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Parasitol Res (2010) 107:1189–1192

DOI 10.1007/s00436-010-1986-8


Resistance phenomena to amitraz from populations

of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor of Argentina
Matías D. Maggi & Sergio R. Ruffinengo & Pedro Negri &
Martín J. Eguaras

Received: 28 May 2010 / Accepted: 13 July 2010 / Published online: 29 July 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract In Argentina, Varroa destructor resistance to Introduction

coumaphos has been previously reported. However, the
status of mite susceptibility to other hard acaricides is The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor Anderson and
still unknown. At present, high infestation levels of V. Trueman (2000) appear as a serious problem for beekeeping
destructor are being detected in colonies of Apis mellifera when it became capable to parasite Apis mellifera L. colonies
after treatment with amitraz. The aim of the present study in the middle of 1950 (Eguaras and Ruffinengo 2006). Due
was to determine the LC50 of amitraz in V. destructor from to its 40 years of persistence in honey bee apiaries, V.
three apiaries with high mite density after treatment with destructor is considered as the major pest of honey bee A.
the acaricide. The LC50 values were 3.9, 3.5, and 3.7 μg/ mellifera (Rosenkranz et al. 2010). The serious effect of this
Petri dish for mites from three different apiaries. Signif- parasite is due to the parasitism of both adult bees and brood
icant LC50 differences were detected between resistant and cells. Adult mated mite females settle on bee workers and
susceptible mites. LC50 increased 35–39-fold when com- drones, enter the brood cells a few hours before sealing, and
pared to the corresponding baseline, suggesting the reproduce in close synchronization with the bee development
development of resistance. These results are the first (Maggi et al. 2010a). After piercing the bee cuticle, the mite
report of resistance to amitraz in V. destructor in Argentina females suck the hemolymph, taking proteins and contribut-
and extend the knowledge according to the status of ing at the same time to the inoculation and multiplication of
acaricides resistance in the country. bee pathogens. The combination of both injuries results in
the death of the colonies (revised in Rosenkranz et al. 2010).
The beekeeping industry has limited products to control
these mites. Historically, tau-fluvalinate has been the
M. D. Maggi : P. Negri : M. J. Eguaras
miticide of choice for V. destructor control. It has been
Laboratorio de Artrópodos, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y used widespread throughout many years resulting in a
Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, strong selective pressure on mite populations. Therefore,
Funes, 3350, resistant mite populations have emerged in numerous
7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina
countries (Macedo et al. 2002; Milani 1995). In areas
M. D. Maggi (*) : M. J. Eguaras where tau-fluvalinate resistance was prevalent, beekeepers
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas began to apply the organophosphate coumaphos as
(CONICET), alternative treatment method to confront this problem
Rivadavia 1917,
(Elzen et al. 2000). However, resistance to this pesticide
C1033AJ Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: has already been reported in Europe and the USA (Elzen
and Westervelt 2002). Amitraz (formamidine) has been
S. R. Ruffinengo also used for V. destructor control worldwide, and mite
Cátedra de Apicultura, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias,
resistance to this acaricide was reported, too, although few
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata,
Ruta Nacional 226, Km. 73.5, CC 276, cases were reported (Dujin et al. 1991 as cited by Milani
(B7620ZAA) Balcarce, Argentina 1999; Elzen et al. 1999; Rodriguez-Dehaibes et al. 2005).
1190 Parasitol Res (2010) 107:1189–1192

Table 1 Comparative results of probit analysis from response Material and methods
concentration–mortality of amitraz on Varroa destructor in Argentina
among the present data and those of Maggi et al. (2008)
In autumn 2010, three commercial beekeepers from Santa
Origin of LC50 (μg/ 95% Degrees Resistance Fe, Argentina, detected high V. destructor infestation
mites Petri dish) Confidence of index following treatment of their colonies with amitraz at their
interval freedom
corresponding apiaries. To determine if acaricide resistance
Apiary I 3.9 a 0.2–7.6 3 39 was involved, bioassays were conducted on mite populations
Apiary II 3.5 a 2.1–5.7 3 35 from Santa Fe and compared with data from susceptible mite
Apiary III 3.7 a 0.4–6.2 3 37 populations from Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maggi et 0.1 b 3.25e−2–0.15 2 – (Maggi et al. 2008). V. destructor mites were obtained from
al. (2008) different infested A. mellifera combs from each apiary. Mites
were taken from capped brood by opening and inspecting
Different letters within the column indicate significant differences individual cells. Mature mites were removed from bee
(Fisher’s exact test, P<0.05). Resistance index is equal to LC50
resistant mites divided by LC50 of susceptible mites broods with a slender moistened paint brush, placed in an
incubation stove at 70% RH and 33–34°C on bee larvae, and
kept in a glass Petri dish for 1–3 h until the number of mites
Since its detection in Argentina in 1976 (Montiel and collected was sufficient. LC50 for amitraz was determined
Piola 1976), several chemical treatments have been used to using a toxicity method (Maggi et al. 2008). Technical
control this ectoparasite, including coumaphos, fluvalinate, grades of amitraz (Pestanal®, Sigma–Aldrich) were diluted
flumethrin, and amitraz with specific formulation for in 1 ml of hexane (Cicarelli Laboratory, Argentina, Pro-
apicultural use. Around 1990, tau-fluvalinate application analysis). Concentrations increased from 0 to 75 μg/ml were
was nearly 100% effective for control of Varroa mites in applied to the bottom of the dish for the acaricide. Five
Argentina. However, high infestation levels of V. destructor replicates were done for each concentration and control.
were detected in 1996 in colonies of A. mellifera after Calculations of LC50 values and 95% fiducial limits, as
treatment with this pyrethroid (Fernandez and García established by USEPA (1986), were conducted using EPA
1997). As a consequence, beekeepers began applying software (version 1.5) as recommended by Lindberg et al.
coumaphos and amitraz in various formulations (Eguaras (2000). Mortality values were adjusted in accordance with
and Ruffinengo 2006). Due to the high infestation levels of Abbott (1925) as a function of natural mortality. LC50 values
V. destructor that are continuously being detected in and resistance indexes carried out among data were
colonies of A. mellifera after treatment with synthetic compared between the present study and Maggi et al.
acaricides in Argentina, several studies were conducted to (2008); resistance index was calculated as LC50 “resistant”
detect Varroa resistance episodes to hard miticides (Maggi mites/LC50 susceptible mites and statistically analyzed with
et al. 2008). By this mean, resistance to coumaphos in the the Fisher exact test (APHA 1992).
north of Argentina has been reported (Maggi et al. 2009),
and currently, new cases are being detected in other
locations from this country (Ruffinengo et al. 2010). Results and discussion
The objective of this research was to determine if
resistance episodes to amitraz was involved in V. destructor For mites from all three apiaries, the amitraz LC50 increased
populations sampled from three commercial apiaries where 35–39-fold (Table 1), when compared to the corresponding
high infestation levels of the mite were detected after baseline, suggesting the development of resistance. LC50
treatment with amitraz was applied. differences were detected between resistant and susceptible

Table 2 History of use of acaricides in the apiaries parasitized by V. destructor in recent years

Year Apiary I Apiary II Apiary III

2007 Autumn: flumethrin Autumn: flumethrin Autumn: flumethrin

Spring: flumethrin Spring: flumethrin Spring: flumethrin
2008 Autumn: amitraz Autumn: amitraz Autumn: amitraz
Spring: amitraz Spring: amitraz Spring: amitraz
2009 Autumn: flumethrin Autumn: flumethrin Autumn: flumethrin
Spring: acid oxalic Spring: acid oxalic Spring: acid oxalic
2010 Autumn: amitraz (failures detected) Autumn: amitraz (failures detected) Autumn: amitraz (failures detected)
Parasitol Res (2010) 107:1189–1192 1191

knowledge of V. destructor resistance to acaricides in

Argentina. Argentine regulations (as stated by SENASA)
require one Amivar® strips (1 g amitraz per strip) or one
tablet ABVarA® (400 mg amitraz; beekeeper’s choice) to
be placed in every hive. Nevertheless, some beekeepers
also use homemade formulations based on amitraz. Taking
into account these results, in concordance with previous
reports of resistance to coumaphos in Argentina (Maggi et
al. 2009), control strategies must be improved. If not,
resistance may develop and spread rapidly with serious
economic losses from Argentinean beekeepers. In addition,
more resistant mite populations to coumaphos in Buenos
Aires province have been recently detected (Ruffinengo et
al. 2010). With regard to the results reported in this study,
the presence of amitraz resistance in apiaries where this
acaricide had been used three times in a period of 2 years is
disturbing (Table 2). According to Sammataro et al. (2005),
the presence of resistant mites (in colonies where no strong
acaricides pressures are obvious) may be due to (1) bees
robbing honey from a weak or dying hive (with resistant
mites) within the flight range of the apiary and, as a
consequence, acquiring those mites; (2) introduction of
packaged bees and queens from other states already
parasitized by resistant mites; or (3) drifting bees, a
common phenomenon in large apiaries where phoretic
mites can be swiftly distributed throughout the whole
apiary in a short time.
These results must be a matter of serious concern to all
beekeepers and government authorities. Currently, Argentina
has few mite control alternatives on the horizon. Although,
identification of resistant mites and rotation of chemicals are
needed to limit the spread of the mites (due to: bee transport
across the country for pollination, queens sales, and the
packaged bees, in Argentina) and to prolong the use of the
various acaricides. Based on our findings, it is recommended
that beekeepers began to use some means for assessing the
mite populations before and especially following treatment
Fig. 1 Geographical locations from Argentina where V. destructor with amitraz and coumaphos.
populations resistant to coumaphos (Maggi et al. 2009; Ruffinengo et In addition, this study helps in understanding the sources
al. 2010) and to amitraz (present study) were detected. 1 amitraz
resistance, present study (29°20′49.78″ S; 59°58′4.79″ W); 2
of resistance to amitraz in the world, due to the few cases
coumaphos resistance (Maggi et al. 2009; 30°45′26.22″ S 57°59′ reported until the present day. Other studies on populations
29.89″ W); 3 coumaphos resistance (Ruffinengo et al. 2010; 37°9′ of V. destructor resistant to synthetic acaricides should
0.97″ S; 58°28′58.70″ W); 4 coumaphos resistance (Ruffinengo et al. continue to carry out with the purpose of obtaining detailed
2010; 34°27′21.26″ S; 58°54′29.98″ W); and 5 coumaphos resistance
(Ruffinengo et al. 2010; 36°46′29.70″ S; 59°5′23.23″ O)
historical information according to the health status of
different apiaries in all countries. Doing so could generate
stronger conclusions about the obtained results.
mites (P<0.05; Table 1). The acaricides used for the control In apiaries where Varroa mites are still susceptible,
of V. destructor populations in the studied apiaries in the rotation between amitraz and another miticide should
last 3 years are detailed in Table 2. Figure 1 shows the prolong the effectiveness of these pesticides to prevent the
geographical locations from Argentina, where V. destructor occurrence of chemically resistant mites. Several studies
resistance phenomena to acaricide were detected. reported organic treatments against V. destructor populations
The current study documents high levels of mite (Eguaras et al. 2003, 2005; Ruffinengo et al. 2005; Damiani
resistance to amitraz in Santa Fe province and extends the et al. 2010; Maggi et al. 2010b). In apiaries where Varroa
1192 Parasitol Res (2010) 107:1189–1192

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ANPCyT, Picto 443, and PIC 2007 01749 to M.E and by a grant of LC50 baseline data of amitraz, coumaphos, fluvalinate and
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