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In accordance with section 1196 of the Borough Code, the following concise financial statements present the financial position of the Borough of Highspire at December 31, 2012 and the results of its operations for the year then ended. BOROUGH OF HIGHSPIRE CONCISE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR PUBLICATION CONCISE BALANCE SHEET - MODIFIED CASH BASIS - COMBINED FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2012 ASSETS Cash Investments - at market value Total assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Due to other governments Escrow funds payable Total liabilities FUND BALANCE Restricted fund balance Reserve for pension and employee benefits Unappropriated fund balance Total fund balance Total liabilities and fund balance Liabilities excluded from above related to the Boroughs net debt as of December 31, 2012 are as follows: General obligation bonds as of December 31, 2012: Capital Lease as of December 31, 2012: $ 2,519,252 2,414,665 $ 4,933,917

$ 168,098 5,219 173,317

209,972 2,414,665 2,135,963 4,760,600 $ 4,933,917

$ 5,845,000 $ 61,296

BOROUGH OF HIGHSPIRE CONCISE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR PUBLICATION CONCISE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - MODIFIED CASH BASIS - COMBINED FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 REVENUES Real estate taxes (assessed value $75,158,500) Act 511 taxes Licenses and permits Fines and forfeits Interest and rents Net investment income Intergovernmental revenue Contributions and donations Charges for services Sewer rentals Other Total revenues

$ 1,032,404 387,047 46,586 46,885 577 275,821 424,751 9,169 852,901 1,065,172 247,870 4,389,183

EXPENDITURES General government Police protection Fire protection Ambulance protection Building, regulation and planning Emergency management Solid waste collection and disposal Sanitary sewers Highways, roads and streets Culture and recreation Community development Debt service Pension benefits paid Insurance Total expenditures Excess expenditures over revenues before other financing sources and uses OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Excess revenues over expenditures FUND BALANCE BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE END OF YEAR

680,173 1,096,596 71,452 11,995 24,079 1,992 204,140 1,142,679 387,496 327,374 3,967 427,377 60,842 18,471 4,458,633 (69,450) 104,203 34,753 4,725,847 $ 4,760,600

The complete financial statements, together with the audit opinion of the independent certified public accountant, have been filed with the Prothonotary of the Court of Dauphin County and are on file at the Boroughs office. 9/4-1T #174

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