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/* * A simple driver program to test the factorial function. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.

h> int factorial( int ); int main( void ) { int num; int fact; printf( "Enter non-negative test integer: \n" ); scanf( "%d", &num ); fact = factorial( num ); printf( "Factorial of %d is %d\n", num, fact ); system( "PAUSE" ); return 0; } /* * Function to compute n! (i.e., n factorial) * * Param: num - the number whose factorial we wish to compute * Returns: num! * Assume: num is not negative; since n! grows very quickly, n should * be <= 12 for most systems (else n! can't be stored * in a variable of type int) */ int factorial( int num ) { int fact = 1; while( num > 1 ) { fact *= num; num--; } return fact;

} /* * A simple driver program to test the n_choose_r function. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int n_choose_r( int, int ); int factorial( int ); int main( void ) { int n; int r; int nCr; printf( "Enter value for n: \n" ); scanf( "%d", &n ); printf( "Enter value for r: \n" ); scanf( "%d", &r ); nCr = n_choose_r( n, r ); printf( "%d choose %d is: %d\n", n, r, nCr ); system( "PAUSE" ); return 0; } /* * Function to compute C(n, r) = n! / (r! * (n - r)!) * * Param: n * Param: r * Returns: C(n, r) * Assume: n and r are non-negative integers and r <= n */ int n_choose_r( int n, int r ) { int c; c = factorial( n ) / ( factorial( r ) * factorial( n r ) ); return c;

} /* * Function to compute n! (i.e., n factorial) * * Param: num - the number whose factorial we wish to compute * Returns: num! * Assume: num is not negative; since n! grows very quickly, n should * be <= 12 for most systems (else n! can't be stored * in an int variable) */ int factorial( int num ) { int fact = 1; while( num > 1 ) { fact *= num; num--; } return fact; } /* * A simple driver program to test the getInputInRange function. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int getInputInRange( int, int ); int main( void ) { int min = 1; int max = 4; int userInput; userInput = getInputInRange( min, max ); printf( "Value entered by user in range %d to %d is:

%d\n", min, max, userInput ); system( "PAUSE" ); return 0; } /* * Prompts user to enter an integer * between min and max, inclusive. Prints an * error message and repeatedly prompts for * input, if input it outside required range. * Param: min - minimum acceptable input * Param: max - maximum acceptable input * Returns: number between min and max, inclusive, * entered by user. */ int getInputInRange( int min, int max ) { int userInput; printf( "Please enter integer value " "between %d and %d.\n", min, max ); scanf( "%d", &userInput ); while( userInput < min || userInput > max ) { printf( "Error: input not in expected range!\n\n" ); printf( "Please enter integer value " "between %d and %d.\n", min, max ); scanf( "%d", &userInput ); } return userInput; } /* This program writes a certain number of rows of Pascal's Triangle to the screen. The number of rows is input by the user. We assume the number of rows is 12 or less. Author: Paul Carter Date: Oct. 6, 2006 Modified by: Ed Knorr, Oct. 9, 2007 Modified by: Paul Carter, Feb 2, 2010 */

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MINROWS 1 #define MAXROWS 12 /* function prototypes */ int getInputInRange( int, int ); void printRow( int ); int n_choose_r( int, int ); int factorial( int ); int main( void ) { int row = 0; int numRows; numRows = getInputInRange( MINROWS, MAXROWS ); /* for each row of the triangle, print the coefficients */ while( row < numRows ) { printRow( row ); printf( "\n" ); row++; } system("PAUSE"); return 0; } /* * Prompts user to enter an integer value * between min and max, inclusive. Prints an * error message and repeatedly prompts for * input, if input it outside required range. * Param: min - minimum acceptable input * Param: max - maximum acceptable input * Returns: number between min and max, inclusive, * entered by user. */ int getInputInRange( int min, int max ) { int userInput;

printf( "Please enter integer value " "between %d and %d.\n", min, max ); scanf( "%d", &userInput ); while( userInput < min || userInput > max ) { printf( "Error: input not in expected range!\n\n" ); printf( "Please enter integer value " "between %d and %d.\n", min, max ); scanf( "%d", &userInput ); } return userInput; } /* * Function to print the specified row * of Pascal's triangle. * Param: rowNum the row number to print */ void printRow( int rowNum ) { int position = 0; int coefficient; /* print the coefficient at each position along the row */ while( position <= rowNum ) { coefficient = n_choose_r( rowNum, position ); printf( "%4i", coefficient ); position++; } } /* * Function to compute C(n, r) = n! / (r! * (n - r)!) * * Param: n * Param: r * Returns: C(n, r) * Assume: n and r are positive integers */ int n_choose_r( int n, int r ) {

int c; c = factorial( n ) / ( factorial( r ) * factorial( n r ) ); return c; } /* * Function to compute n! (i.e., n factorial) * * Param: num - the number whose factorial we wish to compute * Returns: num! * Assume: num is not negative; since n! grows very quickly, n should * be <= 12 for most systems (else n! can't be stored * in an int variable) */ int factorial( int num ) { int fact = 1; while( num > 1 ) { fact *= num; num--; } return fact; }

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