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MencUy, April 23. 1961

Rezonin Case Back With Board

The granting of a special temporary permit to open an interior decorating and gift shop in Cayuga Street, Lewiston, which is zoned for residential uses, was reviewed in Supreme Court here today and the court sent the matter back to the Zoning Board of Appeals for further findings. Justice John S. Marsh heard the special term proceeding brought by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lewiston to review the action of the Zoning Board of A p p e a l s in granting the special permit for three years. Detail Lacking Respondents in the pro ceeding were the Board of Appeals and Mrs. Margaret S. Doyle, who sought the permit. Mrs. Doyle reportedly has been operating a business in the residential area for several weeks under the permit. The court found that the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Appeals were not sufficiently detailed to show that the legal provision for the granting of such a temporary special permit was followed. The law provides that such a permit may be granted if the area is sufficiently "undeveloped." Justice Marsh said he could not find that the minutes covered sufficiently the point as to whether the particular area was not sufficiently developed to set a pattern for use of the area. Period Limited Justice Marsh found also that such a temporary permit should' not exceed a period of lVi years and limited the B o a r d of Appeals to that jeriod if granting the per mit is valid. Richard C. Kahl, who represented the respondents in the proceeding, said the mat tor will be presented again at the next meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. .William Murphy represent ed the Board of Trustees.

13 Teachers Study Under Grants 2 w

Thirteen Niagara-Wheatfield Central High School teachers have r e c e i v e d g r a n t s for graduate study in various f i e l d s , R i c h a r d H.E d e n, princl p a 1 a n nounced. Mrs. Mary L. B r u c e , E n g l i s h depa r t m en t head, will at* tend Williams College, -,,--. Mass., for a M R $ - BRUCE summer institute in the humanities sponsored by the John Hay Fellows program. Mrs. Bruce is one of a total of 170 secondary school teachers and 80 school administrators throughout the country who have been awarded fellowships. Mrs. Aldamarla Morinello, Spanish teacher, has received a scholarship for a summer session In the School of Languages at Middl'ebury College, Vt. Spanish will be the only language spoken d u r i n g Mrs. Morlnello's classes. M i s s Elizabeth Klaver,

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. Chief Constable Cecil B. Pay has volunteered to appear before a royal com* mission in Toronto to refute a gambler's reputed description of him as a "horse player and gamb- . ler."
W. S. Martin, the "chiefs lawyer, issued a statement saying that Chief Pay will -"categorically deny" a tape recorded statement of Vincent Feeley played before the commission by acting Chief Constable W. Jack Shrubb of Peterborough. The recording was described as one made in 1958 when Chief Shrubb was a corporal on the Provincial Police antigambling squad. Mr. Martin said Chief Pay would go to Toronto to deny "these cruel, unfounded and in all respects false charges that have been leveled at him from a source beneath contempt." Feeley's taped voice was allegedly advising Shrubb that "If you do anything down here, don't tell Cec Pay because he's been a horse player and gambler all his life." Mr. Martin said Chief Pay never gambles except for "an occasional trip to the race track for a day's sport." He said that the chief's 32 years on the force are "stalwart sentinels" of his reputation.











mathematics teacher, w i l l attend a summer institute in her subject at Colgate University on a scholarship awarded by the National Science Foundation. Miss Marilyn Ernst, Spanish and social studies teacher, and F r a n k Brusino, German teacher, are currently attending in-service training programs in* the field of Spanish and German at the University of Buffalo. Mr. Brusino also will attend a summer institute in languages at the University of Delaware from June 18 to Aug. 10 on a scholarship under the national defense education act. John Cosby, French teach-

er and language department head, is currently attending an in-service training program at Canisius College. The program, a study of t h e Russian language, w i l l continue throughout the summer term and the 1962-63 academic year. These in-service programs are sponsored by the Education Department, University of the State of New York. Thomas Johnson, science department chairman, will attend a 1962-63 academic year institute at Syracuse University sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daughter, of Pershing Avenue, Niagara Falls, will

move to Syracuse in September. M r s. Margaret Hughes, mathematics teacher, h a s been awarded a.summer institute scholarship in mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. This scholarship also was sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Mitchell Embry, and Jon Smith, mathematics teachers, are presently attending an in-service training program in their field at the University of Buffalo, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Robert Fifacomo and Ed Gallagher are on leave of absence from N i a g a r a Wheatfield to c o m p l e t e

graduate studies and expect to resume teaching duties for the coming school year. Mr. Filacomo's science foundation grant at Syracuse University has been extended for a summer institute and Mr. dallagher is completing graduate work on a fellowship at Brown University, Providence, R.l. Jacques H. Robinson has received a federal fellowship to p u r s u e doctoral studies at George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn., beginning this fall. The studies will lead to a doctor of philosophy degree in the education of the mentally retarded c h i l d with a minor in psychology.

Mr. Robinson is a teacher of mentally retarded children at the Colonial Village School. He was graduated from Buffalo State Teachers College in 1956 and expects to receive a master's degree from that college in June. He majored in the educaHe majored in the education of the exceptional child. Before coming to NiagaraWheatfield, Mr. Robinson taught 2Vt years in the Buf^ falo a r e a . He is a past president of Chapter No. 402, Council for Exceptional Children, and is a member of the A m e r i c a n Association for the Help of Retarded Chidlren.

Canadian Pacifist Pays $10 for Speech in Park

A bearded Canadian paci-this conduct?" Judge Hogan Hogan that the case was being tried in the United States and fist was fined $10 in City asked Patrolman Pitt that the Revolutionary war was standing on the "e Court today on a charge of monument and talking in a was over. making a public speech in loud tone to a crowd," the Judge Hogan dismissed the disorderly, conduct charge on Prospect Park without per- patrolman replied. the grounds there was no Judge Hogan remarked that mission. evidence of Campbell being it was almost necessary to Douglas K. Campbell, 32, of disorderly. talk in a loud tone to be Toronto, was fined after a 40WARSAW WiA group of m i n u t e trial before City heard above the roar of the The defendant was' fined touring American f a r m e r s Judge John V. Hogan. A see cataracts, only a few hundred $10 on a charge of violating came out of Russia Saturday Section 253 of the New York ond charge, disorderly con- feet away. with this advice on the farm Campell, acting as his own State Penal* Laws, a park orand" food supply-problem duct, was dismissed. asked the officer on dinance prohibiting a person now troubling Premier Nikita Campbell was arrested Frl defense, to make a speech in a state what grounds he charged him Khrushchev: day after making a speech to with disorderly conduct. The park without permission. Breed special kinds of ban nuclear weapons. State patrolman said "You refused Campbell said today that chickens for eggs and meat, park police had charged him to give me your name." if the legal assistance is avail special types of cattle for with disorderly conduct and able he may appeal the case Campbell, acting as his own milk and beef, instead of tryillegally displaying a sign in to the State Supreme Court by the Officer that there was ing to raise all-purpose ania state park. no freedom of speech in the Before his Prospect Park mals. Parks Patrolman Morton park and that a person had speech Friday. C a m p b e l l "It was quite a surprise to Pitt testified that when he saw to h a v e a permit b e f o r e staged a one-man picket defind that the Russians are in Campbell standing on the making a speech. monstration at the U.S. Nike the dark ages, trying to raise foot of the Civil War monu- Campbell said, "In a land missile base at Grand.Island. dual purpose herds and poulment near the park's Falls which professes, to be a de- After being arrested here try flocks," John I. Spooner, Street entrance and talking mocracy is disorderly conduct he was released in a $50 bail. Donalsonville, Ga., cattleman to about 50 persons he asked defined as refusing to give He said he walked back to and member of the Georgia him to come down from the one's name." Toronto where he made an State Board of Regents, told monument and give his name. Several times during the 18-mlnute speech on the steps a reporter. Speeial to the Gazette - s -\-.. ^ > > The patrolman said Campof City Hall there, ' trial the Canadian defendant "We found it very, very BUFFALOA t e a m from bell refused to give his name He has charged that Canada referred to Patrolman Pitt as evident the Soviets are Niagara Falls was ousted from OPERATION U N D E R STANDING- they are Raymond H. Beyer, district copying that our airplanes and the winners bracket of the unless a charge was placed "Constable," the title given is not a democratic country works manager, National Carbon our automobiles, so we wonAmerican H o c k e y Associ- a g a i n s t him. He stopped to Canadian police officers. because it does not allow Three of the eight Niagara Frontier speaking and was about to freedom of.speech. Campbell The defendant even remarkmen visiting the White Sands Mis- Co.; George W. Eaton, vice presi- der why in the world they ation's national hockey tourl e a v e the park when the said he has no affiliation with don't copy our livestock and ed of the insufficient evidence nament at Memorial Auditorident, Marine Trust Co., Lockport, poultry selective breeding sile Range, N.M., as guests of the patrolman arrested him on a political party but that he of the disorderly c o n d u c t um here Monday. the two charges. and Thomas H. Howe, this city, methods," he added. charge "before ' the crown. does consider himself a social- Army examine a low-level antiairThe Pat Dillon's V o l k s ist. "What was disorderly about He was reminded by Judge Spooner and 56 o t h e r manager of Kimberly-Clark Corp. craft missile, the Hawk. From left wagens were handed a 141 Georgia farmers and busitrouncing by the D e t r o i t nessmen arrived from MosShamrocks In the first of five cow on a Soviet airliner SatNiagara Military Topics first-round games. The losers urday on the second leg of a are an all-star team from Nipeople-to-people visit to Comagara Falls'Power City Junior munist Eastern Europe. Hockey League. John P. Gilcbrist, Georgia The Volkswagens dropped State Agriculture D e p a r t into the losers bracket of the ment official. from Decatur, Maury R. Brown, son tourney and will play again confirmed Spooner's findings, Mr. and Mrs." Clinton here Tuesday. commenting: Brown, Mountain By ARCHIE LOWERY The case of three Niagara L e w i s t o n "The development of specGazette Lockport Bureau Falls youths charged in a car Heights, h a s ialized breeds seems to be theft here was adjourned unLOCKPORTDetails of a work-training program j o i n e d t h e By BILL NELSON the No. 1 farm problem in til Friday by City Court Judge made law Saturday for public relief recipients will have Colonial Board Russia. They must learn that Gazette Staff Writer John V. Hogan today. Co. of Manit's uneconomical to use a UPPEDArmy Reservist James Swist, formerly milk cow for beef producOnly one of the youths, "many ramifications" and will have to be worked out by chester, Conn. Michael Czarnicki, 20, of -338 many departments, county welfare officials said here He will take attached to the 1st Gun Battalion of the 209th Air tion. over Colonial's Sixth St., was arraigned toGilchrist said the Soviets Michael Follick, 83, of 2773 today. Defense Artillery Group, New York National Guard seem to be making more proMonroe Ave., a resident here day. Police said he was an oc- They declined official com- tudes and skills for the pur- C o v i n g t o nF at the State Armory, has been promoted to "light" gress in the raising of wheat poses of preparing (welfare Tenn. subsidifor 59 years, died unexpected- cupant in a stolen car Saturment until copies of the legisrecipients) for gainful employ***> bnuiiore and other grains. Spooner colonel. ly late Sunday (April 22,1962) day night which crashed into Corp., upon its at the home of his daughter, two other cars in Military lative bill authorizing it and m c n t / > The colonel, .who has 21. son of Mr. and Mrs. John noted,' however, tbat ."there Mrs. James Connolly, 618 E. Road, injuring 11 persons. expected early other information have been years of military service, Bialik, 419 18th St. He Is was no evidence of modern The measure was sponsored f a l l c o m p l e t i o n . Falls St. Two other occupants, Leon received from state officials. was a liaison officer attach- a graduate of Niagara Falls fertilization facilities." He was at his daughter's Bennett, 16, of 414 Seventh The bill, signed Saturday by by Sen. Henry R. Wise, R- F o r t h e p a s t ed to Supreme Allied Head- High School. BROWN residence for the Easter week- St., and Samuel Martin, 20, of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Watertown, chairman of the j 7 years Brown quarters under Gen. ElsenS. Cruickshank, J 516 Fifth St.. are in Memorial authorized local welfare dis- Senate Committee on Public h a s b e e ' n m a n a g e r at the Penn hower during W o r l d War 23,Duncan end. an employe of InternaBorn in Austria, Mr. Follick Hospital with facial lacera- tricts to establish work-train- Relief and a frequent critic Yanj N.Y.. plant of the Na II. tional Graphite. His wife of existing policies of the tlonal Manufacturing Co., retired in 1950 from the In- tions as a result of the acci- ing programs and compel reIn civilian life, the col- lives at 304 Buffalo Ave. State Welfare Department. of a s p h a l t onel is a special, ternational M i n e r a l s and dent. lief recipients to join them or "I have received no official manufacturers is a graduate of LaSalle roofing. He is a 1948 graduate tached to the Erie County He Chemical Corp. where he was Police said the car was stol- forfeit aid. , High School. word on the matter yet," of Brown University's School Sheriffs office. LEWISTON Thirty bapemployed for 26 years. en Saturday afternoon from County Commissioner of WelThe measure, effective Oct. Grant M* Browne, 22, son tisms at St. Paul's Episcopal of Engineering and former He was a member of the Duncan Motors Inc. and the of Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Church on Saturday was a recUnited R u s s i a n Orthodox license plates had been taken 1, authorizes districts to pro- fare Daunt I. Stenzel said to- president of the Penn Yan ACTIVE DUTYSeven day. He said that Executive vide, along with relief, "inBrowne. 1203 Roselle Ave. ord high, according to availChamber of Commerce. Brotherhood of A m e r i c a , from Airport Motors,Lockport members of the 209th have Director Norman J. Schrciber struction and work training Donald M. Duprcs, 22, able church records, Rev. WilThe Colonial Board Co. and Lodge No. 71, and was a mem- and Military Roads. left for Ft. Kno.x, Ky. for has been studying the issue to restore aptitudes and capason of Mrs. M- Crocone,128 liam F. Staton, rector, said its Lydall & Foulds Division, ber of the 25-year Club of the six m o n t h s active duty "for some time." bilities or develop new aptiFourth St. also of Manchester, arc manutoday. International M i n e r a l s and training. Upon completion Larry Cornelius Jones, facturers of wet m a c h i n e Chemical Corp. The Rev. Mr. Staton also 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. said it was the greatest numfibreboard and shbeboard and of their basic training, they In addition to Mrs. ConnolWilliam II. Jones, 5425 ber of baptisms at which he cylinder folding and. setup Will be returned to Niagara ly, he Is survived by his wife, Falls for duty with the Na- Grauer Road. boxboard. Shuflbrc Corp. will officiated in his 20 years In M y . Mary Follick; two other ' employ a modified wet ma- tional Guard. the ministry. daughters, Miss Helen Follick They are.' chine process that incorporand MUs Dorothy FOlllck, this Spearheading the baptisms WELCOME HOMEThe Gatttt* Lockport Burtau Gerald Christopher Trunates new technology developcity; three sons, Andrew Fol- LOCKPORT - Miss Cecilia was the church adult educato, son of Mr. and Mrs. 40th Chemical Laboratory tion group ed by Colonial Board. lick, North Tonawanda, and Madigan, 94, of 35 Niagara studying "What Is has returned home after Christopher Trunzo, 508 Peter a n d WlUlam Follick, St., a retired factory worker two weeks of summer traina Christian?" Mrs. Kenneth 28th St. He is a graduate this city; four grandchildren and dressmaker and the last Louis Longo. acting president of Local No. 205, ing at Ft. McClellan, Ala. Masters was the leading proof Bishop D u f f y High and two greatgranchlldren. moter of the group which School. of 11 children, died Sunday AFL-CIO, American Federation of Technical Engiserved as godparents. Funeral services w i l l be (April 22. 1962) at St. Clare FAREWELL TO-Spec. 5 Ralph A-Grizanti,22, 1623 heldraUthe Z a j a c Funeral Manor after a lengthy illness.- neers, has been furloughed from Bell Aerosystems Rowley W. Parker, c h i e f , Two family groups numberNiagara St, an employe of Home Wednesday at 9 a.m. She was a resident of the Co. along with 19 other technicians, the company anclerk of the adjulant sec- ed 14. Ages of those baptized Walker Laundryand i t the Holy Trinity Rus- manor for the last two years. nounced today. tion, 31st Artillery Brigade. ranged from three months to Power from the Lewiston John Walter Bialik, 20. sian Orthodox Church at 9:30 an 18-year-old mother and her The layoffs were necessitated by rescheduling in sub-station wilt be cut off a.m.- with interment in the She was previously employtwo children. for approximately five minHoly Trinity Russian Ortho- ed by Harrison Radiator,Divi- the rocket test department, a company spokesman "Here is an instance of a sion, General Motors Corp., utes b e g i n n i n g at 3 a.m, dox Cemetery. concerned group of church said, ?>nd were strictly on a basis of departmental Parastas prayers will be re- and as a private dressmaker. Tuesday, a spokesman for people following the example cited at the funeral home at She was born in Lockport, seniority. of early Christians seeking the Niagara Mohawk Power "Mr. Longo does not have the super-seniority Corp. said today. 7:30 p.m. today and Tuesday. Feb. 17. 1868, daughter of Patothers for Christ," the Rev. rick and Mary Donovan MadiMr. Staton said. normally accorded union officials," the spokesman, The shutoff Is necessary gan. She was one of 11 children and is survived only by said, "for two reasons. This super-seniority is set up' In order to replace fuses, Kirc Damages Car TONAWANDAPatrolman Anthony D'Orazio Jr.> Wife of U2 Pilot Anthony D'OriHo, 353 12th one niece and two nephews, by contract to protect union officials from layoff.' 'the spokesman said. s Mrs. Clarence A. _ Reynolds C u s t o m e r s lh several 26, of 305 Hinds St., was ordered held for action of the S i , has complained to police However, as yet no contract exists between j;thls jocal roads will be affected, he Erie County Grand Jury by Town of Tonawanda Peace Reported As Better that his car wit damaged by and Francis C. Reynolds, both i WASHINGTON (UPlV-Mrs. stated. ' . fire while ft was parked In a of Lockport, and Raymond and the company. Francis Gary Powers, wife of Justice James L. Tippett today. Toal of Eggertsville. "Therefore, Mr. U)ngo was furloughed on the Affected will be Plctcher, garage at his home Saturday ! the former V% pilot, was reShe was a member of St. D'Orazio Is charged with*7 ' Swan, Creek Roads and its night. Damage, was unestibasis it seniority as any other* employe would be," ported in "very good cpndlPatrick's Church, the Ladles first degree rape, and second cutoff, Harold a n d Upper ' mated. ' .; : charged with second degree tlon" today following, what the spokesman said. "The union has not supplied, us of Charily a n d the Ladles Mountain Roads, from Indi- degree assault In connection assault and attempted rape. police called an overdose of Catholic Benevolent Associa- with a list of Us new officers as yet," he added. an Hill to Walmore, and with an assault on an 18-year Both police officers are sleeping pills, ' tion. 25 Above Coldest old Buffalo girl April 7. He pointed out that notification pi the layoff was Model City. under suspension and appear- Mrs. Powers was admitted NEW YORK ( U P I ) - T h e A Requiem Mass w i l l be handed the men involved f>rior to last sveek's hassle' Another. Tonawanda police ed at a preliminary hearing to Georgetown Hospital in an lowest temperatare reported celebrated at 10:30 a.m. Wed' officer charged In. the case, Friday when techlcnal motions unconscious state. H e r phyIn g|* U.S. this morning was nesday at St. Patrick's Church between trie local and the company over alleged safety Prices Doubled Patrolman James E. Pickard, were made by defense attor sician, Dr. George Shrlner, 2& tfigrtei ai Drumtnond, if Wr prayers a t 10 a.m. at the laxity on the i^t.of the cOnipany. 32, of 106 Pennafrow Drive, neys. During the past 25 years, said she suffered an acute inMont The highest reported Taylor & Reynolds Funeral Bell annoviftceoV Friday that it was installing a was released today for lack Peace Justice Tippett ruled prices have doubled In the testinal upset Police said she j t a l a y wai 100 i t Yuma, Home..Burial will be iri St. on the motions-today. new exhaust system in the rocket test area. of -evidence. He had been took 2fi sleeping pills United States. . pAtricT* Cemetery.

U.S. Visitors Cite Soviet Farm Errors

Falls Hockey Team Beaten In Tourney

Auto Theft Trial Set For Friday

Falls Man Dies at 83

Data on New Reliefs Manage Army Reservist Work Plan Waited Is Named Colonel

30 Baptisms Seen Record

Dressmaker Is Dead at 94 Union Head, 19 Others

Are Furloughed by Bell

Brief Power Shutdown Set



One Cop Held, Other Freed in Attack Case

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

John Walter Bialik, 20.

tion, 31st Artillery Brigade.

an tw

One Cop Held, Other Freed in Attack Case


co pe of ot M

D'Orazio Is charged with*7 ' s r first degree rape, and second charged with second degree - degree assault In connection assault and attempted rape. d with an assault on an 18-year Both police officers are old Buffalo girl April 7. under suspension and appearAnother. Tonawanda police ed at a preliminary hearing officer charged In. the case, Friday when techlcnal motions Patrolman James E. Pickard, were made by defense attor s, 32, of 106 Pennafrow Drive, neys. he was released today for lack Peace Justice Tippett ruled of -evidence. He had been on the motions-today.

TONAWANDAPatrolman Anthony D'Orazio Jr.> W 26, of 305 Hinds St., was ordered held for action of the R Erie County Grand Jury by Town of Tonawanda Peace F , Justice James L. Tippett today. !

th po tl po sl

to u s s te to

Easter services are sched-igist and Mrs. Harvey Hase-jEdward H, Breitbach will con- Preschool and kindergarten dist Church will preach. ciety of Christian Service in At 6. a.m. breakfast will be rection Blessings." Several jduct. served in the fire hall under friends will speak on "What children will return to the Music will be provided 6y the the dining room of the uled in all county churches|ley will be organist. sponsorship of the youth fel- Easter Means to Me." parish hall during the service participating churches. church. x on Sunday. Pastors of several An Easier breakfast will be Service, Breakfast Set lowship of both Newfane and A program for teen-agers with the older ones remaining. Other services, with special The final in the series of en y churches h a v e announced sin * * ' tthe , d b parish V?* 1hall ??? after ^ ^ the T will be held from 6:30 to 10 COLONIAL VILLAGE the Union Lenten Methodist music by the three choirs of Olcott. schedules as follows'. Members of the Youth FellowChoirs to Combine the church will be held at services will be held at Ranservice. Miss Beverly Pfohl is "Certainties in an Uncer,^ p.m. Monday. Recreation, WALMORE -~ The Luther in charge of arrangements. ship of Colonial Village Unit-j RANSOMV1LLE For the' somville Methodist at 7:30 9:45 and 11:05 a.m. tain World" is the subject of j Bible quizes and games will V * ed Presbyterian Church will j p.m. The service will be in Easter worship at 9:45 a.m., Assisting her are K a r e n the sermon to be delivered be followed by refreshments!, League 0/ St. Peter's Evanhold a sunrise service at 6:30 the form of a choir festival, Barker Church It Host Rev. Orrin T. Carroll, pastor] Haseley, Marilyn Milleville, by the Rev. Mr. Mitchell at The young people from Roygelical Lutheran Church, Wala.m. Sunday at the church, of Ransomville M e t h o d i s t ' at which- time the choirs BARKERWest Somerset! 11 a.m. Candlelighters will! alton and Barker will join Donald Beutel and Freddy m o r e Road, Haseley. The public may at- Kline and Laurel roads. Mem- Church, will preach on "Jesus from Ransomville Dickerson- Baptist Church will be host be Mary Anderson and Bon- the group. will sponsor a * bers of the group are in}Christ: Lord of Life Everlast- ville, Porter Center, Fillmore at a sunrise service at 6:30 nie Weir of the senior MYF. tend. sunrise servJ charge of the service and the Chapel and Pekin Methodist ing." a.m. Sunday. Guests will be Middleport Services Edward Forsythe and Alfred Sunday School will be con breakfast which will follow. ice at 6:30 The combined senior and Churches will be uniting for congregations from Ridge Harvey will perform usher- M I D D L E P O R T The ducted at 9:30 a.m. for all a.m. Lambert Johnson an- junior choirs under the di- special Easter music. There Road Union Church, Grace ing duties. Youth Fellowship of th2 1 classes. The regular Easter Sponsor Student Wilnounced that a charge will be also will be congregational rection, of Mrs. Vera BannisBaptist Church in Newfane I Sunday service will be conNeither junior nor senior Methodist Church will hold liam Wittcopp singing. The public may atter will sing variations from and Hess Road Wesleyan made for the breakfast. i ducted at 10:45 a.m., with MYF will meet Sunday even- a sunrise service at 7 a.m. will speak on tend. the anthems, "Sing a Hymn Church. Rev. Richard Boytin * .* * Sunday. The service will be !Rev. D o n a l d G. Rehkopf ing. "T h e G a r * * of Gladness," by Wordsworth; of Grace Church, will be the followed by breakfast. Communion Rite ipreaching on "In the Cross of V * * dener." "Lift Your Glad Voices," by speaker. Breakfast will be M Y F To Lead Rite* YOUNGSTOWNHoly ComTwo identical services I Christ I Glory." The comSunrise Rite at Jeddo Mr. W i t t Ware; and "O Lord, Thou Art served by the Ladies' Aid munion will be celebrated at will be held at the Methodist WILSONThe traditional jbined choirs of St. Peter's JOHNSON CREEK For! Church at 9 and 11 a.m. Rev. copp, son of 7, 8 and 11 a.m. Easter Sun- My God." George Darling will Easter sunrise service of Ex- Society. I Christian Day School, under Mr. and Mrs. ley Methodist Church, led by At the 10 a.m. service, Rev. Easter Sunday the Hartland Alfred L. U n d e r h i 11 will the direction of Mrs. Charles day at St. John's Episcopal be at the organ. Arthur Witt, Church. Rev. Albert C. French There will be a service for members of the Senior High Carlyle Saylor will preach Baptist Church has planned a preach on "Delivered From sunrise service at the Jeddo Death." Special music will be c 0 p p, 1830 WITTCOPP Allen, will sing "Open the will be celebrant and preach reception of members by the MYF, will begin at 7:30 a.m. on "Easter Fears." Gates of the Temple." Saunders Setthe sermon at the 11 o'clock Rev. Mr. Carroll. The special with the worship service tak- At 7:30 p.m. there will be Chapel for 7 a.m. with the provided by the choir, untlement Road, is a 1958 grad- The Easter Monday Service service. Easter offering envelopes for ing place in the church a presentation of the Easter Rev. Herbert Durr of Ridge- der the direction of Stanley uate of N'iagara Falls High will be conducted at 8 p.m. ' The Introit will be, "That World Service w i l l be re- sanctuary. story, based- upon paintings wood Union Church as guest J. Tinder. School. He Is presently at-j * * * Easter Day. With Joy Was ceived. Marcia McPherson, Pamela of the medieval Italian art- speaker. "The Word of the Resurtending W a g n e r College, jCombintd Service Set For the Worship Service at rection" will be the sermon Bright," Puer Nobis; Gradual, Sunday School convenes at Pelton and David Gnage will ist, Giotto. Staten Island, from which he LEWISTON The Presby "Song for Easter," by Eich- 11 a.m. 11 a.m., Rev. Harold G. Ball topic. Rev. Otto F. Strothbe the speakers, with Marwill graduate in June 1962, terian and Bapilst young peo orn; junior c h o i r anthem, The annual will preach on "Christ Lives mann of Holy Cross Luther5:30 a.m. Service Set community garet Weiler as organist. with a bachelor of science de- pie will hold a combined sun "Easter Carol," Lithuanian Easter sunrise service will be Others taking part will be OLCOTTThe Easter sun- Today." Special Easter music an Church at 10 a.m. gree in psychology. He plans rise service at 6:30 a.m. Easter j f0ik tune; Offertory anthem, held at Dickersonville Meth- Wanda Schlyer, Jean Hal- rise service, conducted by will be provided by the choir A sunrise service will be on entering t h e Lutheran Sunday at First Presbyterian)"By Early Morning Light." odist Church at 7 a.m. The stead, Stan Phillips, Jack the Rev. Phillip W. Mitchell with solos by Karl Kock, ten- held at the Universalist Seminary in Philadelphia in Church followed by breakfast! Mrs Vinton Moffett is or- Rev. Mr. Carroll, host pastor, Myers. Larry Yingling, Rich- of the Methodist Church or, anice Snell, soprano, and Church at 7 a.m. The young the fall to continue theologi- in the social hall. ganist and the choirs are di- will be assisted by Rev. Eu- ard Tillotson, Bonnie Hugue- here and Richard A. Closson Edwin Feller on the trom- people of the church will cal studies in preparation for Other services on Sunday at rected by Mrs. Bradley C. gene May, Porter Center-Fill- nor and Pat Gabbey. of Newfane, will be held at bone. take part. Breakfast will folthe ministry. First Presbyterian Church will Gardner. more Chapel M e t h o d i s t After the service, the usual 5:30 a.m. Sunday on the At 7:30 p.m., there will be low. Rev. Charles J. Wood The host pastor, Rev. Don- be at 8:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Plants will be received by churches. Rev. H. JR. Good- Easter breakfast will be bandstand in KruU Park a praise service when the j will preach at 11 a.m. on ald G. Rehkopf, will be litur- Rev. Paul L. Denise and Rev. children at the third service. rich, pastor of Free Metho- served by the Woman's So- North. pastor's topic will be "Resur- 1 "Easter."

Rites Planned At County

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. ! Maurice Gerald Flynn, 69, Humane Society today issued a plea to residents of TONAWANDATown of Tonawanda Peace Justice died unexpectedly t o d ^ y the area not to make Easter gifts of live chicks, duckJames L. Tippett will rule at 9 a.m. Monday on technical (April. 21, 1962) at his home, lings or rabbits. motions made by the defense in connection with charges 975 Valley Way. For many The society coupled the plea with a reminder that years, he was associated with of rape and attempted rape against two city policemen. his brothers, the late George imitation birds and bunnies are just as good for childThe motions were made*!* and Charles Flynn, in a gen- ren as live ones. Friday afternoon during a eral contracting business, reday-long preliminary hearing A spokesman for the society said that, when the tiring 12 years ago. at which an 18-year-old BufA lifelong resident of this imitation animals are squeezed, no harm is done; how* falo girl described the alcity, Mr. Flynn was a son of ever, when live pets are purchased so young, they leged attack on April 7; Patrick and Stella Fitzgibbon Officers Appear Flynn. He was educated at often die from lack of special care and mistreatment. Patrolman Anthony D'OraHARTLANDA completed St. Patrick's School and Niagzio Jr., 26, of 305 Hinds St., sewing screen was featured at ara Falls Collegiate Vocationis charged with first degree the meeting of the Hartland al Institute. He was a member rape and second .degree as- Community Home Unit at the of St. Patrick's Church, the sault. home of Mrs. Sheldon Payne. Fourth Degree, Knights of Patrolman James E. Pick- Mrs. Doris Wooden read the Columbus and of the Holy ard, 32, 106 Pennarrow Drive, Homemakers Creed. Name Society. is charged with second deMrs. Rita Jackson conductSurviving are his widow, gree assault and attempted ed the business, m e e t i n g . STAMFORD, Ont.Breaking and entering showed Maye O'Donnell Flynn; and Final plans were made for a rape. three daughters, Miss Mary a decided downtrend during March and no major crimes Both police officers, who field trip to the KimberlyFlynn, R.N., at home; Mrs. Gazelle Photo are under suspension, ap- Clark Corp., Niagara Falls, R. E. "Rogers, R.N., Ottawa; were committed in this township, Chief J. L. Cunning* peared at the hearing but did April 26. Other field trips to JOS. MCDONALD LOUIS CAGGIANO and Mrs. David King, this ham reported Friday to tr Board of Police Commis* REV:RUZZA MARSHALL ROTE LLA Shelly Meat Co. and Sattler's city. Another brother, John not testify. D'Orazio was repFlynn, and a sister, Mrs. Helen sioners. resented by attorney John store were discussed. McCready, also predeceased A total of 350 prosecutions Pontario and Pickard by Ed- Mrs. Payne displayed the was reported for the month, hooked rug she is making. him. ward O'Shea. comprising 43 involving the Mrs. Harold Dubke, leader of Services will be conducted The girl, a sophomore at 247 involving the University of Buffalo, the millinery project an- Committee Chairman for Joseph McDonald, citywide the Blessed Mother on the at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at the criminal'code, the highwayptraffic act, 13 CAMBRIA A "Bake a nounced that three hats have Mary's Day celebration to be organizations; Mrs. A l i c e shrine grounds. Morse & Son Funeral Chapel, said she left home at 9:15 liquor controLand? one.provinbeen completed. Grenzy, Mrs. Ida Benfanti and Representing the Blessed followed by Solemn Requiem held May 6 at Our Lady of p.m. April 6 and spent most Cake" meeting will be held at of the evening and early Mrs. Wooden displayed the Fatima Shrine, Swan Road, Mrs. Isabel Carli, parishes; Mother on a float will be Miss High Mass at 10 o'clock at St. cial statutes aclfA total of 46 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the morning at the Town Tavern, c o m p l e t e d sewing screen, Lewiston, New York were ap- Benny Salamone, distribution JoAnn Quaglia of Madonna Patrick's Church. Burial will municipal bylawVfines netted home of Mrs. Fred Ollenbittle $3,794.50, Chief Cunningham 65 Delaware St. She said she made of a wooden frame, pointed at a meeting Friday of posters; Joseph DeMunda, High School, daughter of Mr. be in Fairview Cemetery. with drapery material covertrucks; and Mrs. Mary E. Mcand Mrs. Marrio Quaglia, 1358 reported. by the Cambria Satellite 4-H met a man at the tavern and ft & "& night at the hall of the Catho- Dougall, bands. ing the panels which contain Elmwood Ave. Damage totalled S8.520 in Club. There will be a "Let's sat with him in the tavern Representing the three chil26 non-injury accidents inves- Have a Party" meeting at the parking lot from 3-5:30 a.m. hooks, rods, glass containers lic Daughters of America, Jef- Most Rev. Joseph A. Burke, and pockets to include all ferson Avenue. dren of Portugal are John tigated, the chief said. No in- Ollenbittle home at 9:30 a.m. bishop of Buffalo, is honorary She said that D'Orazio sewing equipment. Anthony Saccone, 6, of Ferry jury accidents were recorded Thursday. Louis B. Caggiano, general chairman of the areawide drove up at one point and An invitation was sent to chairman, appointed Joseph Mary's Day Observance. The Ave. School, son of Mr. and during the month. Reports were given at the asked to see her driver's an exchange student who. will McDonald as co-chairman; event formerly held in Hyde Mrs. John Saccone, 622 18th > last meeting by Charles Ellis, license. She said D'Orazio and be a guest at the May meet- Miss Joyce Rotella, secretary; Park Stadium is a Catholic St.;. Cynthia Ann Sa'prano, 7, Kathleen Kappelt, D a v i d Pickard stopped her while ing at the home of Mrs. Sam Moraco, marshal; John demonstration of faith toward of Kagabein School, d a u g h - NORTH TONAWANDA Ollenbittle, Ronnie Kroening, she was driving alone in Dela- Everette Brayley. Mrs. Leo Saccone, f l o a t s chairman; the Blessed Mother. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Grace F. Klein, 59, of 54 Rae Smith, Shelly Bennoit, ware Street about 5:30 a.m. Wrobel and Mrs. Leonard Marshall Rotella and Viola Saprano, 1501 Red Jacket Newell Ave., Town of TonaThe shrine, which is directJanet Mains, Judy Chunco, Accepts Offer Coulter assisted Mrs. Payne. Turner, publicity; Mrs. Mary ed by the Barnabite fathers, Road, Grand Island, and Deb- wanda, a former resident of John Bennoit, and Mrs. Fred When D'Orazio offered to Marvin, transportation; Rev. is dedicated to the B l e s s e d bie Smith, 8, from Pacific this city, died today (April In the next to the last week Ollenbittle. drive her home, she said she Charles M. B a r l a s s i n a , Mother and centers around Avenue School, daughter of 21, 1962) at Millard Fillmore of the comparative attendance moved over, "having all faith C.R.S.P., program and speak- the belief that she appeared Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, Hospital, Buffalo, after a two- campaign b e i n g conducted in policemen." S h e said week illness. er; Mrs. Isabel DeRosa, John to three children on different 208 63rd St. D'Orazio drove her to the Bridgeman and Mrs. Laura occasions. The Our Lady of Fatima A member of First Baptist among Methodist Churches of Sheridan ' Drive-in Theater, Giancola. choirs. Miss Madonna Caruana of Society of Niagara Falls is Church and its Mission So- the Batavia district, Lyndonwhere he started kissing her N E W F A N EMiss Helen Also, Tom DeRosa, parking; Buffalo Parish Sodality will sponsoring t h e observance ciety and Bible Class, Mrs. ville Methodist . Church has "hard" and attacked her. Ask- Finch, a missionary to Ghana, Mrs. Angie Lobuzzetta and crown the granite statue of which is open to the public. Klein was born in Buffalo, hit a record for the entire ed if she attempted to resist, Africa, spoke before members living here from 1943 until campaign in the number of she said she did. moving to the town three of Circle No. 1 of the Wommen attending both church She said that, after the as- an's Society of Christian Servyears ago. SPECIALS ON sault by D'Orazio, Pickard ice of the Methodist Church Surviving arc her husband, school and church. walked up and attempted to at the home of Mrs. Walter Edward A. Klein; a son, Don- During the Palm Sunday SHADE TREES assault her. She said she White. ald E. Klein, Miami. Fla.; and men's class and morning worMountain Ash later drove home and reporta sister, Mrs. Alvin (Gertrude) ship, 132 men were present, Mrs. Richard Closson, assist- NEWFANEMrs,. Ezra King, bringing the local church's ed the incident to Buffalo ed by Mrs. Loyal Robins, was Maple Avenue, opened her Taylor. Tonawanda. ; Silver Maple police. A Buffalo police lieu- hostess at the parsonage to home to the Tuesday c l u b Services will be conducted total score "to 1,074, only 32 Gazette Lockport Bureau points short of the lead tenant, only other witness Circle No. 2 when Mrs. Floyd when meetings were resumed at 2 p.m. Monday at the WatShademaster Locust called, testified in regard to Collins led devotions and Mrs. after the winter recess. Mrs. PENDLETON A 20-by-40-foot barn, one ton of tengel Funeral Home by Rev. church, Middleport. the call. Sunburst Locust Ervin Lauve conducted the Richard Williams was co-host- straw and a ton and a half of hay were destroyed in a Leo J. Griffin. Burial will be Albion, which for many weeks held the lead, slipped in Elmlawn Cemetery. program, using "Space Flight ess at a tureen luncheon. Jap. Fl. Cherry fire here Friday, sheriff's deputies reported. to third place with 1048 as a and the Spirit of Man" and Mrs. Lena Kruegcr respon: * > Jacob Brownrigg, who lives Penalty Is Raised total score. Newfane, only Weeping Willow "Theology a n d t h e Space sible for the program, presentClass Plans Dinner other Niagara County church on the farm at 6557 Townline JACKSON. Miss. (...The Age." ed her daughter. Miss Violet Clump Birch Road, said a neighbor told NEWFANE Plans a r c of the 10 participating, was in Mississippi House has passed Mrs. Lloyd Putnam review- Kruegcr, who reviewed "Born seventh place with 760 points. him the barn was on fire under way by the Victory a bill to raise the penalty for ed "The Nazarcne" before Free," by the.wife of a game Crimson King about 5:30 p.m. He called vol- Class of First Baptist Church using profane and Indecent Circle No. 3 at the home of preserve employe in Africa Tulip & Magnolia unteers from the Shawnee and for the community motherlanguage, over the telephone Mrs. Howard Mayer, Coomer who told of the v a r i o u s MIDDLEPORTThe EvenWendelville fire companies. daughter dinner May 11. to a fine from $10 to $10,000 Road, and devotions were led animals of the continent. ing Unit of Home Demonstra- Deputy John Whitman said BEAUTIFUL and imprisonment from 30 by Mrs. Harold Gaskill. Devotions were led by Mrs. days to five yearsMrs. Carlton Frallck, with Williams. A nominating com- tion met at the home of Mrs. cause of the blare was undeFLOWERING CRABS termined. He said no estimate The law was changed to Mrs. Rollin McKnight as coJamc.4 Harrod, Alfred Street. make such actions felonies hostess, entertained Circle mittee was named to report at Twelve members and three of the loss could be made unALMEY ^*w firry <-r'm,o', the May meeting. It includes til the owner returns from rather than misdemeanors. No. 4 at which time Mrs. WilMrs. John B. Hcnnlng, Mrs. BETCHEL'S *' "<* guests participated in a white Pennsylvania. lard Woodring presented the <,di K Fo|! nV Gottlieb Seibcrt and Mrs. Wilelephant sale. Mrs. Spencer program, "Christian ResponsiELEYI 9* w ) liams. Ex-Publisher Dies bility'' such dealt with Letts acted as auctioneer. It Gleason Sitting Up D0LQA w * MEMPHIS, Tenn. WiEnoch the need for good literature was voted to give $2 to the ,re ro 1 Brown, former president and and its various sources, means Man Faces Charges After Operation H0PA ' ' Cor-ntr* cancer drive. general manager of the Mem of contact and its influence NEW YORK WComedian phis Publishing Co., died Fri- among youth. Devotions were NORTH TONAW A N D A A field trip is being planned ALL LAftCE SIZtS . . $2.50 DeJicroui Froxen Custard Manufactured from Jackie Gleason was sitting day After a long illness. The led by Mrs. Kenneth Shcrrie Lee Wendt, 24, of 245 Vander- in the near future. Lembirdy PepUf. tnflltfc Walnuf. CWniM Chtifnut, C*lifrnl* *r\i our Original Formula. company publishes the Com Miss Finch spoke before jvoort St.. was a r r e s t e d is^J The annual dinner will be eatingand talkingtoday at Amur Rfvtf Prhrtt, Red inu" Cr* 'Main Street at 7:07 p.m. Frimercial Appeal and the Mem- the Young Mothers Circle at 8rbrry, Rtd tni Wfclt* Dor-wood. June 14 at the Treadway Inn, Doctor's Hospital after havFRESH TASTY POPCORN phis Press-Scimitar. Brown, the home of Mrs. William day on charges of resi s t i n g Batavia. Refreshments were ing undergone an operation LARGtST J I l t C T l O N who was 69, joined the com- Spraguc, Wallace Avenue, re- arrest and public intoxication. served at the close of the for removal of a cyst. The He was released on $50 ball FRUIT & BERRY PLANTS pany in 1927. garding her work in Africa. meeting by Mrs. Donald Mannpending a h e a r i n g in City ke and Mrs. Edward Miller. cyst was impairing the saliva IN NIAGARA COUNTY (EAT IN OR TAKI OUT) 'Court Monday. Apelt, P*r, plum, Chtrry. ' The next meeting will be function of a lymph duct of Atptrtgm, Strtwbtrry, R4, BUtk Dies ift Collision . ; Attend Official Visit held May 10 at the home of the jaw. ind Purpl. ferry PUntt r*<fy. Delicious Char Broiled Hots and Hamburg* R E M S E N tf>David L. NEWFANE- After a brief Mrs. Betty Mahnke with Mrs. The operation was performBlueberries M.00 Allen, 27, ot Forestporl, was meeting of \cwfane Chapter Class Goes on T o u r Golden Brown Chicken in Basket Warren McKee and Mrs. Har ed on Thursday^ He is exN E W F A N E Fourteen killed Friday night when, I No. 743. Order Of Eastern old Stacey as co-hostesses. pected to leave the hospital BIG SELECTION OF Crisp Fish Frys state police said the small Star, several members attend- members of the Preparatory Monday. Evergron Shrubi, Anl*t, Membership Class of the automobile he WS driving ed the official visit ofvIx:ila Our New Submarine Sandwiches Methodist Church motored to Holly nd Rhododendron Wrong Mayor Named crashed into the rear of a Maynard, district d e p u t y M*d with SUml. Thuringr, eft. Buffalo where they toured milk-tank truck on Route 12 grand matron, and Norman NIAGARA FALLS, Ont Wallet, $35 Lost near this Oneida County vll* Burgess, district grand lectur- the Goodwill Industries. Creamy Thick Milk Shakes French Lilacs'*<*** *2W It was inadvertently reported Oatattt Lockport Buru i lage. er, to Unity Chapter, LockIn Friday's Gazette that May- LOCKPORT A l b e r t ROSES M.00 port. A card party will be Blake, 16 Waterman St., told l H f l Ladies Night Out or Franklin J. Miller was held April 25. The meeting Is B . 75*-'1.00 Tokyo Newsman Dies j called for 7:30 p.m. NEWFANE Mothers For- represented as a phone caller police Friday he lost his wal- RESTAURANT (Easter Specials) Vltit Our Nnrury *n4 um observed "Ladies Night in connection with gambling let containing $3$ and personTOKYO MV-Masanorl Ito. fefett Your Stirubt al papers. He said the loss" ROAST HAM DINNER $1.50 Out" by having a bowling operations here. Mayor Miller J a p a n ' s foremost military party at Brandt's in Lock- called attention today to the occurred in the Pine Street commentator and adviser to couts Camp Out MARKS NURSERY CHICKEN AND BISCUITS-$1.50 the newspaper Sankei and NEWFANE Seventeen port. On the committee were fact that he was not mayor in area, possibly In a diner. PoMAPU RD., WILSON, N.Y. president of the newspaper Boy Scouts of Troop No. 44 Mrs. Jack Talladay, Mrs. Paul 1958 when the phone call was lice checked the diner but; LEWISTON, N X were unable to locate the walOsaka Jiji Shimpo, died to- held an overnight hike at Grimble and Mrs. Donald lit M. I. ! WWwn ff R. U alleged to have been made. let Randall. ^ Phillips* woo^ds. daJteiie was 72.

Monday Ruling Due in Attack

Sewing Unit Is Completed


M. G. Flynn | T j v e EaStd" GiftS

Dies; Retired Contractor

Opposed by Society
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont.The Niagara Frontier

Decline in Break-ins Reported in Stamford

Reports Heard By Satellites

Mary's Day Plans Formed

Mrs. Klein Dies at 59

Middleport Still Leads Churches

Circle Hears Missionary

Work Resumed By Tuesday Club

Barn, Straw, Hay Lost In Fire at Pendleton

Evening Unit Plans Events


Read the Want Ads!



Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

The host pastor, Rev. Don- be at 8:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. P ald G. Rehkopf, will be litur- Rev. Paul L. Denise and Rev. chi

Monday Ruling Due in Attack

TONAWANDATown of Tonawanda Peace Justice James L. Tippett will rule at 9 a.m. Monday on technical motions made by the defense in connection with charges of rape and attempted rape against two city policemen.

The motions were made*!* Friday afternoon during a day-long preliminary hearing at which an 18-year-old Buffalo girl described the alleged attack on April 7; Officers Appear Patrolman Anthony D'OraHARTLANDA completed zio Jr., 26, of 305 Hinds St., sewing screen was featured at is charged with first degree the meeting of the Hartland rape and second .degree as- Community Home Unit at the sault. home of Mrs. Sheldon Payne. Patrolman James E. Pick- Mrs. Doris Wooden read the ard, 32, 106 Pennarrow Drive, Homemakers Creed. is charged with second deMrs. Rita Jackson conductgree assault and attempted ed the business, m e e t i n g . Final plans were made for a rape. Both police officers, who field trip to the Kimberlyare under suspension, ap- Clark Corp., Niagara Falls, peared at the hearing but did April 26. Other field trips to J not testify. D'Orazio was rep- Shelly Meat Co. and Sattler's resented by attorney John store were discussed. Pontario and Pickard by Ed- Mrs. Payne displayed the hooked rug she is making. ward O'Shea. Mrs. Harold Dubke, leader of The girl, a sophomore at the millinery project anthe University of Buffalo, nounced that three hats have M said she left home at 9:15 been completed. he p.m. April 6 and spent most Mrs. Wooden displayed the of the evening and early Fa morning at the Town Tavern, c o m p l e t e d sewing screen, Le 65 Delaware St. She said she made of a wooden frame, po met a man at the tavern and with drapery material cover- ni sat with him in the tavern ing the panels which contain parking lot from 3-5:30 a.m. hooks, rods, glass containers lic and pockets to include all fe She said that D'Orazio sewing equipment. drove up at one point and An invitation was sent to asked to see her driver's an exchange student who. will ch license. She said D'Orazio and be a guest at the May meet- M M Pickard stopped her while ing at the home of Mrs. Sa she was driving alone in Dela- Everette Brayley. Mrs. Leo Sa ware Street about 5:30 a.m. Wrobel and Mrs. Leonard M Accepts Offer Coulter assisted Mrs. Payne. Tu When D'Orazio offered to M drive her home, she said she C moved over, "having all faith C. in policemen." S h e said er D'Orazio drove her to the B Sheridan ' Drive-in Theater, G where he started kissing her N E W F A N EMiss Helen "hard" and attacked her. Ask- Finch, a missionary to Ghana, M ed if she attempted to resist, Africa, spoke before members she said she did. of Circle No. 1 of the WomShe said that, after the as- an's Society of Christian Servsault by D'Orazio, Pickard ice of the Methodist Church walked up and attempted to at the home of Mrs. Walter assault her. She said she White. later drove home and reportMrs. Richard Closson, assisted the incident to Buffalo ed by Mrs. Loyal Robins, was M police. A Buffalo police lieu- hostess at the parsonage to ho tenant, only other witness Circle No. 2 when Mrs. Floyd w called, testified in regard to Collins led devotions and Mrs. af the call. Ervin Lauve conducted the R program, using "Space Flight es

Sewing Unit Is Completed

Circle Hears Missionary


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