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The im portance of hydrau lic gradient, lineament trend,

proximity to lineaments and surface drainage pattern
for yield of groundwater wells on Ask0y, West Norway

Lie, H.& Gudmundsson, A. 2002:The im port ance of hydr aulic gradient, lineament trend , proximity to lineaments and
surface drainage patt ern for yield of groundwater wells on Askey, West Norway. Norges geologiske undersekelse
Bulletin 439, 51-60.

Groundwater and lineament stu dies we re made on Askey, an island northwest of Bergen. ln add ition to field mea-
surements of lineament s and associated fractures, a total of 2695 photolineament s and 409 topolineaments were
analysed in relation to yield of drilled ground water wells.The results of stat istical analyses in geographical informa-
tion systems (GISl,as well as num erical modelling of groundwater flow, highlight two parameter s that affect yield of
gro und water wells. These facto rs are proximit y of groundwater wells to lineament s and lineament t rend s. The
result s indicate t hat, on Askey, NE-SW-tr ending lineament s, and t hose t hat st rike subparallel to th e slope of th e
topog raphy, are most likely to provide high-yield ground water we lls. Alth ough t he stat ist ical significance in the se
analyses is not high, th e results indicate th at the methods may be generally very useful, part icularly for areas w ith a
large number of drille d wells. The surface drainage patt ern on Askey is partly contro lled by lineament s and other
tecton ic elements. In particu lar, the st reams commo nly follow topographic lineaments, many of wh ich are fault
zones,ind ivid ual fractu res, contacts or ot her mechanical di scontinuit ies in th e rock mass.We conclude th at by com-
bining data on lineament tr ends and surface drainage, it may be possible to characterise hydraulic differences
betwe en lineament s of different tr end s.

Hall stein Lie', Agust Gudmundsson'; ') Statoit, N-4035 Stava nger, Norwa y (Hallstein.Lie@s; ' ) Geological
Instit ute, University of Bergen, A//(!ga ten 4 1, N-5007 Bergen, Nor way ( )

Introduction The aim of th is pape r is to evaluat e how the lineament

There have been several recent studi es on the possible cor- trend and the hydraulic gradient affect the groundwater
relation between the yield of dr illed groundwater wells and potential on th e island of Askey (Fig. 1). For t his p urpose we
the ir distances to nearby lineaments (Boeckh 1992, use groundwater well yield data , mapped lineament s, topo-
Greenbaum 1992, Yin & Brook 1992, Gustafsson 1993, gra phic al data and sim ple nu merical f low mod els. Since sur-
Morland 1997, Braathen et al. 1999).ln general, th e we ll yie ld face and subsurface drainage is part ly con t rolled by lin ea-
is expected to increa se when ap proaching lineaments. One ments , we also com bine maps of stream system s with those
reason for th is is that most lineaments are depres sion s that of lin eam ents to evaluate w hat possible differences in
receive water by topography-driven flow. Another reason is hydraulic properties exist between the lineament trends.
that many lineaments have a high fracture frequency, and
thus norma lly high hyd raulic conductivity, close to their cen- Hydrogeological background
tra l parts. However, the corre lations between the yield of Geology of t he Bergen area
wells and th eir di stances to lineaments generally show large The region around Bergen can be divided into two main
variations wh ich cannot be enti rely exp lained in term s of units: Precamb rian crystalline bedrock and Caledonia n
pro ximity to lin eame nt s.These variations suggest that othe r thrust nappes. The basement consi sts of metamorph ic
factors, such as hydr aulic pro per ties, lineament tre nd and Precambria n m igmatites, gra nite s and mafic rocks from th e
influence of topography, must also be con sidered. cratonic part of Baltica (Mi lnes & Wennberg 1997, Fossen
Lineam ent s are commonly mapp ed from topograph ical 1998). The nappes are grouped into t he Lower, Mid dle and
maps, aerial photographs and satell ite images. Here, we Upper Allochthons (Milnes & Wennberg 1997).The two low -
defin e lineam ents as all mappabl e linear or curvilinear fea- ermost tectonostratig rap hic uni t s include mylonitic, gran -
tures that may repr esent maj or discontinuities (mechanical uli ti c, gran itic and sedime nta ry rocks w hile t he Up per
bre aks) in t he bedrock (Braathen & Gabrie lsen 1998, Lie Alloc hthon, which d om inates in t he Bergen region, includes
2001). Major morphological discontinuities at the int ersec- metamorphic Precambrian granu lit es and ano rthosites as
t ion s between surface and fol iat ion are included in th is t erm well as granitic/mi gm at it ic rocks, meta -arkoses, conglomer-
because these lineament s com mo nly rep resent foli ation ates and oph iolitic complexes (Milnes & Wennberg 1997).
structures th at have been reactivated as j oints or faults. Most Precamb rian rocks in th e Bergen area in clude various

Fig. 1. (A) Map of South Norway show ing

the locatio n of the study area, Askey, an
island nort hwest of the city of Sergen on
t he western coast of Norway. (B)
Phot olin eaments (n=2695) on Askcy are
deriv ed from aeria l pho tos at t he scale of
1:15,000. The photol ineame nts are
g rouped into 4 groups accordi ng to t rend.
N-S-trending lineamen ts dominate as
indicated in the rose diagram. (C) Map of
Askoy showing three subareas based on
an assessment of t he spatial distribution
of t he 4 lineament groups.The varying d is-
t rib ut ions of trends ind icate different
structural histories between the regions.

and Hell iksen 1997 ). Almost t he

ent ire island of Askey belongs to
t he 0ygarden Gneiss Comp lex, but
along the east coast, w here the
N Main Caledonian Thrust Zone is
exposed , t here are rocks, main ly
metased iments and my lon it ic
gneiss, from the Minor Bergen Arc
(Milnes & Wennberg 1997,
Ra g nhild stvei t & Helliksen 1997 ,
Fossen 1998).

Bedrock hydrogeological
Uneaments: 0-180 degrees studies in Norway
- - N-S, I (0 - 22.5) In southern Nor way, there is a corre-

NE-SW (22.5 - 67.5) lati on (on a reg ional scale) bet ween
- - E-W (67.5 - 112.5)
- - NW-SE (112.5 - 157.5) ... the yie ld of ground water well s and
current postg lacial up lift rates
- - N-S, 11 (157.5 - 180) (Rohr-Tor p 1994, Morland 1997).
lakes s This means t hat along defined pro -
___-=====::1 Kilometres files t here is a near-linea r increase in
B o 2 4 6 we ll yield from th e weste rn part of
sout hern Norway to its eastern inte-
st ruct ures of Precambrian age which are ove rprinted by rior part. One exp lanat ion for t his increase is t hat w ell yield is
Caledo nian ductile deformation struc tures (Fossen 1992 , relat ed to t he str ess field s generated by postglacial dom ing
1998, Milnes & Wennberg 1997). (Rohr-Torp 1994, Gud mundsson 1999 ).
Aroun d Bergen, the Upper Allochthon is stru ctu rally In Norway, several studies have been made of the poten-
dom inated by the Bergen Arc System w hich is a Caledon ian t ial cor relation between t he yield of drilled wells and surface
nappe complex (Kolderup & Kolde rup 1940, Fossen 1998). morphology, bedr oc k lithology and pro xim ity to lineaments.
The Bergen Arc Syst em consists of arcuate structures that, in Henr iksen (1995) concluded t hat t here is a posit ive correla-
map view, are concave to t he west (Ragnhild stveit & t ion between val ley bottoms/ flatland s and well yield .
Hell iksen 1997 ). The pattern of fault and joi nt t races (linea- Morland (1997) found signifi cant variations in yiel d between
ment s), and especially the orient ati on of th e met amorp hic di ffe rent lithologi es, but a low cor relat ion between well
foli at ion, is related to th e arcs. The Precambrian 0ygarde n yield and di stance to lineame nts ma pped from satelli te
Gneiss Comp lex is th e we stern most un it of t he Bergen Arc images in Norway. However, Braathen et al. (1999) report ed
System and consists mo stly of gneis s (graniti c, amph ibol it ic, no sign ifi cant corr elation s betw een well yield and distance
ton alit ic and granod ior it ic, some of w hich are mylon it isedJ, to linea men ts, alt hou gh t hey concluded that high-yield
but also includes me tased im entary, amph ibolit ic and wells are most likely to be ob tained w hen dr illing into the
ign eou s rocks (Fo ssen & Ragnhildstveit 1997, Ragnh ildst veit damage zon es of fracture zones.
HALLSTEIN LIE & A G UST G U DM U N DSS O N N G U-BU L L 4 3 9, 2 0 0 2 - PAG E 5 3

On a local scale,yield of dri lled we lls in crysta lli ne rocks is

gen erally thought to be spatial ly related t o specific lin ea-
ment s, parti cularly th ose t hat are fract ure zones (Gust afsson
1993). This is because clustered fracturi ng normally causes
increased fracture por o sity as wel l as conn ecti vity and thu s
incr eased permeability. Field st udies indicate th at, for many
fractu re zones in Norway, th e fractu re intensit y is a function
of distance from th e cent ral part of th e zone (Braat hen &
Gabrielsen 1998, Berg 2000). Som e fractu re zones, however,
show litt le or no chang e in f ractu re freque ncy on approach-
ing t he cent re of th e f ract ure zone. For ot hers,a sig nificant ly
higher fractu re int ensity occur s mainl y w it hin the morpho-
logi cal escarp ments of th e fract ure zone, com pared to th e
host rock (Lie 200 1).These results sugg est t hat th e gro und-
water pot ent ial d oes not always increa se line arly w hen
approachi ng lineam ents .For mod ell ing groundwater po te n-
t ial close to lin eament s, one mu st also make field measure-
ment s and correlat io n analyses focu sing o n line amen t tr end
and hyd romechanical str uct ure in relation to th e hyd raulic
Commonly, a fault zone can be divided into two main
hyd rom echanical units: a core and a damage zone (Caine et
al. 1996, Caine & Forster 1999). Field studies in Norway
(Braat hen & Gabri elsen 1998, Braathen et al. 1999) indicate
that th e dam age zon e is no rmally the most favourable for
conducting w ater and therefore shou ld be the t arget zone __-=== ::JIKilometres
for t he locat io n of potential ly high yielding well s. A o 2 4
A gro undwater potentia l map for a part of the Bergen
Fig.2. (A) Map of Ask0Yshow ing to po lineaments (n=409) mappe d from
Area (Elling sen 1975, 1978) covers th e sout hern part of
hillshade map s of a digi tal elevat ion mod el (DEMl, combi ned wit h t he
Ask0Y. Other st udies relevant for the hydrogeology of Ask0Y original contour lines of elevat ion. (B) Hill shade map, w it h illu min ation
include Kold erup & Kolde rup (1940) and Askvik (1965, 1971) from th e northwest at an alt it ude-ang le of 45 degrees, emphasises t he
w ho focu s on structural geology and petrog raph y. patt ern of lineament s in a part of Ask0Y.

Com parison of deformation structures in th e 0ygarden

Gneiss Comp lex and th e Jurassic Bjoroy Format ion , as we ll as
field st udies, indica te a clear mecha nical difference between azim ut h and length of lineaments, as we ll as distance fro m
t he non-cohesive Late Jurassic or younger gouge zone s and dri lled groundwat er wells to their nearest lineamen ts, were
the older more brittle and cohesive fracture zones (Fossen et provided using spatial GISoperat io ns.
al. 1997, Fossen 1998). Fossen (1998) also corr elates NNE-
SSW-tren di ng fract ure zone s on Askoy w it h the NE-SW- Photolineaments
t rending faul ts on Sotra (west of Bergen) w hich t here pre- A to tal of 2695 pho to lineaments longer th an 75 m were
date joint systems trending NNW-SSE.This pap er is primarily obtained from aerial photograph s at th e scale of 1:15,000
based on the most recent hydrogeo logical study of Askey, (Fig. 1B). Most of th e photolin eament s on Ask0Y p resumably
that by Lie (200 1). represent fractures, as ind icated by field studies and t he
morphologica l charactisti stics of th e lineament s. The N-S-
Mapping and analysing lineaments t rendi ng photo lineame nts do mi nate the frequency distribu-
The lineament s wer e derived from two different data tion, fol low ed by t he NW-SE-trending lineaments (Fig. 1B).
sources, namely as photo line aments and topolineaments, Nor malising the frequency distribution with lineament
and th en analysed in GIS. Aerial photographs we re used for length, however, provides a different, and perhap s more
stereographic mapping of photo line aments on Ask0Y (Fig. usable, output for groundwater st udies (Fig. 3A). ln th is way,
1B).To defi ne more clearly t he larger topograp hical linea- short lineament s coun t less tha n lon g ones,and the NW-SE-
ments , many topolin eament s (Fig. 2) were mapped inside a tre ndi ng p hotolinea ments becom e more dominating (Fig.
GIS-interface from digita l elevat ion data. The photol inea- 3A). Visual inspect ion of the map (Fig. 1B) also show s a pro-
ments were imported into GIStogether w it h drilled ground- nounced NE-SW trend which, however, is not very di sti nct in
water wells from the bedr ock borehole databa se of the the two frequency distributions (Fig. 1B, 3A). Using t rend s as
Geo logical Survey of Norway (NGU). Numerical valu es for the on ly crite ria, the photoline aments can be classified into

8 9
"i ~6
- 5 s:
.:: ", 5
g, 4 c:
~ 4
U 3
~ 3
'" 2 '" 2

0 0
~ .o eo eo
'" '"
-e- '" '" ~ l!l '"
;! :R 18
~ to eo l!l 18 :B '"
'" '" -e- '"
'" '" eo '" '" '"
en '" '"
~ '" '" '"
~ '"
~ ~
N <D "- 00
~ ~ ;! ~ ~
'" "- ~
A azimuth (0-180°)
B azim uth (0-180°)

81 8.0
E-W :=~N::,:W=-S=E= ~
~ =~N~E~-S~W=:._i1i_.
7 7.0
6.0 D estimated permeable trend
_ 6
eft - 5.0 D estimated impermeable trend
:; 5 ~ 4 ,0
g, 4 ::: 3.0
~ ~ 2.0
U 3 ~ 1.0
J I~'
'" 2 :;; 0 .0

'" .o
h-mrn-rr -1.0
-2.0 -
-3.0 .L.--
- - - - - - - - -

c azim uth (0-180°) D azim ut h (0-180°)

Fig. 3. Azim ut h frequency distributi on of ph otoli neament s (A), topo lin eament s (B) and river segm ents (C) wh en wei ghted according to the lengt h of
the feat ures.The vertical scale is percent age. The difference bet w een the relative distribution s of to po lineaments (B) and river segments (C) in each
t rend class cou ld thus be calculated as in D.Thi s difference is a measure of the relative permeab ility diffe rence between t he lineament trend s.

four main gro ups, str ikin g N-S, NE-SW, E-W and NW-SE (Fig. the rose diag ram for the southern most subarea (Fig. 1C).The
1B).These groups show differences in appearance and spa- classification into subareas thus shows that there may be a
tial di stribution. large local variatio n in lineament patt ern and inten sit y. On
The N-S group dom inat es on Ask0Y, but is less intense in Ask0Y th is is, at least partly, du e to t he bedrock heter ogen-
t he sout hern part of the island (Fig. 1B, black lines).Some lin- eity (Ragnhildstveit & Helliksen 1997), but structura l and
eaments are curved and may be shallow -dippin g fault s, or stress-field variations proba bly also affect t he lineament dis-
consist of t wo or more struct ures wi th different t rends. t ribut ion.These variati ons include changes in or ientation of
The NE-SW group (Fig. 1B, yellow lines) is sparsely but foliation (Kolderup & Kolderup 1940, Bj erkaas 1951, Lie
evenly distri buted on the island.The gro up consists part ly of 2001), proximity to th rust zones, and th e somew hat differ ent
long and st raig ht structures, some of whic h are know n to be stress fiel ds, at t he time of lineament format ion, associated
fault s (Askvik 1971, Fossen 1998). wi t h th e different tecton ic uni ts. Many lineaments are also
The E-W gro up is represented by lineament s mainly in t hought to have developed parallel to the arc struct ures of
two areas, name ly aroun d Davang erfjord and in a small area the Bergen Arc System (Kolderup & Kolderup 1940,
in t he sout hern part of the island (Fig. 1B, red lines) . Ragnhild stveit & Helliksen 1997).
Lineaments of the NW-SE group occur throughout th e
island, but are relati vely sparsely represented in the region Topolineaments
around Davangerfjord (Fig. 1B, blue lines).The largest NW-SE A total of 409 topol ineam ent s were mapped fro m a dig ital
lineament s occur in th e northeaste rn part of Askey, po ssibly elevation mod el (DEM) th at was made using t he Arclnfo
wit h an increasing frequenc y when approaching the Main softwa re (ESRI 1999). Contour elevation data at 5 and 20 m
Ca ledonian Thrust Zone (Milnes & Wenn berg 1997) to th e intervals,and spread points of known elevation, were used
northeast. to compu te the DEM wi th the TOPOGRIDTOOL mod ule
The spatial di stribution of the four lineament popu la- (Hut chinson 1989). Hillshade maps (Fig. 2 B) were calculated
tio ns has been used as a basis fo r a structural classificat ion of for fou r ill umi nation azimut hs using Arc View Spatial Analyst
Ask0Y into t hree subareas (Fig. 1C). The rose diagram s indi- (ESRI 1996), and from t hese maps th e maj or depressions and
cate th at t he N-S-tr ending lineaments in th e north are hills w ere mapped.The frequ ency distribution of topoli nea-
slightly clockwise rot ated relati ve to those in t he central part ments, mo st ly large to pographical depression s, indi cates
of the island (Fig. 1B, C).The NE-SW g roup is most evident in three main tre nds: N-S, NW-SE and NE-SW (Fig. 2A).They all

remain pronounced after being normal ised by the linea- different hydraulic properties. First, most fracture zones are
ment leng ths (Fig.3B). highly permeable only for relat ively short periods of time
following a seismogenic fault slip (Gudmundsson 2000).
Bedrock borehole database Since ope n, cond uctive fract ures dominate the fluid flow in
To explore th e spatial well yield dist ribution on Askey, fract ured media, thi s imp lies t hat recent ly active fracture
groundwater well data were taken from the bedrock bore- zones are thos e mo st likely to yield much grou nd water.
hole database of the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU). ln Second, the hyd raulic properties of lineaments depen d on
statistical analyses, well yield (litres per hour) is used as an t heir tre nds. This is partly because the regional st ress field
estimator (test variable) forth e grou ndwa te r pote ntia l of t he (Hicks et al. 2000) generates diff erent stress concentrations
bedrock . Yield values divided by well depth are also around lineaments of different tr end s (Lyslo 2000). Only
analysed, but the results are about the same as for th e those lineament s with the greatest stress concent ratio ns are
unmodified yield values.Only high-quality dat a were used in likely to be reactivated in th e present st ress field; and only
th e analyses. For examp le, we excluded th ose dri lled we lls t hose th at become reactivated are likely to increase signifi-
t hat d ue to locat ion errors are sit uat ed in t he sea,as well as cantly, but tempo rarily,t heir hydraulic conductivity.The third
th ose for which important info rmati on (coordin at es or well main factor is th e angular relationship between a lineamen t
yield ) is lacking . A tot al of 72 wells were used for the analysis and th e regional hydr aulic gradient, w hich has large effect s
on Ask0Y. on th e local gro undwater fl ow (Phillips 1991,Gudmundsson
2000). Because the hydraulic gradient commo nly coin cid es
Lineaments and yield of drilled with the topographic gradi ent (Domenico & Schwartz 1998),
bedrock groundwater wells on Ask0Y this suggests that classification of lineaments according to
Proximity analyses the slope of topography is likely to be useful in groundwater
As indi cated above, many consider th e yield of drill ed yield st udies.
bedrock gro undwater wells to increase when approachi ng The distance t o the nearest photolineament for every
struct ural lineament s (Boeckh 1992, Greenbaum 1992, single groundwater well is easily calculated in a vector-
Gustafsson 1993,Braathe n et al. 1999). However, many inves- based GIS.The resulting t able, consisting of a di stance value
tigation s show little or no correlatio n between di st ance to and unique identificatio n (ID) numbers for every well and
lineament s and wel l yield (Mo rland 1997).This may be partl y lineament in pairs, allows relating every yield value to th e
due to contra sting hydraulic pro perti es in the vici nity of dif- distance to, and azimu th of, the nearest lineament. The dis-
ferent lineaments . In the following analyses the lineament tance from every well to the nearest lineament in each of
tr end and the hydraulic gradient, as well as the proximit y t o t he four tr end classes (Fig. 1B)is th en calculated and th e well
lineament s, are used to evaluat e th e characte rist ics of th ose yield plotted against th e distance to th e lineament. The
lineamen ts th at are most likely to be good conductors of inte nsity of t he local stress field, and th us t he associated
groundwater. fracture frequ ency, falls off wi th increasing distance from the
Several factors indicate th at indi vid ual lineament s have lineamen ts.It follow s th at t he perm eabi lity and yield of well s

3000 • NW-SE 3000 . N-S

~ 2500 o o NE-SW ~ 2500 • O E-W
:::!. 2000
o • :::!. 2000
• o
a; 1500 a; 1500
~ 1000 ~ • • ~ 1000 • •
~ 500 , 00 • & ., 0 0
~ 500 • • 0 + o o
o .:~ ~'O ~~~ooo :'§ 0. • • 0 •• I ••• : • • o~
o • :. ~J•.,.. :~ • •~ ~ 5 • t> • ••
A o 50 100 150 200 250 C o 50 100 150 200 250

600 500
:2 500 . ~ 400 ~t
400 ~
~_ . _..
• •
:::!. .,.
~ 300 · 1
. 'A

~ :~ •
0 8 0 0 00

a; 300 ~o ';28 ~ er' CD

'>, 200 ·
's; 200 · .~ \...~. 0 o
- •• lil °'!l<ll>°oco ..... ~o.etl '<>. o. t o O. .~.
~ 100 •••
~ 100 I ••
o o.
o 50 100 150 200 250 o 50 100 150 200 250
B distance to lineamen t (m) D distance to lineament (m)

Fig. 4. Scatt er plot s showi ng g ro undwater we ll yield versus di stance to lin eament s of different trend s. (A) Yield corr elated w it h di stance to NW-SE-
tr end ing lin eament s (filled squares) and NE-SW-tr ending lineament s (open circles), (B) As in A, but here the data are smoo t hed by movin g averages of
15 values.(C) Yield correlated w it h distance to N-S-t rending lineam ents (fi lled squares) and E-W-trendin g lin eament s (open circles), (D) As in C. but the
dat a are smoo t hed by moving averages of 15 valu es.
N GU - BUL L 43 9 , 2002 - PA G E 5 6 HAL LSTEI N LI E & A G UST G UD M UND SSON

Lineaments class ified as

11 Topograph ical h .

eight I

'~Si <~
A " parallel obl ique transve rse

- to the general, topograph y.<Jriven flo w d irect ion

:2 1000
::J 800
!lJJ 500 -,
s: 400 -
"C "C 300 -r •
• •
Qi 600 Qi
's, • 's,

~ 200
• ~ 2°O
1 0~
0 .~l i 1

B 0 25 50 75 100 125 C 0 25 50 75 100 125

d is tance to lin ea ments (m) d istance to lineam en ts (m)

• •
D s: 400
500 -r

1 •
• DJ

d 800 d 300 • •
Qi 600
Qi • • • •
'>, '>, 200
Qi Qi
:= 100
:= 200

0 r---•• ----,-----+-------.--- + • 1
.----, 0
D 0 25 50 75 100 125 E 0 25 50 75 100 125
d istance to lin eaments (m) d istance to lin ea men ts (m)

Fig. 5. (A) Lineamen ts are classified as parallel (group I), obl ique (group 11) and t ransverse (g roup Ill) to t he assumed topography-dr iven gro undwater
flow . (B) Scatt er plot showing well yield correlated with distance to group I lineament s (R' = 0.085 ). (C) Scatter plot showing data in B smoothed by
= =
moving averages of 5 values (R' 0.55 ' ). (D) Scatt er plot showing we ll yield corr elated wi t h d istance to g roup III lineaments (R' 0.004 ). (E)Scatter plot
show ing data in D smooth ed by moving average of 5 values (R' = 0.007). R' denotes the goo dn ess-of -fit for linear correlation s.

are affected only out to a certain lim ited dist ance from a ing to th e slop e of th e topograph y. Lineament s may be
nearby lineament. For many lineament s, this distance would transverse, ob lique or parallel to t he local topography slope
be of th e order of several hundred metres. Here, we t ake the (Fig. SA). We assume topo graph y-dr iven flow and open
average distance to be 250 m, so tha t only wells wi thin 250 aqu ifers,in which case the hydrauli c gradient is similar to the
m of a lineament are considered in th e analyses. general slope of th e topography close to the lineaments.
Visual inspection of the raw data does not ind icate any Well yield was plotted against th e distance to the nearest
very clear relationship between well yield and distance to lineament in each of the different groups . The num ber of
nearby lineaments (Fig. 4A, C). However, after smoothing the wells is q uite low and the results have low significance (Fig.
data by a moving average of 15 values t he pattern app ears sB, D). Neverth eless, aft er smooth ing t he yield values, t here
less accidental (Fig. 4B, D). For the NE-SW group there is a are indications of an increase in well yield wh en approach-
clear increase in the yield of wells from a distance of - 100 m ing lineaments th at trend parallel to th e esti mated hydraulic
to th e centra l parts of the lineaments (Fig.4B). For th e NW-SE grad ient (topog raphy grad ient ) (Fig. sC). while t here is little
struct ures, t he smoothed data indi cate an increase in yield variation in t he well yield w hen appr oach ing lineament s
of wells from a distance of - 160 m to - 75 m, but then a that trend transverse to th e hydrau lic grad ient (Fig. SE).
decrease to the centr al parts of the lineaments (Fig. 4B).The
N-S-trend ing lineaments show results sim ilar to those of th e Properties of the lineament trends
former group, except that the increase in yield start s at a dis- Fracture profiles
tance of - 250 m from th e lineament centres and cont inue s Fracture profil es across fract ure zones help to quant ify t heir
to - 20 m from t he centr es whe re the yield suddenly architectu re and th e att it ude and spatial dist ribution of
decreases (Fig. 4D). The well yield shows littl e variatio n on associated fractures. Vegetation and sedimen ts, however,
approachi ng the E-W lineaments (Fig.4D). cover the important, cent ral parts of many fracture zones on
Photol ineamen ts were divided into three groups accord- Askey (Fig. 6 A), and infor mati on on th e central part s is thus

Fig. 6. (A) An aerial phot o-

graph (photo: Fjellanger
Wideroe AS) of th e north -
ern coast of Askey is put on
top of a digital elevation
mod el (DEM). Fractu re
zones t rendi ng N(NE)-
S(SW) are indicated w ith
arrows, and a NW-SE-tr end-
ing lineament is marked
wi t h a dashed line. (B) A
small N-S-striking fracture
zone in A has a cent ral part
t hat is weak and eroded.
Mino r fractu res subparallel
to the fract ure zone do mi-
nate th e local fract ure fre-
quency distrib ut ion . Ham-
mer for scale. View to t he
sw. For more details on
th ese st udies, see Lie
(2001). (Cl Concept ual
model for the major N-S-
:::'"' t rendi ng fracture zone in A.
c .;,:
0 show ing a damage zone
2 " 2 th at is limited outwa rds by
c th e escarpments of th e
topographic lineament. On
Askey, th ere is generally a
low correlation between
fractu re frequency and dis-
tance to the central part of
lineaments outside t heir
morp hologi cal escarp-
ment s. (D) Many fractur es
in th e damage zone of t he
fractu re zone in A are faults
wit h a dip-slip compo nent.
(E)There is evidence of high
fractur e intensity in t he
centr al part of t he majo r
lineament in A.

gained only from a few fract ure profil es. In t he well-expo sed
areas, th at is outside th e eroded, inner depression s of th e
fracture zones, th ere is little apparent correlation between
the fracture frequ ency and th e di stance to th e central part s
of the fracture zones (Lie 2001).There exist, however, exam-
ples of very high fracture intensities in th e cent ral parts of
some lin eament s (Fig. 6E). The results present ed here indi -
cate that, for most fractu re zones on Askey, th e zone of high
fracture intensity is narrow and lim it ed outwards by the frac-
ture zone escarpm ent s (Fig. 6A-C). This stre sses t he im por-
tanc e of accuracy both in fi eld measurem ent s, well position s
and location of lineam ent s w hen deali ng w ith grou ndwater
flow in fractured rocks. In some fractu re zones on Askey, par- Fig. 7. (A) Rivers and lakes on Askoy (digital map N50, Norw egian
Mapping Authority). Rivers are mostly gu ided by top ograph ical depres-
ticu larly in small, N-S-trending zones in th e sout hern part of
sions, w hich are mapped as top olineame nts (Fig. 2). (B) The rivers are
th e island, th e cent ral parts cont ain non -cohesive clay min- defined by nod es, indi cated by small squares. In GIS, th e rivers are split
erals w hich may reduce t he zon e-t ransverse permeabilit y. into segments defi ned by th ese nod es. The length and azimut h of t he
segments can be easily calculated. (Cl N-S-trendi ng segments dom inate
in number as for lineament s. Since river bend s are normally defined by
lineament and drainage frequ en cy distributions
many points, th e imp ortan ce of short segments may be over-emp ha-
The distribution of to polineament s provid es a large-scale sised.Therefore,th e azimut h di stribution should be normalised w it h th e
framework for pote ntia l g roundwa te r flow (cf. Berg 2000, segment length s (Fig. 3 Cl.

Braat hen & Gabrielsen 2000). This is because most topo-

graph ic depr ession s reflect fract ure zones, many of whi ch
may consist of open and interconnected fractures of sig nifi-
cant permeabil it y.
The topo lineame nt s, being linear or near-linear d epres-
sions, also serve as a framework for river flow (Singhal &
Gupta 1999). Although only some of the m are occupie d by
rivers, the distribu tion of river segm ent s is simi lar to th at of
t he lin eame nts (Fig. 7), indica tin g t hat rivers and streams
tend to follow the lineament s. In general, little associated
surface runoff along lineame nts may indi cate hig h subsur-
face drain age (Singhal & Gupta 1999, Berg 2000, Braathen &
Gabrielsen 2000) and, t hus,a n inte grate d evaluatio n of linea-
ments and rive rs may give indicat ions of t he yield potent ial
of nearby wells .
The difference in relati ve di stribution of topol in eame nt s
and rivers is calcul ated in Fig. 3D. For th e purpose of com par-
ing t he azimu th freq uency distri butions for river segmen ts
and lineaments, t he azim uth freq uency num bers are
weig hted accordi ng to t he lengt hs of the feat ures, and t he
numb ers are conv erted int o percent ages (Fig. 3B,C).The his-
togram in Fig. 3D is calculated by subt racti ng the values for
t he rivers (Fig. 3C) from the values for the topolineaments
(Fig. 3B) for each t rend class. The results can be used as an
indicator for w het her th ere is mu ch or littl e gr oundwater
t ransport alo ng a given lineament t rend . The N-S- and NE-
SW-t rend ing lineaments appear to have the greatest , and Fig. 8. (A) Simu lated flow field around a highl y permeable fracture zone
t he NW-SE-trending lineaments th e least, permeability (Fig. that is subparallel to the hydrau lic grad ient. (B)Three-dimens ional view
of the estimated groundwater surface indicati ng that groundwater is
3D).The NW-SE lineame nts strike at acut e ang les to t he ESE-
drained int o th e fractur e zone upstream and expelle d from it down-
di rect ed ridg e-push in th e area (Hicks et al. 2000) and would stream. This simple model suggests that the target area for high -yield-
thu s be expe cted to con centrate high shear stresses. ing gro undwater wells is the do wn stream part of fracture zones that
However, many of t he lineaments trendin g NW-SE are sub- run parallel wit h the gene ral slope of the top ograph y.

parallel to, and may also be gene ti cally related to, t he pene -
trat ive, metam or ph ic foli at ion . Thus, th ese lineame nt s may
have significa nt ly different deformat ion hi stories and there- m/s and tha t of the host rock as 1xl 0 '0 m/ s (Lee & Fa rmer
fore differ ent hyd raulic pro perties to those of the other lin- 1993, Dom enico & Schwartz 1998). Using topog raph ical
eamen t tr ends. maps of Askey, the hyd raul ic grad ient is estimated at 0.05.
The mod elled frac ture zone has a lengt h of 1500 m and a
thic kness of 10 m.The whole mo del is 7 km x 4 km.The size
Numerical models of the model is designed to be large enou g h to avoid that
The local groundwater flow pattern around a condu ctive the side-wa lls affect the flow pattern.The gr id is enhanced in
fractu re depend s on t he angle it makes wi t h the hyd raulic t he central part of t he model to prov ide more prec ise solu-
g radient. Analyti cal solution s (Philli ps 1991) indicate th at an t ion s close to th e fracture zone.
op en fract ure no rmal to t he ge neral groundwat er flow The lineament influences the pattern so that the flow
direct io n has littl e infl uence on the flow pattern so long as lines conve rge towards it s upstream part and diverge from
th e fract ure apertu re is sim ilar to t he di mensions of the its downstream part (Fig. 8A, B).This means tha t groundwa-
pores in the host rock . By contrast, a highly cond uct ive frac- ter is drain ed into t he fract ure zone upstream and expelled
t ure at a low angle to the hyd raulic gradient may have large from it downstrea m (Fig. 8B). A similar numerical model, but
effects on t he ground water flow. run for a vertical fracture zone that is obl ique to the ind uced
The model in Fig.8,c alculated using th e MODFLOW cod e hydraulic gradient, indicates that the groundwater flow pat -
in th e PM5 software (Chiang & Kinzelbach 1998, Harbaug h tern is still affected, but to a lesser degree than in Fig. 8.The
et al. 2000), simulates a vertica l active fractu re zone th at results indic ate th at, for maxim um yield , groundwater wells
str ikes parallel to t he slope of t he topography. Fro m general should normally be placed inside, or nearby, t he do wn -
fie ld data and laboratory measurements, we estimate t he stream parts of active lineaments that t rend parallel to the
average hyd raulic conductivit y of t he fract ure zone as 1xl 0 3 hydraulic (or topog rap hic) grad ient.
HALL STEIN LIE & A G U ST GUD MUND SS O N NGU -B U L L 4 3 9 , 2 0 02 - PAGE 59

Discussion and mo re accurate we ll coo rdinates) as well as mo re

In this paper, we have focused on lineaments as t he main det ailed mapping of lineament s. For detailed mapping, it is
target s fo r th e locat ion of ground w ater well s th at are d rilled possibl e to use GIS to comb ine high -resolution sate llite
into bed rock. Many of t hese lineaments are fracture zones images, orthophot os and DEMs. We suggest th at a bett er
w hich have been erod ed to becom e topographic depres- und erstanding of how local and regional st resses affect th e
sions.Thus, they gain topog raphy-dri ven groun dwater fl ow. permeabilit ies of lineamen ts and other struct ures may be
In add ition, because the permeability of lineaments is nor- obtai ned by combi ning remo te-sensing data wi t h numerical
mally greater th an tha t of th e host rock,th ey are likely to be mod els of crustal st resses and gro undwa te r flow.
the main conductors of subsurface water in bedrock.
Lineaments are here groupe d accord ing t o t heir t rend Acknowledgements
and their relation to the hydraulic gradient. The analyses We th ank th e muni cip alit y of Askey, t he Geo logical Survey of No rway,
t he No rweg ian Map p ing Aut ho rity and Fjellanger Wideroe AS for da ta
indicate that th e correlatio ns between well yie ld and prox-
and sup por t, and Helge Askv ik, Alvar Braat hen , Bj orn Freng stad and Erik
imity to lineament s depend both on lineame nt t rend and Rohr -Torp fo r help ful and co nst ruct ive comm ents . This wo rk was sup-
t he hydraulic (t opographic) gradient. When taking the linea- ported by g rants from t he Research Council of No rway and the
ment tr end int o considerat ion, we can account for the influ - Euro pean Com m issio n.

ence of region al stress (Hicks et al. 2000 ) as well as the possi-

ble different mechanical and hydr aulic propertie s between
lineamen t s of diffe rent trends. Topographic variati ons are
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