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Book reviews

Brand Royalty: How the world’s top

100 brands thrive and survive
by Matt Haig
Kogan Page Ltd, UK; 2004; ISBN 0 7494 4257 3; 288pp plus 16pp colour
illustrations; hardback; £18.99

This book is a very enjoyable and ‘‘ultimate’’ experience’, and ‘Focus:

stimulating tour round some of the Although BMW has made the odd
success stories from the world of mistake of moving too far up- or
branding. Author Matt Haig acknow- downmarket, it has generally kept the
ledges that there doubtlessly will be kind of tight focus necessary for any
objections to some of the brands corporate brand’. Although these ob-
contained within what he has chosen as servations may be somewhat trite, the
his world’s top 100 brands, while vast majority of the cases discussed in
defending his choice on the basis that the book are done so in an extremely
the spectrum of brands covered allows incisive and entertaining manner.
for vivid demonstration of some of For the 17 chapters that comprise the
the common themes that characterise book, Haig has used a taxonomy that
durably successful brands. Haig puts categorises brands in various ways, for
brands and branding in the context of example, ‘Innovation brands’ such as
wider society by stating that through Adidas, Sony, Hoover and Toyota;
the invention of a new product ‘Pioneer brands’ such as Gillette,
category or the radical change of an old Kleenex, Wrigley and Heinz; ‘Distrac-
one, a brand becomes more than a tion brands’ such as MTV, Harry Potter
machine for making money; it be- and Disney; ‘Streamlined brands’ such
comes an influencer on society, chang- as Cosmopolitan, Nokia and Toys ‘R’
ing the nature of everyday life. Us; ‘Muscle brands’ such as IBM,
‘Brand Royalty’ consists of a series Wal-Mart and Microsoft; ‘Distinction
of 100 vignettes, each easily digestible brands’ such as Evian, Duracell and
at an average of three or four pages’ Heineken; ‘Status brands’ such as
length, summarised with a ‘Secrets of Rolex, Courvoisier, Burberry and
Success’ list of bullet points. Of course Gucci; ‘People brands’ such as David
such brevity can lead to superficiality, Beckham, Jennifer Lopez and Oprah
as in the case of the BMW vignette Winfrey; and ‘Responsibility brands’
where the secrets of success are given such as Ben & Jerry’s, Cafedirect and
as ‘Definition: A BMW defines its Seeds of Change. This taxonomy gives
owner. It says the owner is likely to a solid structure and flow to the book
be wealthy, adrenalin-seeking, com- that otherwise would be a haphazard
petitive, driven and looking for an collection of anecdotes and analysis.


The opening vignette in the book Haig describes how the company
focuses on Adidas, tracing the back- was launched in 1851 and grew its
ground of the company, its relationship reputation during the American Civil
to Nike and, as with all the other War when it transported supplies to
brands featured in the book, a sum- the eventually victorious Union army.
mary of what Haig perceives to be From a branding perspective, the
the secrets of the brand’s success. For company is shown to have set itself the
Adidas, one success factor is identified ambitious goal of becoming the world’s
as the way that Adidas keeps its his- most respected service brand, and as
tory alive through its sports heritage one means of achieving this it has
division. Haig observes that far from successfully managed the transition
making the brand seem stuffy and out- from a prestige to a populist brand.
dated, its ‘old-school’ ranges are con- The ability to evolve is thus identified
sidered the most fashionable among the as one of Federal Express’s secrets of
hip-hop community. success.
The following vignette looks at Whereas Federal Express is cited
Sony, whose secrets of success are as an example of a company that
judged to include a distrust of market has skilfully evolved from prestige to
research and a belief in buzz. As populist brand, Haig warns that this
regards a distrust of market research, transition is a risky one. He illustrates
this refers to the famous case of the this danger with the example of Mer-
Sony Walkman where market research cedes-Benz’s introduction of cheaper
prior to the product’s introduction was cars to its traditionally very expen-
very negative but Sony pressed ahead sive range. Haig pithily comments that
anyway and was richly rewarded for its ‘people who drive a Mercedes-Benz
belief in its product. Akito Morita of like to feel superior; whether they
Sony is quoted as saying, ‘I do not continue to feel superior when every-
believe that any amount of market one can afford one remains to be
research could have told us that it seen’.
would have been successful . . . The The importance of appropriate new
public does not know what is possible. product development is crucial in
We do.’ While such a statement could brand management, discussed here in
be construed as arrogant, it encapsu- the context of the Kleenex brand.
lates the faith that innovators must Haig’s view is that the Kleenex product
possess to avoid being deterred from has been varied and reinvented almost
taking necessary risks. The other secret continually over the last eight decades
of Sony’s success alluded to above, a and that such variations inject new life
belief in buzz, refers to the time into the brand without extending it
when the Walkman first appeared in into inappropriate categories, as a
Japan and Sony workers walked the result of which Kleenex is still solely
streets of their native Tokyo with associated with tissues. A similarly
Walkmans strapped to them, thus sensitive approach to new product
creating a valuable buzz around this development is evinced by MTV, a
new product. global brand that adapts its content not
One of the most interesting cases in only to each geographic market, but
the book is that of Federal Express. also to the musical tastes of each


market niche. MTV is also shown to When it comes to concluding what

be a good example of how to deal with sets apart the durably successful brands
the problem faced by any youth brand, featured in ‘Brand Royalty’ from less
namely that eventually your audience successful brands, Haig suggests that
outgrows you. MTV has dealt with this the examples in this book are successful
problem by setting up VH1, ‘a music not because they conform to a neat
channel aimed at a slightly older and little set of laws that apply to all brands
calmer viewership’. but because they follow their own
Another youth brand analysed by individual path with confidence; suc-
Haig is the jeans brand Diesel, whose cessful brands are similar in that they all
pioneering self-referential advertising have a clear vision, but that vision is
lampoons the over-inflated claims of never the same. The reader should find
rival brands that promise to improve or plenty of inspiration and ideas regard-
add meaning to our lives simply by ing clarity of vision and distinct brand
selling us a pair of jeans. The author identity throughout this well-written,
describes how Diesel deliberately ad- very well-informed book.
vertises a kitsch, uncool, 1950s-style
ethos, which paradoxically makes it Keith Dinnie
even cooler. Book Review Editor

Creating Passion Brands

by Helen Edwards and Derek Day
Kogan Page, London; 2005; ISBN 0 7494 43707; 238pp; paperback; £25

The blandness of consumer-led brands slavish devotion to consumer whims

is the central theme underpinning this and directives, is leading brands on
intellectually invigorating book. Ed- a road to nowhere’. Their proposed
wards and Day contend that the obses- solution lies in creating the passion
sive consumer-centric focus of most of brands of the book’s title, brands which
today’s brands results not so much in remain true to themselves, maintaining
customer satisfaction or delight, but a keen awareness of consumer attitudes
rather in a drab homogeneity wherein but leading these attitudes rather than
brands strive to pander to fickle con- following them.
sumer whims rather than boldly assert- CEOs, marketing professionals and
ing their own brand personality. The MBA students are the stated target
authors take the view that ‘current market for this book. Perhaps for this
brand management practice, with its reason, some flattery is thrown in the


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