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lf greenwash is a fad dret,

let'shcpefor a healthrereode
To lose weight one must eat less and tials, such as BRXEAM, and wauld cover all nondomestic
exercisemore lt's the same with
THE buildings. It would require allbuildings, new and old, to
becoming more sustainable we must PNAPASED undergo a regrlar health check, with public drsclosue of
use less and recyclemore. So we have
to wean ourselveson to a healthier dret,
CODEIS caloie intake. Naming and shaming that sounds good.
The proposal undoubtedly leads us in the dght
maybe switching from chocolatebars to MORE direction,but I cant help but thinh it's more drgestrve
digestivebiscuits on the way to a seasonalfruit salad DIGESTIVE biscuit than frut saladinto itsdigest. conuction. The balanced
BLr wner we rry o d-Lv-r .nuronmenlallyl^eJr'v diet seems too drfficult As I see il, any sustain
projects what worries me is the spin, greenwashand fad BISCUITTHANdblc b.Lldmg. .ode n.cds ro focus o_ chdnoincr'hF
diets at every corner There'sa classicexample of FBUITSALAD h a b . r s o f l n e u s e rd 'l d h e e s d d d n g - L i a a l o p do h m
greenwash on every garage forccourt: petrol pumps stancl
p l o u d lyin ne' r g Fcnlre vsal|n o en^r gN ds s oc iat
/iV/IS code wrll only addressproperty and design professionals
without engaging the occupiers.If we don't look at
"s ' l
rng the colouJand the word is a step in the right direction. CONVICTIONunsustainable hrunan beha!'1our,we wili do little to
llavlng lecen v 1 oved rrro oJr naw'passive"ouse improve overall sustarnabiLity no matter how restrictive
(seeCM March, page 29) I attendedtlns year's Ecobuild
event with a heightened awareness of the need for healthy If we are to have a new Code for SustamableBu dmgs,
.a ing Waldmg ound n se. . h ofheal h/ ingt^dierts,it I hope that it will iron out some of the bizarreinequalities
was great to see the advancementin altemative buldrng we faced in assessingoui ecchouse agarnstthe Code for
methods:there were timberiamed houses,renewable S isldinan," Homes RFcFlvingro c edr b usu q snall
technologiesand energy saving procluctsgalore. local craJtsand materials due to lack of ISO or FSCaccredr-
But I was st l aiarmed at the nunlcer of exhibrtors that 'olron\,\as oal . Lika,visethetewas ro te' ogn tor lor
had shpped through the eco fiiter. One thing that makes me DIET PLAN::) .. :.., treating all our waste water on site, and the fact that we
'dugn .c \,\nFn ou 'ldve con pdixes _vppsof got no credit for a vegetablegarden and compost system
\ "plli o n.w .].]..1 i .|.'...:..i

concrete shuttedng. Yes,it s no doubt innovative and , : :',. .:: I: unless I formed a nice flat path to from the back door lor
quicker but what is it doing at Ecobuild? You're still using i:r :.:,ir r,i i r' :i ,r'', I edsywl-..l.har a..oss rourof col c ere.oerl'"psl) Ls
concrete, when most buildings aren't designed to justtfy its i::rrr, i- about topped it off. If supporting sustainableproduce isnt
embodied energy. Then there's the 'sustarnable technolc encouragedby the code,what on Earth, or beyond,is?
gies' that are sold citmg unealstic performancedata Codesshould act as gLridesto elicit change This is
grouno soulce heot prJTrpsdje a parricua|ulptrl wnd- rhe Bu d rg Fec|Lldrons do lalb.:l bv ladu, Ing the
Somehow I got the feelng that many fat content of a Mars bar rather than promoting apples).
compa es were simply supplying chocolate But the astoundingly complex measurements ar1dcalcula-
uaIs m green orgalllc wrappers. tions required by the Code for SustainableHomes leaves
Taking a break, and quretly eating an apple me ttrnking something has got lost in translation.Recent
(and a chocolatebiscrlit, I must conJess)I changes now mean that a house with a swinlming pool
hstenedto Paul King chief executiveof the .dl 1 Sl .l 06 aSS6SSed ds ^O O e 4 Ot 5. N O' Vety gto.n. y ' o J ra

UK GreenBuilding Council,as he thinking? That ll be the cf odne

presentedhis organrsatlon'sproposalfor The problem with the Code for SustainableHomes is
a Code for Sustarnable Burldrngs. This that its hjgNy prescriptive.We need a code that's more
new loose'fitframework would like the Building Regrulations- as long as you design in the
acconimodateexsting there s room to skin the cat in
spirit of the regrulations,
methods of measui more than one way.
So I hope that a Code for Sustarnable Bulldrngs will be
bod m s."dors"!par-o ,lns. rn rs ludg.mFnl -t -'rus
'F :^ rc- rp r ^r 6- :.r ^l - F - oes m dl l dnd
'r \'al \
beautiful. We all know that fresh and
local is not so much a fringe
activity, but an essential
ingredient in cooking a
healthy meal

Bichard Hawkes runs

Hawkes Architecture

10 comment :,',ir r: construction-manager,

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