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Unit 1 Hardware I.

Types of Computers
A. B.


Supercomputer - Most powerful computer. May fill a room. Used to do things such as predict hurricanes and navigate satellites. Mainframes and Minicomputers - used by business and government to process large amounts of information, i.e. process payroll checks. Large, but not as large as a supercomputer. Personal Computers - smaller and less powerful than other types of computers. 1. Desktop computer - designed to be used on a desktop. 2. Laptop computer - designed to be small enough and light enough to be used on your lap.


Network - when 2 or more computers are connected by cables and can share information. A. LAN (local area network) - a network usually confined to a building. B. WAN (wide area network) - Any long distance network that uses dedicated leased lines and/or satellites to interconnect LANs and covers an area larger than a single building or campus. LANs are measured in feet, WANs are measured in miles. C. Internet - a huge network of computers that connects smaller networks of computers.

III. Hardware - the physical parts of the computer system. A. Monitor B. Keyboard & Mouse C. Disk Drive D. Speakers E. Scanner F. Printer IV. Input Devices A. Keyboard B. Mouse C. Trackball D. touchpad - a pressure-sensitive and motion-sensitive device used in place of a mouse to move around the screen and give commands E. touch screen - allows you to use your fingers to make selections on the computer screen F. bar code reader - a wand or screen that uses a light source to read the bar code characters.

G. H.

scanner microphone

V. Output Devices A. Monitor - output known as softcopy B. Printer - output known as hardcopy 1. Dot Matrix - inexpensive, form feed paper, print ribbon 2. Inkjet - better quality, uses ink cartridge 3. Laser - best quality, photo copier technology C. Speaker D. Modem VI. Storage Devices A. Hard Disk - a magnetic platter that holds a large amount of information. They are usually located inside the computer. B. Floppy Disk - a flat disk made of plastic. Inside the diskette casing is a magnetic surface that can store information. C. Flash Memory - A type of fast memory chip that remembers all its data even when the power is turned off. D. USB - stands for Universal Serial Bus, and is a port on a computer that allows external devices to be connected simply and easily. E. Optical Discs - sometimes called laser discs or compact discs (CDs), can hold a very large amount of computer information. Unlike floppy disks described above, most optical discs can have information recorded on them only once. However, that is quickly changing with the introduction of the new read write drives. VII. Processing Device A. CPU (Central Processing Unit) The brain of the computer where the processing (work) is done.


Software - computer programs that tell the computer what to do. 2.1 Operating System Software - Acts like a conductor in an orchestra. A set of rules of how the hardware and software work together. 1. 2. Macintosh - System 6, System 7, System 8 or System 9 IBM Compatible - DOS (Disk operating system) and/or Windows

GUI (Graphical User Interface) - both Macintosh and IBM Compatible operating systems use Icons to represent commands. Icons - pictures used to represent command files and commands, i.e. print, save, center, cut. 2.2 Application Software - software that works with the operating system software. 1. Business Software a. Word Processing (Microsoft Word) b. Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) c. Database (Microsoft Access) Communications Software- work with hardware and allows you to communicate with other computers. (programs that dial your Service Provider) Graphics Software - uses pictures or images to help communicate messages. (Adobe, Paint Shop Pro) Clipart - Graphic images you can add to documents Desktop Publishing - uses pictures and words to create documents, newsletters, etc. Education and Reference Software Educational games, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. Entertainment and Leisure Software Games and simulations Integrated Software - combination of several software packages into one program. i.e. Microsoft Office

2. Internet 3.

4. 5. 6.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Test _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.1 Technology Based Society Global Village - implies that people around the world are joined together, through telecommunications, into a great community. Tele - at a distance Telecommunications - communicating over a distance. Telecomputing - the blending of telecommunication and computer technology in things like the telephone system and satellites. Telecommuting - working from home, communicating with the main office of a company by computer.

3.3 Ethical Use of Computers Ethics - the standards of honesty, morality, and fairness as related to using computers. Intellectual Property - a product someone creates based on his or her thoughts or ideas. Piracy the illegal copying, distribution, or use of software. U.S. Copyright Act of 1978 - protects software companies and creators from illegal use of their products. Freeware software that is available for use at no cost and not subject to copyright laws. Firefox is an example of freeware. Shareware software you can try free of charge and pay a fee to continue to use legally. Computer Virus - any software program that destroys information or makes it difficult to use the contents of a computer disk. Public data - information that is either not personal or that carries your permission for use. Your name and telephone number are examples of public data. Hacking - the unauthorized use of a computer system or program. Password - A secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.

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