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Compressed Air I An Introduction Energy University Course Transcript

Slide 1 Welcome to Compressed Air Systems I: An Introduction! This is the first in a series of compressed air system courses offered by Energy University. In this course, we will discuss the key factors that influence the efficiency of a compressed air system. In following courses, we will look at compressor types and control methods in more detail, study the supply and demand side components, and learn how to manage a compressed air system for best efficiency. Slide 2 For best viewing results, we recommend that you maximize your browser window now. The screen controls allow you to navigate through the eLearning experience. Using your browser controls may disrupt the normal play of the course. Click the Notes tab to read a transcript of the narration. Slide 3 At the completion of the course, you will be able to: Explain basic compressed air terms and concepts Describe the relative inefficiency of compressed air as a power source Define the supply and demand sides of a compressed air system and Identify the components of a compressed air system and explain what they do Slide 4 Compressed air is widely used throughout industry. It is sometimes called the fourth utility, after electricity, gas and water. From mining, lumber and paper mills, petroleum, chemical, textile and glass production to small manufacturing plants and hotels, compressed air provides critical services and can often represent the majority of the facility energy costs. It powers pneumatic tools, conveyors, hoists, pumps and machines. In processes, it is used for aeration, filtration, dehydration, oxidation and fractionation. Slide 5 Since many facilities cannot function without compressed air, reliability is paramount, but given that sound operating practices can reduce energy consumption by 20% to 50%, efficiency is high on the agenda. Compressed air is a utility. It is normally the most expensive utility in manufacturing environments and many times not managed for low cost. Since it is not normally hazardous, it is often overlooked as a source for savings. Slide 6 Compressed air systems can be divided into a supply side and a demand side. The supply side deals with how compressed air of the required quality should be efficiently produced. The demand side focuses on how compressed air is distributed and utilized for productive use. Slide 7 Why is compressed air so popular? Tools that are powered with air are usually smaller and lighter than ones driven by electric motors. They also have a full range of speed and torque settings and achieve the required speed and torque quickly. Safety is also a factor air tools do not produce sparks and dont make much heat.

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So whats the downside? Unfortunately, compressed air is a very inefficient method of doing work. A great deal of energy is consumed to generate compressed air and to treat it to achieve the desired temperature and dryness. Some of that energy is then lost in the process of distribution to friction and normal pressure drop. Compressed air is also prone to be misused. But the major inefficiency of compressed air energy is rejected in the form of HEAT. 60 to 80% of the power consumed by the prime mover is converted into heat, which is normally unusable in the compressed air system. Taking all the losses into account, only about 10% of the power consumed by a compressed air system arrives at the point of use! Slide 8 Lets take some time now to investigate an example of the relative inefficiency of compressed air. METRIC EXAMPLE:

Here we can see the relationship between an electric motor and an air motor. Consider a process such as paint mixing. In our example, an air compressor is providing compressed air to an air motor to perform the mixing process. The example above shows the performance of the air motor. To provide an output of 0.75 kW the motor must be supplied with 50 CMH of air. Now lets think about the motor inside the air compressor. The motor of our air compressor needs 11 kW of power to make 100 CMH of compressed air. We only need 50 CMH, so lets do a simple conversion! 50 CMH / 100 CMH = 0.5 hundred CMH Now we can put this number in a simple equation: 0.5 (100 CMH) * 11 (kW/100 CMH) = 5.5 kW To make 50 CFM of compressed air, the compressor requires 5.5 kW of power at the compressor shaft. But remember our information - with 50 CMH input the air motor is providing an output of 0.75 kW. Electrical Power 5.5 kW Compressed Air 50 CMH Power for Paint Mixing 0.75 kW This is around 5.5 kW compressor power for 0.75 kW of power at the point of use. Over 7 times as much power is applied at the compressor as is supplied by the air motor. In this case, only about 14% of the power input to the compressor is available at the point of use. US CUSTOMARY EXAMPLE:
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Here we see the relationship between an electric motor and an air motor. Consider a process such as paint mixing. In our example, an air compressor is providing compressed air to an air motor to perform the mixing process. The example above shows the performance of the air motor. To provide an output of 1 hp the motor must be supplied with 30 CFM of air. Now lets think about the motor inside the air compressor. The motor of our air compressor needs 25 hp of power to make 100 CFM of compressed air. We only need 30 CFM, so lets do a simple conversion. 30 CFM / 100 CFM = 0.3 hundred CFM. Now we can put this number in a simple equation 0.3 (100 CMH) * 25 (hp/100 CMH) = 7.5 hp To make 30 CFM of compressed air, the compressor requires 7.5 hp of power at the compressor shaft. But remember our information - with 30 CFM input the air motor is providing an output of 1 hp. Electrical Power 7.5 hp Compressed Air 30 CFM Power for Paint Mixing 1.0 hp This is over 7.5 hp compressor horsepower for 1 horsepower at the point of use. Over 7 times as much power is applied at the compressor as is supplied by the air motor. In this case, only about 14% of the power input to the compressor is available at the point of use.

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Illustrating the results

In the example we just reviewed, only about 14% of the power input to the compressor was available at the point of use. As you can see on this chart, the rest is lost to heat and other inefficiencies. However, simple cost effective measures can address many of these inefficiencies to obtain savings of 30% or more. Slide 9 Optimization of compressed air systems represents one of the largest industrial energy efficiency opportunities. Lack of information has been a primary barrier to realizing substantial improvements in the efficiency, reliability, and productivity of industrial compressed air systems. The efficiency of compressed air systems typically receives little attention for a number of reasons: Systems are not well understood by plant operations staff Modifying a system is perceived as a risk to production Vendors compete in a market where equipment is typically sold on a lowest first bid, without regard for the cost of operation
2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

Slide 10 Lets look at costs. The energy and operating costs of a compressed air system are far higher than the cost of the compressor itself. Over the lifetime of a compressed air system, approximately 80% of the total cost of ownership is electricity. This can represent hundreds of thousands of euros or dollars. Initial capital costs are just 9%. In a typical water-cooled system, water runs at about 8% and maintenance at 3%.

Compressed Air System TCO 8% 3% 9%

Energy Water Maintenance Capital


Often, system improvements can result in electricity savings of 20 to 50%. Evidently, there is far more benefit in good management of the system, than there is in focusing on the initial purchase price of compressors and equipment. Other benefits of a well managed system include reduced maintenance, less downtime, increased production and improved product quality. Slide 11 Air compressors, blowers and fans are all types of equipment that interact with air or other gases. How do they differ? A fan moves large amounts of gas with low increase in pressure generally up to 0.4 bar g or 5 psig A blower is a machine for moving volumes of a gas with moderate increase of pressure up to 1 bar g or 15 psig. A compressor is a machine for raising a gas - a compressible fluid - to a higher level of pressure greater than 1bar g or 15 psig. Slide 12 To understand how to optimize the compressed air system, there are some basic terms and concepts that we need to learn. Pressure is measured in bars or kilopascals in SI units, and pounds per square inch or PSI in US units. 1 bar is 100 kPa. Pressure can be measured from two different base points. Absolute pressure is measured from the datum of a perfect vacuum. It is indicated by adding an a to the
2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

unit of measurement - bar a or psia. A perfect vacuum has a pressure of 0 bar a or 0 psia. Gauge pressure is the pressure measured from the datum of the atmospheric pressure. Although in reality the atmospheric pressure will depend upon the climate and the height above sea level, a generally accepted value of 1.013 bar a or 14.7 psia is often used, and is defined as 1 atmosphere. This is the average pressure exerted by the air of the earth's atmosphere at sea level. So effectively gauge pressure is shown on a standard gauge and indicates the pressure above atmospheric pressure. It is measured in bars g in SI units, or psig in US units. It follows that Gauge pressure = Absolute pressure - Atmospheric pressure Slide 13 In terms of volume, air is typically measured in cubic meters in SI units, and cubic feet in US units. When air is pressurized, it is squeezed into a smaller volume. This relationship between pressure and volume is fundamental. A standard volume of air is an important concept to understand. A standard cubic meter of air is a cubic meter of air under specific conditions of temperature, pressure and humidity.

For Standard Air, The Compressed Air & Gas Institute and PNEUROP have adopted the definition used in ISO standards. This is air at 1 bar, 20 degrees C and dry (0% relative humidity). If we take this standard volume and compress it to one-eighth, its volume is smaller and pressure has increased. In this case however, it is still a standard volume of air when referenced back to standard pressure, and temperature since moisture has not been added or removed. For example atmospheric pressure is 1 bar a. When we compress that same volume of air to 7 bar g or 8 bar a, the actual volume is reduced significantly during compression. It is now one-eighth (0.125) of a cubic meter in actual volume. Note that it is still a standard cubic meter volume of air, since air has neither been added nor removed. Although the actual volume is smaller when compressed, the standard volume of both these cubes of air at standard conditions is the same.

2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.


A standard cubic foot of air is a cubic foot of air under specific conditions of temperature, pressure and humidity. For Standard Air, The Compressed Air & Gas Institute and PNEUROP have adopted the definition used in ISO standards. This is air at 14.5 psia, 68 degrees F, and dry (0% relative humidity). If we take this standard volume and compress it to one-eighth, its volume is smaller and pressure has increased. In this case however, it is still a standard volume of air when referenced back to standard pressure, and temperature since moisture has not been added or removed. For example atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia. When we compress that same volume of air to 100 psig or 114.7 psia, the actual volume is reduced significantly during compression. It is now one-eighth (0.125) of a cubic foot in actual volume. Note that it is still a standard cubic foot volume of air, since air has neither been added nor removed. Although the actual volume is smaller when compressed, the standard volume of both these cubes of air at standard conditions is the same. Slide 14 There are a number of terms that are used to describe volume flow. Inlet flow is volume flow referenced from the conditions at the compressor inlet. Actual flow is volume flow referenced from the actual conditions of flow wherever it is measured, for example within the compressor or in the compressed air system. The actual conditions of flow within the compressor and system will have higher pressure than the inlet. FAD or free air delivered is volume flow delivered by the compressor referenced to the ambient air conditions.

2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

Slide 15 Standard flow is flow related to standard conditions. Those standard conditions are: 1 bar a, 20C, and 0% relative humidity in SI units The equivalent in US units is 14.5 psia, 68F, and 0% relative humidity. Note that inlet standard flow may be more than supplied standard flow due to losses at the seals, and intercooler losses. These different flows may be expressed in a variety of units, and with a variety of acronyms, depending on the country. In metric units you may see cubic metres per minute or per hour. It might be written like this m3/m, written like this m3/h or abbreviated to CMM or CMH. You may also see centimetres or decimetres used instead of metres. You may also occasionally see litres used. In US customary units you will often see cubic feet per minute, abbreviated to CFM. You may also see hundreds of CFM used as a convenient unit, written 100 CFM. In acronyms, S is for Standard, A is for Actual and I is for Inlet. So SCMM is standard cubic metres per minute. ICFM is inlet cubic feet per minute. Slide 16 Capacity is a term used to describe the full rated volume of flow of air. Capacity is the volume of flow of compressed air delivered by the compressor at full load according to the designer specifications. FAD is reduced by aging, poor maintenance, fouled filters, heat exchangers. Energy loss is approximately the percentage deviation between actual FAD and original FAD per the designed capacity. Slide 17 The cost of operating a compressor at full load is proportional primarily to the volume (mass) of air that is compressed, and the operating pressure ratio of compression. Compressed air volume flow is represented by a V with a dot above. The pressure ratio is given by bar a at exit divided by bar a at inlet. In US units this would be psia at exit divided by psia at inlet. Slide 18 Dew point is the temperature at which condensation begins to occur. Pressure dew point is the temperature at which condensation will begin to occur at a given pressure. A given mass of an air mixture will have a different dew point at different pressures.

Slide 19 The amount of compressed air and the pressure it is delivered at are two important factors in selecting the supply side components of the system. However there are other quality attributes of proper compressed air which are essential to the productivity of the plant and end-use requirements of its output. Requirements will vary depending on the end-use of the air. For example, air used in a food manufacturing plant, or for filling diving tanks, must meet higher standards than air used to spray paint or to drive a hydraulic tool. Compressed air must meet requirements for: Cleanliness, which means it must be free of particulates and contaminants; Dryness - dryness is related to the pressure-dew point of the delivered air; and Oil content - depending on the type of compressor, lubricant mist may pass from the compressor along the compressed air, which may be unwelcome on the demand side.
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Slide 20

The supply-side of the system produces compressed air of the required quality. The demand-side distributes compressed air to the point of use, and includes the air tools themselves. 1. On the supply-side the first component is the intake filter. This removes particulates and water from the incoming ambient air. If not removed, dirt and moisture will flow downstream causing maintenance problems, product rejects, and costly downtime. 2. The intake filter leads to the compressor, which compresses atmospheric air into a useful and versatile utility. Depending on the design of the compressor, lubricants such as oil may be added to keep moving parts working smoothly. The compressor is driven by a prime mover, typically an electrical motor, equipped with a motor starter. The air that leaves the compressor will contain ambient moisture that was not trapped by the intake filter, and traces of lubricant.
2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

3. Following the compressor is the after cooler. When the air is compressed, its temperature increases. The after cooler cools the air to a suitable temperature. When the air temperature is reduced, moisture will condense out. Up to 70% of the moisture in the air is removed by the after cooler. 4. A separator is installed after the aftercooler to complete the separation of the condensed liquids from the air 5. and deliver the condensate to an automatic drain. 6. The air leaves the separator and enters the primary receiver. This is storage for the compressed air supply. The air in this receiver has been cooled, and any moisture that condensed out has been removed, but this air still contains a lot of moisture in vapor form in fact the air is saturated with moisture, which still has to be removed. 7. When required, the compressed air passes through a prefilter. This improves performance, reliability and service life of the dryer. 8. The dryer condenses and removes moisture. Without this step, moisture would condense in the distribution piping and at the point of use, which could cause corrosion and quality problems. 9. Following the dryer a device called a cold coalescer condenses and removes oil vapors. This is the most efficient location for this step of the process. 10. After that, an adsorber removes leftover traces of oil and water vapors and 11. An afterfilter removes any leftover particles. 12. If used, a Control Receiver and Pressure Flow Controller can provide fine pressure regulation at minimum pressure to minimize leakage losses and improve productivity. From this point the air enters the demand side. 13. It travels through the distribution piping to end uses. 14. Secondary receivers provide storage for short-tem intermittent demand loads in the plant. 15. After the secondary receiver the air may pass through filters, lubricators, and regulators to provide final filtering, lubrication and pressure control before reaching the point of use. 16. A well designed system will deliver compressed air of the appropriate quality to the points of use. Slide 21 Lets summarize some of the information that weve discussed in this course. This course introduced you to basic compressed air terms and concepts. We learned that compressed air as a source of power is relatively inefficient. However, it can be very useful and necessary at times; compressed air systems are normally broken down into supply and demand side components; and you should now be able to identify basic components of a compressed air system and explain what they do. In the following courses in this series well focus on the compressor itself. Then well look at other supply and demand side equipment in more detail, and action plans for best efficiency. Slide 22 Thank you for participating in this course.

2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

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