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Status Code: 1 The requested operation was partially successful

A problem that may require corrective action was detected during the requested operation.
Status Code 1

What type of client backup?

File System

NetBackup Database Agent

NetBackup Feature Product

Resolve file or file system issues.


Are there problems with the files being backed up? NO

Fix the backup selection or the backup selection list problem


Is the policy backup selection list correct? YES

Make the files list match the file system structure


Is the file list structure correct? YES

Operating system or resource issue

NetBackup configuration issue

NetBackup Binaries

Known NetBackup Database Agent backup issues

Enable feature specific logging

NetBackup configuration issue

NetBackup Binaries

It is important to remember a Status Code 1 is one of two status codes which indicates a successful backup job (Status Code 0 is the other). The difference between Status Code 0 and Status Code 1 is that something unexpected happened during the course of the backup job if a Status Code 1 is generated. The most common cause of Status Code 1 is one or more files could not be read by the backup job. Often a reconfiguration of the policy backup selection list or client exclude list can resolve this problem. As shown in the flowchart above, all three backup types (file system, database agent, and feature) can generate a Status Code 1 if the policy backup selection list is incorrect. This TechNote discusses how to evaluate and resolve Status Code 1.

Table of Contents:
1 Places to look for more information on the Status Code 1........................................................................2 1.1 File system backups.......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Database Agent.................................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Feature Product.................................................................................................................................. 2 2 Files locked by another process............................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Activity Monitor Errors........................................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Problems Report Errors...................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Bpbkar Log File Errors....................................................................................................................... 2 3 Determine if the file that was skipped needs to be backed up. ................................................................3 3.1 Non-critical OS file.............................................................................................................................. 3 3.2 Critical user file................................................................................................................................... 3

Status Code 1: The requested operation was partially successful

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1 Places to look for more information on the Status Code 1.

To see more detail about the job there are several places to look:

1.1 File system backups.

If the backup is a file system backup, review three general areas for more information on the Status Code 1: Activity Monitor | Job Details | Status window. NBU Problems report Bpbkar log on the client

1.2 Database Agent.

Backups using the NetBackup Database Agent frequently have unique logging directories to enable and review. If the backup with the Status Code 1 used a NetBackup database agent, review: NBU Problems report User_ops/dbext Oracle: DBCLIENT log on client, RMAN script output log SAP: backint log on client, brrestore script output log DB2: bpdb2 log on client Informix: infxbsa log on client, BAR script output log, BAR_act log SQL: DBCLIENT log on the client.

1.3 Feature Product.

Like the database extensions, feature products frequently log to a unique logging directory, which should be enabled and reviewed. Review the following for more details: Activity Monitor NBU Problems Report Vault: vault log and vault session directory from the master Advanced Client: online_util and bpfis logs from the master NDMP: bptm log, ndmp log from the master

2 Files locked by another process.

A file locked by another process is one of the common causes of a status code 1. This problem generates unique logging, and is found in three distinct locations:

2.1 Activity Monitor Errors.

1/25/2005 1:51:55 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2988) from client taylor: ERR - failure reading file: C:\Outlook\PaperBase.pst (WIN32 33: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. )

2.2 Problems Report Errors.

1/25/2005 1:51:55 PM taylor taylor Error 1749 Backup from client taylor: ERR failure reading file: C:\Outlook\PaperBase.pst (WIN32 33: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. )

2.3 Bpbkar Log File Errors.

1:51:54.937 PM: [912.2712] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: ERR - failure reading file: C:\Outlook\PaperBase.pst (WIN32 33: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. )

Status Code 1: The requested operation was partially successful

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3 Determine if the file that was skipped needs to be backed up.

3.1 Non-critical OS file.
If the skipped file or files is a transient OS data file (e.g. the Windows swap file), then there is no business reason to back it up. In this case, examine the Policys Backup Selection List and see if a correction needs to be made. If the Policys Backup Selection List is incorrect, adjust it accordingly. If the Policys Backup Selection List is using a globally inclusive parameter like All Local Drives, it may be preferable to implement a client-specific Exclude List to skip the file during backup and thus avoid the status code 1.

3.2 Critical user file.

If the specified file or files are critical and need to be backed up, it is time to determine why the file was skipped. In the log example above, it reads WIN32 33: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. This indicates that another process on the client computer is using the file and NetBackup cannot obtain an exclusive lock on the file to read it. It is important to know more about the file specified. In this example, NetBackup was unable to read this Microsoft Outlook .pst file. Because Microsoft Outlook was running, this database file was locked. In order to remove Outlooks lock on this .pst file, it is necessary to close the application Microsoft Outlook before performing the backup. NetBackup cannot backup an active database file. Often, NetBackup attempts to backup objects which can only be backed up using additional software, like a NetBackup Database Agent. If a client houses a database like Exchange, Oracle, SQL, etc., two Policies should be configured for this client. One Policy would backup the file system, and the other Policy would use the database agent to backup the database.

4. Links:
Click here to search for other documents related to Status Code 1
Click below to perform a search on the following relevant items: Locked files Backup open files

Status Code 1: The requested operation was partially successful

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