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Thursday, May 28, 2009, commencing at 7:09 p.m.
Rotary Field House
Aldergrove Athletic Park

PRESENT: Maureen Robinson, Chair

B. Bailey, D. Bloomfield, R. Daems, H. Hogeterp, L. Hollaar, K. Hunt, S. Janda,

A. McDougall, CJ Phan, A. Robinson and B. Thomasson

Mayor R. Green
Councillor B. Long and Councillor C. Fox

J. Chu, P. Crawford, Inspector R. Konarski, S. Palmer, R. Seifi and Fire Chief D. Wade

J. Karakas and F. Ducote, HB Lanarc


R. Seifi welcomed those present. Roundtable introductions were then held.


1. Terms of Reference

R. Seifi presented an overview of the Aldergrove Planning Committee Terms of

Reference, noting that Council approved an amendment on May 25, 2009 allowing for
two voting Youth members.


1. Nominations For and Election of Chair - Aldergrove Planning Committee

Nominations for Chair were received from the floor for Maureen Robinson and
Kieron Hunt. A silent vote was conducted, votes were tallied and Maureen Robinson
was duly elected as Chair.
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1. Aldergrove Core Planning Program

P. Crawford and J. Chu provided background information related to the Aldergrove

Community Plan Update. Main points of the presentation:
• Metro Vancouver has prepared a draft Regional Growth Strategy, which
designates Aldergrove as a Municipal Town Centre to reflect the current
policy in the Livable Region Strategic Plan.
• Aldergrove is an area for Designated Urban Growth and Designated
Industrial Growth in the Township Official Community Plan.
• An attempt was made to update the Aldergrove Community Plan in 1994/95
with an application to take about 500 acres of land out of the Agricultural
Land Reserve (ALR). The Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) did not
approve the application.
• In 2004, a Community Vision was developed to maintain the unique small
town character and rural setting of Aldergrove, while continuing to develop a
small community with a vibrant local economy, a vital downtown core
meeting the needs of residents and offering an attractive rural character.
• In 2007/08 the Aldergrove Task Force reviewed and prioritized issues in the
community. The top priorities included: (1) long term water and sewer
servicing, (2) transit and transportation, and (3) downtown Aldergrove. One
of the actions was to undertake a design charrette (workshop) with a focus
on mixed commercial / residential use for the Aldergrove downtown area.
• On March 9, 2009, Council received a staff report which outlined the main
components of the current effort to update the Aldergrove Community Plan,
including: (1) Aldergrove Core Planning Program, (2) Engineering, Servicing
and Environment Assessment, and (3) Rural Bylaw Review. Resolution of
issues relating to the ALR are on-going with the ALC and the Ministry of
Agriculture and Lands and form part of broader discussions in the content of
harmonizing the policies of the three agencies.

2. Workshop No. 1 – HB Lanarc

HB Lanarc, one of the leading consulting companies in sustainable community

development, was contracted to work on the Aldergrove Core Planning Program.
J. Karakas, Planner/Project Manager, and F. Ducote, Urban Designer, of HB Lanarc,
provided a presentation on the Aldergrove Core Planning and Urban Design
Program and led an interactive workshop with the Committee

What is a charrette?
A charrette is an intense collaborative session in which professional designers work
with community stakeholders on a design solution to an area. The materials
produced at the charrette (drawings, plans, diagrams, etc.) will not be highly refined,
but will form the foundation for subsequent stages of the design and planning
process. Such charrettes serve as a way of quickly generating a design solution
while integrating the aptitudes and interests of a diverse group of people.
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Process of the Aldergrove Core Planning Program

A Visioning and Design Charrette will be held on June 6. The purpose of the
charrette is to put forward ideas on how a vibrant downtown may look. A
subsequent workshop will be held to refine concepts at the end of June and a
meeting will be held with the APC for feedback.

A Council workshop will be held during the summer to present preliminary concepts.
Public open houses will be held in September; after which an APC meeting will be
held to discuss key elements in the preferred concepts. The preferred concept plan
will be prepared followed by two more workshops for further refinement. Detailed
land use maps and massing study will be provided showing the form and shape of
the concept; a final report with the illustrated concept plan, policy recommendations,
design guidelines would be provided in January – March 2010.

Charrette Directives
Using information from the Community Visioning Program in 2004, the consultants
confirmed the following charrette directives with the Committee:
• reinforce downtown as the social, cultural and commercial heart of the
• increase housing choice and density in the downtown while ensuring a high
degree of livability;
• incorporate mixed-use developments in the downtown including housing
located above commercial uses;
• focus on (and potentially reduce) the extent of commercial uses to create a
vibrant commercial core;
• consider re-orienting commercial development in a north/south alignment
(don’t continue linear development along the Fraser Highway);
• incorporate built form, layout and open space design that supports transit-
use and cycling for everyday travel needs;
• prioritize pedestrian activity in the core area to create a walkable downtown;
• create options for vehicles and goods movement traveling through the
downtown core to minimize vehicle impacts on Fraser Highway;
• create an attractive and distinct public realm and interconnected open space
network that emphasizes pedestrian comfort and safety and reinforces the
small town/rural identity of the community;
• create a greener downtown that that provides parks, street trees and protects
and enhances Bertrand Creek as a focal point; and
• incorporate built forms, open space treatments and innovative infrastructure
that reduces overall environmental impacts.

• L. Hollaar asked the question of what population density numbers are required to
support the need for medium and high density development. F. Ducote
responded that there is no clear answer; existing built areas and centres are the
best places to locate future growth. There may be some small scale infill in the
form of duplexes and multiplexes, bringing more energy and customers to
revitalize the commercial core area. This will, in turn, trigger other forms of
development in the mid-rise (4-6 storeys) residential buildings adjacent to the
core area. Finally, over the medium to long-term, gradual intensification will
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stimulate mixed-use development along Fraser Highway and 272 Street.

• Councillor Fox suggested an addition to the study area to include a commercial
strip mall and a trailer park to the west. J. Chu commented that the study area
was based on the 1997 downtown revitalization efforts to underground overhead
wires along Fraser Highway and the five-minute walking distance. The study
area boundaries could be revised by the Aldergrove Planning Committee from its
current boundaries of Bertrand Creek, and the intersection of Fraser Highway
and 272 Street, if necessary.
• K. Hunt commented on housing above commercial space and the lack of office
space. He noted that there is a need for certain services and there should be a
discussion on what the mix should be for the downtown area.

In addition to the discussion, Committee members completed a questionnaire on the

charrette directives. Feedback on the charrette directives will be incorporated into
the design brief, which will be used as a guide for the charrette on June 6.


1. 2009 Meeting Schedule

Aldergrove Core Visioning and Design Charrette

Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Rotary Field House - Aldergrove Athletic Park

Aldergrove Planning Committee – Workshop #2: Develop Concept Options

Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009
Time: 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: TBA

Aldergrove Planning Committee – Workshop #3: Review Concept Options

Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009
Time: 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: TBA

Public Open House

Date: TBA (mid-September)

Aldergrove Planning Committee – Workshop #4: Develop Preferred Concept

Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009
Time: 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: TBA

Aldergrove Planning Committee

Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009
Time: 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: TBA
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Date: Aldergrove Core Visioning and Design Charrette

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Location: Rotary Field House - Aldergrove Athletic Park
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Moved by A. MacDougall,
Seconded by R. Daems,
That the meeting terminate at 9:31 p.m.


Chair, Maureen Robinson

Aldergrove Planning Committee

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