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Jealousy generates progress

Neg. 1st speaker Good afternoon. History is the best proof of all the atrocities caused by jealousy. The Bible tells of the first murder in the world. Cain was jealous because God favoured his brother Abel, and he murdered Abel. He was thus condemned to a life of suffering. Jealousy led to his sibling rivalry, broken family and miserable life. Moving on to Ancient Greece, Greek states were jealous of Athens's great achievements in literature and art, and started the Peloponnesian War, ending the Golden Age of Greece. In other words, jealousy marked the destruction of a flourishing culture and civilisation, and a torn nation. In the 1910's, countries fought for colonies and rival-armed camps were formed. Jealousy arose between many countries in their bitter armament races. The outcome? World War One, in which 10 million men lost their lives in a horrific 5 years of bloodshed. And just last May, the world was shocked by the Colorado Massacre. Two boys, jealous of the popularity of the jocks in their school, killed 13 schoolmates before committing suicide. Jealousy was one of the roots of the crazed murders. In the clinical sense, jealousy has been proven to make a person resentful, angry, violent, and socially isolated. These emotional swings are seriously disrupting to social and marital relationships. Jealousy destroys precious human bonds. In the timeline of the world, jealousy has generated nothing but evil, evil and more evil. War, hatred, destruction, death. Progress indeed. Thank you. (Back to our side of the globe, Mao Ze-dong was jealous of the moderates who were eating away his absolute power over China. In 1966, he launched the Cultural Revolution to restore his power, with drastic results. The Revolution disrupted the improving economy. Schools were closed down. Students spent their time in demonstrations where thousands were killed. Intellectuals were driven to death by Mao's policies against them. Eventually, Mao died amidst a broken China. The cost of Mao's jealousy was the ruin of a recovering China and a lost generation. )

Jealousy generates progress

Neg. 1st speaker Good afternoon. History is the best proof of all the atrocities caused by jealousy. The Bible tells of the first murder in the world. Cain was jealous because God favoured his brother Abel, and he murdered Abel. He was thus condemned to a life of suffering. Jealousy led to his sibling rivalry, broken family and miserable life. Moving on to Ancient Greece, Greek states were jealous of Athens's great achievements in literature and art, and started the Peloponnesian War, ending the Golden Age of Greece. In other words, jealousy marked the destruction of a flourishing culture and civilisation, and a torn nation. In the 1910's, countries fought for colonies and rival-armed camps were formed. Jealousy arose between many countries in their bitter armament races. The outcome? World War One, in which 10 million men lost their lives in a horrific 5 years of bloodshed. And just last May, the world was shocked by the Colorado Massacre. Two boys, jealous of the popularity of the jocks in their school, killed 13 schoolmates before committing suicide. Jealousy was one of the roots of the crazed murders. In the clinical sense, jealousy has been proven to make a person resentful, angry, violent, and socially isolated. These emotional swings are seriously disrupting to social and marital relationships. Jealousy destroys precious human bonds. In the timeline of the world, jealousy has generated nothing but evil, evil and more evil. War, hatred, destruction, death. Progress indeed. Thank you. (Back to our side of the globe, Mao Ze-dong was jealous of the moderates who were eating away his absolute power over China. In 1966, he launched the Cultural Revolution to restore his power, with drastic results. The Revolution disrupted the improving economy. Schools were closed down. Students spent their time in demonstrations where thousands were killed. Intellectuals were driven to death by Mao's policies against them. Eventually, Mao died amidst a broken China. The cost of Mao's jealousy was the ruin of a recovering China and a lost generation. )

"Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus going on before!"

At the heart of so much history lies war, and at the heart of so much war religion. Human beings, for the love of Jaweh, Allah and Jesus Christ have raped and pillaged, gouged and tortured their fellow men. For the love of? No! From the religious bigotry that is nurtured by ignorance. The ignorant Germans blindly followed crude Nazi propaganda portraying Jews as God killers and Satan's cohorts. The appalling cost of this bigotry? The six million dead of the Holocaust. Education, not instruction can promote and nurture the good. As Muriel Spark wrote, Education is the leading out of that is already in the pupil; it is not putting in something that is not there. We could call that instruction. From the dawn of civilisation in Mesopotamia, through the Crusades to Bosnia today, the diverse beliefs of the people in different religions has fuelled bloody conflicts. The people, lacking a broad-based religious education, have little religious tolerance and believe that their own religion is the best, the only religion. World War I began in Bosnia, a hot bed of religious sectarianism. Before World War III erupts in some other hot spot, secondary schools should take up their responsibility to educate their students, the hope of the world's future in religious understanding and their rich cultural heritage. So much of art, music and literature, whether from east or west, has grown out of the artists' religious experience and background. No one would be able to understand and appreciate Muslim art without a substantial knowledge of the religion, for drawing of human faces is strictly forbidden and human forms in Muslim art often look decapitated. Most of the greatest paintings by European artists in the Middle Ages had subjects of a young maiden cradling a little baby. Now without my religious education, I would still be wondering what that circle was doing floating on top of the baby's head.

Violence in the media causes violence in society.

(Neg. 2nd speaker)

We live in an imperfect world. Right at this moment, wars are being fought, people being wounded and killed. The media, reporting these to the public, does not generate more violence, rather, it can help to diminish violence in society by making people look these problems in the face. Land mines in Angola were a cause of destruction and devastation to its impoverished people. That is, until Princess Diana stepped in. Photogenic and popular, she instantly attracted all the cameras. The world found out about innocent children hobbling through life on wooden legs, families blown to bits by the pernicious land mines. With this 'CNN effect', people from around the world donated $500 million to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. And even though Diana is gone now, The Ottawa Convention and its ratification by 64 countries last week are the positive and long-lasting effects of the Media's scrutiny. The war in Bosnia might never have stopped, had it not been for the courageous reporters who took photographs and made reports on the bloody and gory conflict. Bombarded by letters and calls from appalled members of the public, members of parliaments across Europe and congressmen in the United States forced their governments to deal with the issue. Ultimately this led to the involvement of peace keeping United Nations troops to control conflict. The media reflects violence. It frequently makes accurate reports on horrible situations, so drawing public concern to take positive action against violence. Ladies and gentlemen, if you tune in to the news tonight and see a report on a man who has chopped his wife up into 26 chunks and stowed them inside his refrigerator, will you run after your spouse with a chopper because you're having a tiff? I don't think so, unless you are a psychopath a natural born killer. And despite what our opponents may try to imply, thank God, most of us are perfectly able to keep any violent impulses under control.

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