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SPP 201

SPP 201 or the Pre-Design Services is the phase before conceptualization. It involves 1) Economic Feasibility Studies (whether the project is cost-efficient and if it would give a return and gain to the owner / client); 2) Project Financing (determining whether there would be a financing agency all about finance negotiations); 3) Architectural Programming (this part identifies the needs of the clients and users it investigates what would help develop the users and land use); 4) Site Selection and Analysis (it investigates the plausibility of the site for the proposed land use and the macro and micro analysis of the physical and social properties); 5) Site Utilization and Land-Use Studies (detailed study for the development and maximization of the uncovering of the potential of land use); 6) Space / Management Studies (involve the analysis of the required spaces derived from the functions of an organizational structure and the development of the circulation and interaction of spaces); and 7) Promotional Services (marketing of the project to attract financial aids and investors). The method for compensation for this type of services is based on a multiple of direct personnel expenses and is based on the number of technical hours spent on the project with a multiplier.

SPP 202
SPP 202 is the Architects Design Services. This document covers 6 information on design services which are 1) regular services; 2) project; 3) schedule of minimum basic fee; 4) payment schedule; 5) owner responsibilities; and 6) other conditions on services. Regular design services are divided up into 4 parts. The first phase is the schematic design phase where the architect consults with the owner and seeks for his approval on his concepts and design solutions. Here, the architect submits to the owner a Statement of Probable Construction Cost. The second phase is the design development phase where plans, elevations, sections, details, and perspectives are produced by the architect. Also here, the architect updates the owner on the Statement of Probable Construction Cost. After this is the Contract Documents Phase. From the Design Development Documents, the architect now prepares the complete Construction Drawings along with the Specifications. The architect provides the owner 5 sets of these documents. With this, the architects design phase is over. Finally, the construction phase takes place. This is where the contractors and bidders come in. The architect assists the owner in choosing the right bidder for the project construction and, thus, supervises (by construction milestones) the implementation of his plans by the contractor Minimum basic fee is determined by the kind and difficulty of the project. For Group-1 (simplest structures with no complicated design), the minimum fee to be compensated to the architect is 6% of the construction cost. For Group-2 (moderate complexity of design), the minimum fee is 7% of the construction cost. Group-3 (exceptional character and complexity of design) requires a minimum of 8%; Group-4 (residences) is 10%; Group-5 (monumental requiring consummate design) is 10%; Group-6 (repetitive construction of building for prototype designs) compensates minimum basic fee for the first construction, 80% of basic fee for the second, 60% for the third, and 40% for succeeding structures; and so on.

Schedule of payment by the owner to the architect requires that the owner compensate 5% of the minimum basic fee to the architect upon the signing of the contract. Upon the completion of the Schematic Design Services, payment made is increased to 15%. After the Design Development Phase, up to 35% is paid. Upon the signing of the Contract Documents, the total amount paid should be 85% of the minimum basic fee based on the probable construction cost. After the awarding of winning bid, 85% of the basic fee computed upon the winning bid should have been compensated. The remaining 15% would be compensated to the architect upon his request during various phases of the construction.

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