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Subject: Physics
Class: Form 4A
Date: 1 June 2009
Time: (30 minutes)
No. of students: 36 students
Learning Area : Forces and Pressure
Learning Objective: Applying Pascal’s principle

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, a student is able to:

A State Pascal’s principle

a. State that Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is
transmitted equally to every part of the fluid, as well as to
the enclosed walls.
b. Explain hydraulic system
Understand that Hydraulic systems is a force multiplier to
obtain Output Force = Output Piston area
Input Force Input Piston area

B Master scientific skills

a. Predict the characteristic of the direction of the water
squirts out from the holes of the plastic bag
b. Observe the demonstration
c. Make inference in the experiment that carried out in the
d. Communicate by actively participate in questions and
answers activity.

C Demonstrate Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values

a. Actively participate in class and group discussion.
b. Appreciate the value of time by being alert of the time
given for a group discussion.
c. Being cooperative in group discussion activity

Scientific Concepts:
a. Pressure in liquids transmitted equally to every part in an enclosed fluid
b. the output pressure is equal to the input pressure in hydraulic system.

Materials, equipments and resource materials:

Notes on PowerPoint slides, plastic bag with enclosed fluid

Consideration of Safety Precautions:


Prior Knowledge:
a. Students have already learned the operational definition of pressure, P=F/A, and have
applied it in solving problems involving pressure exerted by solids on a surface.
b. Student have learned the pressure in liquids, P=h ρ g, and have applied it in solving
problems involving pressure in liquid
Phase Content Teaching and Learning Activities Notes
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Introduction/ Definition of Pascal’s principle. Make connection to students’ prior knowledge Students respond to
Eliciting The presence of pressure of on pressure by asking questions teacher’s questions Strategy/Technique:
Ideas water in plastic bag and its Elicit students’ ideas: Whole class Q&A
(5 minutes) relation to the wall surface of Students are given 2 situation of enclosed fluid
the plastic bag when given an in plastic bag whereby one of the plastic bags is
external pressure. exerted with a pressure by holding it tightly and
the other one without external pressure.
Introduce external pressure and Predict:
internal (liquid) pressure a. Does the water exert a pressure on the
plastic bag?
Introduce the situation of b. What do you see when the plastic bag is
enclosed fluid. pressed?

Show the learning outcome of the lesson

Structuring/ Pressure in enclosed fluid Show 2 plastic bags full of water with different Students make Strategy/Technique:
Restructuring a. Transferred equally to every condition and ask student a question; prediction, inference, Interactive
of Ideas part of the enclosed fluid. What happen to the pressure that is exerted observation and demonstration by
(10 minutes) b. The water squirts out to upon an enclosed fluid? conclusion teacher
each hole perpendicularly to Give 2 situation of plastic bags and ask student
the surface with the same to observe and compare the characteristic of the
speed. Thus, prove that the water that squirts from the holes:
pressure transmitted equally a. without pressed
to every part of the wall b. exerted a pressure
surface. Teacher lead student to the understanding of an .
external pressure transferred equally to all parts
of the wall surface of the plastic bag.
Why the water did squirts out from the An inquiry activity
plastic bag? Involving whole class
Ensure student notice that the speeds of the
water that squirt out from the holes are equal.
Ensure student get the understanding of the
external pressure that being exerted on the
enclosed fluid is transmitted equally by
observing the characteristic of the water that
squirts out from the holes has the same speed.

Ask student to make an inference from the


Ask student to conclude what they have studied

in the experiment.

Application 1. Introducing Hydraulic system Give a real example of the application of Student participate in Strategy/Techniques:
of Ideas as an application of the hydraulic system; hydraulic brake the inquiry activity Group discussion

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