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1) harm of drinking coffee: Source A: Most experts agree that this myth has something to do with an early study

y linking caffeine to reduced bone mass and osteoporosis Subsequent studies showed that women aged 65 to 77 who drank about 18 ounces of caffeine daily did have greater bone loss over a three-year period than those who didn't.
(refutation?)although its been proven that there are relatively minor health issues associated with caffeine jitteriness, anxiety, heartburn, insomnia it's actually the other ingredients added to coffee, especially sugar, that have nutritionists worried

It's no secret that America has a burgeoning problem with childhood obesity and diabetes(according to the National Coffee Association, 18- to 24-year-olds represent the fastest growing segment of people who turn to coffee each year.)

coffee can cause the mouth to dry out, which contributes to tooth decay.( tannic acid in coffee can stain teeth enamel, giving some grins an unwanted caf au lait tinge.)

Researchers in England found that pregnant women who drank more than 200 mg of caffeine a day (the amount in two average-sized cups of coffee) were more likely to give birth to underweight babies (Elliott). Lower birth weights can also lead to spontaneous miscarriages another health concern with which caffeine has previously been associated

Source C
Excessive coffee consumptionis associated with cardiovascular problems, including an increased heart rate or blood pressure and irregular heartbeats, Harvard Health Publications reports. And all that caffeine can become addictive.

2) refutation of some of the concerns Source A:

Those studies, however, were conducted on elderly people whose diets were lacking in calcium, which could easily have explained the loss of bone mass.

But the effects occurred only in women with unusual variations in their vitamin D cell receptors and were completely mitigated if the women ingested the recommended daily allowance of 1,200 mg of calcium a day (Collins).

But if youre not pregnant, drink enough water, get enough calcium and dont add shovelfuls of sugar to your java, the health benefits of coffee far outweigh its negatives

Source C Experts tend to agree that the good largely outweighs the badfor most people, but remember to consume in moderation (and skip calorie-heavy add-ins like sugar and cream).

3) possible benefits of consuming coffee found by various studies and their limitations Source B: A recent study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that older coffee drinkers even those who swill decaf have a lower risk of death than those who dont drink coffee
In relation to men and women who did not drink coffee, those who consumed three or more cups per day had approximately a 10% lower risk of death. Men who drank six or more cups of coffee per day had a 10% lower risk of death compared with men who did not drink coffee. Women who drank six or more cups a day had a 15% lower risk.( lead researcher Dr. Neal Freedman of the division of cancer epidemiology and genetics at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which is part of the NIH.)

Coffee drinkers were less likely to die from heart disease, respiratory disease,

stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infections. but there did not seem to be an association with decreased cancer deaths.

Coffee also has a lot of antioxidants, and many other compounds are associated with inflammation and insulin resistance Source C:

Researchers from the University of South Florida and University of Miami have found that higher caffeine consumption a big source being coffee is linked with a delayed onset of Alzheimers disease (AD), even in older adults who already have mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is thought to be an early sign of Alzheimers and/or dementia.

These intriguing results suggest that older adults with MCI who drink moderate levels of coffee -- about 3 cups a day will not convert to AD or at least will

experience a substantial delay before converting to Alzheimer's, Dr. Chuanhai Cao, a neuroscientist at USF and the lead author of the study, said in a statement

Researchers conducted the study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, on 124 people ages 65 to 88. They found that the participants who had MCI and went on to develop dementia over the next two to four years had 51 percent lower blood caffeine levels than people whose MCI did not progress over that period of time. As stated in the press release of the study(caffeinated coffee induces an increase in blood levels of a growth factor called GCSF. GCSF is a substance greatly decreased in patients with AD and demonstrated to improve memory in Alzheimers mice. Caffeinated coffee provides a natural increase in blood GCSF levels. The exact way that this occurs is not understood. There is a synergistic interaction between caffeine and some mystery component of coffee that provides this beneficial increase in blood GCSF levels) . researchers cautioned that the study doesnt mean drinking coffee is guaranteed to save someone from Alzheimer's, but rather coffee may help to lower the risk of Alzheimers

Limitation: Source B

the study was observational only, the authors couldnt conclude that coffee drinking actually reduces death risk.

The researchers note that coffee intake was recorded in a self-report at a single time point and may not reflect long-term consumption patterns. As a result, more research is needed to see if the trend holds true across varying populations.

(There are an estimated 1,000 different compounds in coffee that can have a range of effects )Further analysis of coffees compounds is needed to understand how the mechanisms work. And how you drink your coffee also matters. How the coffee is prepared is also important, says Freedman. Some people like espresso, some like French press, and these can change the compounds in the coffee and we were unable to study that.

Coffee abstainers, dont panic: Freedman indicates theres no need to hurry out for a Venti latte. Its important that we look at these findings cautiously, he says. The different compounds in coffee can have different effects on health for different people.

Source C:

It is important to recognize that half of these stable MCI subjects had caffeine levels below the critical level for protection, yet they did not progress to dementia during the 24 year follow-up period. Clearly, other dietary/life-style choices, risk factors, and extent of disease progression entered into determining which MCI patients progressed to dementia and which ones did not, the researchers wrote in the study.

Drinking coffee is harmful to our health .An early study discovered that caffeine can reduce bone mass and osteoporosis(Franco,2009). Some studies supporting this discovery revealed that drinking about 18 ounces of caffeine every day , women aged 65 to 77 did have larger bone loss over a three-year period than those who didn't(Source A). Childhood obesity and diabetes also can be a harm .National Coffee Association gave evidence that obese teenagers aged between 18 and 24 turn to coffee each year (Source A). Apart from this, Franco (2009) points out that the
tannic acid in coffee can lead to tooth decay. Consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine per day ,pregnant women were probably to give birth to underweight babies which can result in miscarriages spontaneously(Sources A). In fact, diseases such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure , irregular heartbeats, jitteriness, anxiety, heartburn and insomnia are associated with coffee consumption(Source A&C).

However, some of the concerns are not comprehensive. Franco (2009) argues that there was a lack of calcium ingested by the participants of studies related to bone loss dieted. If women regularly ingested vitamin D and consumed 1200 mg of calcium every day, bone loss would not be the case. For children, Franco (2009) also gives that the bone density between coffee enthusiast and those who seldom intake caffeine were the same.

As stated in Source A, caffeine is not the major cause of minor health issues .What the nutritionists worried the most is the ingredients added to coffee , particularly syrup.

There are some possible advantages of ingesting coffee supported by various studies. Sifferlin(2012) provides a recent study from the National Institutes of Health(NIH) which revealed that consuming coffee have a lower risk of death. According to lead researcher Dr. Neal Freedman :Compared to coffee

abstrainers, ingesting six or more cups coffee a day can lower 10% to 15% risk of death for men and women respectively (Source B). Researchers also found that people who preferred coffee were unlikely to die from heart disease ,respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infections, except cancer(Source B). While the experts couldnt conclude that drinking coffee has a direct relationship of lower death risk as the study was only an observation. To see whether the trend is true, more researches should be done(Source B). Sifferlin(2012) points out another advantage. Coffee contains many antioxidants and a lot of other compounds can deal with inflammation and insulin resistance. However, it is difficult to study as the method of preparing coffee can change the compounds and diffident compounds correspond to different health effects(Source B).

Moreover, Huffington Post(2012) reports that onset of Alzheimer s disease(AD)and even mild cognitive impairment(MCI) can be delayed by higher caffeine consumption. Because caffeine in coffee provides a growth in blood GCSF levels which can dramatically lower in patients with AD and able to improve memory in Alzheimer s mice(Source C). While the dietary ,risk factors and disease progress extention are the limitation(Source C).

Microbiology in Environmental Systems

Selected system :Mong Kok Microorganisms in the selected system: BacillusFungal spores Aerobic bacteriaWild yeastPenicillium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Rickettsia,Mould, Dust mites etc.

Dust mites interaction with human body (causing diseases): Its metabolites, such as molting, secretions, feces can cause diseases. Whether its corpse still molting and secretions, excretions, they have strong immunogenicity of allergy. These substances in the role of microorganisms can break down into tiny particles of dust, through the movement of people, cleaning the house, transmit in the air. Allergies to inhaled can cause allergic reactions. Such as : Dust Mite asthma, Allergic rhinitis, Atopic eczema. These allergies

generally mainly asthma, patient can be accompanied by the one or two symptoms, there are three or two alternating appear one after another. In addition, some patients may also can catch chronic urticaria.

The main hazards of air microbial contamination is the spread of infectious diseases of the human respiratory . Respiratory infectious diseases caused by pathogenic micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, a lot of acutes and chronic respiratory diseases. These can thus lead to high morbidity and mortality. Air is the main medium of transmission of such diseases. Tuberculosis cough discharged TB is present in the air and can cause infection. One discovery was found, a severe coughing symptoms of patients infected with only three days of 14 guinea pigs. Chicken pox, measles,. These were also caught through coughing, sneezing and talking when generated droplets containing the virus spread through the air .

Therefore, strengthening the indoor ventilation, reduce indoor air microbial contamination, cut off the route of transmission, are essential to prevent getting disesaes.

Organisms such as fungi and their toxin are also can not be ignored. Fungi can produce spores which can transmit through the air. Therefore, we are easily get fungal infection through breathing. A research found that fungal metabolites can weaken our immune function and respiratory defense function.

Precautions (indoor): strengthen the indoor ventilation, cleaning the home air conditioning filter on a regular basis, the cooling plates. Precautions (outdoor): strengthen the central air conditioning and ventilation system cleaning, disinfection, installation of air purification and disinfection facilities of public places .

Precautions( for human) : Be careful of the diet and do exercises regularly. This can enhance our resis

Drinking coffee is harmful to our health .An early study discovered that caffeine can reduce bone mass and osteoporosis(Franco,2009). Some studies supporting this discovery revealed that drinking about 18 ounces of caffeine every day , women aged 65 to 77 did have larger bone loss over a three-year period than those who didn't(Source A). Childhood obesity and diabetes also can be a harm .National Coffee Association gave evidence that obese teenagers aged between 18 and 24 turn to

coffee each year (Source A). Apart from this, Franco (2009) points out that the
tannic acid in coffee can lead to tooth decay. Consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine per day ,pregnant women were probably to give birth to underweight babies which can result in miscarriages spontaneously(Sources A). In fact, diseases such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure , irregular heartbeats, jitteriness, anxiety, heartburn and insomnia are associated with coffee consumption(Source A&C).

However, some of the concerns are not comprehensive. Franco (2009) argues that there was a lack of calcium ingested by the participants of studies related to bone loss dieted. If women regularly ingested vitamin D and consumed 1200 mg of calcium every day, bone loss would not be the case. For children, Franco (2009) also gives that the bone density between coffee enthusiast and those who seldom intake caffeine were the same.

As stated in Source A, caffeine is not the major cause of minor health issues .What the nutritionists worried the most is the ingredients added to coffee , particularly syrup.

There are some possible advantages of ingesting coffee supported by various studies. Sifferlin(2012) provides a recent study from the National Institutes of Health(NIH) which revealed that consuming coffee have a lower risk of death.

According to lead researcher Dr. Neal Freedman :Compared

to coffee

abstainers, ingesting six or more cups coffee a day can lower 10% to 15% risk of death for men and women respectively (Source B). Researchers also found that people who preferred coffee were unlikely to die from heart disease ,respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infections, except cancer(Source B). While the experts couldnt conclude that drinking coffee has a direct relationship of lower death risk as the study was only an observation. To see whether the trend is true, more researches should be done(Source B). Sifferlin(2012) points out another advantage. Coffee contains many antioxidants and a lot of other compounds can deal with inflammation and insulin resistance. However, it is difficult to study as the method of preparing coffee can change the compounds and diffident compounds correspond to different health effects(Source B). Moreover, Huffington Post(2012) reports that onset of Alzheimer s disease(AD)and even mild cognitive impairment(MCI) can be delayed by higher caffeine consumption. Because caffeine in coffee provides a growth in blood GCSF levels which can dramatically lower in patients with AD and able to improve memory in Alzheimer s mice(Source C). While the dietary ,risk factors and disease progress extension are the limitation(Source C).

PROBLEM Over the past couple of years, since the use of mobile phone has became increasingly prevalent , the development of mobile phone thus has been surging. We can widely use the mobile phone for many purpose for example, surfing the internet, watching online movies, playing games etc. Whereas in the past dacade, mobile phone are simply used for connecting people by just dialing .While there are many problems exist in old type mobile phones. The size and weight of the old ones are larger and heavier respectively, it seems difficult to carry. In addition, the lower speed of the old type mobile phones are wasting time as we cant wait for a few minutes to load a message. The environmental damage made by the old type ones can not be ignored as they contain a lot of heavy metal which are toxic such as cadmium, lead , mercury etc.. The old ones itself is not biodegradable and while burning it , the gas generated can lead to cancer and nervous system disorders. SOLUTION The smartphone created by our company would be a good solution and substitute of those old type mobile phones. The design becomes humane which is suitable for the modern citizens to use. The most important is the new smartphones contain state-of-the-art technology and the materials we used are much more eco-friendly . PRODUCT CHARACTISTICS The new products comprised with retina monitor , hydrogen oxygen cell, A7 chip. The monitor is OLED and thin as 1 mm, it is a flexible monitor and the flintiness is extremely high as it is difficult to break it . Moreover, the smartphone is high-tech as it possess A7 chip which makes the speed of the mobile phone faster and never exists in other brands. We are now able to do things within seconds by using this phone. In order to become eco-friendly ,the cell we used is hydrogen oxygen cell, which generates only H2O and never release heavy metal to the environment. And the smartphone itself is biodegradable therefore we no need to worry about whether it will became solid waste. Another feature is that the smartphone is waterproof , electronic devices are not afraid of water anymore!!

Personal Resume

PERSONAL INFO NAME PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS PRESENT ADDRESS WONG Wing Ho 91291286 Rm3807,Lam Tai House, Lam Tin Estate ,Lam Tin, Kowloon BIRTH DATE 1993-12-16


SECONDARY SKH ALL Saints Middle School HIGH SKH ALL Saints Middle School COLLEGE Hong University Kong Baptist





LANGUAGE LANGUAGE Chinese(Cantonese and Mandarin) English Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory LISTEN Excellent SPEAK Excellent READ Good WRITE Good



Hong Kong Baptist University

Department of Computer Science

GCIT 1005 Essential IT for Enterprises and SoHo

Topic:Smart Phone

Name: _WONG WING HO_______________________ Student ID: _12209309___________________ Section No: _00002________________

Objective Part of the course requirement is to prepare a business plan or proposal. In your business plan, you need to conduct a marketing research and design a survey to support your business.

This project worksheet is to guide you to complete the business plan. You will perform basic web searching to get some general ideas about your business, such as the existing problems, target market and customers, competitors etc prepare some questions for the survey.

Part 1: Web Searching The questions in this part will guide you to perform basic web searching. The information you find in this part will give you some general ideas about your business, which can help you finish the business plan. 1. List out some keywords that you think they are useful and relevant to your business. Identify some more keywords through the preliminary search results. -Touch Monitor -high-tech -state-of-the-art -convenient -smart -luxury -Apple -Samsung -HTC -CPU -popular -operating system -APPs

2. List out some keywords about the existing problems of the business. -Many competitons -High cost -Need to do many promotions

3. Try to combine the keywords with operators like , -, site:, and filetype: to perform searching. For each search, list out the number of search results and state which search engine you used. Pick up two relevant search results (with the link, web page title and description) that you found useful.
Search Result 1 Keywords operators: Search engine used: No. of results found: One relevant URL: Web page Title: Description:
You probably hear the term "smartphone" tossed around a lot. But if you've ever wondered exactly what a smartphone is, well, you're not alone. How is a smartphone different than a cell phone, and what makes it so smart?


Smart Phone Googles 269,000,000 What is a smart phone?

Search Result 2 (using different keywords, operators or search engine) Keywords with operators: Search engine used: Smart Phone Baidu

No. of results found: One relevant URL: Web page Title: Description:

4,020,000 Smart phone Smart Phone is a personal computer with an individual operating system.

Part 2: Survey Questions In this project, you are required to conduct a marketing research by using survey to collect some statistics from the public. The survey is related to the marketing products or services. And the goal is to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, and identify certain customer behavior. Before this, you need to prepare 6 to 9 questions which will be used in the survey. The following are some example questions. General questions: What is your age? What is your gender? What is your income?

Topic-related questions: How frequent do you use disposable chopsticks? What is (are) the reason(s) of using disposable chopsticks? Which disposal method will you choose the disposable chopsticks to go through after using?
What is your gender? What is your age? What is your income Have you used a smart phone? How often do you use smart phone? Why do you use smart phone? How much is your smart phone? Does your family/friends own a smart phone? What do you often do with your mobile phone?

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9

Submission Complete the questions and submit the file to BU elearning website.

Taking air samples of canteen cooridor by using MicroBio MB2 to investigate the airborne microorganism contaminations (bacteria and fungi) and determine whether we are at health risk of breathing in this air.

1. Remove the cover of the MicroBio MB2 air sampler and use the alcohol swab to sterilize the cover and holder of the sampler. 2. Insert the prepared nutrient agar plates with the lid onto the holder of the air sampler. 3. Remove the lid of the agar plates and replace it with the cover of the sampler. 4. Using the air sampler to aspirate air at a fixed air flow rate of 100L/min for 3 minutes so that 300L of air would be aspirated. 5. Place the air sampler on the suitable position, keep away from the air sampler and wait until the air sampler has aspirated 300L of air. 6. At the end of time cycle, remove the cover of air sampler and cover the lid of agar plate. 7. Remove the covered agar plate from the air sampler, use Parafilm to seal the agar plate and label it. 8. Repeat process 1-7 so that 3 nutrient agar plates is used for the experiment. 9. Using potato dextrose agar plates instead of nutrient agar plates to finish process 1-7 so that 3 potato dextrose agar plates is used for the experiment. 10. Incubate the nutrient agar plate at 371 for 24 hours, potato dextrose agar plate at 281 for 96 hours. 11. Count the number of bacterial colonies on the nutrient agar plates and fungus colonies on the potato dextrose agar plates. 12. Record as colony-forming units(CFU) per cubic meter of air sample.

The result shows that there are many colonies forming on those plates. The reason being that is due to the air quality of canteen corridor. The sampling site is always without fresh air and damp. The other factors behind this are that there is a lack of light.The lighting is not sufficient because there are only a few fluorescent tubes and all windows are closed.Because of the favorable environment,fungi and bacteria can reproduce easily.

We will be at health risk of breathing in this air as there are a lot of bacteria and fungi.

Good morning. Everybody. Welcome to our meeting. It is 11:30 am. Let s start the meeting now. Have you all read the minutes of the last meeting? Any adjustment? If no, I assume we all agree that they are correct. Now, please look at the agenda. On the agenda, you would see there are three items. The first item on the agenda is The second item is The last item is About the first item, I think What do you think? What does your department think about this? XXX, would you like to say something about this? Sorry, can we let XXX finish? I think we are getting away from the subject. Can we get back to the main problem? Before we go on, let me summarize what we have discussed so far. Is there anything else we should consider? I think we should end our discussion there. Just to summarize Are we all agreed? Let s put it to the vote. If you prefer , please show of your hands. There are some many different opinions. In this situation, I think we need more time to consider this. Perhaps we should make final decision in our next meeting after we consider. I think we should move on to the next item on the agenda. That s exactly what I was thinking. I see what you mean but. I am sorry I cannot follow what you were saying. Can you explain it in more details? What do you mean by? Sorry, what I mean is.
AK WING METAL ENGINEERING Rm 1511 Hong Shue House, Lei Muk Shue Estate, Tsuen Wan, NT Tell: 39945782

4th April, 2013 CONSULATE-GENERAL OF JAPAN 46F,One Exchange Square,8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to certify that the below named person is an employee of our company. Name: Wong Kam Ming Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth: 27-12-1961 Jointed Date: 9th February 2011 Position: Worker Current Monthly Salary: $8,000 Wages paid by : CASH

Sex: M

The applicant will be responsible for transportation and accommodation expenses to be incurred during this trip . Signature of Company Director General Name : Wong Tak Hon Title: Registrant Contact number: 96635444 Authorized company chop

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