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Missionaries: Eugene & Marian Morgan.

7541 Taxco Drive, El Paso, Texas

Forwarding Agent: Mrs. Eileen Ellington, 1107 Plum St., Marshall, Illinois
"Spanish Evangelism through Teaching and Printing
October 1965

Dear Christian Friends,

It is time to send out receipts as soon as we can get this letter written and sent out to you. The nnonths and weeks have gone by so
ins of chill in it, so fall weather is coming.

quickly and it is almost Christmas again. The weather has the fee The children are all busy in school so they keep out of mischief. Becky, our youngest, is in the third grade. 1wish we had some
For the past few weeks, since Gene came back from his trip in the East, he has been working hard to complete the first room of the new church building in Cd. Juarez. The main building is being started with the foundation in progress. We had the building full the first
recent pictures of them that we could send to yoa.

Sunday (so we need to have the Chapel done) with a wonderful fellow ship This past week Gene also went to the Mexican Christian Con

vention in Chihuahua. He was thrilled with the work there and when it was over brought back Bro Epifanio Gutierrez la student we taught at Mexican Bible Seminary) to preach Friday night at the new house of worship in Juarez. Bro. Bill Morgan and Bro. Freeman
Bump were also in attendance.

Marian is to take the State Board Examination for her nursing the 30th of Oct. in Austin. We hope this can open doors of opportunity

here in El Paso and Mexico. Perhaps even someday a Christian Clinic here on the border will be of great service to both the native

and missionary (Marians dream can someday become a reality with prayer and interest -- There certainly is a need!).
1. We must have about $300. 00 NOW to make the Cd. Juarez Chapel
usuable. Cold weather is close and we feel we must close this unit We have some urgent needs which we must bring before you now.

up for use this winter. Your gift marked "Building Fund" will
make this possible.

2, Christmas is almost here. We need towels, wash cloths, soap,

Children. Shoes and socks still badly needed to give out soon.

' pencils, crayons, socks, needles, thread, material, tooth paste,

tooth brushes, scissors, etc. to make it a good one for the Mexican

3 The Morgans must have some new regular support if they are to *continue full time in this effort. Our family has grown, the needs are greater and the financial aid has not grown in proportion.

WonU you, your Sunday School group, or your congregation take

this need under consideration and soon!
Yours for Him in Mexico,

The Eugene Morgan Family

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