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Viscously damped free vibration (1)

k m c

EOM of viscously damped free vibration system:

& + cx & + kx = 0 m& x

Auxiliary equation: mr 2 + cr + k = 0

c c 2 4mk Roots of the auxiliary equation: r1, 2 = 2m

c 2 4mk > 0
c 2 4mk = 0

r1, r2 (different real numbers)

r = c 2m
r1, r2 (complex numbers)

c 2 4mk < 0

Viscously damped free vibration (2)

c 2 4mk = 0
c = the critical damping coefficient, ccr

ccr = 2 mk = 2mn
Furthermore, nondimensional number called the damping ratio defined by

c c c = = = ccr 2mn 2 km

Viscously damped free vibration (3)

With these definitions, EOM becomes
& + cx & + kx = 0 m& x
2 & & + 2 n x & + n x x=0

Roots of auxiliary equation become

c c 2 4mk r1, 2 = 2m

r1, 2 = n n 2 1
Underdamped motion Overdamped motion Critically damped motion

2 1 < 0

0 < <1

2 1 > 0 2 1 = 0

>1 =1

Underdamped motion
2 1 < 0
0 < <1

Roots of auxiliary equation become Solution of diff. equation:

r1, 2 = n n 1 2 j

x(t ) = Ae nt sin( d t + )

d = n 1 2

A and are obtained from initial condition.

Overdamped motion
2 1 > 0 >1
r1, 2 = n n 2 1

Roots of auxiliary equation become Solution of diff. equation:

x (t ) = e

n t

( a1e

n 2 1t

+ a2 e

+ n 2 1t

a1 and a2 are obtained from initial condition.

Critically damped motion

2 1 = 0 =1
r1, 2 = n = n

Roots of auxiliary equation become Solution of diff. equation:

x(t ) = ( a1 + a2t )e

n t

a1 and a2 are obtained from initial condition.

Note: Smallest value of damping rate that yield aperiodic motion. The value of damping ratio that provides fastest return to zero without oscillation.

Characteristic roots on complex plane

Roots of auxiliary equation

r1, 2 = n n 1 2 j
r1, 2

= 1 2 j

0 < <1

Underdamped Critical


Overdamped Undamped Underdamped

Example (1)
A Spring-mass-damper system has mass of 100 kg, stiffness of 3000 N/m and damping coefficient of 300 kg/s. Calculate the undamped natural frequency, the damping ratio and the damped natural frequency. Does the solution oscillate? This system is given a zero initial velocity and an initial displacement of 0.1 m. Calculate the vibration response. [inman 1.40, 1.42]

Example (2)
A Spring-mass-damper system has mass of 150 kg, stiffness of 1500 N/m and damping coefficient of 200 kg/s. Calculate the undamped natural frequency, the damping ratio and the damped natural frequency. Is the system overdamped, underdamped or critically damped? Does the solution oscillate? This system is given an initial velocity of 10 mm/s and an initial displacement of -5 mm. Calculate the vibration response. [inman 1.41, 1.43]

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