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AMERICAI{ SOqETY FOA IESTII{G ANO MAIEAhLS p! t gi t 3 I gt 6 Flc. St phld.tplil\ R.prtntod nom th. AnnEt gook ot ASiM Sbdlid] Corvrioht ASn rr rpr lobd in rha cun.nt cdibr_o na.r ,r rn r# niJ Jai"i "eo..,

Test Methodtol

Thicknesses gf Co.aring byrheMagneric T:l! Nonmagnetic

il'ilH11"*iiilff.H$ffil H#S5'-i'i"'*""'fii,i'iffiIi'iLirl
slard4td lsr-ban apgroed Iot vr. by b irru.d uodrr tha fi&d dcrigDltion B.199; tbc DuEb.r iD! follopilt tbc darFdioD ildjl.a

Coatingson MagneticBasis Metalsl

&c of rr ,'.' or.o ...Frora.r A yc6,

i;jw?ffiTrd[ffi ,{Hffi,h1ffiffi IliJtr#JH!#X. "iffifl,#ffi,ffi

ql D.I.^r.
adopad by th.

t. SclDe

l.l This tcst mentsfor the of nonmagnctic metals.

rarDlDgDorc tbaa Ec{!|lrEd by thir to lny hcat

rrve measurcment of the thicknss over fenous or otl6r magngti6tlas

rryticdly.dlpo6itdsickcl-Dhosphorus slloy! contr q.hyblu" ur! offcicady ooouagaii m bc Ectbo4 asloDt sthc Ecaruhocoi ir-iaa" prio.

covers the use of magnetic instru_

4. FrctoB AtfecdnSthc Mersuritr8 Accunc? following factorsalfect the accuracyof a coatint ."1:l_ Ib. tnlckness measurment:

1.2 Thase ts Eeasulr eitherthe magnetic attrsction bctwcena and the basisEetal, asin0uencedb; the prseDce of coating, or the rclucancc ofa maguetic. flu-xpath passing rougn the cosung and the basis metal. ots made in accordancewith this resr mcthod \d[ trc comptiancewith the requirements ofISO International 2178asprintedin 1982, 1.4 This C doesrct purpo to add.rcss alt o! the sqfely concens, any, as-sociated with its ue. h ii the respowhility ot userol th.isstandardto estabtiii appro_ priate sqlay and utn pructicesand determinethe applicability of Iimitalions prior lo use2. Referetced

2.1 ISO 2 l 7 E
Method2 3. Significuco
J.r lne

Standard: ic Coatings on Magnetic Sub, of Coating Thickaess-Magnetic

NcrrE 2-Itr Ecthod ,'iqrarurocDt p.gbo,, wiu dlo iDcludc tbc lrrE "ErgDcl"

Use of a coating is often critical to its performaace. mo-st -nonferrous coatings on steel, the magnetic method ; for measuring coatingthickness .re.tiab{e is suitablefor speciication icceotancc tstingand applications The test Eetbod requtes ftar &e DagDctic nies of the substrate useddurinq the calibrationbc tlc as that of the tst specimen,
ITbittdEcllod Mcldlic rnd ldorfadc B0t.l0 on C.Danl T..t Crrlrlsr rdirioE r Avrihblc ftoln

uD&r tha judldiclioD of ASTM Comhjn . &t oD .!n8r .rd k $c di|tc-t nlponribjliiy of Sub.otuditr..
ADril 10, t996. pubtidcd Junc 1996.Ortjrd, Fsvrou! cdition B 499 _ 88. Rcplacls ponio!, of N|tioD8l Srardsrd! trniNrc, I I W. 42nd Sr, tilD

publi.b.d .r B 499- 69. a2t9. noor, N6P YorlqNY

([[|ta +ee
surface. A similar the tip is unevenly 4.1.6Swlace
by tle surfacc Surface rowhDcss

can occur with a single-pole probe if

aphy of the- basis metal and coating. rcmes significant when the de$ee of than l0 % of the coating rtriiness,

are influenccd

NoTs 3-In thc followiDg psragrspb!, thc usc of thc word -foit. witl rmply MqEagncuc Ectallic or EooEQtsllic foil Or shirD.

metalalfecs _ basis vhichemploya sr

measuremenb an altemating 4.1,9 Stray

roughnessis causingiacrcased rn measurmcnts. Thereforc, it is n@ssary, on a or scratched surface, to make a greatcr Dumber of :ots at diffcrcnt positionsto obtain an averagevalue that represcntativeof the mean coating thicknes. Ifthe elal is rowh, it Eay alsobe necessary to check tbe zerc of instrumeDtat severalpositionson a portion of thc rough, basismetal. 4.1.7 Direction Mechanical llo*ing of the Bosis maoe-by an rnstrumenthaviug a two-pole probe or worn siagle-poleprobe may -u.nevenly be influenced by d'rcctron in wbich the magneticbasis metal has been cld to mechanicalworking (such as rolling), the cnanglng wrth the orientation of the probe on the 4-1.8Residuat magneGm in the by_reluctanc instrumenls employing rc field ts much smaller I'ields-Strong stray magnctic 90 Dy various typcs of elertrical interfcrc E'ith the operatiotr of Magnetic instruments of all contact with thc test surfaceand to foreign msterial that preyents probe and coating surface.Both probe should be kept free of of Coating-Sone magnetic instrubtwen200 and 2000 Hz. At
currctrts producd in thick. hicblv interfere with the readiDg.

5.3.2 Coated Standards-Thw.

measurements madeby instruments :1ls]lr.9f cgatinqsof known, uniform rhicfoes, per-uoeotty boDded to th subEtrale Eaterial.3 magletic lield. Its influeoce oD

calibration standards

equrpme[t, cau magDetic thickness 4.l.lO Foreign typsmust makc are, thercfore, mumateconhct the test surfacand forign material. 4 . 1 .I1
ments work at

fields, such as aI

thesefrcquencies, conductivecoatings presure with which Application ofthc coahng. ^_ 4.1.13Probe iple of magnetic tion of th magnct earth. Thus, th or upsidedowl or may be 5. C"libpdou of


readingsarc scnsitiveto the probe is appliedto the test spciEen. I should not b altowdto deform thc -InstruEenB .dng the prinmay be sensitiveto the orientarelatio^n to. thc field of gravity of tle ron ol aD inslrument in a horizontal may rcquire a ditrcrent calibration,

5.7 If tbe curvatureofthe coating to bc measured is such asto Fclude calibration on a flat surface,thc curvalur of thc coared standdd, or of the substraic on *tri"t tt calibration foil is plac.d, shall bc the same. " 6. Me{sudtrg hocedule 5.1 Opcrate each instrument in accordancewith the inslructionsof thc manufagturr giving appropriateattention to the factorslistcd in Section4.

5.1 Beforcuse,

accordauce with the of the maBufacturr,employiry suitableth standsds. 5,2 During usc, calibratioo shall bc chcckcd at frrquent iDten als,at onca day. Attention shall be giveo to the factors listed Section 4 and to the procedurcs dcscribcdin Scction 5.3 C:libration of known thicknessare available eithcr as shims foils or as coatcdspccimcns. 5.3.1 Calibrotiott

instrumeotshal be calibratrdin

! Cord- nrn rind. sfirb& fc D|!y rgCilrtir'| d6r t tt E Uod Dry b nrEt.|qt Foo rh. ff.! of Surd|rtt Rafr.!.r ltu i& t ttioorl trtriuf, Strrd|al Ed T.cblolonr, c.ilt t|bur|' MD zOS99, "r

{fi[ eass
validity of the demonstrated. for such a measurement has been
Do not make readings on a curved r.rnless the va.lidityofthe calibmtion for

surfac ofa

such a
6.3.4 Number mentvariability
effects, a readings.

hasbeendemonstraied. Readings-Because of normal instru_ in orderto minimizesurface roughness sball be the mean valueol ivera For measurement, make at least 3 readings, remoung the c a.ftcr each reading, and ayerage -iir,c, th readings. If any of rhe rcadings.differ }ioln euct uy morethan 5 % lheaverage rding or 2 pm, whichcver u the greater,then measurement shall be discardedand repeated. 6.3,4.2The or -coatrng or both may be too roughto meet u. rD sucha case it may tle possible to obtain a valid asurementby averaginga number of readings. To be unoer rtrrstest Eetho4 the validity of sucha proccdue q' demoDstrated (secAppeudix X l). ot the attractive forc type are sensi_ tive !o vibntions, readingsthar arc obvio*iy 7. Report shouldb "noneou, 6.3.5Direction M echanical luorking-lf the dnectron of mechaaicaln has a pronounced ellest on the reading,make measurement on the tst specimenwith tbe prob in same onentation as that usd dunng cIibration. If this impossible,make four measurements ln

7. 1.6 Opcrator identilication, and 6.3.6 Residual agnelism-Whel. residualmagnetism 7.1.7Da!d,. is presnt in the meu , whenusingtwo-pole instruments employinga y magneticlield make ms$urements 8. hecision rnd Blas in two diflering by 180.. Wirh single-pole instruments a statiooarymagneticfield, itiaay bc Decessary to rze. the test specimen to ge1 valid results, and this also be advisable with iwo.pole iDstruments. 6.3,7Su(ue :ss-Before making mcasuremenB, clea:rany foreign such as dirt, gease, and cormsion products &om surface without removing any coatiog matcrial. Avoid / -areashavlng visible defests"such as weldiryor llux, acid spols,dross,or oxide when


by rotating the probe in hcremenb of

Tbe maglet of an instrumcnt of type may stick to lead and lead allov coatings.Apply a ,/ery thin film of oil to improve rhi reproducibilityof and correct the measurement for
the thickocss of

6.3.8lzad the attmctive

that the sufac determined by Donsticking without the oil two coatings. 6.3.9

of appropriatc thicknes with and and taking the difiercnce betwecn&c Do not use rhis procedurwith other The readings obtainedmay dependon

)il film. Excss oil shallbewipedoff so vntpuy dry. The conectionmay be asunng the coatiDgthicknessof a

8.5 The prccision is being dctcrmined by round-robin tstn& 9, Keywords 9.1 coatigt thicknes; coatiogs; magnetic method: noDmagnetrc coagngs; thicknets; thicknesstcsting

e+se {$lh
ofthe ofa vallc$ aud thc magncticfield in thc neighborhood probedilfers ftom thst at a smooth surface.Iu thc cascofa probe relativeto and vallelrcof thc rough surface. rough substEt, the vallcys are filled witb costiBg marcrial is cslibratdwith a foil, the foil nsts but wheDthc iDsrrumcDt witb surfaceroughnes, but increase random Thes otr thc paksof thc subctrrte.A bias can be corrcctedfor if l0 or morc readings. can b reduccdby Xl.2 Roughness also iotroducea bias (sysrcmatic the magdtude of the biac can be dcttmiucd by microscop if cvcr,rcsts at thebottom icsl or olher measurcnents. rle seldom, error)becausc


on rough surfacesare subject to

with the poition of th instrumcnt

random rroB


u wa nstlor8ij

fhL fi ttd

J. .,th.ll lfu gvn ,l'pall,ry .'td tha rbk d htl luqrwn ol '/./f,' .l(r''l]tt,

tor f.(,lg ,,td tt''/etlf/A E aatrc '.'lfilut t!{f'f,'ll,8 h Hc tt;tfud. Utrts ot t/ts ldrrldatd et .','.f''t,

llta va[Ity d arryN.,E 'd,rb.d ll d./!'nfidjon

l1 dudlul a ''!gld d ll'. vaMty ol Jry t@ll


a a ndfr'g d th tlQot''r'Dy', Ocraarocgd to fsfl, fleattfttutart ylttr @ 'il.x'Evm !fi;dl,! qdul @tt(fur yottnaM ne ywr wtlar y* ney aeia. fi you@ tM lwr @dtttt{,'. rt tt ttd ,sl'Ett a l*.eU

'r'!,lt,o'la, .t'tLu.d 4,ay lM, lt Jtt mE h b BtaY& 1,1,!.ht dt nfra .rd JE ma trEhntrrt@tr'l''na tha r.ll,otlFJble topttslble t!,'ffil d rU oy thrra l,,'e by by h. vd b wblocl wbloa lo b r.,tLfan .ry,,.1 dt/tatr& ** ni!tr,ova or */nmr!n'n. Ydn @tnn:r,/ti ua ,r'/.,td dllw lq.rJblolt ol |/lfr aarld'ri or b' dttlhtrl

n ttp rcrN civrutainm g-d/:da, tU g.i ,atb, Dttt, Wst tu',rgt d.n, P tgn

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