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Forwarding Secretary:

P.O. Box 577


St. Louis Christian College

1360 Grandview Dr.

Catc^nb, Puerto Rico 00632

Florissant, Mo. 63033

Janiuviy - VzbnixjOJiy, ^974

VtoA ChvUtlayi f/Uzndi:

Each new yeax b/ungi a iAemendoiu oppofLtuyUty to bcgtn anew, Hom many ba6tc changes weAe a&heAzd tn and p^e^ented to the. mfiZd tn 1973? The RobZ6on iamiJty begtn6 1974 uftth the, conildtnce. i^om God that this ye,aA wM be, iWied uxCth the. pA.z6ence, o^ Ch/U6t and Htd S>pinJX, In an e.veA changing u)OAZdf the. changeZe^6 ChAt^t Zi oua hope., A (,amZy AzayUon usually a happy tUmz, ChAldtm^ m6 no exce.ptlon thZ& ycoA. It wa6 good to have Vave home,. He t6 moui and -3 and hl6 peAmane.nt addAt66 ti> a6 iottom:
%ichaAd Vavtd RobXAon Ja,

HMS ZOHt Matn, Bn, lOHt Abn, Vtv,

ft. CampbeU, Ky, 41113

date, ha6 be,e,n 4i^'{oA the \,

Vavz becam^..engaged! at ChAl&tma& to AU6.6 Kathy WoodwoAd, Wo deiXyuXe.


^|in_bcaffl^n3a3rf to JXin_Phe,glzy^,_..a Navy man Atatlone.d hejvi neoJi

le,VJittom., The.y oac making p Z a n ^ ' 9 t h wedding,
SaAak and I aAe veAy happy and thankful that they have, cho6e,n ChAC&tlan& ioA theJJi iutuAe paAtneA6.

l6h _Language and OAczntatlon School In San Jo6i, Co6ta Rica, to pAay (^oa uM

MaAy Lou, SaAah, and I mIZZ leave. FueAto Rico on~.ApAll 25^Jl ioa thz Span-

'ai> God leadi on In thl& pKojzct. Thl6 .dchool l6 clai>^l{,le.d a6 one. o^ the bz6t ^OA Spanl&h language tAolnlng ^OA ml6.6lonaAlz6, Plans aAe to be theAe ^OA one tAi-meJiteA {jguA montki) oA po^^jM-y. tw.o__tAl-me,6teA4^ie.lgkt months}, Oua

tAavel expenses Mill be $950 Aound tAlp ^Aom PueAto RZcd7~We have begun pAepaAatlons ^oA this tAlp, Oun. desire l6 to become pAo^lc^ent In Spanish^

mtdilcal n.zc,on.dJi {^Kom '^fw.ztl ^on, a good ck&ck-up fie/te. Ble^^tng^ did Ae^ult
^^om tku ^tcknz6^, I uja6 ablz to ^tnl6h a ^e^coA-ck pKOjZct and fitad.
Come kpfUl, we i^lll nzzd pa66age to and oi 6pzcilat concQAn, plzoiei

Jtut fizdzntty. I had anothvi 6eXgz with and old (^e.nd-"cotULL6". God anAwJcAed pKayvi and no ^QAloiLi coyuzqatnct^^ x^altzd. T m getting alt oi my

5aia Jo6i Mafee thu, a mcuttoA

We oAz qnx^ou^ly awa^ng tkz cuvUvaZ oi the LmZs Ktng family ujho iv-Ctl 6tady In Co^ta Zica. ?lza6z pKay

'in pKayzA., John Reece and LaA/iy GKzzn, tuoo o^ oixfi tzaokvUi, ate tn iknguagz

wo^fe i^tth thz XoZlzgt o'^Wo^d Utsilon ai> RzgZ&tAa/i and tzachoA, Kezp thm

Alt oi tkz RobZ6on6 thank you. {on. youA {aXtk^uZ 4^uppoKt,

In H-im,

The RobZioni







Address Correction Requested

Forwarding Secretary:


St. Louis Christian College

1360 Grondview Dr.

CotdHb, Puerto Rico 00632

Florissant, Mo. 63033

March - April, 1974

^ ^ '"4

Dear Rope-holders:

Do you ever have anxious moments? Man must think that missionaries would not expe rience this emotion. May I confess that 1 am anxious! 1 am not worried or greatly con cerned. Perfiaps the word "burdened** w^ld be more appropriate. There are several bur dens I want to share with you. Remember the word says *'bear ye one another's burdens".

. My first burdenls the proposed specialized Spanish study for Sarah and myself in San
Jose, Costa Rica. Pray with us that we will be able to absorb and retain the instruction! Pray that God will help us to become fluent in Spanish. This will enlarge our witness here and world-wide. Thank you for sharing this burden!

My second burden is the College of World Mission of I.C.U. The College has had to turn away students from foreign countries because we do not have the approval from the U.S. Immigration Department. Pray with me that God will grant this request this year. Pray that God will also grant us the right to accept students who have the G.I. Bill benefits. Several

have applied for these benefits. Pray also that come September 1974 we will be able to
teach enough classes in Spanish. Several students have been refused admission because we lack the qualified Spanish-speaking teachers. Thank you for sharing this burden!

God provided his grace and help in several occasions recently. Through a fine Chris tian sister 1 was able to have extensive X-rays taken and have a complete medical check
up. Sarah also had a check-up and Mary Lou and Ann have had dental work done. All of this was done at a minimum cost. For this we are grateful. All of the documents and

pictures, shots, etc. have been completed in record time for our departure to San Jose,
Costa Rica on the 25th of this month.

Ann was united in marriage to James Phegley on April 9th. They are on their honey

moon in Pa. and Michigan. They plan to be back in San Juan the first part of May. Jim
has two more years to serve in the Navy.

0^ address in San Jose, Costa Rica is the following: Our name; Apartado 10240, San Jose, Costa Rica. You may start using this in the month of May beginning the first.

May I thank you, all of you, personally, for the wonderful way in which you have re sponded to our needs. God strengthens my "inner man*' when I realize the hundreds of you are praying for us. Please accept my heart-given thanks for youf continued support.


The, 1^ob^on6



Address Correction Requested




June and July /q-/'-/



printed text o God's Word in a language they understand. However,

the Word of God has not filtrated into the lives of the people. We need men and women who are willing to go to the various nations

According to information that was compiled during the 1971 Caribbean Mission Clinic, 90% o the world may have access to the

to preach and live the gospel of Christ.

the. (joo^ld with the. tKuth oi GodU Dioxd.

Tfic. doLLdQii 0(S WoA,Zd UZ66Zoyi

I.C.U, rfc.4-c^e.-6 to A&cich out. 'Cvito

One a^ea ujhlch ha^ been

opened to Gui/ana, South Ame,, ivtth Vavld London, ^n fhtologlccLl Education by Bxtzn6lon, Anothe.^ a/.ea o( endcavo/i^j a B^bl& Co^^e-6pondence Coa^^e, complte.d by-Ed Hott ojj Santiago, Chlte,, to be take,n to the. peop-Ce o^ Co^ita Ulca a6 -fiome o^ ou^ pe.^6onne.-c take, ^nten6l{le.d language 6tudy thz^e,.

Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) for future Spanish mission out reach. Our personnel can also work on neighboring islands such as Antigua, Dominica, and U.S. Virgin Island^,besides the many oppor

Bill Loft and Robert Shelton 'desire to make an island survey of

making many of our desires a reality at the present time.

tunities here in Puerto Rico. However, limited graduate student enrollment and a lack of sufficient financial support hinder us in

Vu/Luig Ch/uj>t'6 iliejUme, the woM population wxA appncxMnateZy 250 mllUon people,. Today, it iM ioux bWUon people. Seventy peAcent o^ thl6 population l6 In the developing nation^ 6uch a6 China, Southea&t A^la, Latin Ame/ilca, and A{^a.
In Red China, a country o^ app^xlmtety 740-820 mltUon people, you muZd have to talk to 5,000 people eveJiy day ^OA 400 yeoJU to 6peak to each peuon once concern
Red China is now open to politicians, ping pong players, country ing ChAlit,

singers, symphony orchestras and, hopefully soon, the Gospel, Can we carry,out the Great Commission? Will we have Gospel trained men and women ready to serve? Would we be willing to be a part of the gospel team to enter China? We can do all things with the help of God's Spirit, and He can do even more if we are properly prepared.
If you aAe ^eady to mlnl6teA, God ha4> many mlYiUtAleii uxutlng io^ you* A/te you willing? WAlte'- Ufi, Leuils M. King, Regl^tAoA, College o^ tUo/Ud Mission o^ I.C.ti., P.O. Box 66, Catafio, PueAto lUco 00632,


Are you looking for a challenging course of study? Would you

like to try something different? Is your interest in expanding the Lord's Kingdom world wide? If you have answered yes to the questions
asked why not examine the College of World Mission located in San
Juan, Puerto Rico!

Fvesently there are four -poaeihle programs of study avaitahle in the undergraduate level* It is possible to study one year at C,W.M, and complete enough hpurs for a mission major^ If you are a Bible College Graduate it would he possible to finish a B,S* de

gree in one year**

C,W*M, offers a two year A*A and four year A,B,

undergraduate program, 'Plans are being formulated to offer an M,A degree in Missiology in 1976 or sooner*
amounts to $900.00 yearly. Room and board are not included in the scholarships. Room expenses can be worked out in a work program.
There are a limited number of full tuition scholarships available. This

Why not come and spend one year or more studying in the tropi
cal bi-cultural San Juan! For further information please write .

*If you ha:oe the pre-requisites*

In San 'Co6ta JUca stSldyXng the SpcuU^h lang^ uage ion the. puApo^e, of o^fcfUng college.

fHoy ion. the, Robx^ow (concty wkitt tkzy ate

coauc6 Zn SparU&h to ouA PueAto K/can bnethAen and to help tecL-yi the Spanl&h language to the people connected uUth T.C.U.
Pne&/dent and Uu, flobZ&on'6 daaghteA, Ann,

Mi6 united in rrwuUage to Jame& Phegley, stationed at Sabam Seca Naval Baie, PueAto Hcco. The moAA-

iage U3a& pAe{onmed Zn the Chapel at Sabana Seca

Uaval Ba&e on ApnXZ 9, 1974.

The nmlyt^exU 6pent

tfiAee meki -in the ^tatei on theiA honeymoon and ucdZtcng AelatcveA, Mt. and Jame6 Phegley oAe now AetiXdCng

at BX-32 CaUe Vn, Antique, Levittom iake&,

Catano, PueAto ZCco 00632,


(International Christian University, Inc.)

P. 0. Box 66

Catafto, Puerto Rico 00632


Richard Bourne l-assion Services Box 177

Ken?>tonj Ind. U60lj.9

Forwarding Secretary;


P.O. Box 66 Cataiio, Puerto Rico 00632

St. Louis Christion College

1360 Grondview Dr. Florissont, Mo. 63033

July-August, 197-^1.
Dear Faithful Onest

. Believe It co: not we are near the point of completing a trimester of

intensive Spanish study. It is now possible to express ourselves and to put

most of our thoughts into acceptable Spanish. Of course we do not claim to

be a"Cervantes" yet but tnank the Lord for helping us thus far in our study. We plan to return to San Juan in the first part of August. Speuiish study will be continued there. There have been many countless blessings received
from the Lord during these months In Costa Rica,

We are anxious to return to Puerto Rico and to see our family euid co-workers there. Several have written to us and have kept us informed of
the summer program. The 3rd Annual Caribbean Missions Clinic was well attend

ed and God was active and gave much inspiration to all who attended. Why
don't you plan to attend the Clinic next Year?

David is still stationed at Fort Campbell^Kentuclty and has kept quite

active in the Army. He has two more years in the Army, Pray for him that he
will maintain a good witness for Christ while there,
Mary Lou is very anxious to return to Puerto Rico and to see her

friends. She will be in the 8th grade this year. She has been a great help
while here in San Jose, She has been able to baby-sit a lot.
The format of the Robison Report has changed slightly. Notice the
different pictures and the new P, 0. box and address. Please send all the

correspondence to us at the address

given on the upper part of this letter.

We will be back in San Juan by the time you receive this Report,

Brazil,195^. Can it be that time has gone by so quickly? Many of you have

August ^th marks the ;dOth anniversary of our first arrival in Belem,

been supporting us that long and for this we are grateful and thank God for

Please pray for each of us that God will grant us strength, direction,
wisdom, and patience for the work that Is ours to do in San Juan aiKi Puerto

Rico, God is able to provide a great harvest of souls if we are willing

to do our part. Pray that God will be able to use us as his Instrui&ents to
tell others.

Thank you again for your faithfulness.

In Christ

The RobX^oyu

BOX 177


Addrst Correction Roquostod



September - October 1974



Brother David Pettit, the Academic Dean of the College World Mission, has taken
^ year's leave of absence. There are three major reasons for this decision:

College of World Mission,

International Christian

University is pleased to
tell of Jill Farmer, now -


in Germany, working in the

Black Forest Mission, Jill graduated from Florj,11 Farmer ida State University and came to College of World Mission for the spring quarter of 1973 to

one, special education for

his oldest daughter, Mary

Beth; two, Brother Pettit

has lost a big portion of his monthly sup port; and third, he is representing and pro
moting the College of World Mission while
in the States.

complete her one year Mission training.

Jill went home in March of 1974 to make pre

parations to go to Germany. We know that the Lord is watching over Jill and her work
for Him. Please keep her in your prayers. We are praying for her here and are very proud of her and know that she will be a good worker for the Lord and worthy of your

At present Brother Pettit is looking for churches where he can speak and tell of his work and the goals of the college. If you are looking for a speaker please contact him by way of his forwarding agent: Mr. Russell Hatter, 110 Buffalo Trail, Frankfort, Ken tucky, 40601 or you can reach him care of Gus Vrotsos, 508 Washington Street, Martins Ferry, Ohio 43935.
Not only does Brother Pettit work in the


d \ academic program but he is also the Bursar of the college and teaches several classes.

John Reece and Mary Moore,

who will become Mr. and Mrs,
on December 12, 1974, are

His wife, Charlotte, also teaches English

at the college; and has taught some classes
at the Puerto Rico Christian School. Please

j. f '

now in Costa Rica, studying Spanish at the Language institute there. They will be returning to the U.S. some
time in December and will

consider Brother Pettit in your mission

giving, he and his family are worthy of your


return to the College and the work here early 1975.

Personal note:

Brother Dave please return

to us as soon as possible; we are sure the Lord will open doors for you when His family learns of your needs. Our prayers are with you. Praise God for all His blessings.

Our prayers, love and best wishes go with you John and Mary. May God bless your union. Hurry back to Puerto Rico. . .there's much to
be done for the Lord.



Wanda Farley is retiirning to Mission Services and the work in Kokomo,

Indiana at the Christian Book Store, Wanda has been with us for the first

What are yours? The ques tion is ambiguous perhaps as we think of our physical mental, spiritual nature. We pray for your needs and
our own needs when we know

two years of The College

of World Mission and has

been of great value in

setting-up the library.

She has contri

We will all

buted much to the work here.

miss her very much, but do thank Sod for

the time she has been with us. Thank you Mission Services for sending Wanda to us and we now return her to you once again to
continue her work there for the Lord. Our

ies a week the faculty, staff and students pray together from 6:30 7:00. Do you have some special needs? Share them with us. We will pray for you.

love and prayers go with you Wanda, . , .

Here are some of the needs of the College of World Mission. I share them with you so that you will pray for us also.
Needs of C.W.M.


We were privileged to have Ben Alexander as guest speaker for a week of lectures dur ing the month of May, Mr. Alexander's talks were inspiring, as well as very informative.
He is an ex-Medium and Spiritust - turned Christian and really turned on for the LORD. His lectures were on the Occult, evil spir

(1) Pray for spiritual strength for the personnel of C.W.M. (2) Pray for a Spanish teacher or the funds necessary monthly to hire one ($350). (3) Pray for a Librar
ian who will be able to dedicate much time

its, Satan in the churches today and he told of many dangers involved in the life style of today. He was also very inspir ing in telling his own personal story of
how he met Jesus Christ and gave his life to Him. His preaching on the Bible was tremendous. Thank you Ben for a beautiful week, come back again anytime.

and effort in this task. (4) Pray for the faculty, staff, and students as they study Spanish and as they evangelize that God will bless and grant a harvest of souls. (5) Pray for the students that they will keep before them a vision of unevangelized cities, towns, and countries. Thank you.

President Ford grants an unconditional and complete pardon to Richard M. Nixon in the

Watergate Affair. Whether it was right or wrong will be discussed for years to come.
However we see it. President Ford made a dif

A soft answer turns away

anger, but a sharp word makes tempers hot. Prov. 15:1

ficult decision.

God has granted a complete

and unconditional pardon through Christ to every person in the world who will accept




(International Christian University, Inc.)

P. 0. Box 66

SAN JUAN, P.R. C)0938


Catafio, Puerto Rico 00632


IaJ- e.

Forwarding Secretary:


St. Louts Christian College

1360 Grandvlew Dr. Florissant, Mo. 63033

CatdrTo, Puerto Rico 00632

September - October, 1974

Dear Friends:

God has called usl What a tremendous thought. Almighty Jehovah God has called us into his work. God says that He"does not want man

to perish but that he might have everlasting life". We have an in vitation from the "King of Kings" to be a part of redeeming man. What a privelegel What a responsabilityl Thank you God. Classes have begun at the College of World Mission and "things are
different now". Courses are being taught intensively. A threehour

class will be taught intensively for three weeks and then the final.
After that another class will be begun. It puts a greater responsa-

bility upon the teacher in preparation.

us that our lips will be loosed to speak.



I am teaching Spanish to the staff and students.

I am retaining and improving on the Spanish._ Pray for

It's a new

Progress is evident with the

The faculty & students will be doing the third survey and tract
distribution in Levittown.
interested ones.

Our goal is to reach every home with liter

ature. Pray for this effort that God will give the increase. Pray for the printing of the Correspondence Courses that we can reach the Please join us in praying for the National Missionary Convention
to be held in November in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Harvest to send forth laborers.

Pray the Lord of the

How wonderful it is to join my parents, Roy Sholes Robison Sr. and Martha T. Robison, on their 60th wedding anniversity (Oct. 26). Thanks Mom & Dad for all your fine words of encouragement and fine

examples through the years.

Two young people were baptized, Leo and Janet recently.

Pray for them.

The Robison Family thank you for your faithfulness. ing us up in prayer to God.

Please keep hold

In Christ

The RobZ&oyu

BOX 177




Address Correction Roquos^od


Levittown Lakes 5a Seccion

Forwarding Secretary:

1360 Grondview Dr.

Cotano, Puerto Rico 00632

Florissant, Mo. 63033

November - December, 197A


Holiday Greetings from the Robisons, "And you shall call His name Immanuel, meaning God with us," (Matthew 1:23), God is with us, His presence is a reality. His past faithfulness is a tremendous comfort in the shifting values of 20th Century delusions. His past faithfulness is reassuring as we face an uncertain yet demanding 1975, In all that possibly could come our way in this holiday season and in the future the words of one sage of old

stands out in my mind, ",.,for underneath are the everlasting arms," God has
not abandoned His people,

God is not powerless.

God is not unconcerned with

However, in

His timetable is not necessarily syncronized with mans'.

His way and in His appointed time, and with His infinite wisdom, and with His
chosen vessels Almighty God will intervine in the affairs of finite man and
will make order out of chaos, bind the stricken, heal broken hearts and justice and mercy will prevail. In the meantime for Christians on earth our hope
and comfort is "Immanuel, God with us," Thank God for this truth.

In August of this year I submitted my resignation as President of the Col lege of World Mission. The Administrative Council of the College asked me to continue on in this capacity until January when the Board of Trustees will meet
and choose a new President.

My desire is to be able to teach and spend more time with the students and in their outreach. Pray for the Trustees as they meet in January 1975. Ask God
my 100% support of the total training program of International Christian Uni versity in Puerto Rico. There is a great team of workers on the Island and
there is a sense of unity and togetherness.
The Church of Christ (Levittown) of which I am one of the elders has step

that I was not adequately administrating, promoting, recruiting and teaching.

to direct in choosing the proper man for the task. This in no way affects

My main reason for resigning was a realization

ped out in faith and on faith.

There are forty members presently and two de

The first FaithPromise

cisions have been made which will test our faith in God.

Rally of the Church was held on November 13 - 16 and our goal was $5,000. On the victory service Saturday night twenty-four promises totaling $6,296.00
were received. For this we praise God and continually seek His guidance as we send this money to five different mission fields representing Puerto Rico, Westem Europe, South America and Central America. This amounts to $524 per month. The second faith-stretching decision is the one made to purchase our own fac


A process has been started to purchas_e a house and land for the Church


Our monthly obligation will be $300+ for this.

These votes were unanimous

This puts a total of

$824 per month to meet our committments.

Him to supply our needs*

Pray with us to be faithful to God and trust

It was a wonderful experience to visit Pennsylvania and Ohio in October. I was able to celebrate with my folks their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Also it permitted me to visit and speak to the First Christian Church In McKeesport. Thanks for your warm reception. The Christian Church In Homeville also was visited and a very warm wel come was extended to me. Thank you Homeville. It was also possible to see the fine
brethren at Monroeville Christian Church. Thank you Monroeville. An unexpected sur

prise was the opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Braddock Christian Church of Braddock Pa, Congratulations Braddock and may God guide you and your min ister Dick Phillips as you begin your second 100 years, God permitted me to visit several friends from years ago. I visited a dear sister in Wintersvllle, Ohio, Betty Bruhn and also the David Pettit family. Thank you brethren for your kindness and
Christian love.

The Robisons will be celebrating their third Christmas in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

It doesn't seem possible that 2 1/2 years have gone by so rapidly. During our time here we have seen Ann get married and Dave enlist in the Army, In actuality we lost
two of the family members and gained one, Jim Phegley, our son-in-law. What is

Christmas like in you?" Naturally, changed by Puerto the background of

Puerto Rico? Someone said, "Oh, you don't have white Christmas do the sand is almost white but we don't have snow. Gifts are ex Rican families and Christmas music is sung. This music reflects the Island and is sung and played with a Puerto Rican Style that

is unique. In most towns in the interior "Three King's Day" is the big holiday. This was the traditional day to celebrate and exchange gifts in the past. However
with the coming of the Americans beginning in 1898 Santa Claus and Christmas have

overshadowed the 6th of January celebration. All of our immediate family will be here for Christmas except Dave, There is a faint possibility that he will come. We
pray that he will get a leave for this occasion.

May God be ever near to you during this Season.

In Chrisi

BOX 177


Address Correction Requested



Levittown Lakes 5a Section

Forwarding Secretory:

1360 Grandview Dr.

Catano, Puerto Rico 00632

Florissant, Mo.


November - December, 1974


Holiday Greetings from the Robisons, "And you shall call His name Immanuel, meaning God with us." (Matthew 1:23), God is with us. His presence is a reality. His past faithfulness is a tremendous comfort in the shifting
values of 20th Century delusions. His past faithfulness is reassuring as we face an uncertain yet demanding 1975, In all that possibly could come our way in this holiday season and in the future the words of one sage of old

stands out in my mind, ",.,for underneath are the everlasting arms," God has
not abandoned His people.

God is not powerless.

God is not unconcerned with

However, in

His timetable is not necessarily syncronized with mansV

His way and in His appointed time, and with His infinite wisdom, and with His
chosen vessels Almighty God will intervine in the affairs of finite man and will make order out of chaos, bind the stricken, heal broken hearts and justice and mercy will prevail. In the meantime for Christians on earth our hope
and comfort is "Immanuel, God with us,"
. 1

Thank God for this truth.

In August of this year I submitted my resignation as President of the Col lege of World Mission. The Administrative Council of the College asked me to continue on in this capacity until January when the Board of Trustees will meet
and choose a new President, My main reason for resigning was a realization

that I was not adequately administrating, promoting, recruiting and teaching. My desire is to be able to teach and spend more time with the students and in their outreach. Pray for the Trustees as they meet in January 1975. Ask God

my 100% support of the total training program of International Christian Uni versity in Puerto Rico, There is a great team of workers on the Island and
there is a sense of unity and togetherness.
The Church of Christ (Levittown) of which I am one of the elders has step

to direct in choosing the proper man for the task.

This in no way affects

ped out in faith and on faith.

There are forty members presently and two de

The first Faith-Promise

cisions have been made which will test our faith in God.

Rally of the Church was held on November 13 ~ 16 and our goal was $5,000. On the victory service Saturday night twenty-four promises totaling $6,296.00
were received. For this we praise God and continually seek His guidance as we

send this money to five different mission fields representing Puerto Rico, West ern Europe, South America and Central America. This amounts to $524 per month. The second faith-stretching decision is the one made to purchase our own fac


A process has been started to purchase a house and land for the Church

activities. Our monthly obligation will be $300+ for this. This puts a total of $824 per month to meet our committments. Pray with us to be faithful to God and trust
Him to supply our needs. These votes were unanimous^

It was a wonderful experience to v1s1t Pennsylvania and Ohio In October. I was able to celebrate with my folks their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Also 1t permitted me to visit and speak to the First Christian Church in McKeesport. Thanks for your warm reception. The Christian Church in Homevllle also was visited and a very warm wel come was extended to me. Thank you Homevllle, It was also possible to see the fine brethren at Monroevllle Christian Church. Thank you Monroeville. An unexpected sur prise was the opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Braddock Christian Church of Braddock Pa. Congratulations Braddock and may God guide you and your min

ister Dick Phillips as you begin your second 100 years.

Christian love.

God permitted me to visit

several friends from years ago. I visited a dear sister in Wintersville, Ohio, Betty Bruhn and also the David Pettit family. Thank you brethren for your kindness and
The Robisons will be celebrating their third Christmas in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

It doesn't seem possible that 2 1/2 years have gone by so rapidly.

here we have seen two of the family Christmas like in you?" Naturally, changed by Puerto

During our time

Ann get married and Dave enlist in the Army, In actuality we lost members and gained one, Jim Phegley, our sonin-law. What is Puerto Rico? Someone said, "Oh, you don't have white Christmas do the sand is almost white but we don't have snow. Gifts are ex Rican families and Christmas music is sung. This music reflects

the background of the Island and is sung and played with a Puerto Rican Style that is unique. In most towns in the interior "Three King's Day" is the big holiday. This was the traditional day to celebrate and exchange gifts in the past. However
with the coming of the Americans beginning in 1898 Santa Claus and Christmas have overshadowed the 6th of January celebration. All of our immediate family will be here for Christmas except Dave, There is a faint possibility that he will come. We pray that he will get a leave for this occasion.

May God be ever near to you during this Season.

In Chrisi

BOX 177


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