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Technological Institute of Durango Manual 3ds MAX Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction . . 1.1 Prologue: 1.2.

- What is 3ds MAX?

Chapter 2 Interface . 3ds MAX .

2.1.-interface 3ds MAX

2.2. - Importing Autocad file to 3ds

Chapter 3 Modeling . 25 3.1. - Creating 3.2. - Geometry Properties 3.3. - Selecting objects 3.4. - Transformations and 3.5. - Cloning and creating arrays 3.6. - Modifiers 3.7. - Volume Creation household 3.8. - Modeling Windows 3.9. - Modeling Doors 3.10. 3.11. - Furnished

Chapter 4 Materials . . 124

4.1 - Materials

4.2. - Application of household materials

Manual for 3ds MAX architecture TOC I

Technological Institute of Durango Chapter 5 Lighting . 156

5.1. - Types of Lights

5.2. - Exterior lighting household 5.3. - Interior Lighting home

Chapter 6 . Cameras 170

6.1. - Cameras

6.2. - Creating home views

Chapter 7 Animation . 180

7.1. - Principles of Animation

7.2. - Creating a tour inside the house

Chapter 8 Rendering . 191

8.1. - Rendering

8.2. - Stills Rendering with Mental household 8.2.1. - Exterior Rendering - Generation Ambient Occlusion 8.2.2. - Rendering 8.3. - Rendering image sequences with Mental Ray household . 224

Chapter 9 Post-production . 226

9.1. - Post -

9.2. - Composition of still images with Photoshop 9.3. - Preparation of presentation in video format . household 230

Chapter 10 Conclusions and Recomendacones . 0.245 Chapter 11 Bibliography . 248

Manual for 3ds MAX II architecture TOC

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Prologue: Within this manual, will try to explain in the most simple and concise some of the concepts used for developing creative processes that are focused on the process of architecture within plots within of some of the most popular programs worldwide, 3ds MAX, with its simple interaction design program AUTOCAD vector in its various versions. But why use 3ds Max to make 3d designs?, If AutoCAD can also do the answer is simple, when a person begins to realize their designs using a CAD program see the advantages of it in different aspects, such as time savings, higher quality in your drawing, saving space, among other reasons, forget the draw process by instruments, everything is summarized as follows: replaces the AUTOCAD drawing instruments, 3DS MAX AUTOCAD replaces, but not in every way, you could say it's a snap to make graphs with a higher degree of complexity, and views in a fourth dimension is time representation (animations). In a matter of lighting between AutoCAD and 3ds Max, the latter has (although output in the version AUTOCAD 2007, has Integrated Mental Ray render engine, which is one of the most used in embodiments of any kind), a variety of elements that allow greater reality simulation as is Radiosity, in which the light bounces on different surfaces that this same touches. One of the programs with the highest circulation for a while was the Lightscape which used this process, only had one drawback, the which was the time it took to complete the process of bouncing light, it should be mentioned here that there is a sub-program (plug-in) called AccuRender which can be used with AutoCAD, working with this method, however, for there are several engines 3ds MAX render (Plug-ins), which work by another procedure called Global Illumination (GI), one can say that works the same way as the Radiosity, however, this takes into account the light transmitting objects to other objects, may be said to be indirect illumination, and so render these engines generally have another property that is to recreate caustic calls, this is only the light reflected on surface, among the best known are render engines: Mental Ray, Final Render, Brazil, V ray. Some points that will not be touched deeply into this manual are: Particle system, Reactor, Character Studio, MAXscrip, Nurbs and others as not being as basic elements to this manual, since each of them could drafted a comprehensive document given its complexity and its wide field of development. The computer-graphics market is very large, it is a market that is growing at a giant leap from the hand of technology and 3ds MAX as there are other programs like this that are really of exceptional quality such as: Maya Alias Wavefront, Lightwave, Softimage, Cinema 4D, among others. While AutoCAD is one of the most demanded programs within the CAD, not alone, with some other software that contain special features or have been specially programmed for architects or people engaged in construction such as: Archicad, Archiline, Architectural Desktop, SketchUp among many others. It can be said that obtaining process ends either still images or video sequences because most persones that are dedicated to the field of computer-graphics creation, by General postean (edit) your images or edit their videos in programs serve to correct external, adhere, cut, paste, apply effects and so on. One of the most used for still images is the Adobe Photoshop in its various versions, as well as Adobe Premiere, for nonlinear video editing or image sequences, Adobe Alter Effects for compositing and post-production video footage or still images, but the program that has more interaction with 3ds Max is the company Discreet Combustion, company also part of 3ds Max and Autodesk (AutoCAD). The development of the various companies involved in the development of different software, has reached dizzying be in a short develop new versions of the different platforms of design in three dimensions, such as Maya 7, Lightwave 8, 3ds MAX 8 which are available on the market at the same time being developed in this manual. This work is divided into two parts, the first part is the document, which is divided into nine chapters, sequentially, trying to describe briefly and with as many images for higher compression. The second part is a multimedia, which the comprise a series of videos in which, applying knowledge of the first part in the project of a household. To watch the videos you need the TechSmith codec for more information visit the following page:

1.2. - What is 3ds MAX? It is a software in which you can make any object in three dimensions, from the simplest to the most complex and fanciful object that is desired to represent format after images or animation format as either a sequence of images or in video format also allows the creation of visual effects, creating graphics for video games, we can say that anything imagine can be done with 3ds MAX, the only restriction to do anything is to know about the program and its various Characteristics and creativity that each person possesses, to develop those elements of character unrealistic and to endeavor to emulate real-life elements. As 3ds Max is a software for creating and previewing visual elements, is used in different fields of life in Overall, the most common are: architecture to see the buildings before they are built on the ground, film and television in the realization commercials which include fictional characters in real entornes, special effects, creating effects that would be impossible perform them in real life as too dangerous, models for video games, today most of the video games include graphics in 3 dimensions, which are made in the different dimensional design software. But why 3ds MAX and other 3D design software such as Maya, Softimage or Lightwave?, For a simple reason that it is the interaction having 3ds MAX with AutoCAD, allowing import and link files with DWG and DXF files from AutoCAD, Architectural Desktop or Viz Render, which are usually more development programs in the field of architecture, since there is an pretty good interplay between 3ds Max and AutoCAD and Autodesk different products. One of the major drawbacks of this software is that it requires a computer of recent manufacture, with RAM above 256, and graphics with a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 at 16-bit, to get a good performance at work. In 3ds MAX can only have a file open, but instead you can have multiple copies of the software, which consumes more RAM, run multiple copies really is not necessary because within 3ds MAX, you can merge scenes, objects, linking other scenes and objects previously created scenes in 3ds MAX.

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