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El verbo 'Can' pertenece a los verbos modales y se ubica antes del verbo principal en infinitivo. Significa 'poder'.

Se utiliza para expresar habilidad, permiso. I can - puedo Affirmative

I can play the trumpet. Yo puedo/s tocar la trompeta. We can take a taxi to the airport. Podemos tomar un taxi hasta el aeropuerto. Mary can be very stubborn sometimes. Mary puede ser muy terca a veces. You can sit here if you like. Puedes sentarte aqu si quieres. It can take longer than we thought. (Esto) Puede tardar ms de lo que pensbamos. Nobody can understand that. Nadie puede entender eso. Your decision can change our lives. Tu decisin puede cambiarnos la vida.


I can not swim. No puedo/s nadar. That cannot be true. Eso no puede ser cierto. You can't tell me what to do. No puedes decirme qu hacer


German? Puede/sabe Peter hablar alemn? Can you help me with my homework? Me puedes ayudar con mi tarea?

Can + have

Paul can have gone to Maria's. Paul puede haber ido a lo de Mara. They can't have left without us. Ellos no pueden haberse ido sin nosotros. Jane can't have said that. Jane no puede haber dicho eso.

El verbo 'Could' Expresa poca probabilidad o condicionalidad. Significa: podra, pude, poda, pudiera de acuerdo con el contexto: I could dance if I could practice. I could - podra / pude / poda / pudiera Affirmative

You could be wrong. Podras estar equivocado. They could manage without us. Ellos pudieron/podran arreglrselas sin nosotros. I could help Ann if she only let me. Yo podra ayudar a Ann si tan solo me dejara. This new plan could be very risky. Este nuevo plan podra ser muy riesgoso. The news could kill Mr. Taylor. La noticia podra matarlo al seor Taylor. Anybody could be chosen for the job. Cualquiera podra ser elegido para el trabajo. I could go back and bring Kate with me. Yo podra/pude volver y traer a Kate conmigo.


I couldn't see very clearly. Yo no pude/podra ver muy claramente. Mrs. Jones couldn't stand the smell. La seora Jones no pudo/podra soportar el olor. We couldn't leave you alone. No podramos dejarte solo.


Could you open the window? Pudiste/podras abrir la ventana? Could they escape? Pudieron/podran escapar?

Could + have

You could have told me you weren't at home! Podras haberme dicho que no estabas en casa! It could have been worse. Pudo/podra haber sido peor. John couldn't have done that. John no pudo/podra haber hecho eso.

Present Perfect What has happened? - Qu ha pasado? I have worked - He trabajado

I have just prepared some coffee, would you like some? Quieres un poco de caf? Recin lo he preparado. My brother has had that old car for a long time. Mi hermano ha tenido ese coche viejo por un largo tiempo. Mr. Miller has lived in that house since 1995. El Sr. Miller ha vivido en aquella casa desde 1995. Daisy and her brother have taken English lessons for five years. Daisy y su hermano han tomado clases de ingls durante cinco aos. Mrs. Taylor has already finished her work. La Sra. Taylor ya ha terminado su trabajo. Dave has not seen Sabrina lately. Dave no ha visto a Sabrina recientemente. Paul and Betty have not visited Jamaica yet. Paul y Betty no han visitado Jamaica todava. Have you ever seen a UFO? Has visto un OVNI alguna vez? Has Tom already left? Tom ya se ha ido?

Present Perfect Continuous What has been happening? - Qu ha estado pasando? I have been working - He estado trabajando

We have been waiting for Stephen for over an hour. Hemos estado esperando a Stephen durante ms de una hora. My daughter has been feeling very tired lately. Mi hija se ha estado sintiendo muy cansada ltimamente. Mrs. Sloane's kids have been studying for a final exam today. Hoy los hijos de la Sra. Sloane han estado estudiando para el examen final. George has not been coming to school recently. George no ha estado viniendo a la escuela ltimamente. You look dirty. What have you been doing? Te ves sucio. Qu has estado haciendo?

erbos irregulares del ingls con caricaturas y ejemplos. En esta pgina: abide, arise, awake, bear, beat, become, begin, bend, bet, bid.

to abide

to arise

to awake

to bear

to beat

to become Present abide (abid) arise (aris) awake (awik) bear (bar) beat (bit) become (bikm) begin (bigun) bend (bend) bet (bet) bid (bid)

to begin

to bend Past

to bet

to bid Traduccin sufrir, soportar, cumplir levantarse, surgir despertarse, despertar aguantar, soportar, parir golpear, derrotar, batir convertirse en, llegar a ser, volverse, ponerse empezar doblar, torcer, inclinarse apostar ofrecer, pujar, licitar Translation: sufrir, soportar, cumplir

abode (abud) arose (arus) awoke (awuk) bore (bor) beat (bit) became (bikim) began (bigan) bent (bent) bet (bet) bid (bid) Present: Past: Past Participle: abide (abid) abode (abud) abiden (abden)

P. Participle abiden (abden) arisen (arsen) awoken (awuken) born (born) beaten (biten) become (bikm) begun (bign) bent (bent) bet (bet) bid (bid)

I cannot abide her constant unpunctuality. No puedo soportar su constante impuntualidad.

The employees must abide by the rules of the company. Los empleados deben cumplir con las reglas de la compaa. Bill always abides by his promises. Bill siempre cumple con sus promesas. Present: arise (aris) Past: arose (arus) Past arisen Participle: (arsen) levantarse, Translation: surgir Problems always arise during such protests for human rights. Siempre surgen problemas durante tales protestas por derechos humanos. Disputes arose over who would be the first to speak. Surgieron disputas sobre quin sera primero en hablar. Many questions have arisen recently over the origin of life. Muchas preguntas han surgido recientemente sobre el origen de la vida. awake (awik) awoke Past: (awuk) Past awoken Participle: (awuken) Translation despertarse, : despertar Mary will awake in an hour because she has to go to work. Mary despertar en una hora porque tiene que ir a trabajar. I awoke in the middle of the night when I heard that noise. Despert en medio de la noche cuando o aquel ruido. The patient has awoken from a twoweek coma. El paciente ha despertado de un coma de dos semanas. Present:

Present: bear (ber) Past: bore (bor) Past born (born) Participle: Translatio aguantar, soportar, n: parir I cannot bear her bad manners anymore. No puedo aguantar ms sus malos modales. The child bore the pain without complaint while the doctor cured the injuries on his arm. El nio soport el dolor sin ninguna queja mientras el doctor cur las heridas de su brazo. The actor was born in a small village in Argentina. El actor naci (fue parido) en un pequeo pueblo en Argentina. beat (bit) Past: beat (bit) Past beaten Participle: (biten) Translation golpear, : derrotar, batir My neighbor beats his wife every night. He should be arrested. Mi vecino golpea a su esposa todas las noches. El debera ser arrestado. Do you think you can beat Jack at chess? Piensas que puedes vencer a Jack en el ajedrez? My team has been beaten four times already. Mi equipo ya ha sido derrotado cuatro veces. become (bikm) became Past: (bikim) Past become Participle: (bikm) convertirse Translation en, llegar a : ser, volverse, Present: Present:

ponerse My son wants to become a doctor when he grows up. Mi hijo quiere llegar a ser un doctor cuando l crezca. Bill won the lottery and became rich overnight. Bill gan la lotera y se hizo rico de la noche a la maana. Obesity has become a problem in the United States. La obesidad se ha vuelto un problema en los Estados Unidos. Present: Past: begin (bigun) began (bigan)

Be careful! You have bent my glasses. Tenga cuidado! Usted ha torcido mis gafas. bet (bet) Past: bet (bet) Past bet (bet) Participle: Translation apostar : It is possible to bet on almost anything nowadays. Es posible apostar a casi cualquier cosa hoy da. Mary bet a lot of money on that horse that came in last. Mary post mucho dinero en ese caballo que lleg ltimo. John has bet ten dollars that he can beat me in a tennis match. John ha apostado diez dlares a que l puede vencerme en un partido de tenis. Present: bid (bid) bid (bid) Present:

Past begun (bign) Participle: Translation empezar : The alphabet begins with the letter a. El alfabeto comienza con la letra a. It began to rain just as we were going out. Comenz a llover justo cuando estbamos saliendo. They had begun to work when the bell rang. Ellos haban comenzado a trabajar cuando son la campana. Present: bend (bend) bent (bent)

Past: Past bent (bent) Participle: Translation doblar, torcer, : inclinarse The river bends beyond that tree. El ro hace una curva ms all de aquel rbol. The doctor bent over to examine the patient. El doctor se inclin para examinar al paciente.

Past: Past bid (bid) Participle: Translation ofrecer, pujar, : licitar The English company will be bidding for the oil contract. La compaa inglesa estar haciendo una oferta por el contrato del petrleo. At the auction, James bid $5,000 for the painting. En la subasta, James ofreci 5,000 dlares por la pintura. Bill has bid the highest price for the book at the auction so far. Bill ha ofrecido el precio ms alto por el libro en la subasta hasta ahora.

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