apoi s`-i scoat` m`runtaiele nc` calde, toate acestea

wanted to become a master had to stand before the head and the worthies of the guild and perform a masters cut. Accompanied by a dog and helped only by an apprentice, he had to bring to slaughter a three-year bullock, nicely decked with flowers, ribbons and scarves, which after the slaughter, the head and the worthies took as tokens. When the head had made sure the bullock was not dizzy with spirits, the apprentice dealt a blow at its forehead, and the future master had to stab it so that until you counted to ten, the animal moved no more, then he had to skin it quick and

Turnul cu Ceas, numit [i Turnul Por]ii nalt de 64m, turnul a fost construit \n secolul al XIV-lea, conferindu-i-se de la \nceput dubla func]ie de g`zduire a Sfatului Cet`]ii [i cea de ap`rare a por]ii principale a ora[ului. Acoperi[ul, cu o \n`l]ime de 34m, a ars \n marele incendiu din 1676 [i a fost ref`cut de mai multe ori (1677, 1775, 1804), c`p`t~ndu-[i \nf`]i[area actual` \n 1894, c~nd vechea \nvelitoare a fost \nlocuit` cu ]igle multicolore sm`l]uite. Din 1899 a fost transformat \n muzeu de istorie, \nglob~nd [i un muzeu al armelor precum [i vechea camer` de tortur` pentru condamna]ii la moarte. The Clock Tower also called the Gate Tower Sixty-four meters high, it was erected in the 14th century, when it housed the City Council and also defended the main gate of the city. The roof, 34m high, burnt down in the great fire of 1676, and was remade several times (1677, 1775, 1804). Its present looks date from 1894, when the old covering was replaced by manycolored glazed tiles. From 1899 it has been a history museum, also including a section of weapons and the old torture chamber for those convicted to death.


Figurinele de pe fa]ada dinspre cetate a Turnului cu Ceas La baz`, Zei]a P`cii cu o ramur` de m`slin n m~n`, n dreapta ei, un tobo[ar care bate sferturile de or`. Deasupra lor, Zei]a Drept`]ii, cu balan]a n m~n`, [i Zei]a Justi]ei, legat` la ochi, cu sabia ridicat`. Celelalte dou` statuete simbolizeaz` Ziua [i Noaptea. Figurines on the Clock Towers facade giving to the city Down, the Goddess of Peace with an olive branch in her hand, and on her right a drummer, who marks the quarters of an hour. Above, the Goddess of Fairness holding in her hand a balance, and the blind-folded Goddess of Justice, wielding a sword. The other two statuettes symbolize the Day and the Night.

Unul dintre cele dou` cadrane de pe fa]adele Turnului cu Ceas Cadranele sunt uria[e, fiecare av~nd cca. 2.40m \n diametru. One of the two dials on the facades of the Clock Tower The dials are huge, each having about 2,40m in diameter.



Turnul Cositorarilor Dotat cu ferestre \nguste de tragere, turnul controla zona de SE a cet`]ii. Este completat de Galeria Pu[ca[ilor [i a fost ref`cut de nenum`rate ori de-a lungul timpului. The Tinsmiths Tower Endowed with narrow firing slits, the tower kept watch over the SE part of the city. It was rounded off by the Fusiliers Gallery, and was remade several times over the years.

Turnul Fr~nghierilor A fost ridicat n secolul al XIV-lea pentru a ap`ra col]ul de NV al cet`]ii. Reparat n anul 1630, a devenit mai t~rziu locuin]a paznicului cimitirului evanghelic de pe deal. The Rope Makers Tower It was erected in the 14th century to defend the NW corner of the city. Repaired in 1630, it later became the residence of the watch of the Evangelical graveyard on the hill. Turnul Cojocarilor Modest ca dimensiuni, impresioneaz` totu[i prin echilibrul arhitectonic. Are un plan p`trat, cu patru nivele [i a fost construit n secolul al XIV-lea. The Furriers Tower Of modest size, it impresses by its architectural poise. It features a square design, with four levels, and it was erected in the 14th century.

f`r` ca panglicile [i crpele s` se p`teze de snge. Urmeaz` apoi pre]`luirea [i m`cel`rirea. Viitorul m`iestru trebuia, nainte de toate, s`-[i dea cu p`rerea ct cnt`re[te carnea [i ndeosebi seul pe care-l scoate, apoi s` fac` m`cel`rirea n 16 feluri de c`rnuri, f`r` ca s`-[i p`teze minile [i [or]ul alb [i f`r` s` lase f`rm`turi pe butuc. Drept ncheiere se f`cea cnt`rirea. Cel dinti, starostele lua mu[chiul din spinare [i m`iestrul trebuia s`-l cnt`reasc`

clean, and take out its still warm bowels, all this without staining with blood the ribbon and the scarves. Next came the assessment and the butchering proper. Before anything, the future master had to make an assessment how much the meat weighed, especially the fat, then to butcher the animal into sixteen types of meat, without staining his hands and white apron, or leaving splinters on the block. To conclude things, the meat was weighed.

Latura de nord a zidului cet`]ii The northern side of the citadel wall.

din ochi. Apoi urmau oamenii de ncredere, care cereau fiecare ct i venea la socoteal`, [i m`iestrul avea s` m`soare cu ochii [i s`-i taie fiec`ruia dintr-o singur` bucat` ct a cerut. Nu-i vorb`, nu se nimerea totdeauna ca bucata s` fie bine potrivit`: o dat` ie[ea prea mic` [i atunci cump`r`torul se plngea c` a fost n[elat la cntar: alt`dat` ea ie[ea prea mare [i to]i rdeau n hohote. Cu alte cuvinte, lucrul se sfr[ea cu veselie (Ioan Slavici, Mara). O savuroas` pagin`, desprins` dintrun roman clasic al literaturii romne, scris la sfr[itul secolului al XIX-lea, istorise[te felul n care o calf` putea deveni me[ter al breslelor s`se[ti din Transilvania. Organizarea corpora]iilor me[te[ug`re[ti era una strict`, la fel de strict` ca a unei

First, the head took the sirloin cutlet and the master had to appraise it. Then came the worthies to ask whatever they pleased, and the master had to estimate and make only one cut for each in the exact amount desired. Of course he did not always hit it right and the piece was something smaller and the buyer complained of having been shortweighed, or sometimes it was too big, and they all burst into laughter. In other words, the ceremony ended in merriment (Ioan Slavici, Mara). This splendid page from a classical novel of Romanian literature written at the turn of the 19th century recounts how an apprentice could become a master in a Saxon guild of Transylvania. The crafts


Turnul Cizmarilor Este atestat din 1521 [i reconstruit prima dat` n 1650. Turnul a fost ridicat \n zona de NE a cet`]ii [i seconda ini]ial un bastion de artilerie, care a fost demolat \n 1846. The Shoemakers Tower Attested to 1521, it was reconstructed for the first time in 1650. The tower was put up in the NE of the city, initially standing by an artillery bastion, which was demolished in 1846.

Casa Capelanului [i Turnul Cositorarilor The Chaplains House and the Tinsmiths Tower

armate, [i cuprindea trei categorii de lucr`tori: me[teri, calfe [i ucenici. Corpora]iile me[te[ug`re[ti sunt o crea]ie a Evului Mediu. Interesele ob[te[ti, ap`rate de autorit`]ile urbane, [i interesele de grup ale diver[ilor meseria[i au dus la formarea acestora. ncepnd cu secolul al XIII-lea, reguli clare guvernau func]ionarea breslelor: brutarii nu aveau voie s` se aprovizioneze cu cantit`]i de f`in` care s` dep`[easc` puterea lor de produc]ie, m`celarii nu [i puteau ]ine niciodat`

corporations were just as strictly organized as an army and they contained three categories of workers: masters, journeymen, and apprentices. Handicraft corporations are a creation of the Middle Ages. It was community interests, protected by the urban authorities, and group interests of the various handicraftsmen that led to their creation. Starting with the 13th century clear rules governed the guilds: thus, bakers were not allowed to get supplies of flour


Turnul M`celarilor Construit la sf~r[itul secolului al XV-lea [i modificat \n secolul al XVI-lea, este atestat documentar abia \n 1680. A[ezat la limita inferioar` a platoului superior, el era un punct strategic important, av~nd vedere c`tre bastionul \n`l]at \n fa]a sa. The Butchers Tower Erected in the late 15th century and modified in the 16th century, this tower was attested only in 1680. Situated at the lower side of the higher plateau, it provided an important strategic venue, given the bastion situated in front of it.

carnea la loc ascuns, aceasta trebuia s` se afle mereu n v`zul cump`r`torilor... n 1376, la Sighi[oara, erau men]ionate nu mai pu]in de 25 de meserii practicate de localnicii grupa]i n 19 bresle. O plimbare de-a lungul zidului de incint` al cet`]ii roste[te, inevitabil, numele acestora. Povestea turnurilor e povestea breslelor: t`b`cari, b`rbieri, cositorari, giuvaergii, frnghieri, m`celari, cojocari, ]es`tori, cizmari, l`c`tu[i, dogari, fierari... Arhitectura mai impozant` sau mai modest` a turnurilor vorbe[te despre prestigiul, importan]a [i bog`]ia fiec`reia dintre bresle. Din jos de marele Turn al Sfatului, cel care domin` cetatea, se afl` Turnul T`b`carilor. Destul de stngaci [i dispropor]ionat, seam`n` cu un b`trn obosit. Lui i-a fost al`turat, n 1631, un sprijin, care nu a rezistat ns` [i nu a mai ajuns pn` la noi: Turnul B`rbierilor. Urmeaz` Turnul Cositorarilor, vechi de tot, construit din cte se pare, o dat` cu zidul cet`]ii. Pu]ine lucruri se [tiu despre el o inscrip]ie atest` doar faptul c` n 1583 i s-au f`cut importante repara]ii. Va fi fost unul dintre cele mai importante puncte de ap`rare ale cet`]ii, din moment ce, dintre toate turnurile, domin` cel mai bine mprejurimile. Despre Turnul Frnghierilor, aflat n col]ul de nord-vest al cet`]ii, se [tiu, de asemenea, pu]ine lucruri

bigger than their capacity of production, butchers were not permitted to keep meat in a hidden place but in the public eye. In 1376, in Sighisoara no less than 35 trades were mentioned to be practiced by the locals grouped in 19 guilds. A stroll along the citadels precincts walls bespeaks their story. The towers and the guilds are one: the tanners, the barbers, the tinsmiths, the jewel-makers, the rope-makers, the butchers, the furriers, the weavers, the shoemakers, the locksmiths, the coopers, the blacksmiths The imposing or more modest architecture of the towers reveals the prestige, importance, and wealth of each guild. Below the big Council Tower, which dominates the city, there is the Tanners Tower. Quite awkward and illproportioned, it resembles a weary old man. In 1631, it was given a pendant, which did not make it to this day, the Barbers Tower. Next comes the extremely old Tinsmiths Tower erected, seemingly, at the same time with the city walls. Not very many things are known about it an inscription attests that in 1583 it underwent extended repairs. It must have been one of the citys highlights since it prevails over the surrounding landscape. The Ropers Tower, situated in the north-west corner

Turnul Cositorarilor The Tinsmiths Tower

cel mai probabil a fost ridicat n secolul al XVI-lea, la jum`tate de veac dup` Turnul M`celarilor, urm`torul bastion. La mic` distan]` de acesta din urm` s-a aflat, pn` la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea, Turnul es`torilor, care vreme ndelungat` a servit drept nchisoare militar`. Urmeaz` apoi un turn ridicat n secolul al XVI-lea cel al Croitorilor, purtnd numele uneia dintre cele mai puternice [i mai bogate bresle ale Sighi[oarei. n 1676, cnd un incendiu cumplit a distrus ora[ul, pulber`ria, ad`postit` n incinta acestui turn, a luat foc [i a explodat, nimicind o mare parte a sa. n prelungirea acestora se afl` un turn ceva mai nou n compara]ie cu celelalte cel al Cizmarilor, reconstruit dup` mijlocul veacului al XVII-lea urmat de Turnul L`c`tu[ilor. Lng` acesta se n`l]a, pn` la sfr[itul secolului al XIX-lea, Turnul Dogarilor, dar ast`zi urm`torul turn, unul dintre cele mai interesante [i mai bine propor]ionate ale cet`]ii Sighi[oarei, e cel al Fierarilor. Masiv [i impresionant, Turnul cu Ceas, numit [i Turnul Por]ii, e singurul care nu s-a aflat n grija breslelor. E principalul punct de intrare n cetate [i a ad`postit, ntre secolele al XIV-lea [i al XVI-lea, sfatul or`[enesc. nalt de 64m, are patru turnule]e [i o galerie de lemn pentru straj` la ultimul nivel. Dup` marele incendiu din 1676 a fost ref`cut de me[teri

of the citadel is also shrouded in mystery. Most likely it was erected in the 16th century, fifty years after the Butchers Tower, the next bastion. Until the mid 19th century, not far from this there rose the Weavers Tower, which, for a long time served as military prison. Then comes a tower erected in the 16th century, of the Tailors, one of the most powerful and richest guilds in Sighisoara. In 1676, a terrible fire destroyed the city, and the powder magazine within this tower caught fire and blew up, turning into ruin most of the construction. The Shoemakers Tower is comparatively of more recent date, and it was reconstructed after the middle of the 17th century. Then rises the Locksmiths Tower, and close to it, until the late 19th century, there stood the Coopers Tower. Today, the next construction is one the most interesting and well-proportioned in the city, the Blacksmiths Tower. Massive and impressive, the Clock Tower, also called the Gate Tower is the only one not in the care of the guilds. The main point of entry into the city, between the 14th and the 16th centuries it sheltered the city council. Sixty-four meters tall, it features four little turrets and a wooden gallery for the sentry, on the last level. After the big fire of 1676 it


adu[i din Austria [i e socotit drept cea mai veche m`rturie a p`trunderii barocului austriac n Transilvania. n 1648 n turn a fost instalat un ceas, al c`rui mecanism complicat ac]ioneaz` statuete de lemn, care simbolizeaz` zilele s`pt`mnii.

was remade by masters brought from Austria, so that it is deemed the oldest testimony of Austrian Baroque in Transylvania. In 1648, a complicated clockwork with wooden statuettes symbolizing the days of the week was installed in the tower.

Turnul Croitorilor n timpul marelui incendiu din 1676, pulber`ria ad`postit` n turn a explodat, distrug~nd o mare parte a acestuia. Forma actual` se datoreaz`, n cea mai mare parte, restaur`rii din 1935. The Tailors Tower During the big fire of 1676, the gunpowder deposit within the tower blew up, destroying most of the construction. The construction was last remodeled in 1935.



In the Castle

164 de case de locuit. 13 edificii publice. 9 turnuri [i 3 bastioane r`mase n picioare dintre cele 13 turnuri [i 5 bastioane, cte au existat la sfr[itul secolului al XVII-lea. Un zid de ap`rare lung de 930m. Aceasta e, ntr-o statistic` pu]in relevant`, cetatea Sighi[oarei. De-a lungul istoriei, ora[ul a trecut prin multe ncerc`ri care au impus ca necesar` refacerea structurii urbane: n 1438 e devastat de turci, n 1601 e asediat de trupele conduse de Gheorghe Basta, 11 ani mai trziu de cele ale lui G. Bathory. Arde n repetate rnduri: 1676, 1736, 1788. Forma actual` a cet`]ii a fost conturat` n cea mai mare parte n secolul al XV-lea, cnd breslelor, aflate n plin` nflorire economic`, le revine sarcina de a ridica [i de a fortifica zidul cet`]ii. Dar construirea acestuia e ncheiat` n cteva etape. n secolul al XV-lea n`l]imea zidului nu trecea de 4m, pentru ca n secolul al XVI-lea acesta s` fie n`l]at cu 2m, perioad` n care e prev`zut cu deschideri pentru

In short, the dowry of Sighisoara includes 164 residences, 13 public edifices, 9 towers, and 3 bastions still standing out of the 13 towers and 5 bastions existing in the later 17th century. All this surrounded by a 930 meters long defense wall. Along history, the city was visited by numberless tribulations that implied the remaking of the urban structure. In 1438, the Turks ransacked it, in 1609, troops led by George Basta besieged it, and after eleven years those of G.Bathory did the same. In 1676, 1736, and 1788 it was devastated by fires. The current citadel took shape mostly in the second half of the 15th century, when the blossoming guilds received the task of fortifying the citadels walls. The enterprise spanned several stages. In the 15th century the wall did not exceed 4 meters, and in the 16th century it was elevated by two meters, and endowed with loopholes for firing arms. After the 1676 conflagration, the surrounding wall was pushed to 8-10 meters.

Aceea[i imagine, vara [i iarna: strada care coboar` dinspre Turnul cu Ceas c`tre Ora[ul de Jos. The same image in summer and winter: the street going down from the Tower Clock to the Lower City.

armele de foc. Dup` incendiul din 1676, zidul mprejmuitor ajunge la o n`l]ime de 8-10m. Locuin]ele din cetate au fost construite pentru a putea servi, n vreme de asediu, ca loc de retragere [i de ap`rare. Cu pu]ine excep]ii, acestea au fost [i ele reconstruite dup` marele incendiu din

The dwellings in the citadel were built to serve as places to withdraw and be protected during a siege. With a few exceptions, they were reconstructed after the great fire of 1767. A few stand out: the Stag House, the Vlad Dracul House, and the Florentine House. The first two lie on the left of the street connecting


1767. Cteva atrag n mod deosebit aten]ia: Casa cu Cerb, Casa Vlad Dracul [i Casa Florentin`. Primele dou` se afl` pe latura stng` a str`zii ce leag` pia]a cet`]ii de Turnul cu Ceas. Casa cu Cerb [i ia numele de la coarnele ce-i mpodobesc col]ul dinspre pia]`, a[ezate acolo nu se [tie cnd [i de cine. Despre Casa Vlad Dracul o

the city square to the Clock Tower. The Stag House has been thus named because of the horns decorating the corner giving to the market, placed there by an anonymous person. The Vlad Dracul (Devil) House, supposedly sheltered the Walachian Prince between 1431 and 1435 but the truth is hard to

Str`zi nguste legau por]ile cet`]ii, pu]ine la num`r. Vara, via]a n cetate nu era deloc pl`cut` [i popula]ia cet`]ii medievale cobora adesea n Ora[ul de Jos. Legi speciale au interzis p`r`sirea cet`]ii chiar [i pe timp de pace. Narrow streets connected once the citys not very many gates. In summer, life in the citadel was not very pleasant, and the medieval population often descended into the Lower City. Special laws forbade deserting the city even at time of peace.


legend` modern` pretinde c` l-ar fi ad`postit pe domnitorul muntean, aflat aici ntre 1431 [i 1435, dar adev`rul istoric e greu de stabilit. A[a-numita Cas` Vene]ian`, aflat` n imediata vecin`tate a Turnului cu Ceas, a apar]inut n secolul al XVII-lea primarului de atunci al ora[ului, Stephan Mann, [i se remarc` prin u[ile [i ferestrele ogivale ncheiate, n stilul construc]iilor de la Vene]ia, cu arc trilobat. Dar cum a ar`tat via]a de zi cu zi a ora[ului medieval, dincolo de datele istorice? O lume pitoreasc`, o lume ciudat`, o lume exotic`? O lume str`in` de obiceiurile noastre, de ceea ce ne imagin`m sau de ceea ce vedem n filme, ori citim n romanele istorice. n 1649, o invazie a l`custelor i face pe sighi[oreni s` cread` c` se apropie sfr[itul lumii. La fel e n]eles cutremurul din 1651 sau eclipsa de soare din 1654. n 1672 foametea pune st`pnire pe Sighi[oara [i n tot secolul al XVII-lea ciuma face [i ea ravagii... A locui n ora[ nseamn` a te supune unui sistem de credin]e mult diferit de cel al ora[ului modern. Cnd lumea era cu cinci veacuri mai tn`r`, toate ntmpl`rile vie]ii aveau forme exterioare mult mai precis conturate dect acum. ntre suferin]` [i bucurie, ntre nenorocire [i fericire, distan]a p`rea mai mare dect ne pare nou`.

establish. The so-called Venetian House, immediately near the Clock Tower, belonged to the 17th century mayor of the city, Stephan Mann, and stands out by its ogive-shaped doors and windows, ending in a trilobed arch, like Venetian constructions. What did the daily life of the medieval city looked like beyond all these historical data? Was it a picturesque, odd or exotic world? Was it a universe alien to our customs, to what we imagine or we see in movies or read in historical novels? In 1649, a locust invasion made the people of Sighisoara believe in the end of the world. The earthquake of 1651 was perceived in the same way, just like the sun eclipse of 1654. In 1672, Sighisoara fell pray to hunger and throughout the 17th century the pest played havoc. Living then in a burg meant bowing to a set of beliefs much different from those of modern man. When the world was five centuries younger all the events of life had much more accentuated forms than today. There was a much widely yawning gap between pain and joy, between unhappiness and beatitude. The possibilities to alleviate misery were much reduced compared to the present. Disease was in sheer contrast to health, and the harsh cold of winter represented

Vedere c`tre Biserica M`n`stirii View to the Monastery Church

mpotriva nenorocirilor [i mizeriei exista mai pu]in` alinare dect acum, de aceea erau mai de temut [i mai chinuitoare. Boala contrasta mai puternic cu s`n`tatea; frigul aspru [i ntunericul nfrico[`tor al iernii erau un r`u real... [i, n acela[i timp, toate lucrurile din via]` se bucurau de o publicitate b`t`toare la ochi [i ngrozitoare. Lepro[ii [i nvrteau hritoarea [i f`ceau procesiuni, cer[etorii se v`ic`reau n biserici [i [i etalau acolo infirmit`]ile. Fiecare clas` social`, fiecare ordin, fiecare meserie putea

a frightful enemy. Despite all this, things floated under a grandiose yet cruel light. Lepers sounded their bells, and circulated in a procession; beggars moaned in front of churches, showing their wounds and deformities. Each class, each social category, and each procession was known by its attire. The medieval city was not separated like the modern one into disorderly districts, with ugly factories and uniform villas, but was cooped up inside walls, with a


Str`zile nguste, m`rginite de case vechi, compun un decor ast`zi pitoresc [i lini[tit Narrow streets, lined with old houses, make up a picturesque and quiet scenery



Cetatea, devenit` surs` de inspira]ie pentru pictori The city has become a source of inspiration for artists

fi recunoscut` dup` mbr`c`minte... Ora[ul nu se dezvolta, ca ora[ele noastre, prin alipirea dezordonat`, la periferia lor, a unor ngr`m`diri de fabrici urte [i de locuin]e lipsite de gust, ci r`mnea nchis n zidul de incint`, p`strnd o imagine bine definit`, rotund`, dar ]epoas`, datorit` nenum`ratelor sale turnuri. Orict de nalte [i de masive ar fi fost casele de zid ale nobililor [i ale negustorilor, bisericile dominau totu[i, cu volumele lor mult mai nalte, silueta ora[ului.

well-defined configuration and many towers. For all the slenderness or heaviness of the stone homes of noblemen and merchants, the city was dominated by churches with their grandeur and perfect lines and volumes. If summer and winter contrasted more than today, the same can be said about the sheer difference between light and darkness, between quiet and noise. For today, the modern city ignores profound darkness or perfect quiet, the effect of a


Str`zile Sighi[oarei n timpul festivalului de art` medieval` The streets of Sighisoara during the festival of medieval art

Dup` cum contrastul dintre var` [i iarn` era mult mai puternic dect n via]a noastr`, la fel era [i cel dintre lumin` [i ntuneric, dintre t`cere [i zgomot. Ora[ul modern nu mai cunoa[te aproape deloc ntunericul complet [i lini[tea complet`, nici efectul unei lumini]e izolate sau al unui strig`t stingher venit din dep`rtare. (Johan Huizinga, Amurgul Evului Mediu, trad. H.R. Radian, Humanitas, Bucure[ti, 2002, p. 8-10.) Cuvintele lui Johan Huizinga, desprinse dintr-o carte celebr`, Amurgul Evului Mediu, descriu, dincolo de orice

lamp flickering in the night or of a noise coming from afar. The words of Johan Huizinga taken from a famous book, The Twilight of the Middle Ages, describe a medieval burg beyond any geographic localization. Perhaps few cities as they are today still fit this description. Sighisoara is a living museum, an open-air museum. Still inhabited, it is a classical medieval citadel. The city map made up of buildings and streets reconstructed several times along the years, realizes another, less suspected map of medieval mans mentality.



localizare geografic`, ora[ul medieval. i poate c` pu]ine ora[e, a[a cum au ajuns pn` ast`zi, se potrivesc att de bine descrierii acesteia. Sighi[oara e un muzeu viu, un muzeu n aer liber. Locuit` [i ast`zi, Sighi[oara e o cetate medieval` clasic`. Iar harta ora[ului, alc`tuit` din cl`diri [i str`zi ref`cute de nenum`rate ori de-a lungul timpului, compune o alt` hart`, mai pu]in b`nuit`, o hart` a mentalit`]ii omului medieval.

Modern travelers reckon that the closeness between the church, the graveyard and the school is, if not haphazard, then dictated by common sense. It may also seem accidental that these are all situated in the highest point of the city. But the structure of a medieval city was never left to chance. The church dominates the city not only by its power and importance but also architecturally. Always placed in the loftiest location, it is thus closer to God.

Strad` din afara cet`]ii, n imediata vecin`tate a zidului de ap`rare The street outside the city, close to the defense wall


C`l`torul modern socote[te f`r` ndoial` c` al`turarea dintre biseric`, cimitir [i [coal` e, dac` nu complet ntmpl`toare, atunci dictat` de un bun sim] practic. O ntmplare pare, poate, [i faptul c` acestea se g`sesc la Sighi[oara pe cel mai nalt punct al ora[ului. Dar structura unui ora[ medieval nu era niciodat` l`sat` n seama hazardului. Biserica domin`, nu doar prin importan]` [i putere, domin` n egal` m`sur` [i din punct de vedere arhitectural.

Looking up to the church means looking up to God. Sighisoaras Church on the Hill was mentioned for the first time in 1345 in an act issued by the chancery of Louis I the Angevin, confirming the privileges of the people of Sighisoara, and showing that they were busy erecting the Church of Saint Nicholas. On the same spot there had existed before a Roman chapel from which a crypt, the oldest in Transylvania, has been preserved under

Imaginea unui copil de ast`zi, purt~nd costumul unui copil din alte timpuri... A child of today dressed in the clothes of a counterpart of yore...



Festivalul de art` medieval` renvie via]a de alt`dat` a cet`]ii The festival of medieval art reconstructs the citys one-time life

Se afl` ntotdeauna n locul cel mai nalt [i, n felul acesta, mai aproape de Dumnezeu. A privi c`tre biseric` nseamn` a privi la cer. Pentru prima dat`, Biserica din Deal de la Sighi[oara e men]ionat` n 1345, cnd un act emis de cancelaria lui Ludovic I Angevinul confirm` drepturile [i privilegiile sighi[orenilor, ar`tnd totodat` c` ace[tia erau ocupa]i cu ridicarea Bisericii Sfntul Nicolae. naintea acesteia a existat pe acela[i loc, o capel` romanic`, din care s-a p`strat, sub pardoseala de

the present-day slabs. The Church on the Hill was considerably restored in 1934, when the old frescoes, that had been covered in 1776, as the Reformation required, were reclaimed. The most interesting is the legend of Saint George, depicted in several episodes, and also the Doomsday, painted on the eastern wall of the northern nave. The Church on the Hill was not the only one in the city although, given its

Atmosfera melancolic` a unui ora[ cuprins de iarn` The melancholy air of a city in the grips of winter

ast`zi, cea mai veche cript` din Transilvania. nf`]i[area de acum a Bisericii din Deal se datoreaz` n cea mai mare parte restaur`rii din 1934, care a scos la iveal` vechile fresce, acoperite n anul 1776, dup` cum cereau regulile Reformei. Cea mai interesant` dintre acestea e legenda Sfntului Gheorghe, nf`]i[at` n mai multe episoade, dar [i o scen` a Judec`]ii de Apoi, zugr`vit` pe peretele de r`s`rit al navei nordice. Biserica din Deal e departe de a fi fost singura din cetate, de[i, date fiind

sizes, there was no need, at least in the beginning, for a second religious abode. But the rationale of urban development does not always follow the rationale of utility. Not far from the bottom end of the wooden stairs, on a marginal lane there rise the ruins of a small church in Gothic style, built, most likely, in the late 14th century. A token is the bronze baptism font dating to 1440 kept today in the Monastery Church. This is


Biserica din Deal [i Turnul Cositorarilor Vedere din balconul Turnului cu Ceas. The Church on the Hill and the Tinsmiths Tower View from the balcony of the Clock Tower.

dimensiunile ei, nu mai era nevoie, cel pu]in la nceputuri, de un al doilea loca[ de cult. Dar logica dezvolt`rii urbane nu urmeaz` ntotdeauna logica utilului. Nu departe de cap`tul de jos al sc`rii de lemn, pe o str`du]` l`turalnic`, se afl` ruinele unei mici biserici, construit` n stil gotic pe la sfr[itul veacului al XIV-lea. O amintire a acesteia este [i cristelni]a turnat` n bronz la 1440, p`strat` ast`zi n Biserica M`n`stirii. Aceasta din urm` se afl` n partea de jos a cet`]ii [i e numit` astfel

situated in the lower part of the city and is thus called because until 1556 it belonged to the monastic order of the Dominicans. It is famed for a beautiful collection of Oriental rugs as a consequence of the same Reformation interdiction to decorate the inside of churches with figurative images, the members of the guild vied for others bigger and bigger gifts to the Lord, for instance priceless carpets to adorn the otherwise austere walls. The Monastery


Detaliu arhitectural Partea superioar` a unui arc de poart` din ora[ul vechi. Architectural detail The upper part of a gate arch in the old city.

Astfel de nsemne lipseau cu siguran]` din ora[ul medieval, unde apa era o problem` mereu actual`. Cetatea a avut de suferit de pe urma mai multor incendii. Such signs did not exist for sure in the medieval city where water was a constant problem. The city was hard-hit by several fires.

pentru c` a apar]inut, pn` 1556, ordinului monastic al dominicanilor. E cunoscut` printr-o frumoas` colec]ie de covoare orientale urmare a aceleia[i interdic]ii a Reformei de a decora interiorul bisericii cu imagini figurative, bresla[ii se ntreceau n a d`rui Domnului covoare de pre], care mpodobeau pere]ii altfel austeri. Biserica M`n`stirii a fost puternic distrus` de marele incendiu din 1676 [i nf`]i[area de acum se datoreaz` n cea mai mare parte repara]iilor de la sfr[itul secolului al XVII-lea. Doar corul cu absida au r`mas din construc]ia

Church was powerfully destroyed by the great fire of 1676, and its present looks owe a lot to the restoration works at the end of the 17th century. Only the choir and the apse have remained from the old construction. Sighisoara also featured a monastery of Franciscan in and the place of which a Roman-Catholic church was erected, and another, close to the Coopers Tower, belonging also to the Dominican Order. The Middle Ages believed that life was tantamount to coming out of the

Casele au r`mas n picioare, dar cu greu putem contura imaginea vie]ii n ora[ul de alt`dat`. The houses are still standing but it is difficult to imagine how life in the city was like centuries ago.

veche. Au mai existat n Sighi[oara o m`n`stire a maicilor franciscane, pe locul c`reia a fost n`l]at` o biseric` romanocatolic`, [i o alta, lng` Turnul Dogarilor, ]innd tot de ordinul dominican. Credin]a Evului Mediu era c` via]a nu nsemn` altceva dect desprinderea din m`runtaiele p`mntului, c` moartea echivaleaz` cu ntoarcerea acas`. Poate de aceea cimitirul din Sighi[oara e att de frumos [i att de ngrijit, de[i la Sighi[oara au r`mas mai mul]i sa[i n ora[ul celor

bowels of the earth, and death to a return home. Perhaps this is why the graveyard of Sighisoara is so nicely trimmed, although there are more Saxons now in the city of the dead than in the city of the living. Few places like this still carry so much poetry and intimacy like the old graveyard on the hill, with its crowded tombs, shaded by the foliage of old trees, with funerary slabs inscribed with names you can no longer find in the city today. The totally


Sa[ii au plecat. n urm`, casele lor p`streaz` memoria timpului trecut. The Saxons of Transylvania have gone. The houses they left behind preserve the memory of time past.

mor]i dect n ora[ul celor vii. Pu]ine locuri de felul acesta poart` n ele atta poezie [i atta intimitate ca vechiul cimitir din deal, cu morminte multe [i nghesuite, umbrite de copaci b`trni, cu pietre funerare pe care stau scrise nume pe care ast`zi nu le mai ntlne[ti n ora[. Se afl` n deal pentru c` ideea despre moarte a oamenilor din acele vremuri era mult diferit` de a noastr`. Familia se compunea din vii [i mor]i. Un membru al familiei o dat` disp`rut din aceast` lume, nu nceta s` fac` parte din

different idea about death made it that the cemetery was put uphill. Then a family was equally made of the dead and of the living. Once gone from this world, a member did not stop being part of the respective family. There existed a city of the living and, in a somber, macabre way, a city of the dead, no less present in the case of the people of those times, who by rituals and various funerary practices paid their respects to the dead. In their never-ending road, the dead

Ora[ul pare ast`zi primitor. i totu[i, c~nd se ntuneca [i ceasul din turn b`tea ora nou`, str`inii erau da]i afar` din cetate [i por]ile ora[ului erau ncuiate. Today the city seems most welcoming. And yet, when it grew dark and the clock in the tower struck nine, strangers were chased out and the city gates closed.

familie. Exista un ora[ al viilor [i, ntr-un sens deloc macabru al cuvntului, un ora[ al mor]ilor, nu mai pu]in viu, prin grija pe care oamenii Evului Mediu o aveau, prin ritualuri [i prin diverse practici funerare, fa]` de cei mor]i. Ace[tia erau, n drumul lor, care nu nceta dup` moarte, mai aproape de cer. De aceea cimitirul ora[ n ora[ se afla [i el, geografic vorbind de aceast` dat`, mai aproape de cer. i se mai afl` aici sus, al`turi de biseric` [i de cimitir, [coala, cea care avea puterea de

were closer to heavens. Another reason for the cemetery, a city within a city, to be, geographically speaking, closer to heavens. Up here, close to the church and the cemetery, there is also the school which had the power to elevate people, and banish ignorance through the magic of learning. Its major goal in the Middle Ages was a practical one though: that of teaching folks to calculate coins and gold measures.

Vedere interioar` din Biserica M`n`stirii n plan ndep`rtat se poate vedea altarul baroc din 1680, pictat de pictorul peregrin Jeremias Stranovius [i sculptat de Johann West. Interior view of the Monastery Church In the background, the Baroque altar of 1680, painted by German artist Jeremias Stranovius and sculpted by Johann West.

Biserica M`n`stirii A fost construit` n secolul al XIII-lea ca parte integrant` a m`n`stirii dominicane demolate la sfr[itul secolului al XIX-lea. n secolul al XV-lea, biserica de tip hal` a fost modificat`, n`l]ndu-se tavanul boltit. Numeroase obiecte religioase cu valoare istoric` [i artistic`, precum [i altarul [i orga n stil baroc, suplinesc lipsa de fast specific` l`ca[urilor de cult dup` triumful lutheranismului la Sighi[oara (1556). The Monastery Church It was erected in the 13th century as part of the Dominican Monastery demolished in the late 19th century. In the 15th century the hall-type church was modified, a vaulted ceiling being added. Numerous religious items of considerable historical and artistic value, such as the altar and the organ in Baroque style, make up for the lack of splendor specific to religious abodes after the triumph of Lutheranism in Sighisoara (1556).



Vedere aerian` P~n` n secolul al XIX-lea ae[ul curgea prin centrul Ora[ului de Jos [i se v`rsa n T~rnava n dreptul cl`dirii liceului. Dealul din st~nga V`ii ae[ului, pe care a fost n`l]at` cetatea, reprezenta cel mai important punct strategic al zonei. Birds eye view Until the 19th century, the Saes used to run through the center of the Lower City, then flowing into the Tarnava, in front of the High School building. The hill on the left of the Saes Valley, where the city was built, represented the most important strategic point in the area.


Vedere aerian` a Sighi[oarei Birds eyes view of Sighisoara

a te n`l]a, de a te scoate din condi]ia de ne[tiutor pentru a te pune deasupra, prin puterea nv`]`turii. Dar scopul ei r`mnea, n societatea medieval`, unul esen]ial practic: acela de a nv`]a calcularea aurului [i a monedei. n 1522, Sfatul ora[ului Sighi[oara d`ruie[te directorului [colii o hain` n valoare de patru florini pentru a ar`ta st`ruin]` n lucrul cu elevii. E prima atestare a [colii de aici, numit` Schola Maioris. Limba de predare era latina, ca peste tot n Europa Occidental`. n 1619 se nal]` cl`direa mo[tenit`, cu destule modific`ri [i

In 1522, the Council of Sighisoara City bestowed a four-florin coat to the headmaster in order that he showed diligence in his work with the students. It is the first attestation of the school, called then Schola Maioris. Tuition was in Latin, like almost everywhere in Western Europe. In 1619, the building inherited by the present Joseph Haltrich high school was developed, with subsequent modifications and significant additions. They say about Sighisoara that it is the only citadel in Europe


cu adaosuri semnificative, de actualul liceu Joseph Haltrich. Despre Sighi[oara se spune c` ar fi singura cetate din Europa locuit` din Evul Mediu [i pn` ast`zi. Afirma]ia aceasta nu e neap`rat adev`rat`, dar un fapt sigur e c` pu]ine sunt n Europa cet`]ile locuite nentrerupt, din zorii Evului Mediu [i pn` ast`zi.

uninterruptedly inhabited from the Middle Ages to the present. This may not necessarily be true, yet the fact is that there are few burgs in Europe that have been continuously populated since the Middle Ages.


Ferestrele ora[ului vechi, deschise c`tre lumea nou` The windows of the old city, opened to the new world


Magazinul de antichit`]i din centrul cet`]ii The Antiquities Shop downtown Sighisoara

Instrumente medicale expuse n muzeul amenajat n cl`direa Turnului cu Ceas Medical instruments displayed in the museum arranged in the Clock Tower



Vlad Tepe[ sau Dracula? Istoria unei fantasme moderne

Vlad the Impaler or Dracula? The story of a modern fantasy

A fost odat` ca niciodat`, n Evul Mediu, un domn valah pe nume Vlad Dracul, care a ajuns la Sighi[oara [i care a locuit o vreme aici. Pe fiul lui l-a chemat Vlad epe[. Istoric vorbind, acesta e tot adev`rul unei legende care atrage la Sighi[oara, an de an, nenum`ra]i turi[ti. Pentru c` exist` n cetate, n imediata vecin`tate a Turnului cu Ceas, o cas` cu nimic deosebit` de toate celelalte din Sighi[oara, despre care se poveste[te c` ar fi locul n care s-a n`scut acest personaj faimos, pe care o lumea ntreag` l cunoa[te sub cumplitul nume de Dracula. Dar povestea pe care o ascult` sau o cite[te turistul n ghidurile ora[ului e o legend` nou`... O lege nescris` spune c` pove[tile [i au [i ele via]a lor, se nasc, se transform` [i apoi cad n uitare. Uneori sunt redescoperite. A[a s-a ntmplat cu vechile legende medievale despre Vlad epe[, complet uitate pn` la sfr[itul veacului al XIX-lea, cnd figura domnitorului muntean devine subiectul unuia dintre cele mai citite romane de

Once upon a time, in the Middle Ages, there was a Walachian Prince called Vlad Dracul (The Devil), who arrived in Sighisoara. His son was Vlad Tepes (The Impaler). Historically speaking, this is the sole truth about a legend that has been attracting numberless tourists to Sighisoara, for years. In the close vicinity of the Clock Tower there is a house, in no way special from the others in the citadel, where this famous character is supposed to have been born, whom a whole world knows under the terrible name of Dracula. The story that tourists listen to or read in the citys guides is of more recent making An unwritten law has it that stories, too, have their own life: they are born, transformed, and then fall into oblivion. At times, they are rediscovered. That is what happened to the old medieval legends about Vlad Tepes, completely forgotten by the late 19th century, when the figure of the Walachian ruler became the subject of a most famous horror novel. In 1897, Bram Stocker, an

groaz`. Bram Stocker, un irlandez interesat de ocultism [i magie, scrie, n 1897, povestea unui vampir demonic, contele Dracula, posesor al unui enigmatic castel, situat n inima Mun]ilor Carpa]i, undeva la grani]a dintre vechiul principat al Transilvaniei [i Moldova. Monstru nsetat de snge omenesc, victim` a unui blestem ancestral, contele [i propune un lucru ct se poate de simplu: s` pun` st`pnire prin vampirism pe ntreg regatul Angliei. Se deghizeaz` n negustor [i ajunge la

Irishman with a penchant for the occult and magic, wrote the story of a demonic vampire, Count Dracula, owner of a mysterious castle situated in the heart of the Carpathian Mountains, somewhere at the border between the old principalities of Transylvania and Moldavia. A monster thirsty after human blood, the victim of an old curse, the Count had a goal in mind: to get sway of the entire kingdom of Britain, by help of his vampiric aptitudes. He dressed up as a merchant and went to

Casa Vlad Dracul Potrivit legendei, aici ar fi locuit domnitorul muntean Vlad Dracul n timpul [ederii lui la Sighi[oara. The House Vlad The Devil Legends say that Walachian sovereign Vlad The Devil would have inhabited this house during his stay in Sighisoara.

Londra unde ncepe s`-[i pun` n aplicare planul diabolic. Datele istorice nu coincid deloc sau aproape deloc, fie [i numai pentru faptul c` Dracula e n romanul lui Stoker un nobil ardelean, n timp ce epe[ a fost, doar scurt` vreme, domn al Valahiei. Dar echivalarea dintre cei doi nu a fost niciodat` pus` sub semnul ntreb`rii [i nici un alt personaj istoric nu a servit drept pretext pentru mitul modern al contelui vampir. Suprapunerea aceasta e nt`rit` mai ales de confuzia generat` de

London, where he started putting his plan to work. Historical data are incorrect or almost, since in Stokers novel Dracula is a Transylvanian nobleman, while Tepes was, for a short time, the prince of Walachia. But the equivalence between the two has never been doubted, and no other historical character has ever served as pretext for the modern myth of the vampiric count. This confusion is also enhanced by the second name of Vlad Tepess father, Dracul (The Devil), a

Por]i de lemn la interfa]a dintre lumi Wooden gates connect diverse worlds



Biserica din Deal [i Liceul rom~nogerman Joseph Haltrich The Church on the Hill and the Joseph Haltrich Romanian-German High School

Aspectul de ast`zi al Turnului cu Ceas se datoreaz` n cea mai mare parte refacerii din 1677, an n care este renovat` [i Biserica M`n`stirii. The present looks of the Clock Tower are mostly due to the 1677 reconstruction when the Monastery Church was also renovated.

cel de-al doilea nume al tat`lui lui Vlad epe[, Dracul, nume pe care [i-l ia singur, dup` ce este primit n ordinul cavaleresc occidental al dragonilor. Cruzimea voievodului muntean Vlad epe[, a[a cum este ea prezentat` de legendele medievale ale sa[ilor ardeleni, e transferat`, potrivit gustului gotic pentru cruzime [i macabru, personajului de roman. Exist` o istorie imaginar` [i o istorie real`, tot a[a cum exist` o geografie concret` [i o geografie fictiv`. Un adev`r vechi de cnd lumea, din care au izvort

surname he himself took after having being dubbed a member of the western Order of the Dragon. The cruelty of Walachian Prince Vlad Tepes as presented in the medieval legends of Transylvanian Saxons was transferred according to the Gothic taste for ruthlessness and macabre, on the character in the novel. There is an imaginary history and a real one just like there is a concrete and a fictitious geography. A truth as old as the world generating stories, wars and religions is that human fantasy is

pove[ti, r`zboaie [i religii e acela c` fantezia uman` ncerc` necontenit s` g`seasc` punctul de ntlnire dintre fictiv [i real, dintre istoria imaginar` [i cea real`. Imaginarul modern al romanelor despre Dracula transform` Transilvania ntr-un ]inut cum nu se poate mai ciudat, bntuit de creaturi demonice, trecute mult dincolo de limita omenescului, un ]inut n care singurele fiin]e normale sunt ]`ranii primitivi [i pitore[ti care au de jucat un singur rol: acela de victime neputincioase ale vampirilor. E evident pentru orice turist, cu o imagina]ie orict de bogat`, c` Sighi[oara cum se

constantly trying to find a meeting point between the fictitious and the real, between imaginary and real history. The modern imaginary world of the novels about Dracula turns Transylvania into a weird province haunted by demonic creatures, a lot beyond human limits, a realm where the only normal beings are primitive and picturesque peasants who play the role of impotent victims of the vampires. It is obvious for all tourists, no matter how vivid their imagination, that Sighisoara, as well as the whole of Transylvania, has nothing to do with this gruesome Gothic land. Fictitious

Magia nop]ii nv`luie turnurile ora[ului The magic of the night enwraps the citys towers

Turnul cu Ceas [i Casa Vlad Dracul The Clock Tower and the House Vlad the Devil

Sfntul Gheorghe omor~nd balaurul Frescade pe peretele nordic al Bisericii din Deal. Saint George Slaying the Dragon Fresco on the northern wall of the Church on the Hill.

Detaliu al fa]adei unei cladiri de la 1900 Imagine din ora[ul medieval. Facade detail of a 1900 building Image from the medieval city.

ntmpl` de altfel cu ntreaga Transilvanie nu are nimic din acest t`rm al macabrului gotic. Geografia fictiv` [i are ns` legile ei [i g`se[te ntotdeauna repere [i puncte de sprijin n realitatea imediat`. A fost suficient` atestarea documentar` a prezen]ei lui Vlad Dracul [i a familiei acestuia la Sighi[oara, dup` 1431, pentru a transforma ora[ul n locul na[terii vampirului Dracula. Nu e nici m`car sigur c` Vlad Dracul a locuit n casa care le e prezentat` turi[tilor drept locul n care voievodul vampir a venit pe lume. Dar pe un petic de fresc` p`strat ntr-una din

geography has its laws and it always finds landmarks and points of support in the immediate reality. The documentary attestation of Vlad Dracul and of his family in Sighisoara, after 1431, was sufficient to turn the city into the birth place of vampire Dracula. It is not even sure whether Vlad Dracul lived in the house presented to the tourists as the birthplace of the vampire prince. A piece of a fresco preserved in one of the rooms of this house features a personage whose face is not very clear, attired in sumptuous Byzantine garb, specific for

Cetatea, n timpul festivalului de art` medieval` The city during the festival of medieval art

camerele acestei case e nf`]i[at un personaj f`r` chip prea clar, mbr`cat n haine somptuoase, bizantine, de felul celor purtate n Valahia. A fost suficient pentru a presupune c` aceasta e casa n care a locuit Vlad Dracul. Suficient pentru a presupune c` ntre pere]ii unei nc`peri de aici a venit pe lume, ntr-o zi blestemat`, o fiin]` demonic`, un vampir. Legenda vampirului Dracula i sup`r` nespus pe romni, pentru c` le transform`, dincolo de orice ra]iune

the costume of Walachia. From this the assumption that the house was inhabited by Vlad Dracul. And that it was the place where a demonic being, a vampire was brought into this world some accursed day. The legend of vampire Dracula annoys the Romanians a lot because a brave ruler is turned into a monster for reasons that defy any historical foundation. And yet this is a meaningful legend because it speaks less of the


Giruet` Vechii sighi[oreni a[ezau n v~rful acoperi[ului diferite figurine. n func]ie de rota]ia acestora, [tiau cum va fi timpul n zilele urm`toare. Weather vane Of old, people used to place various figurines on top of their roofs. The way they rotated forecast the weather in the coming days.




paginile anterioare:

Scara Acoperit` sau Scara colarilor A fost construit` \n secolul al XVII-lea, sub forma unui coridor acoperit cu b~rne de lemn. Ea num`r` 175 de trepte [i a fost creat` \n scopul de a facilita drumul elevilor c`tre coala din Deal pe timp de iarn`.
previous pages:

The Covered Stairs or the Students Stairs The flight was built in the 17th century as a corridor covered with wooden planks. It numbered 175 steps and it was created with the purpose of making easier the students access to the School on the Hill in wintertime.

Fronton de cavou din cimitirul evanghelic Crypt fronton in the Evangelical Graveyard


Cimitirul evanghelic The Evangelical Graveyard

istoric`, un voievod brav ntr-un monstru. E, totu[i, o legend` cu tlc. Pentru c` vorbe[te mai pu]in despre istoria Evului Mediu [i mai mult despre nevoia de fantezie, de fic]iune, a oamenilor moderni. E oare posibil ca Vlad epe[ s` se fi n`scut n vreuna dintre casele cet`]ii Sighi[oarei? Nimic nu exclude aceast` ipotez`, tot a[a cum nimic nu exclude ipoteza ca el s` se fi n`scut n cu totul alt` parte

history of the Middle Ages and more about modern mans need for fantasy and fiction. Is it that Vlad Tepes could have been born in one of the houses of the Sighisoara citadel? Nothing rules the thing out, just as nothing rules out the possibility that he was born in a different place.



Ora[ul de Jos

The Lower City

Istoria Sighi[oarei ncepe cu Ora[ul de Jos. Aici s-au stabilit mai nti coloni[tii sa[i, aici au ntemeiat o a[ezare care sem`na mai degrab` cu un sat dect cu o a[ezare urban`. Pentru c` primii coloni[ti erau ]`rani [i se ocupau de cultivarea p`mntului. Calendarul lor era cel al s`rb`torilor biserice[ti, care coincideau cu principalele date astronomice, de care erau legate muncile agricole. Ritmul zilei era citit n mersul soarelui pe cer. Dar munca aceasta pa[nic` era necontenit amenin]at` [i tulburat` de invaziile turce[ti sau ale altor armate. A[a ncepe istoria cet`]ii: nevoia de ap`rare e cea care l transform` pe ]`ran n or`[ean. Lipsit` de fortifica]ii, a[ezarea de jos a fost n repetate rnduri supus` jafurilor [i distrus` complet de nenum`rate ori. i totu[i exist` [i aici cteva cl`diri cu valoare istoric`, nici una foarte veche. O biseric` a unui spital de lepro[i [i nenum`rate case particulare, eclectice. Un amestec de construc]ii, tipic tuturor

The story of Sighisoara begins in the Lower City. It was here that the Saxon colonists first settled, it was here that they founded a place that rather resembled a village than an urban settlement. Because the first colonists were peasants and they dealt more with land cultivation. Their calendar was that of church feasts which coincided with the major astronomic data connected to farming labors. The rhythm of the day was read in the progress of the sun in the sky. But peaceful work was ceaselessly threatened and troubled by the invasions of the Turks or of other armies. Thus began the story of the citadel, out the need of defense that turned peasants into soldiers. Deprived of fortifications, the settlement was repeatedly subject to pillaging and completely destroyed several times. Still, a few buildings survived, none too old: a church of a hospital for lepers and several separate private residences, a mixture of


Una dintre cele mai impun`toare construc]ii ale Ora[ului de Jos One of the most imposing constructions in the Lower City

O cas` din Ora[ul de Jos, n amestecul de stiluri tipic sf~r[itului de secol XIX A house in the Lower City erected in the mixture of styles characteristic for the late 19th century


Construc]ii de la nceputul secolului al XX-lea n Ora[ul de Jos Constructions from the early 20th century in the Lower City

trgurilor transilvane de la sfr[itul secolului al XIX-lea [i de la nceputul secolului al XX-lea. Exist` pe un deal de lng` ora[ un turn cu nume ciudat: La Chip. E n`l]at la marginea vechiului drum care ducea n cetate, chiar n locul n care ora[ul se dezv`luia privirii c`l`torului. Legenda lui e scurt` [i totu[i frumoas`. Se poveste[te c` odat` un pa[` turc se apropia de ora[, n fruntea armatei sale, c`lare pe un

constructions typical for all Transylvanian burgs in the late 19th century and early 20th century. On a hill near the city there is a tower bearing a strange name: On the Face. It is erected on the border of the old road leading into the city, right on the spot where travelers could first get a glimpse of the burg. It has a short yet beautiful legend. They say that once upon a time a Turkish pasha was drawing close to the burg at the head of his


Arhitectur` veche \n ora[ul medieval Old architecture of the medieval city


Vedere de ansamblu Turnul cu Ceas, Turnul Croitorilor [i Turnul Cositorarilor, v`zute din Ora[ul de Jos. Overall view The Clock Tower, the Tailors Tower, and the Tinsmiths Tower seen from the Lower City.

elefant alb, animal care nu fusese niciodat` z`rit pe aceste meleaguri. Cetatea era pe punctul de a se preda, cnd, nu se [tie de c`tre cine, un foc de arm`, tras din Turnul Giuvaergiilor l-a ucis pe pa[`. Mul]i cred c` Pa[a a fost nmormntat chiar n acel loc, narmat [i c`lare pe elefantul s`u cel alb. C` turnul a fost n`l]at n amintirea lui.

army, riding a white elephant, an animal never before seen in these parts. The city was about to surrender when, nobody knows how, a shot fired from the Jewelers Tower killed the pasha. Many think the pasha was buried right there, in full battle gear and mounted on his white elephant. And that the tower was erected in his memory.



Cetatea, v`zut` din Ora[ul de Jos The citadel seen from the Lower City

Pentru un sociolog, Ora[ul de Jos e chiar mai interesant dect vechea cetate. Aici se ntretaie [i se suprapun mai multe lumi [i mai multe perioade ale istoriei. E un lucru pe care l vezi de la bun nceput: blocurile perioadei comuniste compun, al`turate caselor de trg s`sesc, construite n secolul al XIX-lea [i la nceputul secolului al XX-lea, un decor ntructva suprarealist. Sa[i au mai r`mas

For a sociologist, the Lower City is even more interesting than the old citadel. Here several worlds and periods of history mingle. From the very beginning one sees, side by side, like in a surrealist painting, apartment blocks put up in the communist period next to Saxon burg houses, erected in the 19th century and the early 20 th century. There are few


Acoperi[uri \n Ora[ul de Jos Roofs in the Lower City

pu]ini, ora[ul e locuit ast`zi de romni [i de maghiari, stilurile se amestec`, limbile pe care le auzi fie [i numai n trecere, de asemenea.

Saxons left, and the city today is inhabited mostly by Romanians and Hungarians. Styles blend, just like the idioms spoken and heard here, be it only in passage.





1280 prima atestare documentar` a Sighi[oarei, sub denumirea latin` de Castrum Sex. Denumirea, care s-ar traduce prin a [asea cetate, se explic` fie prin faptul c` la acea dat` ora[ul, cu statut autonom nc` de la nceputuri, se g`sea pe locul [ase n cadrul confedera]iei celor [apte scaune s`se[ti, fie prin transcrierea gre[it` a numelui rului ae[ prin latinescul Sex 1298 e men]ionat pentru prima dat` numele german al a[ez`rii: Schespurch (purch, burg n dialectal local), devenit apoi Schssburg 1367 a[ezarea este oficial atestat` n acest an cu rangul de ora[ 1376 se rennoie[te statutul dintre ora[ele Sibiu, Sighi[oara, Sebe[ [i Or`[tie, cu consim]`mntul tuturor me[terilor bresla[i; statutul pomene[te existen]a a 19 bresle n aceste patru ora[e 1345 un document atest` faptul c` se lucra la ridicarea Bisericii din Deal (Bergkirhe), cu hramul Sfntul Nicolae

1280 Sighisoara is first attested in a document as Castrum Sex. The Latin name, which means the sixth camp, could be explained either by the fact that the city, with an autonomous status from the beginning, stood sixth within the confederation of seven Saxon seats, or by the mistaken transcription of the river Saes into the Latin Sex 1298 the German name of the settlement, Schespursch (purch, burg in local parlance), turned later into Schssburg, is first mentioned 1367 the settlement is officially attested as a city 1376 the statutes are renewed of the cities of Sibiu, Sighisoara, Sebes and Orastie, with the approval of all the guild craftsmen; the statutes show the existence of nineteen guilds in the four cities 1345 a document attests to the fact that work is going on to erect the Church on the Hill (Bergkirhe), dedicated to Saint Nicholas

1399 prima atestare a ora[ului ca re[edin]` de comitat 1421 marea n`v`lire t`tar` din Transilvania g`se[te cetatea neterminat` [i o distruge considerabil 1429 se termin` construirea Bisericii din Deal, n forma actual` 1431-1435 la Sighi[oara locuie[te, mpreun` cu familia sa, principele valah Vlad Dracul, care bate aici moned` muntean` 1488 este ntregit` decora]ia Bisericii din Deal de c`tre pictorul Valentin, viitorul primar al ora[ului 1506 Biserica din Deal este locul de ntrunire al reprezentan]ilor nobilimii secuie[ti, s`se[ti [i ungure[ti, care decid n`sprirea statutului iob`gimii 1511 izbucne[te o r`scoal` local` a popula]iei aservite 1522 popula]ia ora[ului este estimat` la 2 500 de locuitori, pentru ca nici 50 de ani mai trziu, n 1567, s` ajung` la 3 250 de locuitori 1530 ini]ial respinse, trupele lui Ioan Zpolya cuceresc ora[ul 1544 ca urmare a activit`]ii lui Iohan Honterus, n Transilvania se introduce lutheranismul. La Media[,

1399 the city is first attested as county seat 1421 the big Tartar invasion of Transylvania finds the citadel unfinished, and damages it considerably 1429 the construction, in the present form, of the Church on the Hill ends 1431-1435 walachian Prince Vlad Dracul (The Devil) lives in Sighisoara together with his family; he mints a Walachian coin here 1488 painter Valentin, future mayor of the city, completes the decoration of the Church on the Hill 1506 the Church on the Hill is the meeting place of the representatives of the Saxon, Swabian and Hungarian nobility, who decide on harsher serfdom rules 1511 the local subjected population starts an uprising 1522 the citys population is estimated at 2.500 inhabitants, and less than fifty years later, in 1567, it counts 3.250 1530 initially turned down, the troops of John Zapolya take over the city 1544 following the work of Johannes Honterus, Lutheranism gets to Transylvania; the decision to convert to

hot`rrea convertirii la lutheranism e luat` de o adunare local`, la care Sighi[oara e reprezentat` de parohul Lukas Roth, prin grija c`ruia lutheranismul e introdus n anii urm`tori n cetate 1601 Ora[ul de Jos e devastat de trupele imperiale comandate de Gheorghe Basta 1603 epidemia de cium` ucide 2000 de sighi[oreni

Lutheranism is taken in Medias by a local assembly where Sighisoara is represented by parish priest Lukas Roth, under the care of which Lutheranism is introduced in the city in the coming years 1601 the Lower City is devastated by imperial troops headed by George Basta 1603 the pest epidemics kills 2.000 people in Sighisoara


1604 ora[ul e atacat din nou de armatele lui Gheorghe Basta 1631 la Sighi[oara se ntrune[te dieta Transilvaniei care l alege principe pe Gheorghe Rakoczy I 1647 ciuma face iar`[i ravagii: 1796 de locuitori ai cet`]ii pier din pricina acesteia 30 aprilie 1676 trei sferturi din popula]ia cet`]ii piere, urmare a unui incendiu 1704 Sighi[oara e asediat` de curu]ii lui Gutti Istvn; turnul [i acoperi[ul Bisericii din Deal sunt incendiate 1709 patru cincimi din popula]ia ora[ului piere iar`[i din pricina ciumei 1736, 1788 grave incendii afecteaz` ora[ul 1771 o inunda]ie catastrofal` afecteaz` puternic Ora[ul de Jos.

1604 the armies of George Basta attack the city again 1631 the Diet of Transylvania meets at Sighisoara, and elects George Rakoczy prince 1647 the pest strikes again: 1796 inhabitants die in the city April 30, 1676 three quarters of the city perish in a fire 1704 Sighisoara is besieged by the curutzi peasants of Gutti Istvn; the tower and the roof of the Church on the Hill are set on fire 1709 four fifths of the citys population are killed by the pest 1736, 1788 serious fires break out in the city 1771 catastrophic floods strongly affect the Lower City

Text Text C`t`lin D. Constantin Traducere n limba englez` English version Alina Crc Grafic` Graphic layout Adrian Sorin Georgescu DTP Gabriel Nicula Foto Photos Dan Ioan Dinescu, tefan Petrescu Ovidiu Morar

Redactare Editing Laura Pamfil Coordonator de proiect Project manager Arpad Harangozo Ovidiu Morar

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