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Wisdom is like a baobab

tree ;
no one individual can

embrace it.
~ Akan proverb

Edito 3 4 Politcs Artist of the month: Linda Merimbe Gusto Cinema Wana People Social Issue Musique Fashion High - Tech Dcouverte 8 10 13 14 18 21 22 24 26 28

Summer is the season by excellence where any fantasy is allowed. From an exotic holiday destination, what about a Fabulous shisha bar in Casablanca or South Africa, as in this issue we explore the pros and cons of shisha Bar. A summer flirt also could be an approach with our new and vibrant Mohawk or in a dining table with the most diverse and delicious African dishes or Style experimentation with a Linmir Olivia Headband for Sassiness. Everything is permitted and no one will judge you. It is the best season to Dream and Dare to leave your dreams with Safety. Enjoy your Summer Holidays

Ahmed Sallaheddine

Short story


African Union, from dream to nightmare. (Part I)
By Lionel SOPPO
Few days ago, the Heads of Africans States were in Addis Ababa to celebrate the 50 anniversary of the African Union. We were astonished to see how happy and proud they were, as a builder who has done a great job, and looks his masterwork with pride. But the point is that no one is seeing his masterwork except him, merely because there is no masterwork around. In fact, there is nothing but the rocks.

Actually, seeing the African Union as a failure today is tough. Tough because at the roots, this project owned everything to be successful. Indeed, during the 60th, when independences fathers thought not about the African Union, but the United States of Africa, we are deeply convinced that their dreams and ambitions for the continent were bigger than this poor result in front of our eyes. Those over-ambitious young men such as Garvey, W.E.B Dubois, Padmore, Kenyatta, Nkrumah, Um Nyob , Lumumba, Nasser and the others who have fought had huge dreams. So huge that some of them gave their life to ensure to the posterity freedom and bequeath to us a Ruben Um Nyobe

wealthy and prosperous continent. But the fact is that African Union today is a wreck. And for this reason, we must ask ourselves one question: Do we really think that this AU is the one in Marcus Garveys mind, when he spoke about an Africa strong, Kwame Nkrumah and Gamal AbdelNasser united and flourishing?


ing the same in the future. After deep thought, we finally figured out some reasons of this failure. Indeed, after making the resolution about creating an African Federal State, Nkrumah and the others decided to share their thoughts and their wisdom with their Patrice Lumumba No one can explain how this almost born project during the 5 Panafricanist congress in Manchester in 1945 when Dubois, Lumumba, Kenyatta, Padmore and Nkrumah have made a decisive step toward the creation of United States of Africa by coming to an agreement about setting up a Federal African State - could still be today in embryonic stages. In fact, when they shared this great African project to their counterparts, instead of being excited about it, they strongly disagreed and were fiercely against it. Among those dissidents, Senghor the Senegalese head of State, followed by Nigeria, Liberia, Ethiopia, and numerous formers French colonies. G. Padmore M. Garvey In fact, how could they picture that Africas sons would be the one to set hindrance on their way? How could they picture only one second that their main foes would be their own brothers?

counterparts, because they were deeply convinced that they would give their support at this project.

We are wondering about knowing why did this noble idea fail? What did really happen? Because we are panafricanist from the bottom of our heart, and we truly believe that its not too late to revive the dream of Panafricanisms fathers, we have attempted to figure out which kind of hurdles have led the project of such brilliants minds to failure. Nevertheless, complaining its not the aim, but find out and understand the mistakes of the past, to avoid mak-

P. Lumumba and K. Nkrumah


Surprisingly, they asserted that it was too early to build an union, they added that union had to begin through an economic cooperation. Consequently, Kwame Nkrumah from Ghana, Gamal AbdelNasser from Egypt, Sekou Toure from Guinea and many panafricanist leaders, totally stunned and shocked about this stance, decided to create a group named The Casablanca Group

However, it is important to point out that if Nkrumah and his friends agreed to merge with those disagreed with their project, it is merely because they strongly believed that they will at the end won their counterparts over, and the latter would finally come around and see the soundness of their proposition.

Gamal Abdel-Nasser In fact, they were too far from the truth, because the idea of Sekou Toure Members of this group were Ghana, Egypt, Mali, Guinea, Libya and Morocco. The opposite group was The Monrovia Group. Within it, Senegal, Nigeria, Liberia, Ethiopia and most of former French colonies. Voila! Africa was split! Although the situation was becoming more and more comhaving in front of them a mob of selfish people, totally rotten to the core never crossed their minds. Unquestionably, they could not know that OAU was just a trap, with main goal the immobilization of the continent and its effective separation. They could not know that many of the Monrovia Group members, because they were first in European parliament as deputies, felt themselves more European than African. Thus, more disposed to protect Europeans interests.

plicated to accomplish the build of the USA (United States of Since then, OAU turned into African Union (AU). The former Africa), panafricanist leaders still had hope to see their brothers make up their minds, and act in the interest of the continent. Therefore, when in 1963, the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie the 1st invited both parties in Addis Ababa, the Casablanca Group accepted to negotiate with the Monrovia Group in order to find a common ground. Thus they made a compromise, and agreed to merge with the Monrovia Group to create the same year the Organization of African Unity (OAU). was lackluster, weak and useless, the new one too, without any authority and credibility. Lastly, it is important to highlight that those men had noble heart, and it was primordial to underline all efforts they made to try building a strong and great Africa. But regrettably, some Africans just concerned about their own interests, made hindrance and impeached them to reach their goals. Following of this analysis in the next WANAMAG issue. (French version of this analysis on facebook: Rising Africa by Lionel SOPPO)


Lagos by night.



Linda MIREMBE, Stylist
By Cecile ESSONO

Ms Linda Mirembe,Uganda born designer is the founder and award-winner of LinmiR Millinery. Which two years ago, launched her very first commercial ready-to-wear LinmiR Olivia Headband as well as showcasing the entire 2013 collection to an exclusive audience on 11th April 2013 at The Nile Bar. The Uganda High Commission in London was proud to be part if this exclusive audience to enjoy LinmiRs designs upclose. The LinmiR Olivia Headband Launch and 2013 Collection Showcase was the first of its kind by a Ugandan designer in UK. The designer showcased the different designs of the LinmiR Olivia Headband and her entire 2013 collection.

Ms Mirembe has won the Designer of the Year BEFFTA (Black Entertainment Film Fashion TV Awards) and taken part in Young Designers Awards Radical Awards. She has also showcased at a number of both UK and international fashion events including London Fashion Weeks Fashion Finest, Mahogany Bridal Show, Maryland Fashion Week USA, Out of Africa (Dublin)Ireland, 50 Years of Fashion at Ug@50, UK to celebrate 50 years of Ugandas independence, and dressed up Miss Uganda UK 2012 contestants. The Ugandan creative hat designer has made an appearance in the Hat Stand of British Vogue April issue. So,as black we are proud to see one of us putting a real mark in the world of fashion which is not an easy territory for African in Europe.Hopefully in the years to come we will have many more.



LAfrique est un continent riche de couleurs, de sons divers et de fumets tous aussi varis que dlicieux. Non seulement dlicieux mais aussi riches en nutriments et terriblement nourrissants. Aujourdhui nous vous proposons de dcouvrir lAfrique en saveurs, mets typiques par rgion, du nord au sud de lAfrique. Par Alice-Malle K.

Afrique du Nord : Le couscous

LAfrique du Nord est renomme pour son couscous. Ce plat est lambassadeur de lAfrique de Nord et la quintessence de la finesse de lart culinaire nord-africain. Ce plat est fait base de semoule de bl dur, agrment de pois chiches, et selon les gouts de chacun, de raisins secs. La prparation est relativement simple : de la semoule, du jus de cuisson (de lgumes, viande ou poisson selon de choix daccompagnement), des pois chiches et des raisins (pas forcement dans cet ordre) et hop, le tour est jou. Au poisson ou aux lgumes, au buf ou au mouton, le couscous fait beaucoup plus que ravir les palais, il nous transporte en Afrique du Nord de par la varit de ses pices.


Afrique Centrale : Ndol

Le trs clbre lgume amer gnralement est retrouv et trs largement consomme au Nigeria (bitter leaf ou Ofe Onugbu) et au Cameroun (Ndol). Cest une plante lgumire amre dont les feuilles sont consommes vertes ou sches. Le Ndol (prononcez Ndo-Lai) est un plat traditionnel, pas du tout amer malgr lamertume naturelle des feuilles fraichement cueillies. Il provient principalement de la province du Littoral du Cameroun. Il se consomme dans une sauce faite base darachide dite blanche, de viande de buf et de crevettes fraiches et accompagne de banane-plantain (ou aloco), de miondo (bton de manioc) ou tout autre fculent selon le gout de chacun. Le Ndol aurait aussi des vertus thrapeutiques.

Afrique de lOuest : Le Thieboudienne

Cest la rgion de lAfrique o le Thieboudienne (ou Tchep) est roi. Le Thieboudienne (mot wolof) est un met constitu principalement de riz et de poisson, avec quelques lgumes tels que carottes, aubergines, tomates et du manioc comme unique tubercule du repas. Il est largement rpandu en Afrique de lOuest et communment appel Riz Sngalais ou Riz Gras . Ce plat est excellent et plein de lgumes (gros plus pour une bonne sant). Faites donc un tour dans le restaurant ouest-africain le plus proche et vous men direz des nouvelles.

Afrique de lEst : Ugali et Nyama Choma

La cuisine de lAfrique orientale est majoritairement caractrise par les influences de lInde, lAngleterre, le Liban de par son ouverture au ct oriental du monde. Nanmoins, le plat le plus consomm dans cette rgion est lugali, Couscous base de farine de mas, et le Nyama Choma qui nest rien dautre que de la viande (buf, porc, mouton, ou autres viandes de chasse) grille.


Afrique de Sud : Pap et Wors et Bobotjie

Le Pap and wors (prononcez pap and Vors) est ce met traditionnel de lAfrique australe est trs largement consomme dans la rgion, quelle que soit la classe sociale. Le pap nest autre que du couscous (ou ugali en Afrique orientale). Le pap est donc accompagn de wors (ou boerewors), des saucisses de viande de buf, porc ou mouton assaisonnes et grilles, le tout rehauss dune sauce de lgumes (petits pois, tomates, mas doux, oignons) appele Chakalaka . Mais encore plus populaire, cest le bobotjie (prononcez bo-bow-tie). Le bobotjie est un plat traditionnel cuisin depuis le 17me sicle. Cest un plat gratin au four qui lpoque se mangeait avec du porc ou du mouton mais maintenant plutt avec de la viande de buf ou de lagneau hache et agrmente de poudre de curry, du sambal ou du chutney, du gingembre, de la marjolaine, du zeste de citron, des oignons, des fruits secs comme des abricots ou des raisins secs avec une garniture faite base dufs et de pain. Ce plat saccompagne gnralement avec du riz basmati. Au vue des nombreuses pices, il semblerait quil soit inspir de la cuisine des Indes orientales principalement du Bobotok indonsien et se consomme en Zambie, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Afrique du Sud,

Quand la fiction reflte la ralit
Elections, galres, jeunesse, rbellion, sacrifice, ces quelques ingrdients pour concocter des uvres illustrant au mieux la ralit vcue dans les contres africaines. Par Kate Mouliom

de Jean-Pierre BEKOLO (sortie 2013) Aprs luvre controverse, Les Saignantes , le ralisateur Bekolo nous revient avec ce film qui amne nous questionner sur le rgime prsidentiel dun pays, prsent depuis plus de 40 ans. Sont alors mis en scne une population qui subit linjustice dun dirigeant fatigu mais qui senracine sans vergogne sur son trne, une jeunesse rvolte qui esprent en vain dtre coute et bien dautres acteurs tels que la presse, le gouvernement en place Ce film politique rvle une ralit qui perdure malgr la mondialisation et la lutte pour la dmocratisation des pays encore sous le rgne de dictateurs indiffrents la souffrance de leurs peuples.

ATTALAKU, de Dieudo HAMADI (sortie

Mars 2013) La veille des lections prsidentielles de 2011 en Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo, un pasteur sans-le-sou vend ses services d'animateur de rue au candidat le plus offrant devenant Attalaku, crieur en Lingala. Ici est mises en exergue la force de cet tonnant mode de communication et son influence sur la population qui, au final est la seule dtentrice de pouvoir dans un tat dmocratique.

W.A.K.A, de Franoise ELLONG (sortie 2013)

Cest lhistoire touchante de Mathilde, mre dun petit garon conu dans des circonstances barbares, se battant bec et ongles contre les alas de la vie pour le bonheur de son fils. Au chmage, elle opte alors pour la prostitution pour subvenir leurs besoins. Et cest avec la tte haute, elle fera preuve de sa force et de son combat face cette descente aux enfers. La brillante Franco-Camerounaise du haut de ses 25ans, ralise l une petite merveille, gratifie dune projection de la premire version du film au 66e Festival de Cannes de mai dernier. A laide de fonds collects, Franoise Ellong met sur pied ce qui ntait au dpart quun projet dans le but dillustrer lamour dune mre pour son enfant en ce temps de crise et dinscurit.

By Abel
I did not understand the seriousness of the AfricanAmerican struggle until I migrated to the United States. Racism is everywhere. The effects of slavery still lingering. This is evident if you have settled in and lived here for a while. The shock from the formal education system is inevitable. Its challenging enough adapting to multitheoretical approaches of learning. In school, I had to deal with good-intentioned classmates that were clueless about the African culture. I had a few peers wonder in disbelieve when I informed them it was my first time seeing a lion in person while we visited the zoo on a pre-college school trip. Financial challenges came from being illinformed about scholarship and sponsorship opportunities for minorities, which are now readily accessible to students who engage in extracurricular activities on campus. Most of my challenges came from adapting to a mostly contrasting culture, as well as adapting to new ways of excelling in school. Through socialization with people of varying cultures, I have bridged gap and campaign against stereotyping. The African youth is responsible for upholding the African culture while being open-minded to other cultures. What misconceptions would you like to change and how? The misconception about Africa being a country, rather than a continent is pathetic. Africa is made up of several countries, each housing several states; and each state housing several tribes with diverse cultures. They need to be taught that the African culture is unique in its ability to unite multi-tribes. In addition, people have a severe misconception that Africa is such a poor continent made up of a series of small huts, dry deserts, loose wild animals, and starvation. Its my hope that the African youth, through


WANA Mag: What are some challenges you faced as an international student, how did you overcome these challenges? Nelson Omoragbon: As an international student (an immigrant), I experienced cultural shocks! I was so afraid of losing my African identity. I still wanted to be able to keep my accent. I wanted to be able to walk down on Flatlands, Fulton, Flatbush, Jamaica and Myrtle Avenues; and see hard-working, yet cheerful people gyrating on street corners. It was different. I noticed an individualistic society. I couldnt get accustomed to the fact that there were actual pan-handlers in America.

In my roles as active member and supporter of the Haitian American Students Association at Brooklyn College, we strived to display the similarities between the West Indian, Caribbean, and African cultures. The African and Haitian cultural student clubs continue to be family. In my role as pioneer and coordinator of CUNY-ASA, we have fostered unity and created a support system amongst college students of African descents from various college campuses via social-educational and charitable engagements. How can the youths of Africa and African Diaspora become more involved and passionate about their culture? community engagements across cultures, spread the beauty of the motherland. Africa is a rich continent with surplus natural resources, uninterested in hand-outs. The Africa that I know is filled with hard-working people full of life. Africa is vulnerable to exploitation from selfproclaimed international charitable organizations; and these methods should be discouraged. The African Youths and its leaders, if held accountable, can solve its own problems During college were you involved in any cultural groups, what role did you have? N. O: During College, I was actively involved in several cultural student groups. I had executive board as well as active membership roles. In my roles as an active member, Vice President, or President of the West African Student Association at Brooklyn College, we created a force to be reckoned with on campus while fostering unity amongst students of African descents. . The African youths on campus were inspired and together we drove the African culture throughout campus.


First, there has to be willingness and interest on the part of the youths of Africa and African Diaspora with regards to becoming more involved and passionate with their culture. I recommend researching about and attending local community cultural events, becoming an active member of African Youth Movements, attending local college African Student Association meetings and events, attending African picnics and similar events, and involvement in events whose aim include African cultural awareness as well as unification of people of the African descent. The youth of Africa in Diaspora can become passionate about the African culture if his/her willingness and interests are encouraged and nurtured by other existing African Youth leaders. How do you envision Africa to be in ten to twenty years? I envision that most African youths will work together to ensure a technologically-advanced continent.

your life time? In my lifetime, I would like to see great improvements in attaining a United States of Africa. I would like to see a system of government that succeeds in uniting all African countries into a single umbrella nation, regardless of language barriers and conflict of interest. It has to be a peaceful transition. Leaders have to be elected by character. What makes you so passionate about your culture? Its almost impossible for an African immigrant not to appreciate and be passionate about the African culture. It comes natural. I embrace the African culture because its the best culture I have known thats reflected in my aura. What country are you representing? What are you most proud of about your country ? I represent Nigeria, a country in the Western part of Africa. I love the cultural diversity that exists within. I am excited that Nigeria is recognized as a country that takes on leadership roles in affairs that affects Africa. I am mostly proud of the Nigerian youths educational and professional achievements around the world. Are you currently involved in an organization that focuses on the empowerment and improvement of life for our youths? I am actively involved and render support within my capability to a host of organizations whose aim involves empowerment, improvement of life, and unification of the African youths in Diaspora. What is the name of this organization and what is the goal of this organization? Several organizations come to mind. I am actively involved in the affairs of CUNY-ASA, an organization comprised of youths of African descent.

The race to stabilize electricity would be achieved in most parts of Africa. Africans will become selfsufficient of its natural resources and engage in more revenue generating exports. The African currencies will be matched 1-to-1 unit with the top currencies of its day. The African entertainment affairs will cross-over into mainstream entertainment. African fabrics will be sorted-after more than the continent has ever experienced. Most African youths will relocate back to Africa with aims of creating businesses and employment opportunities for the Youth of Africa. Africa will no longer be referred to as a third-world nation. What improvements would you like to see occur in

CUNY-ASA continues in its goal of creating a networking platform for African Student Associations and its members. The platform has been successful in empowering youths, preparing members for young African leadership roles, as well as unification of African youths. I am a strong advocate as well as supporter of the Edo Youth Movement, an organization that focuses on empowering the Edo youths (of Nigeria), in Diaspora, with resources necessary to thrive amongst other cultures while show-casing the rich culture of the Edo people. In this process, great attempts are made towards unification of the Edo youths. Other organizations such as B-Side Boyz and Edo Boyz aim to create a networking platform and improvement of life for the younger adult males of Edo origin. Are you an entrepreneur? I am involved in organizing, operating, and engaging in risk-taking business ventures with an ultimate goal of bringing the African youths together in social gatherings. I have been for several years. I have no idea how I got into entrepreneurship! However, legacies are being led; and the profits involved exceed risks taken, each time. What is the name of your company? Was your company influenced by African culture? Flashy Entertainment! Flashy Entertainment is an event consultant company, operating out of New York City. The African culture includes entertainment. It also includes collectively dancing to African music. Flashy Entertainment is deeply rooted in the African culture. It is entrusted with the responsibility of uniting the African youth by organizing events that create platforms for networking. What are your wishes for WANA Magazine?

I wish WANA magazine many successful years in your endeavors to present culture through media.



, par Dany A G N E Y E D LE BLANC


Il ya quelques semaines, j'ai voyag au Cameroun pour la premire fois en 12 ans que j'ai quitt pour les tatsUnis .Parmi les nombreuses choses que je voulais faire tait la ncessit de se replonger dans le cinma afrocentrique. La premire chose que j'ai faite l'arrive, tait de demander mes cousins s'il y avait des films camerounais qui sont sorti rcemment que je pouvais regarder. Avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme, j'ai demand, tout le monde m'a dit de regarder "Le blanc D'eyenga", que jaimerai. J'ai effectivement regard le film mais je n'tais pas du tout aussi excit ce sujet que tout le monde avait t. Pour moi, Le blanc d'Eyenga" a eu un immense potentiel qu'il n'a pas russi essayer, passant d'un commentaire social important sur un grand problme au Cameroun, pour devenir une occasion manque pour enseigner au public une leon prcieuse. Voici un petit retour en arrire sur le film. Le blanc

d'Eyenga pourrait tre appel la refonte du film "Paris Tout Prix", un film camerounais ralis sept annes plus tt touchante sur le mme sujet des jeunes Camerounais qui font tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour un billet hors du Cameroun vers l'Europe, o ils esprer trouver prosprit. La diffrence est que "Le blanc d'Eyenga" nous prsente la nouvelle mthode utilise pour sortir du pays. Aujourd'hui, les jeunes Camerounais investissent du temps dans les cybercafs, dans l'espoir de sduire un homme blanc dont les promesses du mariage est leur billet de sortie. Le film fait un excellent travail dpeindre les ralits du phnomne, en nous montrant jusqu'o une femme est prte aller afin d'obtenir de l'homme, ainsi que les dceptions qui pourraient rsulter de cyber amant. Eyenga qui est l'hrone du film, est montr en prenant des photos de nu en dsespoir de cause parce que tout ce qu'elle a essay jusqu'ici n'a pas fonctionn. Elle n'a finalement atterrir un homme blanc qui, aprs quelques semaines de flirt internet, dcide de venir au Cameroun afin qu'ils puissent s'pouser et revenir Paris. Ds son arrive, elle est due quand l'aroport, elle se rend compte qu'il est handicap, ce qu'il n'a jamais mentionn sur Internet. Toujours Eyenga est prte a le garder parce que la rcompense ultime est d'arriver Paris qu'importe qu'il aurait omis ce petit dtail? Aprs quelques jours, l'homme dEyenga (Jean-Franois)


admet enfin que, en fait, il n'est pas bon du tout. Il tait ingnieur en France, mais il a perdu son emploi et napas d'argent du tout et qu'il esprait qu'il ne pouvait pas rester au Cameroun avec Eyenga et de construire une vie ensemble. Furieux, Eyenga le frappe quand elle se rend compte que son rve de l'Europe vient de glisser hors de sa main en quelques secondes. La tante de Eyenga le prend dans et prend soin de lui, souvent en le prenant sur le march avec elle o elle vend du poisson grill. Ils finissent par tomber en amour avec l'autre, ce qui nous amne au dnouement du film. Il s'avre que Jean-Franois tait en fait un homme riche blanc qui est tomb en amour avec Eyenga. Cependant, aprs avoir entendu parler du phnomne des femmes camerounaises qui sduisent les hommes blancs que pour obtenir la nationalit franaise, il voulait tre sr qu'elle l'aimait vraiment en mentant au sujet d'tre au chmage et de la dette. Maintenant que la tante dEyenga est celle qui se souciait de lui, malgr tout cela, c'est elle qui a peut se rendre Paris. Le film se termine avec Jean Franois et sa nouvelle femme, tout habill en partance sur Paris. Eyenga est l pleurer et supplier de la reprendre. Il en va de son homme blanc, il y va de son rve, et il en va de sa chance de vivre une belle vie Paris. Bien qu' premire vue la ralisation du film a t bien fait, nous devons parler de la leon qu'il nous enseigne. Ce que j'ai appris du film est que si vous

tes une bonne femme africaine, vous serez rcompens par un chevalier blanc en armure qui viendra vous prendre l'Europe o vous pourrez vivre heureux pour toujours briller. Ce qui est problmatique sur cette moral est qu'il crase l'objectif de tout le film. Pourquoi parler du problme social des femmes qui font tout ce qu'elles peuvent pour aller en Europe, si la fin vous perptrer l'illusion d'un messie blanc? N'tait-ce pas la racine du problme en premier lieu? Ce film a eu la chance d'exposer un point de vue plus africain typique dans laquelle nous nous rendons compte que l'homme blanc n'tait pas la solution magique, que l'Europe n'est pas le paradis Eyenga avait rv. Il aurait t plus raliste, il s'est avr tre vrai que Jean-Franois a t battu et a voulu venir sjourner au Cameroun pour reconstruire sa vie. Ce n'est pas du tout une ide farfelue compte tenu de la rcente flambe des fuyants europens de la rcession en se dplaant vers

l'Afrique ou l'Amrique du Sud. Combien plus intressant serait le film aurait t si ils ont russi dpeindre cette dichotomie camerounaise essayant dsesprment d'atteindre le rve europen, alors que les Europens o quitter leur pays pour trouver des dbouchs dans les pays mergents?

Certes, on pourrait se dire que le film n'est pas si grave, ce n'est pas une grosse affaire. Cependant, je pense que c'est effectivement un gros problme. Nous sous-estimons la puissance du cinma. Vous rappelez-vous la monte des enfants a appel Brandon et Brenda suite la popularit de Beverly Hills? Vous souvenez-vous de la popularit des vtements avec Marimar sur elle suite la popularit des missions de tlvision espagnoles? Et combien de personnes connaissez-vous qui rvait d'Amrique en raison de ce qu'ils avaient vu la tl? Si nous prenons le cinma au srieux comme il doit tre pris, nous ralisons quel point il tait important pour "Le Blanc D'Eyenga" d'avoir un meilleur message son auditoire que de glorifier les blancs comme nos sauveurs. Dans notre qute pour lever notre pays, pour lever notre continent, nous devons tre hyper conscients de tout ce que nous faisons dans notre reprsentation de l'Afrique. Nous devons tre fiers de qui nous sommes, suffisant pour rejeter l'ide selon laquelle un messie blanc enlverait nos problmes, il suffit de croire en notre capacit faonner notre propre avenir. Si ce message afrocentrisme l'amour de soi ne vient pas de moi diaspora, prendre en exemple, Bousso Dram une femme qui vit au Sngal, elle a eu l'occasion de voyager en France aprs avoir remport un concours, mais a rejet le visa cause de sa fiert d'son hritage africain, sa noirceur, son amour pour les gens qui ont souvent t traits comme des moins que rien. Essayons de garder nos Valeurs, notre Orgueil et produisons des produits qui reprsenteront Notre Afrique, y compris le cinma africain.


Styles musicaux africains: Les jeunes ont pris la relve !

Quand tu coutes le Makossa, le soukouss, le mapouka, le ndombolo et que tu es empli de nostalgie, sache que cest normal! Maintenant tu bouges sans retenue sous l Azonto, le Kpankaka, le loko loko ou encore la Naja music, eh bien cest parce que tu fais partie de la nouvelle gnration de mlomanes friands de nouveaut et doriginalit! Par Kate Mouliom

Ces cinq dernires annes, on a t tmoin de lvolution des styles musicaux africains qui ne cessent de nous entrainer dans une frnsie hors-norme. En 2012, on dcouvre timidement ce style frais venu tout droit du Ghana, connu sous le nom de Azonto, inspir des danses traditionnelles du pays. Pass non-stop dans les botes canadiennes, allemandes en passant par Londres, les jeunes adhrent ! Les artistes tels que Sarkodie, E.L, Fuse, Gasmilla ou encore la sulfureuse Tiffany sont dj considrs comme les symboles de ce nouveau style. Par contre, un style qui nous est familier, cest bien la Naja Music qui ne cesse de progresser lchelle internationale. P Square, Wizkid, DBanj sont ces artistes phares qui ont dj inscrites sur leur CV de nombreuses collaborations avec de grosses pointures du Hip Hop US. Ils semblent ne pas avoir peur des limites quant il sagit de nous surprendre et de nous faire bouger. Enfin, comment ne pourrait-on pas parler de la musique du pays de Douk Saga et de son poulain Serge Beynaud ? Avec son tube Loko Loko , ce jeune artiste ivorien nous prouve une fois de plus que depuis le succs du Coup Dcal , la Cte dIvoire a bien un style musical qui volue au fil du temps et ce style reste incontestablement celui de lambiance et lanimation. On ne sen lasse pas. Ces jeunes qui ont pris la relve, veulent nous faire comprendre, comme diraient nos cousins les ricains, que: Sky Is My Limit


Mohawk Hairstyle is in !
By Kwin Valencia

Origins: Today the Mohawk hairstyle is loosely associated

with people who listen to punk music. However, the history of this hairstyle delves far back into history, transcending different cultures and times. The name of this style originates from the Mohawk tribe of the Iroquois nation, who were the indigenous people of the northeastern part of North America. This tribes men were known to pull the hair out of the head until only a small square was left at the back crown of the head.

Progress: American jazz culture began to embrace the

style during the 1950s as a visual statement against conformity. However, until punk music gain popularity in the late 1970s only a very small portion of the American population was even aware of the Mohawk. By the 1980s, it was not uncommon for celebrities outside of the punk genre to sport the style bringing it to the attention of the entire population.


Women: Most of the hairstyles for black women are created to mean something and they do send a powerful message to the world. One of the most popular hairstyles for African American ladies is mohawk hairstyles for black women. There are many different styles and techniques in which you can get a Mohawk hairstyle. But what do these types of hairstyles for black women mean? For starters, we could say that a Mohawk looks very powerful and it is usually worn by women who have strong personality, who are confident, decisive, independent These hairstyles are designed for women who are true fighters. Who would say that mohawk hairstyles for black women can mean that much? Women like Rihanna, Cassie, Alicia Keys, Jill Scott and more adopted the style and made it popular to young women in the society. Show Business: I am sure most of you have noticed how much celebrities love to rock the mohawk hairstyle in their movies, videos and even some cartoon characters like Gael from Street fighters, Barth Simpson and Titeuf to only name a few.


CISCO Systems: The Rise and Future o

mercial routers, they were not the first to make them. As mentioned earlier, William Yeager wrote the software for multiple protocol routers in 1981. In the same year, a company called Bridge Communications Inc. was started by Judy Estrin (current CEO of JLabs LLC) and Bill Carrico (former President/CEO of 3COM, now with Packet Design LLC) and was based in Mountain View, California. They made computer network bridges, routers, servers, etc. and they were experts in various kinds of networks. Bridge Communications was eventually purchased by 3COM on September 30, 1987. Cisco had beaten all their forerunners in the computer networking field by making numerous acquisitions over the years. Every company they bought made an additional contribution to their suite of products and services. One of the first companies acquired was StrataCom in 1996. StrataCom Inc. was a company from Cupertino, California and they were one of the first developers of the ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networking technology, a connection-oriented methodology which provided bandwidth for high speed services across fiber-optic cables. In 1999, Cisco acquired the Cerent Corporation, a company from Petaluma, California that specialized in making fiber optical switches and other optical equipment. In 2006, Cisco acquired Scientific Atlanta, a Georgia, USA based company which made equipment for cable television, broadband and telecommunications. Their creations made possible the existence of high-speed services such as Video on Demand, Voice over IP and high speed internet. Last but not least, Cisco purchased Linksys in 2003. Linksys manufactured an array of networking products such as; broadband and wireless routers, Ethernet switches, VoIP equipment, network storage devices, etc.

Cisco Systems Inc. is an American-based corporation that creates and sells mainly networking and communication technologies. Its main headquarters is in San Jose, California. It employs more than 65,000 people worldwide and it earns over $40 billion a year. It is listed on the Dow Jones, S&P 500, NASDAQ and other capital market indexes. Cisco as a company was started in 1984 by Len Bosack and Sandy Lerner. They were a married couple who were former computer operations staff at Stanford University. They were later joined by Richard Troiano. Sandy Lerner moved on to direct computer services at Schlumberger but returned full time to Cisco in 1987. Cisco's first product was an adapted multiple-protocol router, originally designed in 1981 by an American engineer named William Yeager. The company's first CEO was Bill Graves (1987 1988), followed by John Morgridge (1988 1995) and finally succeeded by John Chambers in 1995 who is still the current CEO.

Ciscos predecessors
While Cisco was one of the first to successfully sell com-


By Patrick Ofonagoro

of a Networking Giant
The acquisition of all these companies helped Cisco to develop multi-billion dollar business units that operate in the realms of Enterprise VoIP, Home Networking, Optical Networking, LAN Switching, etc. audio and sets up two separate rooms to look as if they are one conference room or boardroom.

The Future of Cisco

Cisco has quite a few new innovations on the horizon for the next few years. First of all they have begun experimenting in the realm of advanced computing, especially in regards to Artificial Intelligence. One of Ciscos new advancements that are being developed is an internet-based AI known as the Virtual Assistant. This AI can perform functions such as opening and closing doors and turning on lights, all initiated by voice commands. Also, based on voice queries, the AI can even access the internet or any other network to access databases and other repositories in order to retrieve and display information. For example, a doctor in a hospital could ask Virtual Assistant to pull up the lab results for a particular patient over the last two weeks. One more innovation that is also being developed by Cisco is a touchscreen table which is based on Microsoft Surface technology. Objects or containers that have a chip tag on the bottom surface can be placed on the table and based on the information of the tag, the table can tell what the contents of the container are and provide other information. For example, a man can go to a pharmacy and place a bottle of pills on the counter (which is a touch-screen) and it will tell him if he is due for a refill or not. If you put 2 bottles on the counter which have different medication, the touchscreen will warn you that there is a drug interaction and you should consult your pharmacist or doctor. Also you cant buy any drugs unless you place your ID card (drivers license) on the table so that the pharmacy touch-screen computer can confirm your identification. The future is looking bright for Cisco Systems and as the years go by there will be even more innovations and advancements that will carry people to even higher levels of networking and computer technology.

How does Cisco make money?

Cisco earns their revenue from the array of networking products and software that they create and sell. Among the products they sell are; routers, switches, network adapter cards, wireless access points, software for network management and security, network access storage devices, blade servers, rack mount servers, etc. Cisco also provides a range of networking solutions for home owners, small businesses and organizations, government institutions, healthcare providers, manufacturers, etc. Furthermore, Cisco offers IT Professional certifications to train people to become experts of Cisco products. The certification exams are administered by Pearson VUE, an electronic testing company that conducts academic and professional exams such as GMAT, NCLEX, CompTIA, etc. Cisco was once solely a manufacturer of router products, but now they make so many other things. They make software-based products such as the CISCO IOS (Internetwork Operating System), a package used to manage routing, switching and internetworking functions on a Cisco based network. They also made CiscoWorks, a web based suite of tools written with Java programming and used for LAN management. Recently, one of Ciscos subsidiaries, Pure Digital Technologies, made the Flip Video, a camcorder that records digital video in high definition. Videos are recorded at 1280x720 resolution and compressed with H.264 and AAC audio/video codecs. With this product, Cisco hoped to enter the digital video market in a bid to further expand its operations. Another interesting product from Cisco is the Telepresence, an advanced video conferencing technology which provides high definition video with 3D


DECOUVERTE Phnomne Chicha en Afrique

Par Hannan

La chicha encore appele Narguil et baptise diffremment selon les rgions est une sorte de grande pipe eau d'origine persane utilise principalement dans le monde arabe et en Iran pour fumer le tabac. Cest une pipe orientale long tuyau, quipe d'un petit rservoir d'eau parfume travers par la fume lors de l'aspiration. La chicha permet donc de fumer une prparation base de tabac nature ou aromatise aux fruits. Origine Les traces les plus anciennes de narguil ont t trouves au sud ou l'est de l'Afrique. L'mergence plus grande chelle de son utilisation dans la socit semble tre simultane l'apparition des cafs publics et l'arrive du tabac au Moyen-Orient. A son apparition, la Chicha ntait utilise que dans le monde arabe ; au moyen orient etc. Mais depuis peu,on constate que le nombre de fumeurs augmente,en mme temps que le nombre de caf ou de salons chicha comme cela a t dit plus haut . Nous avons donc plusieurs modles de chicha savoir: le modle indien;le modle gyptien (qui est beaucoup plus rpandu);le narguil rotatif;le nouveau genre et les multi-tuyaux. Cependant il existe des chicha sans charbon. Avantages : Incroyable mais vrai : Cette nouvelle forme de fumer n'a pas tellement d'avantages,si ce n'est qu'elle permet juste de se rassembler dans un caf de la place et discuter. Passer un bon moment entre amis au tour d'une chicha bien parfume est devenu un hobby,le passe temps favoris des adolescents. C'est presque devenu une mode. Aussi,avec une chicha,nous avons une dure d'inhalation plus longue et une rduction du gout du charbon. Sur certaines,on peut trouver des filtres anti nicotine. La fume de chicha ne contient pas plus de substances toxiques que la fume du tabac,mais le volume de fume y est beaucoup plus important.

Inconvnients : Le tabac chicha constitue un rel danger pour la sant. Beaucoup de jeunes pensent que la fume du narguil n'est pas nocive.Pourtant, les tests scientifiques prouvent sans aucun contrast que l'eau contenue dans le vase ne filtre pas les substances nocives de la fume du tabac. En comparaison,un fumeur de narguil fume pendant 20 80 minutes et inhale entre 50 et 200 bouffes de 0,15 1 litre chacun. Une sance de narguil expose donc un volume moyen de fume correspondant 100 cigarettes ou plus.Ceci dit, une bouffe de narguil serait gale 1 paquet de cigarettes.Cette fume pntrant les poumons ont alors des effet cancrignes et pourraient tuer prs d'un consommateur sur deux avant l'ge de 60 ans. S'agissant des tuyaux,ils doivent tre changs rgulirement,pour ainsi viter les risques de maladies tel que : l'herps,l'hpatite,la tuberculose. C'est la raison pour laquelle de nos jours on a des pipettes qui sont servis avec la chicha. La chicha ou narguil ou encore la pipe eau sduit de plus en plus de jeunes dans le monde, surtout en Afrique. Mal inform des risques de cette pratique,ils y trouvent un agrable plaisir du fait de la fume parfume.Certains dclarent mme que le narguil permet de dcouvrir de nouvelles sensations;de nouveaux gouts,en laissant place un rel moment de dtente conviviale.


SHORT STORY Together alone

By Jane M.O.
So we got married. Or I got married. Its all done. A new beginning, a new life, like we all dream of. The chance to do it all better, to prove to yourself that you can do it. A new challenge, in sum. This is me, this is my story. Its not going to be a we story as it has to be in a marriage. This time, it is a me story. In the beginning, it seems that nothing has changed. I am the same person I was before the W-day: a calm, lovely girl that is attracted to people, to laughter and a very determinate as my friends would say. The only detail that would change my life after all, is that little ring that has to be attached to the fourth finger of my left hand forever, no matter what. That little ring, I have to say has a great power, little, almost invisible sometimes, but yes, very very loud and significative. But that, we have to see later. For now on, I have to get used to a new status, a new name and everything else that the ring brings in with. It is not easy at all. I must tell you, I havent been the lovely lady in the mirror who was looking at herself and repeating to self Mrs X or Mrs Y. No, I havent done that. Perhaps I should have, or not. I dont know. I remember the first time I heard someone calling me with my new name. -Mrs Lusseny Joyce, will you please sign here?


I almost didnt recognize she was talking to me first, and then second mistake, with the pen in my hand, I signed with my maiden name. That was an awkward moment!! But I have to be honest and let you know how I felt at that moment. It seemed to me I was betraying my family, giving up on their name and taking a new one as easy as it sounds. God knows how long I have been thinking on taking up the new name or not, keeping mine and add his, or just keep mine. Wow!! Hell yea, it was a lot to think about and finally I decided to keep both, just to remember that I do have my family too. My decision did not please to the Sir I l married of course. He thought that it was a kind of a rejection. He did not understand, and I did not want him too anyways. On that point, I was being very selfish, but that I could not do otherwise. Someone used to say that you have to be selfish witz you from time to time; it was the moment for me. I have always been there for people, sacrificing my own happiness to please the other. Seeing people happy because of me was at some point a great reward for me. And then you realize that people do not really care about your happiness in the other way round. So you have to make them happy, and make yourself happy too. It is complicated and that is the simple nature I was made of. You see, a great contradiction was coming

out. Marriage is about looking in the same direction, as they say, being one and everything else, but for me it was different. Something was definitely wrong if I was seeing marriage as the beginning of an affirmation of my alone identity. Together alone, as I resume it. Nothing comes as easy I know, and I have to work it out. As much I like being unique in the way I think, I also feel the urge to belong to a group, to the society without they enquiring about me. There were loads of choices you have to make when being married; Thinking for two, or even for three or four is not so evident. Abstraction is a possibility, and a possibility is still a dream until you turn it into reality. Reality on the other hand, is my field. I am not a dreamer; I see things, touch things, feel things and make things. I dont do dreaming, I am not a hoper mind. Yes, marriage is about choices, remember that every time and every day when you wake up. Are you ready to choose the right thing for them first; are you ready to giving up on your freedom and your real choices? Nobody tells you that before, and you just learn it the hard way. As I finish writing that first piece, the song learning the hard of way of the second album of Brandy is thundering in my mind, and I have to hum it cause the song is appealing. For now on, I have to go..


Founder and Director of publication Ahmed Sallaheddine Co-Founder and Editor in chief Cedrick Yonta Artistic Director Harold Gnowa Artistic Designer Kate Mouliom

Lionel Soppo - Politics Cecile Essono - Interviwer Abel Belema - Interviewer Hannan - Dcouverte Alice Malle Kamgang N. - Gusto Dany Isabelle MASADO - Social Issue Kate Mouliom - Cinema & Musique Kwin Valencia - Fashion
Patrick Ofonagoro - High-Tech

Jane M.O. - Short story


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