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Apple`s ways of monitoring Apple Inc., formerly Apple Computer, Inc.

, is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California[2] that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod music player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its consumer software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media browser, the Safari web browser, and the iLife and iWork creativity and production suites. The company was founded on April 1, 1976, and incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. on January 3, 1977.[6] The word "Computer" was removed from its name on January 9, 2007, reflecting its shifted focus towards consumer electronics after the introduction of the iPhone Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company by revenue after Samsung Electronics, and the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia.[10] Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world from 2008 to 2012.[11][12][13][14][15] However, the company has received criticism for its contractors' labor practices, and for Apple's own environmental and business practices.[16][17][18] Apple is a world-leading computer engineering and software company, and its products include the MacBook, iPhone, iPad, and iMac. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple has operations across the United States, both in corporate and retail settings. Incorporated in 1977, Apple was founded by and is still currently run by Chief Operating Officer Steve Jobs. As a company, Apple is committed to corporate social responsibility in areas like the environment and business partnerships, to ensure that its products have as little impact on the environment as possible, and that its employees and partner employees are treated well. As an employer, Apple seeks Apple people, meaning those who are passionate about their careers and who want to be a part of something extraordinary. With telecommuting and in-office positions available in areas like marketing, operations, human resources, finance, engineering, sales, and retail, Apple offers a flexible and inspiring work environment. Researched & Written by FlexJobs Staff Employees have also been forbidden from showing the iOS 7 beta to Apple Store customers. According to retail workers who spoke to 9to5Mac, Apple is "super strict" about all iOS 7 usage in store. "We could get fired for showing a customer iOS 7 on our phones because of the Apple Developer NDA agreement," said one employee. Apple tiene unas estupendas oficinas tanto en su central de Cupertino como en las sedes que tiene repartidas por todo el mundo, pero a nadie se le escapa que parte de la plantilla manzanera trabaja desde sus casas. Y no cabe duda: del mismo modo con el que Apple controla lo que pasa entre el personal que acude a las oficinas, tambin tiene sus mtodos para monitorizar a los teletrabajadores. Y en este caso Apple no slo tiene que controlar lo que puede hacer el empleado: tambin tiene que verificar que est en su puesto de trabajo durante toda la jornada y que est trabajando y no perdiendo el tiempo por internet. La compaa tiene a una buena cantidad de personal de asistencia al cliente que trabaja hablando por telfono desde casa, ahorrndose as tener que construir un centro de llamadas. Todo viene explicado de dos personas que han estado en esta situacin y han hablado con TechCrunch Cmo puede Apple controlar que todos esos empleados estn trabajando desde sus casas cumpliendo con el horario establecido y verificando que estn realmente trabajando? Sucede en las primeras cuatro semanas de entrenamiento, donde adems de formarte tambin ests en un periodo de prueba en el que la compaa puede decidir si seguir contigo o no. Y no tiene que ser muy fcil, porque al final de cada semana hay un examen.

Para controlar que ests en el puesto de trabajo y delante del ordenador, un responsable de tu formacin te va enviando mensajes que pueden ser preguntas o simples solicitudes para que rellenes algn que otro dato. Si lo llenas demuestras automticamente que ests donde debes estar. La compaa tambin detecta actividad en tu mquina de trabajo basndose slo en los movimientos del cursor: si no lo mueves durante un buen rato puede ser un indicativo de que no ests trabajando. De este modo, si se detecta que no hemos movido el ratn en un periodo de tiempo determinado, Apple pide que respondamos a una pregunta o llenemos algn dato para confirmar que estamos all. Si no respondemos a esa pregunta, un responsable nos llama por telfono para comprobar que estamos en nuestro puesto de trabajo. Y eso no es todo: pueden surgir videoconferencias sorpresa en cualquier momento, y nada mejor que ver a tu empleado mediante FaceTime para comprobar que cumple con las normas. Hay otros detalles, pero ya son cosas ms comunes de las empresas estadounidenses: sesiones en los que los empleados cuentan lo que quieran de sus vidas, regalos para que formen parte de la familia, das en los que hay que llevar un sombrero extrao en el trabajo pero los mtodos que usa Apple para que los teletrabajadores no aprovechen de mala manera la ventaja de estar en sus casas son cuanto menos curiosos. Y debates aparte, los testigos de la fuente aseguran que funcionan. As que si tenis pensado dejar el currculum para uno de estos puestos de trabajo, ser mejor que estis atentos porque os evaluarn desde el primer minuto. Few companies, indeed, are more secretive than Apple, or as punitive to those who dare violate the companys rules on keeping tight control over information. Employees have been fired for leaking news tidbits to outsiders, and the company has been known to spread disinformation about product plans to its own workers. They make everyone super, super paranoid about security, said Mark Hamblin, who worked on the touch-screen technology for the iPhone and left Apple last year. I have never seen anything else like it at another company. Employees working on top-secret projects must pass through a maze of security doors, swiping their badges again and again and finally entering a numeric code to reach their offices, according to one former employee who worked in such areas. Work spaces are typically monitored by security cameras, this employee said. Some Apple workers in the most critical product-testing rooms must cover up devices with black cloaks when they are working on them, and turn on a red warning light when devices are unmasked so that everyone knows to be extracareful, he said. Apple employees are often just as surprised about new products as everyone else.

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