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/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- cperl -*-

BEGIN { $^W = 1 }

use strict;
use diagnostics;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use English;
use Math::Trig;
use GD;
use constant PI => 4*atan(1);

# June 30, 2007

# Allan Peda
# Ulam prime number spiral
# we iterate over a grid, but we want to follow a spiral.
# Direction is cartesian based x being horizontal motion,
# and y being vertical. Up and right are postive motion.

die "Please provide a png file to save to.";

my $pngfile = 'ulam_spiral.png';
if($ARGV[0] =~ m/\.png$/i){
$pngfile = $ARGV[0];
} else {
print "Supplied file not suffixed with .png defaulting to \"$pngfile\".\n";

# how many turns to make in the spiral

my $num_corners = 1600;
my @turning_points = mkturns($num_corners);
# which directions do we follow
my $max = $turning_points[$#turning_points];
print "Generating map for first $max primes.\n";
my ($x_width, $y_width) = (0,0);
$x_width = $y_width = int(sqrt($max+0.5));

print "Dimensions are: $x_width x $y_width\n";

my %primes = %{genprimes($max)};

my $im = new GD::Image($x_width, $y_width);

my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
my $origin_color = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0);
my $position=$turning_points[0];
my ($x, $y) = (0,0);
my ($delx,$dely) = (1,0); # start out moving to the right

sub gdx { return( shift()+($x_width/2) ) }

sub gdy { return( ($y_width/2)-shift()) }

foreach my $next_turn (@turning_points) {

for (my $i=$position;$i<=$next_turn;++$i) {
# move to next cartesian
$x += $delx;
$y += $dely;
# print "x=$x, y=$y (i = $i)\n";
if ($i==$next_turn) {
($delx,$dely) = nextDirection($delx,$dely);
if ( defined($primes{$i+1})) { # origin starts at n=1, not n=0
# translation to gd coordinate system
$position = $next_turn+1;

open(PNGFH, ">".$pngfile)
or die "Could not open image file \"$pngfile\".";
print PNGFH $im->png;
close PNGFH;

# an array of run lengths up to each turn

# equation was guessed at after inspection of coordinates
# from a hand drawn cartesian spiral
sub mkturns{
my $ulim = shift;
my $len = 0;
my @rv;
foreach my $i (1..$ulim) {
my $delta = ($i%2?$i+1:$i)/2;
$len = $len+$delta;
push( @rv, $len);
return @rv;

# generates prime numbers as hash keys

sub genprimes {
my $max = shift;
my $sieve = '';
my %primes = ( 2 => 1 );
GUESS: for (my $guess = 2; $guess <= $max; $guess++) {
next GUESS if vec($sieve,$guess,1);
$primes{$guess} = 1;
for (my $mults = $guess * $guess; $mults <= $max; $mults += $guess) {
vec($sieve,$mults,1) = 1;
return \%primes;

# uses memoized trig function

# function modded to go past 180 degrees
my %memo = ();
sub nextDirection {
my ($x, $y) = (shift, shift);
my $nextoffset = undef;
if( defined($memo{$x}{$y})){
$nextoffset = $memo{$x}{$y};
} else {
my $acos = acos($x);
my $asin = asin($y);
if( $asin < 0){
my $offset = int(2*($acos>$asin?$acos:$asin)/PI);
# hard coded count of four directions in spiral (right, up, left down)
$nextoffset = $memo{$x}{$y} = ($offset+1)%4;
return to_xy($nextoffset);

# uses memoized trig function

my %memo = ();
sub to_xy {
defined($memo{$_[0]}) and return @{$memo{$_[0]}};
$memo{$_[0]}= [int(cos($_[0]*PI/2)),int(sin($_[0]*PI/2))];
return @{$memo{$_[0]}};

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