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Vol. LI No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1983 2icwits

Catholic bishops Afghan government forces massacre civilians

NEW YORK - Afghan government the killings, calling on the government included Dr. Hassan Kakar, a historian
issue famine appeal forces are reported to have killed 120
unarmed villagers in Logar province,
to establish an inquiry into the incidents
and urging the authorities to charge and
of international repute; Fazl Rabbi
Pazhwak, professor of law and former
An appeal ofthe Ukrainian Catho­ south of the capital of Kabul, in August try the responsible officials if the chancellor of Kabul University, and Dr.
lic bishops in the U.S.A. commemo­ 1982, according to information reach­ allegations proved correct. Tarzi, a lecturer in law at the university.
rating the tragic 50th anniversary of ing Amnesty International recently. AI also protested to the Afghan According to information received by
the artificially created Great Famine The killings are reported by Al's government about the execution of 10 AI, there is no evidence that the three
in Ukraine. sources to have taken place in the village anti-government "rebels" on December men were involved in any acts of
of Keshem Kale. No further details are 4, 1982, and appealed for the commuta­ violence. The organization urged the
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Chris!: yet available. tion of the death sentences passed on six government to ensure that the three
The sacred scriptures warn us to be In another widely reported massacre other men in two separate trials in men were released immediately or
carefuHrrot to enact unjust laws. in mid-September, government forces December. These death sentences were charged and tried in open court if they
"Woe to those who enact unjust are alleged to have killed 10S unarmed the first to be reported in the Afghan had committed any criminal acts.
statutes and who write oppressive people in the village of Padkhwab-e- press for over a year. AI has recently received a list of 15
decrees" (Isaiah 10,1). Fifty years ago Shana, also south of the capital. In its letter, the international human- women reportedly detained in prison in
in Ukraine a most tragic event took On January 25, AI wrote to Af­ rights organization also inquired about Afghanistan for political reasons and is
place wherein millions of people ghanistan's president, Babrak Karmal, the reasons for the detention of several currently investigating the reasons for
perished in an artificially contrived expressing concern about the reports of academics arrested in May 1982. They their detention.
famine, engineered by the godless
regime of Soviet Moscow. In order to
physically compel the agricultural
class of eastern Ukraine to join the State Department holds seminar Ukrainian groups
collective fanning concept of the
state and in order to do away with
free enterprise, a diabolic plan was
consolidate forces
for East European ethnic press editors
conceived to literally destroy the
breadwinners of the nation. Entire
by Dr. Walter Dushnyck Another high-ranking diplomat,
asked about the possibility of reopen­
to aid Polovchak
towns and villages starved to death, WASHINGTON - A special se­ ing the U.S. Consulate in Kiev, said: "It NEWARK, N.J. - "At the age of 12,
ironically in the land that has been minar on U.S. policy on Eastern Europe was a great error to have closed the U.S. Walter Polovchak chose freedom in the
called in history "the breadbasket of and the USSR' was held on Friday, Consulate in Kiev, because it was the United States rather than a life in the
Europe." The world was unaware of March 11, at the State Department for only way that we could have relations USSR, where the rights of citizens are in
what was happening because of the editors of East European ethnic with the Ukrainian people." total subjugation to the state." This is an
deceitful propaganda that was dis­ newspapers in the United States. He added that the closing of the U.S. excerpt from a letter sent by Edward A.
seminated from the regime in Mos­ The conference-seminar, initiated by Consulate in Kiev "was contingent on
cow. These people that survived the Zetick, commander of the Ukrainian
Edward J. Derwinski, former U.S. Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan." American Veterans, to all members of
horrors of that artificially created congressman from Illinois and now a If Moscow withdraws from that Asian
famine have documented their testi­ the U.S. House of Representatives.
State Department counselor, was for country, the reopening of the U.S.
monies into a terrible tale of man's "background only," so no specific Consulate in Kiev would follow. He The letter further explained that
inhumanity to man. official can be cited. when Walter's parents returned to the
said that the United States is still paying
We appeal to you at this time that In all, nine highly specialized offi­ yearly rent for the Consulate premises Soviet Union, he chrse not to go with
you remember all those brothers and cials of the State Department spoke on in Kiev. them and was granted political asylum
sisters of ours in the Lord who such topics as overview of the present in the United States. Over the past
perished so tragically. At the same administration's foreign policy, Eastern several years his case gained worldwide
U.S. foreign relations attention when his parents challenged
time we must be mindful of those Europe, human rights, U.S.-Soviet
who still suffer oppression, hunger relations, emigration policies of the the decision of the U.S. Immigration
The over-all image of the United
and want in Ukraine. We ask all of USSR and its satellites, and arms- and Naturalization Service and tried to
States abroad has improved considerably ,
our priests to celebrate the divine control issues. After each presentation, force young Walter, through court
from what it used to be in the past. The
liturgy on Sunday, May 15,1983, for participants were allowed to question the action, to return to Ukraine.
rivat of the United States, the USSR,
the intentions of those who perished speaker on the issue related to his despite its massive propaganda, does "At present his case is pending in the
so tragically in that famine of the presentation. not fare well abroad because of its State of Illinois and there is a danger of
1930s. In this we join our non- Following is a summation of the pre­ aggressive policies in Afghanistan and court-ordered deportation." stated
Catholic, Orthodox brothers and sentations. Poland, to say the least. Zetick.
sisters, in common prayer for our U.S. policies regarding the. six coun­ As the legal battle rages on in the
brothers and sisters. At the same time Problems related to Ukraine tries under discussion vary from country Illinois courts, the Ukrainian American
we pray the Lord grant our people a to country. Veterans (UAV) and Americans for
better tomorrow, so that "with one At least two speakers referred to the U.S. relations with Yugoslavia are Human Rights in Ukraine (AHRU)
mind and one heart, we may glorify oppression of the Ukrainian people. quite satisfactory, especially because it have launched a double-pronged cam­
the name of the Father and the Son One, in commenting on Soviet jamming does not belong to the Warsaw Pact paign to involve members of Congress
and the Holy Spirit" (divine liturgy). of Radio Liberty and Radio Free bloc, and the post-Tito "collective from all the states, urging them to
Europe, said that "the Ukrainians and leadership" is trying to avoid taking become co-sponsors of H.R. 25, intro­
Stephen the Uzbeks in the USSR do not have part in the East-West conflict, but it duced by Rep. Frank Annunzio of
Archbishop-Metropolitan of Phila­ self-determination." He added that in does play a leading role among Third Illinois.
delphia the United Nations some thoughts are World countries. The purpose of this bill is to amend
being expressed that the USSR should Bulgaria's stock in U.S. policies was the Immigration and Nationality Act in
Basil give Ukraine and Byelorussia "a full almost down to a "zero" rating due to order to clarify the status of any indivi­
Bishop of Stamford status of independence and have them mounting evidence of Bulgaria's in­ dual granted political asylum. Upon
establish embassies all over the world volvement in the plot to assassinate the enactment, this amendment will protect
Innocent and end the anomaly that, though being pope. On that score, the U.S. govern­ persons who have been granted political
Bishop of Chicago members of the United Nations, they are ment is cooperating fully with Italian asylum and would prevent them from
not sovereign states" at home. The same authorities. The speaker flatly denied being deported from the United States,
Robert diplomat further said that in the "not- allegations to the effect that the CIA thus superceding the decision of state
Auxiliary Bishop of the Philadelphia too-distant future, we are going to tried to cover up alleged links between courts or state laws.
Metropolitan speak for self-determination for the the KGB and Bulgarian officials now Specifically, it would clarify the
Ukrainians." (Continued on pap 3) (Continued on ptfe 3)

Dissident profile Port construction project in Estonia

seen as tool of Russification
Mylchailo Lutsyk:
TALLINN, Estonia — The construc- noted that by the time the new commer-
imprisoned for 31 years tion of a new commercial harbor here in
the Estonian capital, a major Baltic
cial harbor is fully operational, Tallinn's
Estonian population will have dropped
seaport, has led to charges by 13 to 35 percent.
` JERSEY CITY. N.J. - it is diffi- under provisions of Article 54 of the
cult to believe that one man could be old Ukrainian Criminal Code, human-rights activists that the project is The pressures of Russification in the
persecuted by three governments "counterrevolutionary crimes." He the latest step in Soviet attempts to Baltic republics, particularly in Estonia
over a span of 20 years for one poem. was held in several labor camps in the undermine the Estonian culture. and neighboring Latvia, have been
But this is what happened to Ukrai- penal system before being amnestied According to the Estonian American intensifying in recent years. As of four
nian poet Mykhailo Lutsyk. His and released in 1957. National Council, the 13 made their years ago, Estonians constituted only 64
poem, "My Native Land" ("Krayu His freedom was not to last long, accusations in an open letter written late percent out of a total population of
miyridnyi"),written while he was a however. On December 19, 1958, last year to the people of Finland, whose 1,465,800, a decline of nearly 30 percent
student, landed him in prison during Mr. Lutsyk was arrested in the government is working jointly with the in 40 years.
the Polish and Soviet occupations of village of Stryi, near Skole. A court Soviets on the project. Tallinn lies In October 1980, massive student
western Ukraine and in Nazi Ger- in Drohobych sentenced him to a directly across the narrow Gulf of demonstrations against the` Russian
many. Of course, it wasn't the sole total of eight years' imprisonment Finland from Helsinki, the Finnish presence shook Tallinn and Tartu, the
basis of his persecution. In all, the and five years' internal exile, again capital. republic's second largest city. Many
poet, now 62 years old and living in under provisions of Article 54. He The signers of the letter contend that students were arrested, but most were
Skole, a town 20 miles south of was ordered to serve three years in a the harbor construction has brought subsequently released.
Drohobych, has spent nearly 31 prison and five in a labor camp. between 150,000 and 200,000 non-
years in prisons, psychiatric hospitals One of the pieces of evidence Estonians into the capital. They said The three Baltic republics — Estonia,
and exile for nationalist activities. presented by the prosecution was the that as of 1979, 49 percent of Tallinn's Latvia and Lithuania - were forcibly
Mykhailo Petrovych Lutsyk was poem, "My Native Land." 441,000 people were non-Estonians. In incorporated into the Soviet Union in
born on December 21, 1921, in the During his imprisonment, Mr. 1934, over 85 percent were Estonians. 1940 as a result of the Hitler-Stalin non-
village of Volosianka in the Lviv Lutsyk was brought before a court The letter appealed to the Finns "to aggression agreement. The' United
oblast, western Ukraine. He was for his participation in a prisoner be aware of all aspects of the conse- States has never formally recognized
educated mostly at home, and in self-defense organization. The in- quences of their contractual tasks." It the annexation.
1938 became a day student at the vestigation was conducted by the
Stryi gymnasium, where he was KGB in Kiev. This time, he was
permitted to write exams without charged under Article 56, "treason of
having to attend lectures. the motherland," and sentenced to Andropov faces opposition
That same year, he was twice another 15-year term. He was jailed
arrested by Polish authorities for his in the notorious Vladimir Prison in JERSEY CITY, N.J. -Sinceassum- pov's former realm) on the other.
poetry and political activism. He was Moscow until 1962, at which time he ing the Soviet leadership over three Writing in the February 15 issue of
held in various prisons and jails. was transferred to a labor camp in months ago, Communist Party boss the Los Angeles Times, Prof. Rush
After his release, he studied at the Mordovia. Yuri Andropov has been unable to attributes the current crisis partly to Mr.
history-geography faculty at Lviv In 1967, Mr. Lutsyk was sent back consolidate his power and continues to Brezhnev's unwillingness to strengthen
University. to Vladimir Prison for three years encounter stiff opposition from the the party secretariat because he feared
faction led by Konstantin Chernenko, that such a move would undermine his
When Poland was partitioned after authorities confiscated hand-
Leonid Brezhnev's hand-picked successor. own power. As a result, the weakened
following the-German-Soviet inva- written manuscripts.
A clear indication of the continuing political structure was unable to pre-
` eion -`Hb-W39r'mosvtff '-western" 4K` - - OR-NdVemfcer-f8; T972;W-tutsyY-
power struggle is Mr. Andropov's vent Mr. Andropov from leaving the
kraine was annexed by the Soviet was released from, ^„Mordovian,
failure to acquire his predecessor's KGB and entering the secretariat.
`Union.'tfhd' in' 1940 Mh"Lutsyk fled labor camp. Barred from' living in
to German-occupied territory. Ukraine, he settled in Moldavia. But second key post — head of state - "By failing to protect itself from the
But in the fall that year he was he declined to accept an internal which remains vacant. In addition, intrusion of outside forces, the party
arrested by the Gestapo for his passport, renounced his Soviet aside from some minor reshuffling in apparatus displayed a vulnerability that
writings and for his activities with the citizenship and asked permission to - the lower and middle levels of the Soviet makes one question whether it is still the
Ukrainian emigre community. He emigrate to Austria. bureacracy, Mr. Andropov has been decisive factor in Soviet politics," wrote
was put on death row in a Cracow unable to remove Mr. Brezhnev's allies Prof. Rush.
prison,' but managed to escape with Less than a year later, on July 31, from several key positions.
Yet, Mr. Chernenko's continued in-
the help of Ukrainian emigres. How- 1973, he was arrested and sent to The main stumbling block appears to fluence seems to indicate that the
ever, he was soon recaptured during Kishinev, the capital of the Molda- be the Chernenko forces, which have situation remains fluid. But Prof. Rush
a Gestapo raid and sent to Berlin as a vian SSR, for examination by a regrouped since Mr. Andropov's quick argues that if Mr. Andropov succeeds in
forced laborer. psychiatric commission. Declared ascension to Communist Party leader
insane, he was sent to the special gaining firm control of the party and
Again he managed to escape, this psychiatric hospital in Dnipro- shortly after Mr. Brezhnev's death. Asa state, he "may end up ruling over a
time eluding police under an assum- petrovske, one of the country's most result, the Soviet press has made a lot of power structure in which the armed
ed name. With the help of Ukrainian notorious. He remained there until the Politburo's regular meetings, indi- forces and the political police (at least
emigres he began studying at the May 27, 1978, when he was trans- cating the new regime's support of the initially) will have substantially more
Ukrainian Institute in Berlin. j principle, at least, of collective leader- political weight - and the party ap-
ferred to the Serbsky Institute for ship.
In the spring of 1943, avoiding the Forensic Psychiatry in Moscow. He paratus less - than in past decades."
Gestapo and armed with forged spent two months there before being But, according to Myron Rush, a
documents, he illegally returned to declared mentally competent. professor of government at Cornell In the meantime. Prof. Rush suggests
western Ukraine. In July, he led a University, the current leadership battle that the United States "concentrate on
partisan group raid on a German After his release, he was turned may also signal a continued shift in the strengthening itself and its allies, while
penal camp near Skole,' freeing 350 over to Moldavian authorities, who balance of forces between the esta- being especially alert to the opportuni-
men. In August, he was wounded in continued an investigation, pro- blished party apparatus on one side and ties and dangers arising from the un-
the left hand during another skirmish bably to determine if Mr. Lutsyk was the army and the KGB (Mr. Andro- stable leadership in Moscow."
with German occupation forces. in violation of the "parasitism" law,
With the advance of Soviet forces which requires Soviet citizens to
into the area on October 24, 1944, prove gainful employment. Possibly
Mr. Lutsyk was arrested by the because the maximum penalty for a
Soviet secret police and brought first offender was one year's impri-
before a military tribunal in Stani- sonment, the investigation was
slav, now Ivano-Frankivske. He was dropped and Mr. Lutsyk returned to
sentenced to IS years' imprisonment Ukraine.
ramian Weelcl V
Ukrainian weekly newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal

U.S. supports Baltic independence non profit association, at 30`Wontgomery St. Jersey City, NJ. 07302
. . ( T h e Ukrainian W e e k l y - U S P S 570-870)
NEW YORK - The United States States, however, has never formally Also published by the UNA: Svoboda, a Ukrainian-language daily newspaper.
has repeatedly reiterated its support of recognized the Soviet annexation of the
the right to self-determination of the Baltics. - The Weekly and Svoboda: UNA:
Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia and Speaking on behalf of the U.S. (201) 434-0237, 434-0807 (201)451-2200
Lithuania - at recent sessions of U.N. delegation to the U.N. Human Rights (212)227-4125 (212) 227-5250
organizations, according to BATUN, a Commission Geneva on Yearly subscription rate: S8, UNA members - J5.
Bronx-based Baltic group. February 4, Richard Shifter noted.that
The three countries were forcibly despite four decades of Soviet repres- Postmaster, send address changes to:
incorporated into the Soviet Union in sion, the Baltic peoples' "indomitable THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Editor. Roma Sochan Hadzawycx
P 0 Bon 346 Associate editor George Bohdan Zerycky
1940 as a result of the Molotov-Ribben- will to assert their national identity Jersey City. NJ: 07303 ` Assistant editor Marto Kotomeyets
trop Pact signed between the Soviet shined through the heav^, censorship,"
"-fi" w ` - -: a --
Union^nd'-Nazi Gerrriaify. The`Uhireh`' (Continued on page 16)

Kampelman salutes women political prisoners WCFU presidium meets in NX,

MADRID - Max Kampelman, nian Helsinki Group co-founder My-
head of the U.S. delegation to the 35- kola Rudenko. She is currently in the discusses upcoming congress, by-laws
country conference to review the 1975 second year of a 10-year labor-camp
Helsinki Accords, said in a statement sentence. NEW YORK - T h e Presidium of the the year with a balance of 54,210.16.
delivered on March 8, International Non-Ukrainians enumerated by Mr. Secretariat of the World Congress of They said that members of the United
Women's Day, that his government Kampelman were Tatiana Velikanova, Free Ukrainians met here at the Ukrai- States met all their budget payments
salutes all Soviet women imprisoned for who was sentenced in 1980 to nine years nian Institute of America on Saturday, and Canadian members surpassed their
their work on behalf of human rights. in a labor camp, Irina Grivnina, a March 12, to discuss various topics, obligatory payments, thus levelling off
He noted that out of 51 imprisoned member of the unofficial Working among them the upcoming fourth the debts from members in other coun-
members of the Helsinki groups, set up Commission to Investigate the Use of Congress of the WCFU and observances tries, such as those in South America
by Soviet citizens to monitor their Psychiatry for Political Purposes, of the millennium of Christianity in which had difficulty making the pay-
country's compliance with the Helsinki currently serving afive-yearexile term, Ukraine. ments.
agreement, seven were women. and Tatiana Osipova, a member of the Sixteen members of the presidium Sen. Yuzyk read the summary of
Among the women cited by Mr. disbanded Moscow Helsinki Group attended the meeting, including Metro- activities conducted by the WCFU
Kampelman were three members of the who is reported to be in the third month politan Maxim Hermaniuk of Canada Human Rights Commission and said
Ukrainian Helsinki Group - Oksana of a hunger strike. and Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk of the that he has received positive feedback
Meshko, Oksana Popovych and Olha Mr. Kampelman also raised the cases United States and Sen. Paul Yuzyk, from both American and Canadian
Heyko. Ms. Meshko, 78, is currently in of two women poets who have been who heads the auditing committee. politicians as to the work of the com-
internal exile, while Ms. Popo`vych is in persecuted by the state. The first, Representatives of the executive boards mission. He also reported that the
the seventh year of an eight-year labor Hanna Sultan-Tekilova, a poet from of the Ukrainian Congress Committee WCFU has a representative at the
camp term. Ms. Heyko, 29, the wife of Turkmenistan, has been in a psychiatric of America and the Ukrainian Cana- Madrid Conference to review imple-
group member Mykola Matusevych, hospital for 10 years, said Mr. Kampel- dian Committee were also at the meet- mentation of the Helsinki Accords.
was scheduled to be released this month man, while lryna Ratushynska, a U- ing, which was chaired by WCFU The members of the meeting also
after having completed a three-year krainian-born writer of Polish descent, president Ivan Bazarko. examined several by-laws matters which
labor-camp term. was recently sentenced to seven years in At the meeting, the date of the were subject to various interpretations
lryna Senyk, 57, another imprisoned a labor camp and five years' internal WCFU congress was confirmed; it will at earlier meetings and decided to
member of the Ukrainian group, was exile. take place in Toronto on December 1-4. propose that the Presidium be expand-
not mentioned by Mr. Kampelman. He also noted the re-arrest of Baptist A two-branch congress preparatory ed to include four more members, two
However, he did cite the imprisonment activist lryna Vilchynska, 24, who was committee was formed: the organiza- from the United States and two from
of Raisa Rudenko, the wife of Ukrai- taken into custody last October. tional subcommittee is composed of Canada.
presidium members from Canada, and This recommendation will be pre-
the program subcommittee is made up of sented at the next plenary session.
American members. All business at the meeting was
conducted after the representatives of
Toronto parish aids Ukrainian refugees A program outline will be submitted
for approval at the plenary session of the UCCA withdrew their demand to
the WCFU Secretariat scheduled for exclude UNA President John O. Flis
by Daria Darewych families in Poland are being forced to and Bohdan Hnatiuk from the WCFU
leave the country, the president of the April 23 in Toronto.
The next item on the agenda was Mr. Presidium as delegates of the UCCA.
TORONTO - The Ukrainian Ca- Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid These two members were elected at the
tholic Parish of the Holy Eucharist on Society, Bohdan Mykytiuk, has signed Bazarko's report on WCFU activities.
Dr. F. Martynuk and V. Kyryliuk third WCFU congress and remain full-
Broadview Avenue in Toronto has the sponsorship documents for five fledged members of the presidium.
donated S9.000 to the Canadian Ukrai- families. Others are being kept waiting presented a financial report, and con-
nian Immigrant Aid Society for Ukrai- due to a lack of adequate funds. firmed that the WCFU followed through The two metropolitans of the Ukrai-
nian immigrants from Poland. This on the 1982 proposed budget, ending (Continued on page 11)
money has been earmarked for the The Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant
Ukrainian families whose members had Aid Society has appealed through
been interned during the state of martial newspapers to all Ukrainians of good
faith to help the families of interned
Ukrainian groups... Union punishes children as adults for
so-called political crimes, as evidenced
law in Poland. (Continued from page 1) in the case of Yuriy Shukhevych who
Ukrainians in Poland to emigrate to
The church committee contributed Canada. Generous donations like the status of Walter Polovchak, making all has been detained in Soviet prisons for
the sum of S5.000, and 54,000 was one made by the Church of the Holy present court proceedings moot, since the past three decades since the age of 15
donated by families of the parish. Eucharist are already helping the first the amendment would provide the for alleged crimes committed by his
Furthermore the church committee has family that arrived at the beginning of following: "Notwithstanding the laws of father, a leader of Ukrainian armed
pledged to match every contribution of February get established in Canada. any state or any judicial decree of any resistance against both Nazi and Com-
parishioners, dollar for dollar, when court of any state but subject to section munist regimes during and after World
parishioners' contributions go over the The Ukrainian Catholic Church of 241, no person who has been granted War II.
55,000 mark. Transfiguration in Kitchener, Ont., asylum under this section may be These congressional appeals by the
The Canadian government has agreed under the leadership of the Rev. Czyz involuntarily removed from the United UAV and AHRU coincide with the
to accept for immigration to Canada has also set a wonderful example by- States." timely cover story about Walter Polov-
families whose members were interned looking after five Ukrainian families Earlier this month;, Americans for chak, "The Littlest Defector," by Lud-
or persecuted, directly from Poland if from Poland. The youth organizations Human Rights in Ukraine decided to milla Thorne of Freedom House, that
such families can come up with spon- Plast and SUM, have looked after a get involved in Polovchak`s case after was published in the March 18 issue of
sors in Canada. In view of this and the large number of students and young consultation with one of his attorneys, The National Review.
fact that presently about 10 Ukrainian people. Julian E. Kulas. At great personal and Emphasizing the urgency of acting on
financial sacrifice, Mr. Kulas has Walter's status was Rep. Philip Crane
handled Polovchak`s case from its very of Illinois, who suggested to AHRU on
government of Gen. Wojciech Jaruzel` inception. An AHRU spokesman ob- March 16 to have as many people as
State Department... ski is continuing its anti-American served that it seemed natural for Mr. possible write to their congressmen in
(Continued from page 1) policies, including curtailing of "cultural Kulas (an officer in the U.S. Army support of H.R. 25 to help young
implicated in the assassination plot. exchanges" and the expulsion of an Reserves), Americans for Human Walter. He further stated: "I agree that
The American attitude toward Ru- American woman correspondent, which Rights in Ukraine (the majority of its it would be a travesty of justice if the
mania has cooled in the last weeks puts any improvement in relations trustees are members of the UA V), and Illinois Supreme Court deports Walter
because of the so-called "educational between Washington and Warsaw in the executive board of the U AV to get Polovchak, against his will, to the
tax," which the Rumanian government suspension. together on this issue of freedom of Soviet Union. There is no telling what
is imposing on those citizens who want choice and the personal rights of indivi- fate would await him there."
A Polish correspondent, asking about duals in the United States. AHRU has called upon members of
to emigrate. One of the sharpest re-
a statement made by a West German In its letter to all congressmen urging the Ukrainian American community to
actions of Washington was the with-
official regarding the reunification of co-sponsorship of H.R. 25, AHRU write individual letters to their con-
drawal from Rumania of the "most-
both Germanys, was curious as to pointed out that one cannot use the gressmen with a request to support the
favored-nation" clause, resulting in
whether Poland "would also be entitled" same yardstick in measuring conditions passage of H.R. 25. They also express-
higher tariffs for Rumanian imports
to "eastern territories." Before being in the United States versus the USSR. ed the belief that if Walter is forced to go
into the United States.
rebutted by another Polish editor AHRU thus differed with the stance back to the USSR he most certainly will
Relations with Hungary are warm
saying that "these eastern territories" maintained by the American Civil bring the wrath of the Soviet govern-
due to the fact that, of all satellite
were the causes of Poland's partitions in Liberties Union. The point made by ment down upon himself for causing
countries, it has the least violations of
the past, the American official denied AHRU was that the dictates of the this embarrassment to it.
human-rights and oppression in general.
any knowledge of the aforementioned Soviet state overshadow the rights of An AHRU spokesman stated that it
Hungary does enjoy "most-favored-
statement. the family or individual. When parents is far easier to try to keep Walter
nation" status with the United States.
As for Czechoslovakia, its rating in Attending the seminar were represen- attempt to provide religious education Polovchak in freedom in the United
Washington is very poor due to its tatives of the Armenian, Byelorussian, for their children, the Soviet govern- States - the country of his choice -
oppressive policies toward dissidents. Czech, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, ment does not hesitate to separate them than work, for his release from Soviet
Poland enjoys a special interest in Slovak, Slovenian and Ukrainian news- from their parents. The Soviet police prisons in the event of his deportation.
Washington due to the fact that there is papers. The Ukrainian press was repre- state encourages children to act as Persons wishing to obtain additional
a large Polish American community sented by Mstyslav Dolnycky (Phila- informers on their parents to Soviet information may contact: American'
and because of traditional sympathy delphia), Ivan Smoley (Scranton, Pa.) authorities. for Human Rights in Ukraine, 43
held for Poland since 1918. Yet, the and Dr. Walter Dushnyck (New York). AHRU also noted that the Soviet Midland Place, Newark, N.J. 07106.

UNA auditors begin annual review

Fraternally yours
by Ma'rta Korduba
UNA fraternal activities coordinator

Re: Ukrainian siummer programs

this case, they were non-existent.
This is the first of a three-part series
dealing with Ukrainian summer pro­ While this may bean extreme example,
grams. Part II will examine the signifi­ it nevertheless illustrates a growing
cance of Ukrainian summer programs if tendency to trivialize and unwittingly
you live outside the mainstream 'of the debase our history and culture. "The
Ukrainian community; part III will more we simplify our culture, the more
focus on the UNA's summer youth pro­ boring it becomes," said Mr. Onufrij­
gram at Soyuzivka. chuk. Pysanky, the hopak and varenyky
are boring and banal, if we presume that
they are the substance of our ethnic
Earlier this month, I attended the identity.
SUSK Ukrainian Canadian Students
Union (SUSK) conference in Van­ He. stated that many find themselves
The UNA'S Supreme Auditing Committee, seen above at a recent Supreme couver, where the guest speakers grap­ going through the motions (form) of
Assembly meeting: (from left) the Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Stephen Bilak, Nestor pled with issues such as biculturalism, having Easter basket - blessed, attend­
Olesnycky, John Hewryk, Dr. Bohdan Hnatiuk and Anatole Doroshenko. leadership and motivation development. ing Shevchenko concerts, etc., more out
Each speaker (this writer included) of habit or blind obligation, rather than
JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The UNA Association: Nesjor Olesnycky of underscored a debilitating problem a cognizance of the whys and where­
Supreme Auditing Committee began its Maplewood, N.J., Anatole Doroshenko among youth in the Ukrainian commu­ fores (content). Consequently, many
annual review of UNA, Svoboda Press of Cedarburg, Wise, John Hewryk of nity, namely, the lack of purpose and join Ukrainian organizations and as­
and Soyuzivka operations on Monday, Winnipeg, Dr. Bohdan Hnatiuk of definition precipitated by an increasingr sume leadership positions without ever
March 21. Philadelphia and the Rt. Rev. Proto­
ly ambiguous perception of who we are clearly determining why it is that they're
The review, which is taking place presbyter Stephen Bilak. as Ukrainians and just why it is that we involved, and more basically, not
The auditors will report their findings
before the annual session of the Su­ should continue to cling to Ukrainian having acquired a deeper understanding
preme Assembly, is being conducted by to the Supreme Assembly, and their organizations and activities. of their Ukrainian identity.
the supreme auditors elected at the 30th general conclusions will be reported in If such is the case, it is not surprising
UNA publications. Unfortunately, the aimlessness 1
Convention of the Ukrainian National
sensed among participants of the four- that youth participation and member­
day conference seems to be a recurring ship in Ukrainian organizations are on
affliction in many segments of ithe the decline.
Metropolitan Mstyslav confers with UNA execs Ukrainian community. Few have arti­ Recapturing the meaning of our
JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Metropoli­ book to the UNA officers. culated the root of the problem as customs, rites and celebrations, and
tan Mstyslav of the Ukrainian Ortho­ clearly as did guest speaker Roman cultivating an understanding of the
dox Church of the U.S.A. visited the He spoke also about forthcoming Onufrijchuk, bespectacled and bearded dates, events and individuals we me­
morialize as a community, will un­
UNA main office here on Monday, publications, as well as about Ukrai­ Ukrainian Canadian radio broadcaster, doubtedly lead to a more sincere and
March 7, in order to meet with the nian community matters, including whose spirited candor and booming active participation in our organiza­
association's supreme officers. preparations for observances of the voice commanded everyone's attention.
Metropolitan Mstyslav, who under­ solemn 50th anniversary of the Great "We (Ukrainian Canadians and Ame­ tions.
The Ukrainian educational network
stands well the importance of publish­ Famine in Ukraine and the sixth Sobor ricans) go through form, without aware­ - including everything from the "Ridna
ing activity, informed the executives of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Ortho­ ness of the content," he said. "That is (o Shkola" kindergarten to accredited
about the release of a new book, "Re­ dox Church, which is slated for May in say, our culture, rites and traditions are university courses - plays a significant
flections at the Twilight of Life" by the England. trivialized to the point of becoming
role in decoding the less tangible aspects
late Levko Lukasevych, by the .St. The metropolitan was accompanied banal, because we either simplify, forget of our Ukrainian identity.
Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Publishers. by his assistant, the Rev. Protodeacon or are unaware of the meaning behind Summer programs (camps, work­
The hierarch presented copies of the Yurij Halycia. them." He cited examples of ttie cele­
bration of Ukrainian national holidays, shops and courses) are an integral part
the significance of which is often glossed of the educational network whose
over and rarely related to our present- benefits are frequently underestimated.
Philadelphia district visits main office day situation. Although Ukrainian summer prpgrams
JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Some 110 Petro Tarnawsky, chairman of the This provoked my recollection of aij impart a limited amount of informa­
tion, due to the obvious time constraints,
persons visited the UNA'S main office Philadelphia District Committee, and incident which took place several years they sensitize youth to the depth and
here on Saturday, March 5, as part of a Ivan Dankiwskyj, district treasurer. ago. I was participating in the planning scope of their cultural heritage, whether
field trip organized by the executive of Although most of the guests were from of an event in commemoration of it is through a bandura workshop or
the Philadelphia UNA District Com­ the Philadelphia area, there were also Ukrainian Independence Day, January through a course in modern Ukrainian
mittee. UNA'ers from Chester and Bristol, Pa., 22, and I asked one of the foremost history.
Two chartered buses and several as well as Trenton, N.J., which is- enthusiasts of the event why he felt thd Fortunately, the Ukrainian National
private cars brought the UNA'ers to the , included in-the Philadelphia district. event was important. He responded that
Association and numerous other or­
modern, 15-story office building, where The three-hour tour was conducted it came at a very opportune time in his; ganizations have provided the capital
they toured UNA executive offices as by UNA executives Walter Sochan, social calendar — right after the New! and human resources to operate high-
well as the editorial offices of The supreme secretary, Ulana Diachuk, Year's celebration and before Valen-; quality summer programs at a com-
Weekly and Svoboda, and the printing supreme treasurer, and Stefan Hawrysz, tine's Day. The historic implications a(`
facilities. the event were not even peripheral; in і
supreme organizer. UNA Supreme (Continued on page 12)
The excursion was organized by (Continued on page II)

UNA'ers of the Philadelphia district are seen above in front ofthe Soyuz building in Jersey City.


Whippany, New Jersey 07981
Whereas, Many history and geo­ you live, please write to the sponsor­ Arthur R. Albohn, 264 South St.,
ACTION ITEMS graphy textbooks in use in elemen­ ing legislators and to your local
newspaper and thank them for their
Morristown, N.J. 07960.
Robert E. Littell, P.O. Box Д77,
tary and high school curricula in
school districts throughout the state unusual act of concern. It would be Franklin, N.J. 07416.
misrepresent facts concerning cap­ most effective if children of our Garabed "Chuck" Haytaian, 106
The Great Famine tive nations in the Soviet Union; and Ukrainian schools would write Grand Ave., Hackettstown, N.J.
The horror of millions of people Whereas, These misrepresenta­ collective thank-you notes. 07804.
dying in 1932-33 might have been tions are particularly disturbing to If you live in a state other than Richard A. Zimmer, 70 Main St.,
prevented by the public outcry of the various ethnic communities which New Jersey, write to your legislators Flemington, N.J. 08822.
people throughout the world. Unfor­ are arbitrarily associated with their and ask them to please introduce Walter J. Kavanaugh, 16 N. Bridge
tunately, it was then politically more oppressors; and similar resolutions. Also, encourage St., Somerville, N.J. 08876.
convenient to pretend that the tragedy Whereas, The term "Russia" refers your community leaders to join in Elliot F. Smith, 112 Amwell Road,
did not exist. It still is more con­ only to one of the 15 republics that this action. Belle Mead, N.J. 08502.
venient to pretend that it never constitute the Soviet Union and Joseph D. Patero, P.O. Box 747,
occurred. We must not let this happen. therefore cannot factually be used WRITE TO: Manwille, N.J. 08835.
Last week The Ukrainian Weekly interchangeably with the latter term; Richard Van Wagner, 24 Leonard -
dedicated its entire issue to this and Senators: ville Road, New Monmouth, N.J.
terrible tragedy and thus provided us Whereas, The inaccuracies con­ John P. Caufield, 1086 Orange 07748.
with the necessary details so that we tained in elementary and high school Ave., Newark, N.J. 07106. Richard F. Visotcky, 104 Midland
can inform our fellow Americans textbooks have become ingrained in Joseph Hirkala, 33 Temple Place, Ave., Garfield, N.J. 07026.
about the Great Famine. the minds of the students who have Passaic, N.J. 07055. Robert C. Janiszewski, 99 Mont­
graduated from these institutions Laurence S. Weiss, P.O. Box 229, gomery St., Jersey City, N.J. 07302.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: thus fostering the spread of these Perth Amboy, N.J. 08862. Joseph V. Doria Jr., 235 Broad­
1. Please write to the letters editor damaging misrepresentations parti­ Donald T. DiFrancesco, 1906 way, Bayonne, N.J. 07002.
of your local, regional and national cularly in academe and the media Westfield Ave., Scotch Plains, N.J.
and will continue to do so unless 07076. The proper form of address is:
newspapers or national news maga­ The Honorable NAME
zines and tell them of this terrible corrected; and Walter E. Foran, 135 Main St.,
Whereas, The teaching of these Flemington, N.J. 08822. The General Assembly of the State of
tragedy. Remind them that when on New Jersey
January 30, 1933, millions of Ukrai­ inaccuracies by public schools con­ Edward T. O'Connor Jr., 1761
stitutes a violation of the civil rights Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, N.J. ADDRESS
nians were dying a torturous and
prolonged death of starvation, the of all Americans descended from the 07305. Dear Mr. or Mrs. LAST NAME
world chose to remain silent and affected captive nations; and -. The Honorable NAME
indifferent. On that same day - Whereas, In its annual resolution Assemblywoman: The Senate of the State of New
Hitler ascended to power. commemorating the anniversary of Mildred Barry Garvin, P.O. Box Jersey
the independence of the Ukrainian 1127, East Orange, N.J. 07019. ADDRESS
2. Call or write your federal legis­
lators - they have received copies of people this House has repeatedly Dear Senator LAST NAME
The Ukrainian Weekly - and urge requested the State Department of Assemblymen:
Education to review the incidence of Raymond Lesniak, 60 Prince St., P.S.: It is without question that
them to comment on the anniversary Victor Lapychak, legislative aide to
of this tragedy on the floor of the misrepresentation about Ukraine Elizabeth, N.J. 07208.
and other captive nations; now, Thomas J. Deverin, 28 Cypress Sen. Caufield, is the one individual
Congress or as extensions of remarks who'is personally and singularly"
in the Congressional Record. therefore. St., Carteret, N.J. 07008.
Be it resolved by the General George J. Otlowski, 511 New responsible for the above resolution
3. Write to the columnists featured being formulated and introduced.
in your newspaper and ask them to Assembly of the State of New Jersey Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy, N.J.
(the Senate concurring): 08861. We believe that such an example of
comment about this famine in their dedication to the cause of Ukraine
columns. If possible, include a copy 1. The Legislature requests the William E. Flynn, 183 Highway
State Department of Education to 35, Cliffwood, N.J. 07721. sets a standard for others in the field
of The Ukrainian Weekly as reference to follow. For this, we and the
material. Addresses of the columnists review and study the incidence of Dean A. Gallo, 146 Parsippany
misrepresentation in elementary and Road, Parsippany, N.J. 07054. Ukrainian community owe Victor an
may be obtained from the reference expression of gratitude. — The
desk of your library. You can also secondary school textbooks concern­ William Bishop, Rockaway Town-
ing Ukraine and other captive na­ square Mall, Rockaway, N.J. 07866. MAC.
write to them in care of the news­
paper, and your letter will be for­ tions. -
warded to the appropriate address. 2. The commissioner of the De­
4. Write to the editorial page editor
of your newspaper and ask him to
partment of Education report the
results of the department's study to
the Senate and General Assembly
UNA president thanks ethnic leaders
comment in editorials about this JERSEY CITY, N.J. - UNA Su­ of 1932-33."
anniversary. If possible, include a Committees on Education and the preme President John O. Flis has Similar letters were sent to: Maynard
copy of The Ukrainian Weekly as Governor's Ethnic Advisory Council. responded to the letters of ethnic and I. Wishner, national president of The
reference material. Additional copies 3. The commissioner intervene community leaders who pledged support American Jewish Committee; Marshall
of this special issue of The Ukrainian with school districts in the state to and extended sympathy on the occasion L. Zissman, AJC Chicago Chapter
Weekly may be obtained directly correct the inaccuracies. of the 50th anniversary of the tragic president; John Yonan, executive direc­
from the publishers. 4. A duly authenticated copy of Great Famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine. tor of the Assyrian Universal Alliance
5. If successful in any one of the this concurrent resolution, signed by He also thanked U.S. Sen. Charles Foundation; Stanley Balzekas Jr.,
above, remember to send a note of the president of the Senate and the Percy, chairman of the Senate Foreign president of the Balzekas Museum of
thanks. speaker of the General Assembly,and Relations Committee, and Illinois Gov. Lithuanian Culture; Anthony J. For-
attested to by the secretary of the James R. Thompson for their state­ nelli, chairman of Festa Italiana; Els-
Senate and the clerk of the General ments of concern. beth M. Seewald, national president
Resolution on textbooks Assembly shall be transmitted to the
The letters of these leaders and public of the German. American National
commissioner of the Department of Congress; Connie Seals, former direc­
Education. officials were published last week in The
On February 14, Assembly Con­ Weekly's' special issue on the Great tor of the Illinois Commission on
current Resolution No. 3007 was STATEMENT Famine. Human Relations; Edwin Cudecki,
introduced in the New Jersey State 77ii,r concurrent resolution re­ In his letter to Aloysius Mazewski, chair of the Illinois Consultation on
Assembly. An identical resolution, quests the State Department of president of the Polish National Alliance, Ethnicity in Education; Ross Harano,
also No. 3007, was introduced on Education to study the incidence of Mr. Flis wrote the following: past governor. Midwest District Coun­
February 24 in the New Jersey State misrepresentation concerning captive "The Ukrainian National Associa­ cil of the Japanese American Citizens
Senate. The full text follows. nations in the Soviet Union in text­ tion wishes to extend its thanks and League; Kazys Sidlauskas, national
books used in elementary and secon­ appreciation to you and to your mem­ president of the Lithuanian American
dary schools. It also callsfor a report bers for your message of solidarity with Council Inc.; Arthur R. Velasquez,
of the department's findings by the Ukrainian Americans in commemorat­ member,' board of directors of the
Assembly Concurrent Resolution commissioner of education to the ing the 50th anniversary of the geno- Mexican American Legal Defense and
No. ЩІ Senate and General Assembly Com­ cidal Great Famine suffered by our Education Fund; James.H. Lucien,
mittees on Education and the Gover­ Ukrainian brethren in the years 1932-33 executive secretary, Chicago branch of
/4 concurrent resolution request­ nor's Ethnic Advisory Council. with the loss of over 7 million victims. the National Association for the Ad­
ing the State Department of Educa­ vancement of Colored People; John A.
tion to review and report to the "We will take the liberty of reprinting
in our newspaper excerpts from your, Kromkowski, president of The Na­
Legislature on inaccuracies concern­ tional Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs;
ing captive nations in the Soviet RECOMMENDED ACTION: expressions of sympathy.
"We are privileged to be able to count Andrew A. Athens, president of the
Union contained in elementary and United Hellenic American Congress;
high school textbooks. you and your members as friends of the
Irrespective of the state in which Ukrainian people in this hour of com­ and Nicholas Reisman, president of the
memoration of the Soviet-made tragedy Zionist Organization of Chicago.

the Great famine

Dissident literature abounds
Ukrainian Weel in references to Ukrainian holocaust
JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Because ties since its inception in 1970.
the Great Famine in Ukraine in 1932- Issue 7-8, which appeared in the
33 was inarguably part of Stalin's spring of 1974 and was published in
Community commitment campaign to eradicate the Ukrainian
nation, references to it invariably
the West in 1976, devoted much
space to the famine. Maksym Sahay`
appear in writings of a new genera- dak's (a pseudonym) piece titled
The children of Ukrainian immigrants, particularly those that are first tion of nationally conscious Ukrai- "Partial Cooperation and Astute
generation, often lead dual lives. On the one hand, they are products of the nians, the dissidents of the 1960s and Diplomacy," which analyzed detente
American educational system, and often work and socialize in the non- 70s. from the point of view of democratic
Ukrainian world. On the other, they enjoy the benefits of the Ukrainian circles in Soviet Ukraine, mentioned
community, its institutions, banks, youth organizations, churches and schools. To what extent the famine helped the famine as an unmistakable example
Yet, there is a real danger that they have taken the community, built largely form their political views is pro- of the Soviet regime's historic re-
through the tireless efforts of their parents and grandparents, for granted. blematic, and, given the huge quan- liance on terror to stay in power.
Most of these institutions exist because people gave freely of their time and tity of samvydav and dissident litera-
money to make sure that their children would be assured a Ukrainian identity ture, it is impossible to know for sure The only other article in Issue 7-8,
and, what's more, a Ukrainian community. They worked Sundays and how many Ukrainian dissidents "Ethnocide of Ukrainians in the
weeknights - often for free. They paid the bills, maintained the buildings, made specific references to the fa- USSR," dealt extensively with the
taught at Saturday schools, worked at camps, chaperoned dances. mine. However, it is clear that this famine as part of the systematic
But parents and grandparents are, as they must, getting older. It is time that national tragedy, which resulted in destruction of the Ukrainian nation
their children help shoulder some of the burden and not assume that someone the death of some 7 million Ukrai- through genocide and forced Russifi`
else will do all the work. nian peasants, perhaps best em- cation.
Granted, it is difficult for young Ukrainians acclimated to the American way bodied the Soviet-Russian attitude Using a series of demographic
to give up their leisure time,'their weekends,their nights ou(. They cannot possess toward Ukraine as an independent tables, the article showed that forced
the same urgency in keeping, the community alive as did their parents or nation and, as such, was etched in the collectivization and dekulakization
grandparents. But if a spirit of volunteerism anil responsibility is not instilled, minds of young Ukrainian national- wiped out some 5 to 7 million Ukrai-
they may wake up one day and find that all that their parents worked for will and human-rights activists. nian peasants and forced survivors to
have vanished. abandon agriculture, flee to the cities
Of all the dissidents and young and become part of Stalin's in-
intellectuals to come to the fore in the dustrialization effort.
1960s, perhaps no one better articu- "The singular characteristic of the
Whither Marxism? lated the renewed aspirations of the
Ukrainian nation than Vasyl Symo-
famine of 1932-33 was that it was not
a natural disaster, but had been
nenko, a young poet who, before his planned at the top in the Kremlin,"
This year, the centenary of Karl Marx's death, it is particularly appropriate to untimely death at age 28 in 1963, was the article noted. "It was, in a manner,
examine the state of his philosophical legacy, an ideology which has allowed the spiritual leader of a group of a political famine."
tyrants to rule nearly 1.5 billion people around the globe. For years, his turgid writers and scholars that Would come The article also said that the huge
economic theories, often slickly packaged in brilliant journalistic tracts, to be known as the "Shestydesiat- amounts of grain procured from
mesmerized the intellectual establishment, which doggedly refused to question, nyky" (Sixties Group). The group, Ukraine were sold on the interna-
even in whispersj their dubious philosophical underpinnings. which included writers Lina Ko- tional market to pay for Stalin's
' ToUay','riitfrryVoOfigt h i n g s ; most notably former Marxists^ particularly'iri" stehko and Ivan Dziuba, attended industrialization policies and feed
France; are openly and vociferously challenging the apotheosisof their'mentor, dissident trials and formed the van- cities outside Ukraine.
along With the Communist systems which exist in his name. But self-abnegation guard of what was to develop into a
has its limits. While acknowledging that the practical implementation of burgeoning Ukrainian dissident The famine was also mentioned in
Marxist thought has thus far wrought only totalitarianism, they fall short of movement that was to reach its peak the first public statement issued by
condemning the ideas themselves. In their limited apostasy, they do little more in the 1970s. the Ukrainian Patriotic Movement, a
than tweak Marx's beard. Virtually without exception, they hedge at calling recently formed dissident group. It
Though he was born in 1935, two cited the Great Famine as part of the
Marx what he was — a lightweight, mid-!9th century romantic philosopher
years after the Great Famine, Mr. Soviet regime's "policy of national
whose recondite pronouncements on economics and social change were sadly out
Symonenko became aware of its genocide in Ukraine."
of date the moment he conceived them and, when applied in the modern age,
immense symbolic meaning to the
have succeeded only as an excuse for seizing power. In his recently published memoirs,
Ukrainian nation. Several of his
How wrong was Marx? So wrong, in fact, that even the regimes which purport poems make references to the famine, former dissident Gen. Petro Grigo`
to exist under his philosophic mandate, are maintained on the strength of naked particularly "Necrology for a Corn renko, a co-founder of the Ukrainian
power rather than the power of his ideas. Cob Which Died at the Provisionary Helsinki Group who was exiled to
History shows us how pitifully flawed Marx's thinking really was. He believed Store," which was blacklisted in the the West in 1977, recalled the effects
that the rapid industrialization sweeping through Europe in his time would USSR and first appeared in the West of the famine on his native village of
destroy the established capitalist structure rather than strengthen it because it in 1965. The poem is a thinly veiled Borisovka.
would lead to an inevitable, structural and irreparable rift between workers and reference to Soviet agricultural policy
owners. What he failed to see - and this was his colossal blunder - was the While living in Leningrad, he was
and the devastation that it brought in summoned to his village by news of
inherent adaptability of capitalism. In virtually every industrial country, the Ukraine. He also mentions the fa-
revolution he predicted did not happen. Only in the feudal Russia, a country his father's illness, which he was to
mine in his diaries. discover had been caused by malnu-
only on the brink of industrialization, and in China, a backward and agrarian
society, did Marxism take hold, and it had nothing at all to do with Marx's Another poet who mentioned the trition. On the train trip through
"march of history" but was the result of a variety of complex contingencies. famine in the broader context of Ukraine, he noticed ragged bands of
In fact, it has been argued that it was Lenin who rehabilitated Marx from the Soviet attempts to destroy the Ukrai- emaciated peasants at virtually every
slag heap of intellectual history. It was he who craftily found in Marx's badly nian nation was Mykola Rudenko, a major station, begging for food.
muddled theories what seemed like conveniently apodictic elements; that is, founding member in 1976 of the Unable to believe that the mass
confident certainties (slogans, really) that could be used to seize power and keep ` Ukrainian Helsinki Group who was hunger in his village was anything
it in the name of industrialization and social progress. It mattered little that arrested the following year and more than the result of administra-
Marx's ideas concerned themselves with already established capitalist-industrial sentenced to a total of 12 years' tive mismanagement, he wrote the
societies. In Marx's murky references to a proletarian state-structure, his imprisonment. Central Committee, which respond-
apothegms about religion and his misguided visions of classless societies, Lenin ed by agreeing with his assessment
found a license for state tyranny. In his epic poem "Khrest" ("Cru- and supplying food to Borisovka. It
The result of all this, as The Economist rightly observes, is that Marxism has cifix"), Mr. Rudenko mentions wasn't until 1956, wrote Gen. Grigo-
become a weapon for seizing power, not for inspiring the loyalty of those hunger and mass starvation in U- renko, that he discovered "how the
governed in its name; one way of starting the process of industrialization, but not kraine in an obvious allusion to the peasantry's resistance to collective
a way of running industrial societies efficiently and humanely. famine. farms had been broken with the help
Soviet novelist Alexander Sol- of a man-made famine."
Marxism, then, is bankrupt. What's more, it has aged badly. Even the zhenitsyn, though a non-Ukrainian,
countries that ostensibly champion its cause and whose leaders lay wreaths painted a graphic picture of the Great There are doubtlessly other
before Marx's tired visage, openly realize the barrenness of this ideology. In their Famine in his novel "The First examples of the famine's relation to
quest to prime moribund economies. Communist leaders talk of incentive plans, Circle," depicting a wagon-driver modern Ukrainian dissent. The scope
decentralization, limited private ownership and other methods of increasing going from house to house searching of the tragedy, and its explicit anti-
productivity and efficiency, ideas that have more in common with Adam Smith for dead bodies. The passages are the Ukrainianism, give it a central place
than with Marx. only ones in the book written in in the history of Ukraine in this
The death of Marxism will be slow, but it is inevitable. It hangs on as a rallying Ukrainian. century, and make it a natural emo-
call in some underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, but tional and moral rallying point for
References to the Great Famine
few would argue that it is the potency of Marxist ideas rather than Soviet arms patriotic, nationally conscious U-
also abound in issues of the clandestine
which give it its disruptive potential. kramians who hope for an indepen-
Ukrainian Herald, an underground
publication suppressed by authori- dent state.

1932-34 Great Famine: )cumented view THE GREAT FAMINE

by Dr. Dana Dalrymple 10. Clarence Manning, "Ukraine Under the Soviets."
Bookman Associates, New York, 1953, p. 101.
The article below was originally published in the 11. Whiting Williams, "The Worker's View of
scholarly journal Soviet Studies in January 1964. We Europe," Nation's Business, December 1933, p. 20.
serialize it here in The Weekly with the permission of
the author, an agricultural economist employed by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. 12. Naum Jasny, "The Socialized Agriculture of the
USSR," Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1949, p.
PART II 553.
13. Harry Lang, "Socialist Bares Soviet Horrors,"
How bad was the famine? New York Evening Journal, April 15, 1935, p. 2.
14. Thomas Walker, "6,000,000 Starve to Death in This year marks the 50th anniversary ofone of
In consequence of its extent, duration and intensity, Russia," New York Evening Journal, February 18, history `s most horrifying cases ofgenocide — the
the famine of 1932-34 appears to have been one of the 1935, p. 1. Soviet-made Great Famine of 1932-33. in which
worst the world has ever known. Deaths from the 15. Nicholas Prychodko, "Ukraine and Russia," some 7 million Ukrainians perished.
famine ran into millions. And to the mortality can be Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Winnipeg, 1953, p. Relying on news from Svoboda and. later.
added numerous stories of unbelievable suffering and 15. The Ukrainian Weekly (which began publica­
even cannibalism. 16. Chamberlin, op. cit., p. 432 (estimates of foreign tion in October 1933), this column hopes to
residents of Ukraine). remind and inform Americans and Canadians of
A. Estimates of mortality 17. "Wide Starvation in Russia Feared," New York this terrible crime against humanity.
Times. July I, 1934, p. 13. By bringing other events worldwide into the
It must be admitted at the outset that it is difficult to 18. Otto Schiller, "Die Landwirtshaftspolitik der picture as well, the column hopes to give a
make a precise estimate of the number of deaths from Sowjets und ihre Ergebnisse, " Berlin, 1943, p. 79. perspective on the slate of the world in the years
the famine.73 The Soviet government not only has 19. Serge N. Prokopovicz, "Histoire Economique de of Ukraine's Great Famine.
refused official recognition of its existence, but has not L'URSS," Portulan, Paris, 1952, p. 66. PART VI
published any figures that might be used to calculate 20. "Says Ten Million Starved in Russia," New York
mortality. It did not, for example, publish crude birth World Telegram, July 7, 1933, p. 3.
or death rates during the famine period.74 In fact, the
only known statement on this subject by a named With two exceptions, however, their figures refer to
what we have labelled the 1933 period. While this was
July 1932
Russian official was the admission of Petrovsky, By July 1932, reports about the tragic
president of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic, that they the most severe portion of the famine, there was
unquestionably a significant number of deaths in 1934, situation in Soviet-occupied Ukraine were seen on
knew millions were dying.75 the pages of Svoboda on a more frequent basis.
Despite general official silence, some 20 Americans and some in 1932. On this basis, then, the figures
reported might be considered conservative for the full On July 11, 1932, a person named I. Sulyma"
and Europeans who were in Russia during this period, wrote an article about the "breadbasket of
or who had contact with emigres, have offered their period.
In addition to these estimates, a number of other Europe," titled "Famine in Soviet Ukraine."The
own estimates of the mortality. These range from 1 to author wrote about the history of famines on
10 million and average S.5 million (see Table 1). observers reported that the famine of 1933 alone wasas
bad or worse than the Russian famine in 1921 — which Ukrainian lands. He included the famine of
seems to be generally conceded as resulting in the 1651-53 under Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky
death of about 5 million people.76 and the famine in western Ukraine in 1847. In the
Table I: ESTIMATED FAMINE DEATHS, 1933 On the other hand, the work of two demographers year 1932, he wrote, famine was first observed
would suggest that the above figures may be on the in the regions of the Carpathian Mountains.
Estimate made Estimated number This, according to the author, was caused by a
or reported by of deaths high side. Using an indirect process (due to the
previously cited lack of vital statistics), Lorimer found drought.
a discrepancy of 5.5 million in the Soviet population In eastern Ukraine, however, the famine
1. Ralph Barnes 1,000,000 ^ from 1927 to 1939 - a discrepancy which may have , began with the Russian occupation, he said. The;
2. Walter Duranty 2,000,000 t been due to "excess mortality."77 How much of this . situation in. 1921-22 .was also jcatastRQphicb
3. Maurice Hindus 3,000,000 ^ may have been due to the famine, however, was the author noted. He quoted from a b o o ^
4. William Chamberlin 4,000,000 "undetermined."7' Eason's study of this period leads published in New York in 1927, in which Prof.
5. Stephen Duggan 4,000,000 him to conclude that it would be difficult to show how H. Fisher wrote: "The Soviets did not allow
6. Frederick Birchall 4,000,000 t the figure could have gone over 5 or 6 million. He Americans or, more specifically, the American
7. Bernard Pares 5,000,000 notes that "...the evidence seems to be for a somewhat Relief Administration, to send food parcels or
8. Eugene Lyons 5,000,000 t lower figure if anything."79 help the people in Ukraine."
9. Archbishop of Canterbury' 5,000,000 - But whatever the exact total - and we shall Mr. Sulyma wrote: "It has been 10 years since
10. Clarence Manning 5,000,000 і probably never know for certain - it is clear that the the famine of 1922. And once again tragic news
11. Whiting Williams 5,000,000 t mortality from the famine ran well intothe millions. If, comes from Ukraine. Although the Soviet
12. Naum Jasny 5,500,000 - on balance, a figure of 5 million is tentatively accepted, government reports that 1931 produced a good
13. Harry L a n g " 6,000,000 it may be seen that the number of deaths was over three harvest, famine still rules in Ukraine." The
14. Thomas Walker' 6,000,000 times as high as during the well-known Irish potato author noted that people perished trying to cross
15. Nicholas Prychodko 7,000,000 ? famine of the late 1840s.80 And of the few famines for the Dnister River. "The Red Moscow wants to
16. William Chamberlin 7,500,000 t (Continued on page IS) turn Ukraine into a wasteland. Moscow Bol­
17. Ewald Ammende 7,500,000 t sheviks want to ruin our nation from the Zbruch
18. Otto Schiller 7,500,000 . 73. In speaking of deaths from the famine, it is necessary to the Caucasus. The Bolsheviks are even trying
19. Serge Prokopovicz 9,000,000 to include more than those who died from outright hunger. to make money on the famine by charging tax on
20. Richard Sallet 10,000,000 "The majority died of slight colds which they could not any parcels that come into Ukraine," he said.
Average 5,500,000 - withstand in their weakened condition; of typhus, the That same day a letter from a Ukrainian
familiar accompaniment of famine; of 'exhaustion.' to use worker in the Don oblast appeared in Svoboda.
the familiar euphemistic word in the death reports" The person wrote that the price of corn flour rose
'Includes early 1934. (Chamberlin, op. cit. 1934, p. 87).
"Statement of'high Ukrainian Soviet official'; for Ukraine from eight to 50 rubles. The only subject talked
74. Letter from Warren Eason, Department of Econo­ about is bread, he noted.
only. mics, Princeton University, March 27, 1963; Kulischer
'Indicates that thefiguregiven is an average of a range. suggests that the publication of these data ceased before the A second letter received by Svoboda talked
famine (op, cit., p. 96). about the terrible hunger and the need for food.
75. Fred E. Beal, "Word From Nowhere." R. Hale, Although the 1931 harvest was good, the letter
1. Ralph W. Barnes, "Million Feared Dead of London, 1937, pp. 254-255 (published in the U.S. under the said, all the farm animals died for there is
Hunger in South Russia," New York Herald Tribune, title of "Proletarian Journey"). nothing to feed them. The family had received
August 21. 1933, p. 7. 76. In chronological order: Jones, op.cit. (March 30and some weeks-old bread, and tried to swallow it
May 13); Dni (Paris; Cited in "Conflicting Stories of Soviet with water. The person wrote that she feels the
2. Walter Duranty, "Famine Toll Heavy in Southern Famine," The Literary Digest, April 15, 1933, p. II);
Russia," The New York Times, August 24, 1933, p. 1 end of her life is nearing. "We have no fat, no
Sabline, loc. cit.; Svoboda (Riga) (Cited by Walter Duranty milk, and there will be none. Everyone has
(computed from figures given by Duranty). in "Russian Emigres Push Fight on Reds," The New York
3. Cited by Eugene Lyons in "Assignment in Times, August 12, 1933, p. 2); "Citizen," loc. cit.; and trouble; everything good is gone, only misfor­
Utopia," Harcourt Brace, New York. 1937, p. 579. Bertillon, loc. cit., (August 30). tune reigns."
4. W.H. Chamberlin, "Soviet Taboos," Foreign 77. Lorimer, op. cit., p. 133. In this vein, Kulischer, On July 15, Svoboda printed an article
Affairs, April 1935, p. 435. suggests that mortality during the whole collectivization headlined: "Stalin admits to the difficult
5. Stephen P. Duggan, "Russia After Eight Years," period was "At least 5 million" (op. cit., pp. 97-98), while situation of agriculture in Ukraine." According
Harper's Magazine, November 1934, p. 696. Timasheff places the figure at 8 million (Nicholas S. to the story, Stalin sent his right-hand man,,
6.- Frederick Birchall, "Famine in Russia Held Equal Timasheff, "The Great Retreat," Dutton, New York, 1946, Premier Vyacheslav Molotov to do an overhaul
p. 290). of the Communist Party in Ukraine. This
of 1921" The New York Times, August 25, 1933, p. 7. 78. Ibid., pp. 121, 133. In one place, he "arbitrarily"
7.- Bernard Pares, "Russia," New American Library, assignment was given after a specially appointed
assigns one-third of this to 1932 (though it seems clear from commission reviewed the agricultural situation
New York, 1953, p. 7. his comments on p. 121 he meant 1933), which would suggest in Ukraine. According to the story, peasants
8. Lyons, loc, cit. (estimates made by foreigners and a figure of 1.83 million for that one year (p. 134). began their spring planting but conducted it
Russians in Moscow). 79. Eason, loc. cit.
80. Cecil Woodham-Smith: "Ireland's Hunger, En­ chaotically and without a specific plan. The
9. "Starvation in Russia" (proceedings, House of
Lords. July 25). The Times (London), July 26, 1934, p. gland's Fault." The Atlantic, January 1963, p. 93; or "The (Continued on page 15)
7. , Great Hunger," Harper Л Row, New York, 1962, p. 411.

St. Andrew's Memorial Church:monument to Ukrainian martyrs

by Roma Sochan Hadzewycz kiv, Kaniv and `Nizhyn.and observed
how many churches built six or seven
SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - centuries earlier no longer existed. He
St. Andrew's Memorial Ukrainian also saw that the cemeteries - "espe­
Orthodox Church rises out of the cially the cemeteries, because that was
surrounding flat suburban area, clearly where Ukraine's cultural and political
visible from nearby Interstate Route leaders were buried," he recalled —
287. Built in a style atypical of Ameri­ were all plowed under.
can houses of worship, incorporating
elements of the Kozak Baroque The Soviet regime that had forcibly
architecture once popular in Ukraine, it taken control of once-free Ukraine "had
is at once recognizable as a church. tried to erase the memory of the past by
Few realize, however, that it is not destroying the churches and ceme­
only a church where daily prayers are teries," he recalled. Among the de­
offered to God, but also a monument to molished cemeteries, he added, was the
millions of Ukrainians, who, as the one where Ivan Kotliarevsky, the U-
church's cornerstone notes, "gave their krainian writer who introduced the
lives in fight or in martyrdom for liberty vernacular as the language of literature,
and national independence of their was buried. -^s
country,"and especially to those millions Years later, in 1965, at the dedication
who perished in the Great Famine of ceremonies of St. Andrew's Church, the
1932-33. Some 7 million men, women hierarch explained: "When I was forced
and children died in that Soviet-con­ into exile from my beloved Ukraine, 1
trived famine planned by Stalin to saw how the enemies destroyed the
і Sochan Hidzewycz
destroy — both spiritually and physi­ graves of our heroes, dashing the
cally — the Ukrainian nation. Metropolitan Mstyslav, the moving force behind the memorial church project,
monuments to pieces and plowing the
St. Andrew's Memorial Church is the talks about the church and center, in his office at the metropolitan's residence.
earth under so that not a trace would
fulfillment of a pledge made by Metro­ remain. At that time the thought was
help of God and people, came to never die," said Metropolitan Mstyslav
politan Mstyslav, leader of the Ukrai­ born in my heart that when I had the
fruition." during an interview his residence
nian Orthodox Church, soon after he, opportunity in this free and by God located several hundred feet from St.
as a bishop, toured Left Bank, or blessed America I would immediately Andrew's Church.
eastern, Ukraine. build a monument for those heroes. And it was with this in mind that, in
In 1942 then-Bishop Mstyslav traveled That would be the first task that I would
"A nation that, like the Japanese, has 1950, when the Ukrainian Orthodox
through the areas near Poltava, Khar- like to realize, and this thought, with the
a cult of respect toward its ancestors will Church bought a 57-acre estate in
Somerset County, N.J., to serve as its
center, the hierarch was already vi­
sualizing that the tract of land wpuld
.become the site of a national Ukrainian
cemetery and church-monument.
The archbishop began to set to paper his
conception of the church and cemetery.
He insisted that the church be original
and extraordinary, and that it have
elements of Ukrainian-style architec­
ture which would reflect the genius of
the Ukrainian nation. And, he felt, the
church must reach high into the sky.
Archbishop Mstyslav engaged a
Ukrainian Canadian architect, George
Kodak, to design the church, and he
showed him his own drawings. A pro­
ject was prepared, and a fund-raising
drive was announced for the church that
was to become the centerpiece of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Center.
Groundbreaking ceremonies for con­
struction of the church took place on
July 21, 1955, and thus the first step
toward the realization of Archbishop
Mstyslav's pledge was taken.
Meanwhile, as the church was being
completed, St. Andrew's Ukrainian
Orthodox Cemetery began operations
in 1964 with the burial there of the
remains of the renowned Ukrainian
sculptor, Serhiy Lytvynenko.
Dedication ceremonies of the me­
morial church took place on October
10, 1965 — 10 years after construction
was begun. Nearly 10,000 faithful
flocked to the Ukrainian Orthodox
Center of St. Andrew the First-Called
Apostle to view the blessing of the new
church by Metropolitan John Theodo-
rovich with the assistance of Arch­
bishop Mstyslav..
In his sermon that day Metropolitan
John noted that the church was built for
the benefit "of our children and the
future generations of our nation."
"In it fthe church) we will daily offer
our prayers to God — our prayers for
the martyrs of our crucified Church, for
Metropolitan Vasyl, for all our bishops,
clergy and faithful who were" brutally
tortured. They all are alive in God and
alive in our memories. They are unfor­
"In it we will daily offer our prayers to
God for all those who fell on thefieldof
battle in defense of the freedom of our
nation, for those who died at the hands
St. Andrew's Memorial Ukrainian Orthodox Church towers above the 100-acre Ukrainian Orthodox Center. (Continued on pagt 16)

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple

by Helen Perozak Smindak

The pysanka books and Easter greeting cards pro­ Russian premier danseur in the produc­ Melissa Hayden, Violette Verdy and
vided by Yaroslav Pastushenko of the tion, Marilyn Stasio of the New York Margot Fonteyn."
Arka Company. 48 E. Seventh St., has Post had this comment: "George de la "All the stars respected and feared her.
Call it a work of art, an art form or a
been dressing up a third-floor area for Pena smoothly melds balletic grace and she would not tolerate lateness to her
craft, the Ukrainian pysanka is intrinsi­
over a month. Broadway razzmatazz." Mr. de la Pena classes or variations on her themes. Her
cally Ukrainian. It has become an
Thanks to Lilia Dlaboha Senenko, takes the spotlight as he performs "The energy is amazing, and her discipline is
identity symbol that the public re­
the April issue of USAir magazine Princess Zenobia Ballet" with the legendary," he recalled.
cognizes as a truly Ukrainian objet
carries an attractive three-page treat­ show's star, Natalia Makarova. The Mr. Larkin noted that he learned
d'art. Every year more and more people
ment on Ukrainian Easter eggs, titled musical is playing at the Virginia from Mme. Pereyaslavec that "you do
flock to workshops and demonstrations
"From Ukraine, With Love." An edito­ Theatre. 245 W. 52nd St., 977- not call a Ukrainian a Russian."
to learn about the batik technique of
rial assistant at USAir magazine who 9370. Dance teacher-choreographer Roma
decorating Easter eggs with age-old
Ukrainian talismans. Magazine and also writes an events column for Am- " An appreciative audience packed Pryma Bohachevsky, who was a student
newspaper editors can't resist the eye­ trak`s Express magazine, Ms. Senenko the Hunter College auditorium last at the State Theater Ballet School when
catching combination of bright colors, suggested the story and was the^assigned Wednesday night for a concert by the Mme. Pereyaslavec came to the State
intricate designs and ritual significance. editor on the piece. Ms. Senenko also Hunter College Symphony featuring Theater of Opera and Ballet in Lvivasa
convinced the editors to omit the article pianist Juliana Osinchuk in perfor­ prima ballerina, remembers that she
This spring, pysanky are being seen "the" in references to Ukraine. The mances of Rachmaninoff's Piano Con­ projected great intensity on stage,
around town in an exhibit at The story, written by Roman Rozij, features certo No. I and Tchaikovsky's Sym­ inspiring students to create feeling and
Ukrainian Museum, in workshops at color photos by Roy Elkind of exquisite phony No. 2. Heard throughout the mood in dance. She also took an
the New York Botanical Gardens in the pysanky decorated by Christine Le- Tchaikovsky` composition, also called interest in young dancers and gave them
Bronx, and in Ukrainian gift shops in wandowska Fiore of Manhattan. Copies the "Little Russian" Symphony, is the advice.
the East Village. There are pictures on of the issue may be obtained by sending lively Ukrainian folk song "Zhuravel" Mrs. Bohachevsky, who described
the coyer of The New York Times' new a request with a S2 check to USAir (The Crane). Mme. Pereyaslavec as an active, creative
Games magazine, in a mini portfolio in Magazine, 34 E. 51st St., New York,
the April issue of USAir magazine, and о Actor William Shust took a break dancer, a choreographer, a teacher of
N.Y. 10022. from performances of his one-man play stars, a good colleague and a long-time
in the February issue of McCall's
Decorating Crafts and Ideas magazine. Elementary school students in Ko- "Chekhov on the Lawn" to read English friend, sketched a brief biography of
diak, Alaska, and other Alaskan towns translations of works by German Mme. Pereyaslavec — her years in Lviv
The Ukrainian Museum has mounted have developed an interest in the Ukrai­ authors during the German Book Fair as a prima ballerina, the war years in
an exhibit of some 300 beautiful py­ nian egg-decorating process and have held at the Sheraton Centre in Man­ Ingolstadt, West Germany, where she
sanky from its own collection. The been ordering decorating kits and hattan from March 4 to 7. Mr. Shust organized a ballet school, then emigra­
exhibition, open Wednesdays through supplies from the Surma Book Com­ read translations of leading German tion to the United States. After a brief
Sundays, І to S p.m., except for Julian pany on East Seventh Street. Surma writers Hoimar von Ditfurth, Gunter stay in Philadelphia, Mme. Pereyaslavec
Easter Sunday on May 8, will run owner Myron Surmach doesn4 know Grass, Martin Walser and Max Frisch moved to New York, began to teach at
through June 26. what generated this interest. Perhaps it after the authors read excerpts from the Davis Studio in Carnegie Hall, and
Supplementing the museum's py­ was the mention of Ukrainian Easter their works in German. opened a school for over 150 Ukrainian
sanky workshops and demonstrations eggs and his store's name in the February American young people in Newark and
are showings of Slavko Nowytski's film issue of McCall's Decorating Crafts and A primadonna Philadelphia. As her reputation became
"Pysanka," winner of the Golden Eagle Ideas magazine that sparked the whole known, she was engaged to teach at the
and Gold Hugo awards in 1976 and a thing. Incidentally, Surma's decorating In the midst of a heavy schedule of American Ballet Theatre school. She
finalist in the American Film Festival. kits are currently being sold in the gift activities in February, the Ukrainian was a guest teacher at London's Royal
Two workshop sessions a day are shop of the Smithsonian Institute in Institute of America took time out to Ballet, the Royal Ballet in Copenhagen,
offered for adults on March 27, April 9, Washington. honor a gracious lady who has been a and in Vienna and Cannes, and was
10, 16 and 17 (separate workshops for Since many Ukrainians will be cele­ guiding force in the careers of many invited to many American dance con­
those from 12 to 16 were held on March brating Easter Sunday on May 8, there ballet stars and an inspiration to ventions. Still active now, she taught
20 and 26). All supplies necessary for are still six weeks left to handcraft your hundreds of Ukrainian Americans. A special master classes at Mrs. Bohachev-
completing a pysanka, plus a booklet of own pysanky for your Easter basket and special evening was held since Ukrai­ sky's summer dance workshop last year.
basic traditional designs, are included in for gift-giving to friends. Take a quick nian primadonna and ballet teacher Tributes from alumni were delivered
the fee (S10 for adults, S8.50 for mem­ decorating course at The Ukrainian Valentina Pereyaslavec was marking by Basil Tershakovec, who reminisced
bers, students and seniors, free for Museum, stock up on supplies at Arka, her 75th birthday, together with 57 about the classes he attended in Mme.
children under 12). For information, Surma or the Eko Gift store at 145 years as a professional in the ballet Pereyaslavec's studio on St. Mark's
call 228-0110. Second Ave., and join the do-it-your­ world and 33 years with the American Place in the 1950s, Oksana Wojnarovv-
How-to demonstrations were held on self crowd. Ballet Theatre school. ska Bazylevsky, whose ballet studies led
two occasions earlier this month, and Among the speakers who saluted to a dance career at Radio City Music
another come-see-how-it's-done session Mme. Pereyaslavec was Robert Larkin, Hall, and Dr. Andrij V. Szul, a Phila­
is scheduled for April 2. The fee is S2.50;
Artists att work
once a pupil in her classes and now a delphia attorney and counselor at law
S2 for members, students and seniors, " The revival of Rodgers A Hart's special correspondent for Newsday. He who spoke glowingly of his former
and free for kids under 12. The fee for musical comedy "On Your Toes" is said that he was privileged to study in teacher.
workshops and demonstrations, which being touted by critics as a bonanza for Mme. Pereyaslavec's classes "in the The program, which was conducted
are funded in part by the New York Broadway, a stunning new production, presence of some of the greatest ballet in a most charming manner by Mrs.
State Council on the Arts, includes and an utterly charming musical. For stars in the Western world — Nora Bohachevsky, included an address on
admission to the museum. George de la Pena, who portrays a Kaye, Alicia Alonzo, John Kriza, the history of dance by Ostap Tarnaw-
If you'd iike to pop in to the museum sky, chairman of the Slovo Ukrainian
at 203 Second Ave. just to ogle the Writers' Association, piano solos by
pysanky which are on display, the Daria Hordynska-Karanowycz, and
museum admission is SI (50 cents for Ukrainian songs by baritone George
students and seniors), a real bargain Bohachevsky ol the New York Citv
when you consider that you actually get Opera. At the conclusion of the cere­
three exhibits for the price of one - monies, ballet student Nina Bachinska
intricately decorated Ukrainian Easter ran up to present a bouquet ot roses to
eggs, architectural splendors in "The Mme. Pereyaslavec.
Lost Architecture of Kiev" exhibit Among the guests who attended the
(through May 31), and colorful Ukrai­ program and reception were Charles
nian folk costumes (a continuing ex­ Dillingham, ABT general manager;
hibit). Valia Vishniewsky, Mme. Pereyaslavec s
For the fifth year in a row, Marts pianist for 30 years; Doris Hering,
Jacuczko of Queens has been presiding executive director ol the National
at Easter egg-decorating workshops Association for Regional Ballets: and
sponsored by the New York Botanical former students Maria Jones, who now
Gardens in the Bronx. This year's runs a ballet school, and Barbara Cole,
classes, heid on March 18 and 20, began a teacher for the Alvin Ailey Dance
on both days at 9:30 a.m. with the Company.
showing of Mr. Nowytski's "Pysanka"
film and ended around 2:30 in the Photo request
afternoon as beaming homemakers,
senior citizens and teenagers prepared The Ukrainian Bandurists Chorus,
to take home the pysanky they had based in Detroit, is preparing for its
lovingly completed by hand from step spring concert tour of American cities
one. The workshops were held ii. the (the New York concert will be given at
Educational Building, where an exhibit George de la Pena and Natalia Makarova in "The Princess Zenobia" ballet, one of
of pysanky, egg-decorating kits and the highlights of the stunning new Broadway production, "On Your Toes." (Continued on page 12)

Ukrainian pro hockey update ffo
by Ihor N. Stelmach j / ^ N

Kluzak's potential raises a career of this.' " concerning his injury, the play of the big club, playing second string to
His career almost came to an end Malarchuk or the work of the defense- Mr. Bouchard. His stats are listed
Bruins brass optimism before it got started on February 9, men. below.
1.981, when he was playing for the In an early season tie against the
"Potentially," said Hairy Sinden, in Billings Bighorns against the Medicine Edmonton Oilers, Garrett came on to Winger Lukowich low
the manner of an Edison unveiling the Hat Tigers. He received a hip check replace Bouchard midway through the despite lofty contract
electric light bulb, "we think that we from Brian Varga, and he knew right game. He had the fans buzzing over his
could have, in. three, four or five years, away that something was torn in his .unbalanced save against the Great Ukrainian winger Morris Lukowich,
one of the premier defensemen in all of knees. Gretzky (there's that name again) and who scored 42 goals for the Winnipeg
hockey." "1 was scared," he admitted. "You ask company. But Garrett dia, the job. , Jets last season, signed a five-year
"By the time our trainingcampisover, yourself, 'Is this it? Is it over?' But 1 was "He knows me well ana I even had contract with the team last fall. Luko­
maybe by the time he's played 10, 20 or lucky. The doctor that did my knee problems with him Ьаок in the World wich, 26, had one year remaining on a
30 games, hell be very comfortable and operation. Dr. Bob Snider, happened to Hockey Association days," said our contract he signed four years ago when
be a regular defenseman." favorite half-Ukrainian hockey star, old Winnipeg bought his rights from the
be the fellow that I lived with in Billings.
He was an orthopedic surgeon. No. 99. , ' Houston Aeros of the then WHA.
Moments later, the Bruins' general
manager was comparing Gord Kluzak, "The next day I went in and had an "I don't really understand why the Only two left wingers in the NHL had
the 18-year-old defenseman who was arthroscope, and he told me it was just Nordiques don't use him more," added more points than Lukowich last season.
the first choice over all in the 1982 NHL the inside ligaments and that it would be Edmonton coach Glen Sather. "He did Dave Taylor of the Kings finished with
entry draft, to Montreal's Larry Robin­ all right. I've been working on a machine a great job in the playoffs against 105 points and Dino Ciccarelli of the
son. "But I'm not saying he is Larry the (football) Roughriders have in Boston last year and he proved then North Stars had 103. Lukowich wound
Robinson," Sinden added. Regina. I've put a half inch of muscle how well he could play." up with 90. . . .
around my knee since the first of July Was Garrett ready for the job as No. Oh what a difference a big contract
Meanwhile, across the room, Kluzak ('82) and both legs are the same size and
was beaming down from his 6-4, 220- strength now." I goaltender for Quebec at the time? sometimes makes.''
pound heights at the Boston hockey, Just show him the way, he said. "I am the Winnipeg Jets. I love this
media, which comes in all shapes and At press time, Gord Kluzak has "I knew that Dan Bouchard was No. team. I couldn't play for anyone else."
sizes, and telling them modestly: appeared in 61 of the Bruins'71 matches. I in Quebec, but I also welcomed the Morris Lukowich searched for the
His scoring figures of I goal - and 3 chance to play. That's what everyone right words. Thoughts of being traded
"The Bruins have by no means gua­
assists do not exactly remind one of his wants who plays in the NHL and I will sickened him. He had been gnawed by
ranteed me a spot, l`ve got to come to:
idol, old No. 4 who wore the white-gold- be ready when they need me." his failure to contribute to a team which
training camp and work hard and go
black in Beantown. And yet, he's mixed Bouchard has a long-term contract needs him as badly as he needs it.
from there. I'm only 18 years old. Heck,
it up with over 100 minutes in penalties. with the Nordiques and he isn't going The scene was a coffee shop in the
I just finished high school. Hopefully,'
the Boston fans will be patient with me, His ice time has been severely limited anywhere for a while. Malarchuk may Hotel Vancouver. Shoppers paraded
too." - usually three or four shifts per game. be ready to play in the NHL, but to stay by, clutching their bounties of post-
with the Nordiques, he would have had Christmas sales. Lukowich felt low. His
It was Hockey Day in Boston, the Why? Lack of experience — he might to outclass Garrett. Everyone re­ legs felt sore. He had been nagged by
mid-summer bash the Bruins throw, have benefitted more with a season in membered how well Garrett did against injuries that have impaired his skating.
annually to introduce their newest; the minors. Why else? Well, there's only Boston last spring in the playoffs when
pubescent phenom and announce he Bourque, Park, Milbury, Hillier and But the 26-year-old left winger was
Bouchard was ill and he had tofillin. merely mired in his worst slump in seven
has signed a contract. O`Connell ahead of him on the depth
chart. And except for Park, all the rest This time, the competition came from years of professional hockey. One goal
Details of the contract were, of are young and extremely capable. Malarchuk rather than the Bruins. in 11 games is hardly the pace expected
course, not announced - "more than \
one year and less than 25,"joked Sinden Lately, his time has started to in­ So, what happened? Malarchuk of.the highest-scoring left winger in the
-^ but it di"dn4 take the'investigative : crease, even if it if in small increments. stayed for a brief while, not looking too National Hockey League last season.
Зфиі turn teaTny^rTo^^^uTufirifir" The future? Uncle Harry would haj/e shabby in his performances guarding `-tFor a-while-he snapped out of it,
four years, plus an option, for some­ I never picked this Ukrainian kid No. 1 the nets. Eventually with Bouchard's firing the tying goal with two minutes to
thing less than a million dollars, includ­ among all others if his potential didn't return he received a ticket back to go in a 4-4 stalemate in Vancouver, then
ing many, many incentive clauses. read all-pro! Fredericton. Still more eventually, added another the following night as the
Garrett's tenure with Quebec, ended Jets overcame a deficit to beat the Kings
Kluzak, who looks even taller than 6-
4, charmed the Boston writers, who had Malarchuk takes express with his trade to goalie desperate 4-3 in Los Angeles.
Vancouver. Another ticket to Quebec "I'm happy for Luke," said his coach,
little to write about at the time outside route to Nordiques for young Malarchuk. This one, based Tom Watt. "Lately, he's been talking to
of Terry O'Reilly's suspension, Jim
Craig's auto accident and Rick Middle- Ukrainian netminder Clint Malar­ on the facts in thus far, looks like it may himself. He's gone through a long
ton's surgery. chuk was leading the American Hockey be one-way. At press time, he's still with (Continued on page II)
Kluzak, one of two Ukrainian Bruins League with a sensational 1.98 goals-
this year, is from Climax, Sask., a town against average in 11 starts when the
14 miles north of the Montana border. parent Quebec Nordiques brought him Ukrainian scoring leaders
There are 250 Climaxians. "Probably up to see what he could do in the NHL.
247 now that we are up here," he said, Malarchuk played two games for Quebec (through games of Thursday, March 17)
nodding across the room at his mother, last season, and was quickly returned to Player Team GP G A PTS PIM
Betty, and his father, Glenn. Fredericton for more seasoning.
He has been a Bruin fan for as long as Bossy, N.Y. Islanders 72 53 55 108
He was called up this time to fill in for 22
he can remember. "When you grow up Hawerchuk, Winnipeg 71 36 42 78 27
top keeper Dan Bouchard, who injured
in Saskatchewan, where there is no Federko, St. Louis 68 21 55
the index finger on his right hand 76 22
NHL team, you get involved with the Ogrodnick, Detroit 72 39
playing against Edmonton. The Nor­ 35 74 30
teams that have the big stars. As long as Maruk. Washington 71
diques were scheduled to play four of their 30 44 74 69
1 can remember, it was Bobby Orr and
next six games on the road, and it was Smyl, Vancouver 65 31 43 74 110
the Bruins. Now, it's Wayne Gretzky
clear that regular back-up John Garrett D. Babych, Winnipeg 71 13 52 64 54
(there's that name again) and the
would not start all of those games. Krushelnyski, Boston 70 20 38 58 32
Edmonton Oilers."
(Garrett was subsequently traded to Lysiak, Chicago 53 21 35 56 23
He wore Orr`s No. 4 since he was 6 Vancouver.) Poddubny, Toronto 62 25 21 46 67
years old, and when he was 12 he After 14 games, the Nordiques were Lukowich, Winnipeg 71 22 21 43 67
traveled 1,500 miles across Canada to 18th defensively in the whole NHL. It W. Babych, St. Louis 66 16 23 39
attend Orr`s hockey school in Orillia, 60
was quite possible that Malarchuk Andreychuk, Buffalo 40 12 17 29 14
Ont. "I can't point out anything I would have been given the call even­ Bozek, Los Angeles , 46 11 13 24 14
learned, but it was fun staying at a tually anyway, even without the injury Semenko, Edmonton 70 9 - 12 21 131
boarding school." to Bouchard. You know, the old let`s- Ludzik, Chicago 59 2 18 20 42
He played baseball in Climax, too, shake-up- the-team-by- bringing-up-a- Zuke, St. Louis 37 6 13 19 10
but it became something of a bummer young-hopefully-hot-goalie routine. Antonovich, New Jersey 25 7 7 14 9
when the Little League changed the
"Clint has certainly been the best Mokosak, Calgary 44 7 6 13 87
rules to curb his pitching prowess.
"They weren't hitting and we were goalie in the AHL." said Fredericton Hospodar, Hartford 62 1 7 8 172
killing them, so they made a rule that I Express coach Jacques Demers. "He Mandich, Minnesota 59 3 4 7 141
has been really steady in goal and 1 told Kluzak, Boston 61 1 3 4 101
could pitch only seven innings a. week to Chorney, Pittsburgh
even things out a little bit." Quebec management recently that he 58 1 2 3 54
was ready to play in the NHL." Bonar, Los Angeles 17 0 0 0 6
He began thinking of a pro hockey
career when he was 15 at Notre Dame Bouchard has been hot and cold in
College and his team won the Canadian goal for Les Nordiques de Quebec, just GP MINS GA AVG.
midget title. "I saw some guys 1 had about as inconsistent as the Quebec
watched in junior go up and start defense in front of him. Since Bou­ Stefan, Detroit 34 1787 131 4.40
playing pro. and 1 started to think, `Hey. chard has decided not to talk to the local Malarchuk, Quebec 11 660 51 5.00
if I really want to work hard, і can make media, it is impossible to get his thoughts

He doesn't doubt the motives of his construction money came from mem­
Ukrainian pro hockey... coach, a man he has great respect for, Philadelphia district.. bers' loans,'she said.
(Continued from page It) but does readily admit: "1 don't like the In his remarks, Mr. Hawrysz thanked
four-line system. But, from what I've (Continued from page 4) Messrs. Tarnawsky and Dankiwskyj for
drought. It's tough to swallow when President John Flis could not attend
you're a 40-goal scorer." seen in the past, if Tom does something their work in the Philadelphia district,
there is always a reason and it usually because of previous family commit­ and introduced several district and
His tying goal in Vancouver was ments.
preceded by two chances that left him pays off in the end." branch officers present, among them
Some nights he has sat out as many as After the tour of UNA operations, John Skira, district secretary, secre­
baffled and angry. "What the Sam Hill which occupy three floors of the build­
is going on?" he wondered as he drilled a the first six shifts of a period. taries Mykhailo Kryka and Jaroslav
"I'd like to give Luke more ice time," ing, guests gathered in the large third- Scherbak of Chester, and Mykhailo
wrist shot into the glove of Richard floor dining area for a brunch prepared
Brodeur from 1S feet away. Ten seconds said Watt. "But it's difficult when the Martynenko of Trenton. He also intro­
other left wingers are playing so well. by Genevieve Kufta, Mr. Flis's secre­ duced branch presidents Jakim Kozel,
later, teammate Thomas Steen carried a tary, and Bohuslava Poliszczuk, an
face-off to the front of the net. The puck Do I bump Lundholm or Small or Petro Brodych and Mykhailo Mizak, as
Dupont to give him added ice time? I employee in the recording department. well as Bohdan Artymyshyn, assistant
spilled free to Lukowich, but (alas!) he Building manager Alex Blahitka was
hit the post. can't. All three are-playing well." secretary of Branch 153, and Kateryna
For Morris Lukowich, Ukrainian also on hand to assist the guests and Semen, treasurer of Branch 163.
Finally, Willy Lindstrom snapped a answer any questions.
shot which Brodeur blocked. The re­ star, his goals were a reaffirmation of In closing, Mr. Hawrysz praised the
his own abilities. Abilities, fortunately, In greeting the guests on behalf of the Philadelphia district for its organizing
bound fell at Lukowich`s feet. Instantly, Supreme Executive Committee, Mr.
he zipped a shot into the top of the net. the hockey world realizes he's had, has efforts, and urged all present to con­
and will continue to have. Sochan welcomed them to the main tinue to strive for the betterment of the
The following night, Lukowich was office and thanked them for their
in approximately the same spot when he UNA.
interest in its operations. He then Also asked to address the guests was
put away a pass from rookie Brian UKRAINIAN UTTERINGS: Motor welcomed Edward Popel, treasurer of
Mullen. City correspondent to the Hockey News the Ukrainian Fraternal Association, Mr. Popel, who spoke briefly on the
Typically, Lukowich is playing with claims early season demotion of Dennis and introduced Mrs. Diachuk. possible merger of the UNA and the
everyone — when he plays, that is. Polonich, 29, probably ends his career UFA, a move he said would benefit not
Mrs. Diachuk briefly outlined the only both organizations, but the Ukrai­
in Detroit. He played hard, but the general financial standing of the UNA,
talent just wasn't there to be an NHL noting that its assests are nearing the nian community as a whole.
WCFU presidium... regular. In the AHL last season, how­ S48 million mark. She added that the Mr. Skira then thanked the supreme
executive committee for its hospitality.
(Continued from page 3) ever, he scored 30 goals and 26 assists... UNA building is 10 years old this year,
nian Catholic Church reported on the Mike Bossy, Islanders' right wing, and is now worth nearly twice the SI3 At 2 p.m., the guests returned to their
planning of millennium celebrations in received the "Good Guy Award" for his million it cost to build. Much of the buses and cars for a trip to New York's
1988. The WCFU will also actively take work with the American Heart Asso­ Ukrainian Museum,
part in the planning of community ciation...Wayne Gretzky, who scored 10 TWO BEAUTIfUL AND U K R A I N I A N UKRAINIAN
celebrations of this jubilee. goals and 22 assists in 13 games and set wmsr,HC BOOKS ^ H R I S T M A S EASTER
Metropolitan Mstyslav of the Ukrai­ an NHL record by scoring in his 30th TRADITIONS, FOLK CUSTOMS, AND RECIPES
nian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. consecutive game, was player of the
did not attend the meeting for he was month for December. Gretzky scored
the object of an insult in which several three or more points in six games during
members of the WCFU Presidium were the month...
implicated. The meeting participants Coming next week: The long-awaited
expressed hope that this situation will minor league update and a whole lot
be rectified in the near future. more!


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raderie and spirit of community charao j

OBITUARY OF UNA MEMBER MISCELLANEOUS |Re: Ukrainian... teristic of most Ukrainian summer
MR. ROMAN IWANGZYSZYN. member of the UNA і (Continuedfrompace 4) programs leave an indelible impression
Branch No. 194 Society Svoboda in New York died ; paratively low cost to participants. on the participants whether they are 8 or
on January 9.1983 i t theage of 24. Ha was born on Adults should consider the wealth of 80.
October 1. 1958 in. Brooklyn. NY. and became a ATTENTION In today's world, when few of us have
member of the UNA in 1973. He is survived by Wasyl summer camps and workshop alterna-
- father. Irene - mother, Martha - sister. The SCOUTMASTERS - tives available for their children — as the opportunity to delve into our
Family, friends and the UNA community attended the well as for themselves, since there are cultural heritage on a daily basis,
Ukrainian Youth Association PLAST (which
funeral of the deceased on January 13. 1983.
bases its methodology on the Scouting: also adult summer programs. (Many Ukrainian summer programs present an
Interment was in Haly Spirit Cemetery in appealing and affordable means of
Hamptonburgh. Orange County. N.Y. - A. Juzeniw, system) would like to contact present or і non-Ukrainian spouses have taken part
Branch Secretary. . former scoutmasters in the USA and Canada! (in these programs in an effort to in­ learning who we are.
- for the purpose of exchanging ideas and crease their knowledge of Ukrainian
possible cooperation. , 'subjects.) CORRECTION:
REAL ESTATE Please write to: The diversity of Ukrainian summer
PLAST, HPB programs serves to accommodate In the last Fraternally yours column
140 Second Avenue various degrees of interest and exper­ (Sunday, March 6), "Update: UNA
New York. N.Y. 10003 tise. The programs range from intensive scholarship recipients," the title of the
RETIREMENT FUTURE Ukrainian immersion programs, to Rev. Andriy Chirovsky's thesis was
INiS.W. FLORIDA! courses which survey Ukrainian culture incorrectly given. The correct title is:
The growing communities near St. Andrew's and history, to the recreational camp "The sophiological mysticism-of Metro­
Ukrainian Religious and Cultural Center. SOCIOLOGISTS where children are introduced to Ukrai­ politan Andrey Sheptytsky and its
NICK 8. ELOISE POPOVICH PLAST. Ukrainian Youth Organization, nian songs and folklore. The com- patristic foundation."
would like to contact sociologists and
Hotline phone: 1-813-629-3179 students of sociology who are interested in
the study of ethnic groups in various
TARAS BARABASH Informal survey
countries, where Ukrainians now reside.
If you have already worked on such a Panorama...
Eves: 1-813-625-0011 project, or would like to study such a topic The spirits of UYL-NA Conventions
(Continuedfrompage 9) Past are conducting a survey to deter­
RANDOL REALTY, INC., (with special emphasis on organizational life,
Carnegie Hall in May). Photographs of mine if past and recent members of the
REALTOR educational system, bilingualism and related
problems), please write to: the chorus in concert, of the group Ukrainian Youth League of North
3221 Tamiami Trail
and/or studies of individual members America would be interested in attend­
Port Charlotte. Fla. 33952 PLAST, HPB are needed for publicity purposes ing a UYL-NA reunion in 1983. The
625-4193 140 Second Avenue
W3.000 New York, N.Y. 10003
(candid photos, black and white or time: a weekend most convenient to
Will purchase this concrete block home that
color shots that can be reproduced, participants and their families, who will
is located on a 80 1125 foot lot with a sea- slides and transparencies). Black and be welcome to attend the reunion. The
walled, waterfront canal that leads to white photographs or negatives are locale: a fine hotel/ motel in the Greater
Charlotte Harbor. Pool S patio area for en­ j WHY TAX YOURSELF FT"1 most urgently needed by a volunteer -New York area, convenient to all
tertaining; breakfast room, dining room: con­ I Let experience work for you і
veniently located. RAW 3819
publicist working to secure exposure for transportation facilities and outside the
1 Contact: Michael Zaplitny.Consultant I the chorus in the English-language city to eliminate parking problems. The
Call day or night: 1-813-629-3179 І FIRESIDE TAX CONSULTING media. Please send your pictures to tentative program: following the order
Building Sites - 80 x 125 on paved streets
12.300 and up: some with terms.
L 909 Union Street. Brooklyn. N.Y. 11215
(212) 622-1560 Helen Smindak at The Ukrainian of past conventions, a "Get-Acquainted
Weekly, 30 Montgomery St., Jersey Dance" (which could be the "Get Re-
City, N.Y. 07302. acquainted and Meet the Children
Dance"), a concert, dinner and ball.
Interested youth leaguers should write
Join the UNA Smindaleat one address given above.
...,. М Ш Ш . ...,. . ,. ,.,.
FOR T H E ACADEMIC YEAR 1 9 8 3 / 8 4
The scholarships are available to students at an accredited college or university. WHO A COLLECTION OF PAPERS COMMEMORATING THE 125th ANNIVERSARY OF THE
TWO YEARS Applicants are |udged on the basis of scholastic record, financial need
Eugene Fedorenko, editor
and involvement in Ukrainian community and student life. Applications are to be-sub-
mitted no later than March 3 1 , 1983. For application form write to: 212 pages (bound). Price S15.00, potto S1.00.
New Jersey residents add 6S sales tax.
30 Montgomery Street a Jersey City, N.J. 0 7 3 0 2 S V O B O D A B O O K S T O R E , 30 Montgomery Street. JERSEY CITY. N J . 07302



Did you invest in your future by opening an

TENNIS CAMP - (Boys and Girls 12-18 years) June 19-29
GIRL'S CAMP - (7-12 years) June 18 - July 2
UNA members - S 100.00 per week, non-members - (120.00 per week ASSOCIATION
BOYS' CAMP - (7-12 years) July 3 - July 16 1321 W. Lindley Avenue " Philadelphia, Pa. 1 9 1 4 1
в Every employed person can set aside up to 52,000 per year for an individual retirement account, or
(Same price as Girls'Camp)
52,250.00 per couple if only one person is employed.
UKRAINIAN CULTURAL COURSES - (Teens 14-18 years) July 17-30 a By opening an IRA account you will save on taxes, as the initial deposit and high interest earned are
, UNA members - J220.00, non-members - 5250.00 not taxable.
DANCE CAMP - July 31 - August 13 a HURRY - you can still open an IRA for 1982 up to April 15.1983 or you file your income tax return.
For applications and more information, please write or call the management of Soyurivka: a For an additional information please visit, or call us at
SOYUZIVKA UNA Estate (215) 329-7080
Foordemoore Rd. a Kerhonkwn, N.Y. 12446 a (914)626-5641 There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal.


1 week tour. +.T. DAY CRUISE
scope tncuxiL \rxi ^ France, Svritz., Italy. Yugo.,
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(20ІТ 371-4004 - 9 4 5 Sanford Avenue
Newark, N J . 07106 Escort Ulisna BABIUK S999.00 Oiha KOLANKIWSKY 51.250.00 + tax 1239.00
(215) 379-2755 - 7 0 0 Codar Road 51.699.00 Dept SEPT. 7.1983 Sl.799.00 Dept: SEPT. 1 8 , 1 9 8 3 Dept: NOV. 8.1983
Philadelphia. Pa. (Ukrainian Center) Dept: JUNE 2 3 . 1 9 8 3 Dept: SEPT. 15.1983


PRESS RELEASE No. 18 (July 4, 1982 to January 3, 1983) j
Dear Benefactors and Friends. | ПРЕСОВЕ ЗВІДОМЛЕННЯ ч. 18 (Bin 4-го липня 1982 до 3-го січня 1983).
In reviewing this 18th press release we notice the great success of our Memorial Дорогі Добродії і Друзі!
Fund Raising Campaign for the building of ou r Ukrainian National Shrine in Розгпядаючи це 18-те пресове звідомпення ми бачимо з яким вепиким успі­
Washington. D.C. ,, \
хом поступає кампанія на будову Українського Крайового Собору у Вашінґтоні.
As of January 3, 1983 we have visited 149 parishes, and. God willing, we hope to Д. К.
complete the visitation of the 60 remaining parishes in the United States. This report
До 3-го грудня 1983 р. ми відвідали 149 парафій і б в Бога надія, що ще
indicates that as of that df y. our benefactors have chosen 1915 Memorials, and given
відвідаємо 60 парафій в ЗСА Цей звіт виказує, що до того дня наші добродії
3822 i-esser Donations for a general total of S2.477.090 40 (with a sum of J612.350.0D
вибрапи 1915 Пам'ятників та 3822 Менших Пожертв на звгапьну суму 2,477.090.40
remaining in pleadges).
доп. (в декляраціях остає ще 612,350.00 дол.).
Taking into account the wonderful response and progress of our Memorial Беручи під увагу такий чудовий відгук та успіх нашої Пам'лтникової Кампанії,
Campaign, we trust in God. that by the fall of 1984 we will be in the position to start ми надіємося, що при Божій помочі восени 1984 р. ми будемо спроможні почати
building the upper phase of our National Shrine, namely, the Shrine proper.
будову верхньої частини нашого Крайового Собору, це б то властивого Собору.
We. therefore, sincerely thank all our benefactors and friends for their generous Ми. отже щиро дякуємо всім нашим добродіям і друзям за їхні щедрі
Memorials and Lesser Donations, and pray that the Holy Family, Jesus. Mary and Пам'ятники і Менші Пожертви та молимо Пресв. Родину - Ісуса, Марію й Йосифа.
Joseph may help us to fulfill all our plans for the Ukrainian millennium of Christianity. щоб помогпи нам завершити всі наші пляни з нагоди тисячоліття християнства
FR. STEPHEN J. SHAWEL, C.SS.R.. Pastor українського народу.
FR. JOSEPH DENISCHUK. C.SS.R., Director of Memorial Campaign о. СТЕФАН І. ШАВЕЛЬ. ЧНІ. парох
MICHAEL WARIS, Jr. Esq.. Chairman of Memorial Campaign о. ЙОСИФ ДЕНИЩУК. ЧНІ, директор кампанії^ і
In case of any error in this report please notify our Holy Family parish office Адв. МИХАЙЛО ВАРИС, гопова кампанії
immediately. 4250 Harewood Rd. N.E.. Washington, D.C. (202) 526-3737. У випадку якоїсь помилки, просимо зараз повідомити нас y` Вашінґтоні. Д. К


3,000.00 (total) Anonymous. Toronto, Ont.
2,300.00 (total) Maslak, John, Sarasoto, Florida
2,000.00 (total) Anonymous, Richmond, Va.
2,000.00 (total) Makorowski, William 8 Irene, Elmiro Heights, N.Y.
1,220.00 (total) Romanyshyn, Petro 8 Stasio, Denver, Col.
1,100.00 (total) Melnykovych, George 8 Oksana, Overland Park, Kansas
1,025.00 (total) Riffon, Daniel, Bridgeport, Conn.
(lass than S1000.00) !
1.020.00 (total) Sirko, John 8 Sofia, Milwaukee, Wise.
S108.000.00 (total) Holy Family Parish Bingo Workers t 1,000.00 Anonymous, Bristol, Pa.
28,102.00 (total) Tymm, Julian 8 Anna Lucille and Raymond M. 1,000.00 Anonymous, Winston-Solem, N.C.
21,753.28 (total) Mariyska Druzyno (Marian Sodality) of Holy Family Church j , 1,000.00 Cycyk, Anna Wilmington, Del. j
21,640.00 (total) Dubik, Michael 1 Mary 1,000.00 Hrycyk, John 8 Sofia, Buffalo, N.Y.
14,130.00 (total) Holy Family Parish Kitchen Bingo , ) 1,000.00 Kramlick, Gary 8 Glory, Minor, N.D.
9,668.00 (total) Anonymous 1,000.00 Ovcharenko, Maria M , Charleston, III.
8.500.00 (total) Antonovych, Dr. Omelan 4 Dr. Tatiana 1,000.00 Wiwchor, John 8 Anna, Riverhead, N.Y. j
6,810.00 (total) Keyos, Andrew 4 Julio 750.00 (total) Chaply, Wasyl 8 Olho, Northampton, Pa.
6,626.00 (total) Kumidcyj, Mykola 8 Anna 576.00 (total) Chomiak, Alexander, Hamilton, Ont. .
6,470.00 (total) Kotciw. Michael 8, Elizabeth 1- 480.00 (total) Musyt, Joseph 8 Gertrude, Newark, N.J.
'6,323.00 (total) Nakonechny, Dr. Basil 8 Prof. Olho 400.00 (total) Leochko, Natalia, Matthews, N.C.
5,460.00 (total) Fedock. John 8 Ruth 400.00 (total) Smith, George A. and Maria Moroz, Whippany, N.J.
5,160.00 (total) Chomiak, Rostyslow 8 Dr. Martha 330.00 (total) Shimko, George, Plymouth, Pa.
4,960.00 (total) Harkinish, George 309.00 (total) longenfelder, John 8 Diane, BismoA, N.D. j .
4,725.00 (total) Kuimowych, Dr. Truvor 8 Dr. Chrystyna J 305.00 (total) Klobasko, Adam 87Kitty; Shamokin, Pa.
3,800.00 (total) Maksymchock, Leo 8 Eleanor 300.00 Snlhurowych, It. Col. Wiroslaw 8 Patricia, Hartford, Conn.
3,451.00 (total) Smith, Paul 8 Christine 300.00 Sologuk Family, Wilton, N.D.
3,350.00 (total) Griffo, Dr. Joseph 8 Zoria j 300.00 Stefanysryn, Anna, Livonia, Mich.
3,092.00 (total) Romaniuk, Stefan 8 Anna j
2.560.00 (total) Petruihka, Andrew 8 Mary I
2,370.00 (total) Kopka, Julian 8 Stephania I
1270.00 (total) Sojka, Casimir 8 Anne W., New Rochelle, N.Y.
2,355.00 (total) Sydorko, Michael 8 Cleo \
250.00 twasiutyn, Wolodymyr 8 Maria, Yonkers, N.Y
2,300.00 (total) Motorney, Theodore 8 Helen '
100.00 Bowes, Mary H., Waterford, N.J.
2,090.00 (total) linderholm, Randolph 8 Anna
100.00 (total) Chanas, Maria. Brooklyn, N.Y.
2,000.00 (total) Kowansky, Michael 8 Adelaide |
100.00 Fedor, John 8 Anno, Etobicoke, Ontario
1,930.00 (total) Padawtky, Yaremo 8 Irene
100.00 Holy Nome Society, St. Josaphat Church, Munster, Ind.
1,800.00 (total) Wuyek, John 8 Mary
100,00 Lukiw, Anna, Stamford, Conn.
1,750.00 (total) Giffler, Milton 8 Lydia
80.00 (total) Wasylkewycz, Katria, Greensburg, Pa.
1,710.00 (total) Mulvaney, Mary F.
50.00 Yarymowich, Bohdan, Ottawa, Ontario
1.700.00 (total) Mulvaney, Mary C.
40.00 Drohosz, Michael 8 Kateryna, Utico, N.Y.
1,200.00 (total) Shorko, Walter 8 Marilyn
40.00 Wyatt, Eariine M., Washington, D.C.
1,050.00 (total) Hertz, Stephen 8 Carl
30.00 Duda, Stefan, Phoenix, Ariz.
1,000.00 Paschyn, Bohdan 8 Kwitoslawo
30.00 St. Basil's Home, Philadelphia, Pa.
1,000.00 Slattery, Joan
25.00 Kwit, Zenovy, Philadelphia, Po.
1,000.00 Yoworsky, George 8 Zenia
25.00 (total) Odexynskyi, Maria Z., Philadelphia, Pa.
20.00 Andrijenko, Wasyl 8 Paraska, Rochester, N.Y.
20.00 Golody, Gregory, Toronto, Ontario
(Leu than S1000.00)
20.00 Homlick, John 8 Mary, St. Louis, Mo.
20.00 Nykorchuk, Steve 8 Alfredo, Pittsfield, Mass.
930.00 (total) Power, Fronds ;
20.00 Synychak, John 8 Mary. Brookville, Florida
800.00 (total) Horodyski. Steve 8 Normo
10.00 (total) Karpiak, Helen, Shamokin, Pa.
735.00 (total) Mutchko, Walter 8 Patricia
10.00 Malick, George, Syracuse, N.Y.
690.00 (total) Hull, Joseph
10.00 Podia, Andrew 8 Florence, Jersey City, N.J.
640.00 (total) Bibbee, Dr. Alexandria
10.00 Skoncy, Ivan. Toronto, Ontario
533.28 (total) Keyes, Andrea
7.00 Centers, D., Woodbridge, Va.
325.00 (total) Knysh, Walter 8 Apolonio
7.00 (total) Sowchuk, Mr. 8 Mrs. Nick, Hamtramck, Mich
275.00 (total) Powanda, Steven 8 Ruth
5.00. Butler, Margaret, Washington, D.C.
235.00 (total) Haberchak, Anna
5.00 Sherbun, Sofia, Mishowaka, Ind.
220.00 (total) ladomirok, Michael 8 Maryonne
200.00 (total) Kosovych, Ostap 8 Linda
170.00 (total) Caplan. Marusia
160.00 (total) Baranowicz, Katherine In memory of the departed Anno Stundor of Arlington, Va.
125.00 (total) Novalis, Joseph 8 Adriano ,
120.00 (total) Kahan, Stefan 8 Ewo . SI 00.00 Stunder. William
100.00 (total) Ulone. Rodney 8 Morto
64.00 (total) Burger, Morgoret-Mary 25.00 Kosciw. Michael 8 Elizabeth
50.00 Belendiuk, Arthur 8 Lydio
30.00 Rymoruk, George 8 Mario In memory of the departed Dr. Petro Oryshkewych of College Park, Md.
30.00 Tkach. John
20.00 Wityshyn, Michael 8 Cathy S500.00 Oryshevych, Yoroslawa, College Pork, Md.
10.00 Perry, Vinceni 8 Julio 100.00 Zolusky, Dr. Myro 8 Theodore, Adelphi, Md
5.00 Drohosz, lubo 100.00 Oryshewych, Dr. Joseph 8 Lidio. New York, N.Y.
60.00 Rudensky. Ivan, Toronto. On!
MEMORIALS AND LESSER DONATIONS FROM THE 50.00 Bortoszyk, Marion, Adelphi, Md
UNITED STATES AND CANADA 30.00 Jorosewich, Eugene 8 Lydio, Silver Spring. Md.
50.00 Oryshkewych, Dr. Roman 8 Oksono, Chicago, III.
50.00 Polanskij, Jurij 8 Areta, Cleveland, Ohio
50.00 Shorko, Ewhenia, College Park, Md.
S30.000.00 (total) Brega Family. Volley Cottage, N.Y. (Continued on pa(rr 14)

A report on the memorial... 11/11/79

Mount Cormel, Po.
Parma, Ohio
SS. Peter a n d Paul
St. Andrew
( C o n t i n u e d f r o m page 13) 11/18/79 Parma, Ohio Я Josaphat 32 40 35.860.00

l l / 2/79 Cleveland, Ohio SS. Peter a n d Paul 5 37
40.00 Kupchyk, Walter A Mary, New York, N.Y.
12/ 9 / 7 9 S. S d e Cleveland, O . Patronage of BVM 4 4
30.00 Chorlej A Helen, College Park. M d .
2/ 3/80 Bethlehem, Pa. St. Josaphat 23 18
23.00 Bazorko, Nestor 4 M a r t h a , Wheaton, M d .
2/10/80 Allentown, Po. Immaculate Conception/BVM 14 7 6,000.00
23.00 Calyn, Or. Larry A Donna, Silver Spring, M d .
2/17/80 St. Vladimir 2 19 828.00
25.00 Choma, Zenia, Anandale, Va.

2/24/80 W . Easton, Po. Holy Ghost 15 13
25.00 Duihnyk, Walter 4 M a r y , New York, N.Y.

3/ 2/80 Brooklyn, N.Y. Holy Ghost 12 21
25.00 Kuryfal, Dr. Stephen A CHha, Wheaton, And.

to 6 - -
3/ 9/80 Johnson City, N.Y. Sacred Heart of Jesus 17 13
25.00 Malynowsky, Dr. W a i y l , Cleveland, Ohio
3/16/80 Minersville, Pa. St. Nicholas 42 32
25.00 Paschyn, Bohdan A Kwitoslawa, Slver Spring, M d .
3/16/80 Middloport, Po. Nativity of BVM 6 4
25.00 Sloniewsky, Roman A Motria, McLean, Va.

3/23/80 Olyphant, Pa. SS. Cyril a n d Methodius 11 19 76,22675
25.00 St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Pariih, Waihingt on, D.C.
3/30/80 Fresh Meadows, N.Y. Annunciation of BVM 17 7 15,265.00
25.00 Telishewsky, Dr. Py'yp A Susanna, Cleveland, Ohio
4/20/80 PhoenbtviHe, Pa. SS. Peter a n d Paul 10 12 4,685.00
20.00 Bihun, Andrew A Lesia, Wheaton, M d .

4/27/80 Lansdale, Pa. Presentation of Our Lord 9 6
20.00 Sokil, Alex A Mario, Silver Spring, M d .
4/27/80 Quakertown, Pa. St. Basil 1
20.00 VHkovitsky, Ihor A Tamara, Silver Spring, M d .
5/ 4/80 Edwardsville, Pa. St. Vladimir 4 47
15.00 Friends of the Ukrainian Youth Organization — Plast, Washington, D.C.
5/ 4/80 Plymouth, Po. SS. Peter a n d Paul 5 70
10.00 Rudensky, Volodymyr A Anna, Toronto, Ont.
5/11/80 Wilkos Barre, Pa. SS. Peter a n d Paul 5 17
10.00 VHkovitsky, Irene, Washington, D.C.
5/25/80 Glen Spey, N.Y. St. Volodymyr 5 15
5.00 Baczynsky, W i r a , Olney. M d .
6/ 8/80 Simpson, Pa. SS. Peter a n d Paul 2 22
6/15/80 McAdoo, Pa. Patronage of BVM 18 19 7,984.00
In memory of the d e p a r t e d Clementine Hull of Horndon, V a .
6/29/80 Manassas, Va. St. M a r y 3 4 2,890.00
9/28/80 Rochester, N.Y. Epiphany of Our Lord 8 57 6,570.00
S25.00 Pytlowany, Peter, Bladensburg, And.
10/ 5 / 8 0 Buffalo, N.Y. St. Nicholas 33 71 21.869.00
25.00 Pytlowany, Prokop A Anna, Milford, Conn.
10/12/80 Lancaster, N.Y. St. Basil 2 7 773.00
25.00 Tymm, Julius A Anna Lucille, Hyarrsville, M d .
10/19/80 Niagara Falls, N.Y. St. AAory 11 6 4,195.00
10.00 Dubik, Michael A Mary, Brentwood, M d .
10/26/80 Lockawonna, N.Y. Our Lady of Perpetual Help 22 6 21,515.00
10.00 Zebnik, Adelo, Silver Spring, M d .
11/ 2/80 Utico, N.Y. St. Volodymyr 2 9 702.00
l l / 9/80 Amsterdam, N.Y. St. Nicholas 9 30 11,404.00
In M e m o r y of tho d e p a r t e d Wolodymyr Salufc of Parma, Ohio
11/15/80 St. JohruvUle, N.Y. Immaculate Conception/BVM 1 25.00
11/16/80 Rome, N.Y. St. AAichael 1 2 330.00
S80.00 Paschyn, Bohdan A Kwrtoslawa, Silver Spring, M d .
11/16/80 Little Falls, N.Y. St. Nicholas 3 5 3,042.00
25.00 Baxarko, Nestor A M a r t h a , Wheaton, M d .
11/23/80 Watervliet, N.Y. St. Nicholas 26 31 16,306.00
25.00 Bihun, Andrew A Lesia, Wheaton, M d .
1 1 / 3 0 / 8 0 Cohoes, N.Y. SS. Peter a n d f aul 10 15 3,443.00
25.00 Gawdiok, Ihor A Natalie, Silver Spring, M d .
1 2 / 1 4 / 8 0 Troy, N.Y. Protection of BVM 9 10 5,700.00
20.00 Knyih, Wolodymyr A Apolonia. Wheaton, M d .
12/21/80 Yorkton, Sask. Mother of Perpetual Help 7 1 4,425.00
12/31/80 Winnipeg, Manitoba St. Joseph 3 9 4,760.00
In m e m o r y of t h e d e p a r t e d Theodore f a l a t of Rochester, N.Y.
1 / 2 5 / 8 1 Saskatoon, Sask. SS. Peter a n d Paul 2 1 4,350.00
2 / 1/81 New Britain, Conn. St. Josaphat 14 13 8,880.00
S50.00 Folat, Michael A Sharon, Springfield, Va.
2 / 8 / 8 1 Ludlow, Mass. SS. Peter a n d Paul 4 8 1,650.00
2 / 8 / 8 1 S. Deorfiold, Mass. Holy Ghost 3 4 1,695.00
In m e m o r y of the d e p a r t e d f w o n k a Dackiw of N o w York, N.Y.
2/15/81 Hartford, Conn. St. Michael 36 18 27,800.00
2/15/81 Glastonbury, Conn. St. John the Baptist 3 2 2,910.00
S I 0 0 . 0 0 Kormeluk, Prof. Mykolo A M a r i a , Silver Spring. M d
2/22/81 Terryville, Conn. St. AAichael 30 12 19,247.00
3 / 1/81 Willimantfc, Conn. Protection of BVM 11 10 7,605.00
I n m e m o r y of the d e p a r t e d John Karlinchak of Arlington V o .
3/ 8/81 Colchester, Conn. St. AAory 7 4 4,497.00
3/15/81 Bridgeport, Conn. Protection of BVM 13 7 10,005.00
525.00 Derk Irby Family, Arlington, Va.
3/22/81 New Haven, Conn. St. Michael 34 26 32,950.00
25.00 Tymm, Julius A Anna Lucille, Hyattsville, And.
25.00 Wokefield High School Boosters, Arlington, Va. 3/29/81 Boston, AAass. Christ the King 22 22 16,873.00
4/ 5/81 Elmira Hgts., N.Y. St. Nicholas 5 11 4,362.00
10.00 Dubik, AAichael A Mary, Brentwood, M d .
4 / 5/81 Both, N.Y. Christ the King 9 300.00
4/12/81 Hempsteod, N.Y. St. Vladimir 20 4 16,030.00
In m e m o r y of t h e d e p a r t e d M a r i a Chrupovkx of H r y m a l l v , Ukraine
5/ 3/81 Auburn, N.Y. SS. Peter a n d Paul 15 25 11,300.00
5/10/81 Woonsocket, R.I. St. AAichael 6 6 4,750.00
S50.00 Kurylai, Stephen A Olha, Wheaton, M d .
5/10/81 Fall River, Mass. St. John the Baptist 13 3 6,250.00
2 5 . 0 0 Dobczansky, Wasyl A Eugenio, N e w Haven, Ct.
5/17/81 Ozone Park, N.Y. Patronage of BVM 25 5 14,780.00
15.00 Wojtovicz, Petro A Volodymyra, Baltimore, M d .
5/24/81 Manchester, N.H. Protection of BVM 10 14 10,570.00
10.00 Kurylai, Petro A Irona, Philadelphia, Pa.
5/31/81 Salem, AAass. St. John the Baptist 9 2 5,260.00
10.00 Dobczansky, Yurij A Olenka, Kensington, And.
9/27/81 Stolen bland, N.Y. Holy Trinity 15 1 9,300.00
10.00 Kurylas, Larysa, Wheaton, M d .
10/ 4 / 8 1 Rivorhead, N.Y. "St." John tho Baptist 17 12 12,323.00
10/11/81 Brooklyn, N.Y. St. Nkholos 9 24 5,16400
10/18/81 West blip, N.Y. Holy Trinity 1 6 1,070.00
10/25/81 Spring Volley, N.Y. SS. Peter a n d Paul 10 10 49,370.00
FOR THE BUILDING OF THE U K R A I N I A N N A T I O N A L SHRINE I N W A S H I N G T O N , D . C ll/ 1/81 Pmsfleld, M a n . St. John the Baptist 4 15 2,420.25
U K R A I N I A N C A T H O U C PARISHES VISITED BY C A M P A I G N DIRECTOR, FR. J . DEN1SCHUK, CSS.R. ll/ 1/81 Hudson, N.Y. St. Nkholos 3 17 1,256.00
(AS O f J A N U A R Y 3, 1 9 8 3 - PRESS RELEASE N O . I t ) ll/ 8/81 Dearborn Hgts., Mich. Our Lady of Perpetual Help 26 32 14,481.00
11/15/81 Dearborn, Mich. St. Michael 8 t 4,560.00
11/22/81 Detroit, Mich. St. John the Baptist 36 28 20,233.00
11/22/81 Hamtramck, Mich. Immaculate Conception/BVM 59 831.00
Datot Location. Parishes Memorial L Donations Totals 11/29/81 W a r r e n , AAkh. St. Josaphat 1 9 37400
11/29/81 Madison, 11. St. Mary-Protection 6 4 5,622.00
11/29/81 St. Louis, Mo. St. Mary-Assumption 8 11 4,666.00
10/15/78 Richmond, Va. St. John the Baptist 9 9 S 34,633.00 12/ 6/81 Flint, Mich. St. Vladimir 11 2 6,500.00
10/22/78 Elizabeth, N.J. St. Vladimir 32 184 24,131.00 2/14/82 Houston, Texas St. Plus the Tenth 13 3 6,410.00
11/5/78 Carteret, N.J. St. Mary 12 58 6,767.00 2/21/82 Phoenix, Arizona Assumption of BVM 19 18 11,190.00
11/12/78 Perth Amboy, N.J. Assumption of BVM 30 113 22.641.00 2/28/82 San Diego, Col. Our Lady of Perpetual Help 11 23 7,535.00
11/19/78 Newark, N.J. St. John the Baptist 36 188 42.088.00 3/ 7/82 Denver, Col. Transfiguration of Our Lord 15 13 14,720.00
11/26/78 Possoic, N.J. St. Nicholas 9 48 7,457.00 3/14/82 San Francisco, Col. Immaculate Conception/BVM 3 18 6,165.00
12/3/78 Jersey City, N.J. SS. Peter a n d Paul 19 58 29,283.00 3/14/82 Santa Clara, Col. St. Vladimir 1 12 1,620.00
12/10/78 Bayonne, N.J. Assumption of BVM 6 26 3,928.00 3/21/82 Los Angeles, Cal. Nativity of BVM 24 11 20,760.00
1/21/79 Hillside, N.J. Immaculate Conception/BVM 7 27 3,821.00 3/28/82 Omaha, Neb. Assumption of BVM 14 16 12,285.00
1/28/79 Whippony, N.J. St. John the Baptist 17 21 10,636.00 3/28/82 Lincoln, N e b . St. George 4 6 2,657.00
1/28/79 Ramsey, N.J. St. Paul 1 7 1,130.00 4/ 4/82 Milwaukee, Wise. St. Michael 12 3 7,315.00
2/ 4/79 Manville, N.J. St. Michael 18 19 11,917.00 4/18/82 Wilton, N.D. SS. Peter a n d Paul 9 13 8,944.00
2/11/79 Trenton, N.J. St. Josophat 6 19 5,125.00 4/25/82 Belfield, N.D. St. John the Baptist 11 5 12,920.00
2/18/79 Millville, N.J. St. Nicholas 8 7 2,305.00 4/25/82 Fairfield, N.D. St. Demetrius 11 4 7,650.00
2/18/79 Woodbine, N.J. St. Nicholas 3 6 1,040.00 5/ 2/82 Palatine, III. St. Nicholas 7 7 4,110.00
2/25/79 Philadelphia, Pa. Immaculate Concoption/BVM 21 57 20,807.00 5/16/82 Munster, I I . St. Josaphat 5 19 7,970.00
3/ 4/79 Philadelphia. Pa. Annunciation of BVM 18 16 10,103.00 5/30/82 Mfshawoka, bid. St. Michael 9 7 5,392.00
3/11/79 Philadelphia, Pa. Christ the King 21 94 18,086.00 5/30/82 Fort W a y n e , bid. Our Lady of Perpetual Help 2 2 1,500.00
3/18/79 Bridgeport, Pa. SS. Peter a n d Paul 8 25 9,417.00 6/20/82 G r a n d Rapids, Mich. St. Michael 9 11 6,037.00
3/25/79 Philadelphia, Pa. St. Josaphat 20 39 12,567.00 9/26/82 Rochester, N.Y. St. Josaphat 30 37 22,900.00
4/ 1/79 Syracuse, N.Y. St. John the Baptist 27 47 17,768.00 10/ 3 / 8 2 Wilmerding, Pa. SS. Peter a n d Paul 2 8 1,055.00
4/29/79 Chester, Pa. Holy Ghost 13 23 11,335.00 10/ 3/82 AAonongahela, Pa. St. AAocrina 1 1 1,010.00
5/ 6/79 Baltimore, M d . St. Michael 11 32 9,334.00 10/10/82 Chicago, III. St. Michael 4 5 2,385.00
5/20/79 Bristol, Pa. Patronage of BVM 8 4 9,337.40 10/17/82 Pittsburgh, Po. St. George 13 41 14,877.00
5/27/79 Philadelphia, Pa. Nativity of BVM 6 2 2,700.00 10/24/82 MdCees Rocks, Pa. St. John the Baptist 3 6 3,075.00
6/ 3/79 Wilmington, Del. St. Nkholos 9 19 8,268.00 10/24/82 Jeonnelle, Po. St. Demetrius 9 6 5,085.00
6/ 3/79 Chesapeake, M d . St. Basil 6 8 3,565.00 10/31/82 Canton, Ohio St. Nicholas 10 14 5,330.00
6/10/79 Curtis Bay, M d . SS. Peter a n d Paul 3 21 1,338.00 l l / 7/82 AAcKoesport, Pa. St. John the Baptist 9 6 4,236.00
6/24/79 Toronto, Ont. Holy Eucharist 4 3 8,698.00 11/14/82 Loroin, Ohio St. John the Baptist 8 15 4,990.00
9/ 9/79 Berwick, Pa. SS. Cyril a n d Methodius 6 31 4,466.00 11/21/82 Wheeling. Pa. Our l a d y a f Perpetual Help 3 7 1.735.00
9/16/79 Frockville, Pa. St. Michael 6 32 3,589.00 11/28/82 Bamesboro, Pa. Immaculate Conception of BVM 2 13 1,760.00
9/23/79 Shamokin, Pa. Holy Transfiguration 18 57 10,748.00 12/ 5 / 8 2 Aliquippa, Pa. SS. Peter a n d Paul 10 15 4,770.00
9/30/79 Northampton, Po. St. John the Baptist 19 235 10,144.00 12/12/82 Minneapolis, Minn. St. Corotontine 20 26 12,300.00
10/14/79 Shenandoah, Pa. St. M k h a e l 3 15 2.460.00 12/12/82 St. Paul, Minn. St. Stephen 9 7 5,410.00
10/14/79 Mohanoy CHy, Pa. St. Nkholos 1 17 482.00
10/21/79 St. Cloir, Pa. Holy Trinity 7 18 TOTAL FROM 148 PARISHES, AS O f JANUARY 3, 1983 679 3239 11,393,011.40
10/21/79 St, (Зоіг, Pa. St. Nkholos 7 37 6.021.00
10/28/79 Contralia, Po. Assumption of BVM 8 12 17,372.00 TOTAL FROM HOLY FAMILY PARISH, W A S H I N G T O N , D . C AS O f JANUARY 3, 1533
11/4/79 O f t e n Heights, Pa. SS. Potor a n d Paul 9 21 8,855.00 208 103 866.427.00

starvation will be forgotten by no one who saw them"82 Whiting Williams reported that in Ukraine "...canni­
1932-34 Great Famine An agronomist in another village similarly reported: balism has become commonplace.'" Harry Lang
(Continuedfrompage 7) "The people daily died in dozens. The bodies of the recorded that:
which mortality is listed in the Encyclopaedia dead lay in all the villages, along the roads and in the "In the office of a Soviet functionary I saw a poster
Britannica, only one - the Chinese famine of 1877-78 fields. Special brigades were formed in the villages to on the wall which struck my attention. It showed the
- is given a higher total.81 bury the dead, but they were too weak to collect all the picture of a mother in distress, with a swollen child at
Thus, though precise estimates are lacking, it corpses and these were devoured by those dogs which her feet, and over the picture was the inscription:
appears that the Soviet famine of 1932-34 has the had escaped being eaten and had gone savage. The EAT1NGOFDEADCHILDREN IS BARBARISM.
dubious distinction of ranking among the great gravedigger of today might be a corpse tomorrow."83 The Soviet official explained to me: '...We distributed
famines of all time. Still another collective farm member told Victor such posters in hundreds of villages, especially in the
Kravchenko, then a village Communist Party repre­ Ukraine. We had to.' , s o
B. Descriptions of the famine sentative: "...1 saw blood and death when I was in the In some instances, parents would not wait until their
army-but nothing as terrible as what's been going on children died, but would kill them. The same would be
But mere numbers — appalling as they may be — right here in my village.'`14 true of other relatives." There is, of course, no record
cannot begin to divulge the full impact of the famine. One might wish to classify these accounts as of how many cases of this sort there were, but it is
To do this we must turn to eyewitness accounts. exaggerated, isolated events. Unfortunately, however, revealing that among the prisoners of Solovky in 1936,
While the" dying and the dead were to be found, at such does not seem to be in the case. Similar, equally "...there were 325 persons guilty of cannibalism...`^2
first, on the streets of the main cities, it was, as gruesome tales are provided by several Americans who 81. Reginald Passmore, "Famine," Encyclopaedia
previously suggested, in the villages that the famine visited the afflicted areas - including Mr. and Mrs. Britannica. Chicago, 1962, Vol. 9, p. 63.
was at its worst. Fedor Belov was a resident of such a Stebalo, Fred Beal, Harry Lang, and later, Thomas 82. Belov, op. cit., pp. 12-13.
village. He writes: Walker.85 Walker included an extensive and chilling 83. Manning, op. cit., pp. 98-99.
"The famine of 1932-33 was the most terrible and array of pictures - as did Ammende in his book.86 84. Kravchenko, op. cit., p. 118.
destructive that the Ukrainian people have ever Less explicit, but no less disturbing accounts are to be 85. "Visitors Describe...,"loc.cit.,and Bertillon,loc.cit.
experienced. The peasants ate dogs, horses, rotten found in many of the other references noted in the (August 29); Beal, op. cit., pp. 251-253: Lang, loc. cit.;
potatoes, the bark of trees, grass — anything they course of this paper. Walker, loc. cit.
could find, incidents of cannibalism were not A particularly ghastly phase of the famine, noted by 86. Ammende, op. cit.; see pictures following pp. 64,96,
128, 160, 192.
uncommon. The people were like wild beasts, ready to many, was cannibalism. Perhaps the first public notice 87. Sabline, loc. sit.
devour one another. And no matter what they did, of this was made in June 1933 when a woman doctor in 88. "Cardinal Asks...," loc. cit.; Birchall, loc. cit.;
they went on dying, dying, dying. They died singly and Ukraine wrote: "Our situation is such: I have not yet "Visitors Describe...," loc. cit.; Bertillon loc, cit.
in families. They died everywhere — in yards, on become a cannibal, but I am not sure that I shall not be 89. Williams, loc. cit. (February 24).
streetcars and on trains. There was no one to bury one by the time my letter reaches you."87 Other 90. Lang, op. cit. (April 15), p. 2.
these victims of the Stalinist famine. A man is capable references to cannibalism appeared several months 91. See, for example. Solevei, op. cit., pp. 30-32, 35.
of forgetting a great deal, but these terrible scenes of later.88 , 92. Manning, op. cit., p. 98.

July 1932 Reasons for this famine included the requisition

of all grains from the peasants as well as a
"Dear Sister, We are starving and beg you to
send some food. I know that you are having hard
(Continuedfrompage 7) terrible drought. times yourself to make ends meet, but there
Communist Party regarded this as sabotage by There are no natural causes for the famine of would be a blessing on you if you could send me
the peasants. 1932, the author wrote. "The harvest of 1931 was some money at least to buy food. If you like, you
An editor's note following the news brief plentiful, but the government took such harsh may send it to Kiev, where there is a food agency,
stated that news from Moscow shows the regime measures with the peasants that they were forced and they will forward me the food. I appealed to
has admitted that the situation in Ukraine has to give up 70 percent of everything harvested. our brother, but he writes to me that in that part
reached catastrophic proportions. Collectivization has forced the peasants to pay of Russia conditions, as far as food is concerned,
On the next day, July 16, Molotov, who was up to 31 percent in taxes although they make up are better, but there is a severe penalty for
attending a Communist Party conference in only 19 percent of the total population of the anyone caught sending food.
K,harkiv, criticized the party for planning Soviet Union. The government also did not "...Conditions are terrible here and one dare
industrialization and neglecting agriculture. He deliver the seeds to be planted in Ukraine, thus not trust the other. The family that lives next
stated that buildings and factories stand empty most of the land stands barren this yearT" he door to us was attacked by the Cheka and the
and the economic situation in Ukraine de­ wrote. son was taken to prison. The Cheka released him
teriorates. In his speech to the conference The author ended his article by stating: "The when his uncle from America sent him S200. 1
participants, Molotov stated that the peasants real reason for these politics is known only to shouldn't write about such things, for it may
go hungry: "Communists have got to mend their those who know and understand the existence of mean prison and even something worse, but I
relations with the peasants in Ukraine, and not the Soviet government in Ukraine, its true have lost hope and don't care what happens."
allow the enemies of the Soviet government to character and goals. Famine is the most certain
propagandize against it." political ally of the regime which now occupies
Thus, he said, the improvement of the agricul­ Ukraine, but this ally can also become the most In July 1932, around the world:
tural situation in Ukraine will not only alleviate dangerous enemy of that government -because Franklin Delano Roosevelt won the Demo­
the economic situation in Ukraine, but the every stick has two ends." cratic bid for presidential candidate, as the
political situation as well. He added that the Democratic convention ended in Chicago.
Jewish population is moving into the towns from On Ju)y 22 an article translated and reprinted A fire in Coney Island sent thousands home
the villages to find food. from the Italian press was also published in and caused S5 million of damage, destroying
In a July 18 article titled "Famine in Soviet Svoboda. It dealt with the agricultural situation four square blocks of buildings.
Ukraine and its Main Reason," the author stated in Ukraine. The Russian emigre, Gorgylov, who assassi­
that he had received news of the tragic situation The Ukrainian Bureau in London printed an nated French president Paul Doumer, was
in Ukraine. He wrote: "The horrible paradox of English report about the percentage of land sentenced to death.
the situation is that the breadbasket is suffering sown and the crops yielded. After visiting In Lausanne, Switzerland, Germany and France
from hunger." Ukraine, a Sunday Times correspondent, A. T. reached an agreement as to Germany's war debt,
The author noted that this is political- Cholerton, wrote: "Everybody speaks only about which later that month resulted in Germany's
economic exploitation of the people perpetrated bread." insistence on negating sections of the Treaty of
by the Soviet regime. It follows the pattern of the On July 28, an article headlined "Letter from Versailles.
famine of 1921-22, when all the available food Ukraine," found its way to Svoboda. Written by German Chancellor von Papen, who
was exported out of Ukraine into the distant a Jewish woman, it first appeared in the Ottawa also served as commissioner for Prussia,
Volga regions. Hebrew News. The names of the people and suspended the Prussian Parliament and ousted
In 1928-29 a similar famine, although on a places were omitted to protect the family. Social Democrat Otto Braun, who had been
lesser scale, once again invaded Ukraine. Excerpts of the letter follow: premier since 1920.


Professional typesetting and printing services. : I
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March 27 through April 2

LIVONIA, Mich.: The Ukrainian

PREVIEW OF EVENTS from Friday, March 11, through
Monday, April 11. Exhibit hours are
6 to 9 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays,
Monday, March 28 traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs -
Graduates of Detroit and Windsor pysanky. Representing the museum Fridays and Saturdays and 11 a.m. to
will s p o n s o r their a n n u a l JENKINTOWN, Pa.: " S t r e e t will be Lesia Lebed, an expert artisan 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Ukrainian pysanka-decorating de­ Smarts," a self-defense seminar for in this craft. Sundays. The award-winning docu­
monstrations at the Livonia Mall, women, will be held at 7:30 p.m. in mentary film by Slawko Nowytski
Seven Mile and Middlebelt roads. the Mother of Perpetual Help Hall Thursday, April 7 titled "Pysanka: The Ukrainian
For more information contact Peter auditorium of Manor Junior College. Easter Egg," will be shown every
Martyn at (313) 565-0590. The public is invited and admission is JENKINTOWN, Pa.: Free blood Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.
SI. pressure and diabetes screening will
Sunday, March 27 Angie Scarangelli, athletic director be offered from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in PREVIEW OF EVENTS, a listing
at Manor will present the program. the seminar room of the library
NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Aca­ of Ukrainian community events open
Mrs. Scarangelli will emphasize building at Manor Junior College.
demy of Arts and Sciences is spon­ to the public, is a service provided
various self-defense techniques that The medical assisting students of
soring a lecture by Prof. Frank Sysyn free of charge by The Weekly to the
are applicable to any person and Manor will participate in the pro­
of Harvard University titled "Kiev in Ukrainian community. To have an
demonstrate how to apply them. gram by volunteering their services.
the Khmelnytsky Period." The pro­ event listed in this column, please
The public is invited and no appoint­ send information (type of event,
gram, which is a continuation of the Weekend of April 1, 2, 3 ment is necessary.
academy's Kievan lecture series, will date, time, place, admission, spon­
be held at its building at 206 W. 100th sor, etc.), along with the phone
LAS VEGAS: Zoria Zataruk will Friday, April 8 number of a person who may be
St. present a pysanka display and work- reached during daytime hours for
ship at the Fashion Show Mall on EDMONTON: Dr. Carl Betke of additional information, to: PRE­
ELIZABETH, N.J.: Elizabeth Branch Las Vegas Boulevard. For more Edmonton will present a lecture
24 of the Ukrainian National Wo­ VIEW OF EVENTS, The Ukrainian
information call Ms. Zataruk at titled: "The Urban Impact on Ukrai­ Weekly, 30 Montgomery St., Jersey
men's League of America will hold its (702)647-1129. nian Settlement in East-Central
annual Easter Bazaar from 9 a.m. to City, NJ. 07362.
Alberta Before 1930." It will be held
3 p.m. at St. Vladimir's School hall, at 7:30 p.m. at the Heritage Lounge,
425 Grier Ave. Traditional Ukrai­ Weekend of April 1-4 PLEASE NOTE: Preview items
Athabasca Hall, University of Al­ must be received one week before
nian foods will be served, baked berta.
goods will be for sale and a pysanka- TORONTO: The Hnat Khotkevych desired date of publication. No
decorating demonstration will be Bandurist Ensemble and School of ONGOING: information will be taken over the
held during the bazaar. Bandura will host a bandura work­ phone. Preview items will be publish­
shop at St. Vladimir's Orthodox WARREN, Mich.: An exhibit of ed only once (please note desired date
UNIONDALE, N.Y.: The second Cathedral Hall, 404 Bathurst St. It is original designs and traditional of publication). All items are publish­
day of the Easter Bazaar being held an intensive course that will cater to patterns on Ukrainian Easter eggs by ed at the discretion of the editorial
this weekend by the St. Mary and St. beginners and advanced bandurists Larissa Cisaruk will be on display at staff and in accordance with available
Olga Sisterhood of St. Michael's and features a mini-series of lectures the Ukrainian Cultural Center here space.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church takes that deal with Ukrainian national
place from noon to 4 p.m. in St. instruments and a recital. a 25,000-volume library and a 1,100-
Michael's Cultural Center, 147 Maple
Ave. The bazaar features pysanky
Accommodations for out-of-town
participants will be provided in
St. Andrew's... seat auditorium.
(Continued from page 8)
Each year, thousands of faithful
and egg-decorating supplies, em­ private Ukrainian homes in the gather on St. Thomas Sunday, or
broidered and ceramic items, a variety Toronto area. Cost of the course is of their torturers, for those who died in Providna Nedilia (Sceing-Off Sunday),
of baked goods, and a cafeteria S60 (Canadian currency) or S50 the starvation, cold and hard labor of to honor the dead in traditional Ukrai­
offering Ukrainian foods and coffee. (American). For more information exile. They all are alive in God and alive nian Easter-season memorial rites.
Varenyky, prepared by the ladies call Bill Korec at (416) 763-3422 or in our memories. They are unfor­ They come to honor the heroes and
with three different kinds of filling, W. Rodak at (416) 255-8604, or write gettable. martyrs of the Ukrainian nation who
are available in take-home packages. for information to: Bandura Work­ "In it we will daily offer our prayers to died in their native land, as well as to
The public is invited. shop, 219 Armadale Ave., Toronto God for those millions of our people pay their respects to those national
Ont., Canada M6S 3X5. who were mercilessly sentenced by the leaders and relatives who died beyond
NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Insti­ enemy to a horrifying slow death from the boundaries of Ukraine.
tute of America will present the Saturday, April 2 starvation as a result of the oppressor's This year, the St. Thomas Sunday
award-winning film "The Monkey's attempts to destroy the power of our observances on May IS will be specifi­
Paw" by Ihor Wolansky, at 6:30 p.m. NEW YORK: Ruth Katz, crafts co­ nation and to erase in the people the cally dedicated to the 7 million victims
A short discussion with the director ordinator for WNEW-TV Channel 5 very dream of freedom. They all are live of the Great Famine, and religious
and producer of the film, and a program "Saturday Morning," 10 in God and alive in our memories. They services will begin at 9a.m. with a divine
reception will follow the showing. a.m. to noon, has invited The Ukrai­ are unforgettable. liturgy at St. Andrew's Memorial
Suggested donation: S4. The institute nian Museum to hold a studio de­ "It is in their memory that we erected Church and will continue at II a.m.
is located at 2 E. 79th St. monstration in the making of the this memorial church-monument," the with an ecumenical pahakhyda (re­
metropolitan explained. quiem service) on the steps of the
In his address. Archbishop Mstyslav Also slated are commemorative ad­
summarized the significance of the dresses by community and Church
17th ANNUAL UNA memorial church: "it is a monument on
the graves of our predecessors and those
leaders, as well as public officials. A
memorial concert program is planned
BOWLING TOURNAMENT dear to us, expression of deep
respect for the heroesand martyrs of the
for 3:30 p.m. at the Home of Ukrainian
Ukrainian nation, ...a very modest cross In keeping with the motto "Let us
on the graves of the millions of
Український Народний Союз, Інк. victims of the Great Famine - the
remember —and remind others"adopt-
ed by the National Committee to Com­
graves that were plowed under by the memorate Genocide Victims in Ukraine
Ukrainian National Association, Inc. And so the church remains to this day
1932-33, approximately 10,000 Ukrai­
nians of all faiths are expected to attend
VJhere? Rochester, N.Y. a fitting tribute to those fallen Ukrai­ the day's solemn observances.
When? Saturday-Sunday, May 2 8 - 2 9 , 1 9 8 3

Guaranteed prizes for men's and women's team events. U.S. supports...
Men's team S900.00 - 1st place, S450 - 2nd place In later years, prominent Ukrainian (Continued from page 2)
Women's team 9400.00 - 1st place, 1200 - 2nd place artists completed the ornamentation of Last fall, U.S. representative Carl
Organize your teams now. Mail in your entry blanks the church: its mosaics, icons and Gersham, speaking before the Third
iconostas are the work of Petro Cho- Committee of the U.N. General As­
before May 1st, 1983 lodny Jr., and the woodcarving is by sembly, accused the Soviets of pursuing
For further information and entry blanks call or write Andreas Darahan. a "conscious policy of cultural Russifi-
FRANK KUBARICH, 72 Mayville Lane, ROCHESTER, N.Y. 14617 St. Andrew's Church today is the cation aimed at the denationalization of
Telephone: (716) 544-4954 centerpiece of the Ukrainian Orthodox the Baltic states."
Center which has grown to encompass For over a decade, BATUN, the
OTHER EVENTS INCLUDE nearly 100 acres of land on which stand acronym for the Baltic Appeal to the
DOUBLES - SINGLES - ALL EVENTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN St. Andrew's Cemetery, a print shop, a United Nations, has provided U.N.
Bowler's Social - Saturday, May 28, 1983
museum, the Consistory of the Ukrai­ delegations with updated information
nian Orthodox Church, the St. Sophia concerning the Baltic republics. Last
Banquet - Sunday, May 29, 1983
Seminary, the metropolitan's residence, month, BATUN representatives met
and the recently completed S2 million with delegates to the U.N. Human
Home of Ukrainian Culture that houses Rights Commission session in Geneva.

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