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What is Mesmerism and Hypnotic Fascination? In Mesmerism we work with something called "Animal Magnetism". ?

The source of re al mesmerism is in Europe. Originally developed by Franz Anton Mesmer in the late 1700's (this is where the word 'mesmerism comes from), Mesmerism is about the transfer of energy between the Mesmerist and the client to instate a special trance state. ?In doing this i t is possible for the Mesmerist to use energy as a means of healing or to reconc ile issues within the client. Anton Mesmer referred to this as 'Animal Magnetism ' and that it happened through the transference of 'ethereal fluid'. Mesmerism i s not the same as 'modern hypnosis'. It has certain similarities to 'traditional hypnosis' techniques, but is not hypnosis in the true sense of the word. Magnet ism compliments, and enhances hypnotic techniques. You can also use magnetic tec hniques in everyday conversations to enhance your impact of personal magnetism. What is Fascination? Fascination is a powerful non-verbal technique dating back to the Greeks and the Egyptians. With the use of the gaze you can induce instant trance without even touching the person, and get deeply in contact with the reality of another perso n. Real hypnotic fascination is different from modern hypnosis (and also from c lassical magnetism) and more similar to some oriental techniques of charming and fascination. To grasp how powerful it is, you could walk on a street, meet somebody knowing t he technique, speak for some instants, until he will ask you to look into his ey es, and you could awaken after many minutes or even many hours without even know ing what happened. But this is only a side of something that in reality is much bigger... With fascination we act on the subjective reality of a person through the use of the gaze and some hands gestures. For therapeutical results, intention is important. For conveying it we use some particular symbols or non-verbal gestures. Verbal language is not so important a s only with the gaze we can get rapidly in touch with the serpentine brain, the cerebellum. It is interesting how we can reach also states of mindfulness starting from the visual system, as it is done for example in the Tibetan tradition of dzogchen In all traditions the eye is very important. And modern researches show our 3D ( three dimensional) reality is built mainly through the gaze, even motor response s or auditory localization of sounds are neurologically deeply connected and inf luenced by brain elaboration of visual inputs. Note, that even modern hypnosis originated from a popularized technique of the s chool of fascination. Braid, a physician of Manchester, observed in fact, that bright objects could induce trance and coined for this state the name "hypnosis" . Obviously, the complete school of Fascination involves many more techniques, it is very different from hypnosis and it is lightning fast in its results. Beware that there are also improper uses of some fascination techniques, as in t he case that was shown on TV of a person robbing money from a supermarket in a f ew seconds. In the courses we teach only the proper use of the technique, for pe rsonal development or therapy. With fascination, we deliver a therapy, where the subject is guided into a natur al state of well being without the need of closing his eyes, and therefore maint aining a form of contact with external reality. We can instantly solve neuro-mus

cular tensions, and many difficult problems such as tinnitus, and other psychoso matic illnesses. ?On the psychological side we can bring the person out of the t rance states known as worries, anxieties, fears etc... and improve our clients' abilities in general. ?You can use also the technique on yourself in an appropri ate setting and you can naturally use it also for personal influence. In this st ate you are also more sensitive to energetic fields, and an expert practitioner can therefore operate on a very deep level of healing. Developing fascination tends to help also in developing mindfulness. Putting together fascination and magnetism we have what is called "Magnetic Fasc ination" that is the oldest and strongest form of it. Magnetic fascination invol ves many concepts relating to what in Eastern countries is called "prana" or "ki " and works on energetic level. We think that nothing as these techniques (well used) permits more human development in such a short span of time. There are hun dreds of reported major surgical operations executed by Esdaile . And we can also develop deep trances where the subject will be even able to say to the therapist how he should proceed to heal him (indirect method of Puysegur). We also have our methodology for analgesia as you can see here KeT3JmgNr0 Many of the old texts of hypnotism of the 1800 and beginning 1900 spoke as norma l of the feats that no modern hypnotist was able to do in the way these old text s said. Countless of these texts confirmed by serious observers speak of feats o f magnetic lucidity, extreme sensitivity and a strong entanglement between the o perator and the subject. Modern hypnosis is rational, but it is normally bound to the use of words, and h as put away all possibility of what somebody could call supernatural, (but which in reality, is completely natural and even provable if understood from the righ t angle). In the beginning, if you practice these techniques, it is not necessary to belie ve in energy, or whatever else. The only thing needed is to have an open mind, o bserve and be open to feel what-ever happens. After a while you will see that energy is a natural phenomena. ?What is unnatura l is not to feel it. The truth is that modern man lives an unnatural computerize d life and must therefore learn how to feel it all over again. ?And it is known, that energy follows thought. We constantly create our own reality. ?It benefits , therefore, to have the most impressive results, to be immersed and open our th oughts to a reality where energy is possible. Excessive materialism can be a lim it, which prevents the true possibilities of our spirit from soaring. The "Gaze" is an important tool as energy goes where attention goes, and attenti on goes where eyes go. Modern verbal hypnosis has sometimes tried to explain some of the feats of what Mesmer and other did, but to often using only its own reduced materialistic para digm, that is based on words, and denies the body relying very few (or at least less than what we do) on the use of gaze and other non verbal elements. Another set of problems to overcome, are words themselves, and the idea that eve rything should be translated in words, or terms understandable by the conscious mind. Mesmer and many other old hypnotists used non-verbal communication. It is impossible to explain fully in words what exists and how to interact at a non-ve rbal level, but it is possible to discover it. If we use only physiological elements we speak of "hypnotic fascination".

If we use also the last concepts we have real "magnetic fascination". Now we have rediscovered fully the power of the ancient tradition, connecting it with the most recent studies on man and mind. ?We have called what we do "Mesme rismus" as Mesmer also used the hands, the gaze, and no words. We classify the teaching as follows... a) Magnetic part and b) Right use of the power of the Gaze (Fascination) part c) Right use of the other elements of non-verbal communication. To make animal magnetism work you must 1 - Each time be "open" to learn something new. Not relying on fixed beliefs. Be ing ready to accept new paradigms. When we operate magnetically, we should grant us the change not to know . As Lao- Tse says: Knowing that you do not know is a gre at thing, while thinking that you know is a disease . Be ready to accept the possi bility of the ideas behind fluidism and/or that something cannot be grasped by s cientific thinking. Quantistically we are the makers of our own reality. Let us then choose to create a reality where certain things are possible. 2 - Not rely on words, but on inner thought 3 - Connect yourself to the power of Nature and rediscover your natural power. T he key lies in Nature. Animal magnetism means a magnetism which is in touch wit h Nature 4 - Understanding what really lies behind what people call generically "personal power" and "personal magnetism", know that it is not a gift, but something that has its structure and can be increased with simple exercises, and develop a kno wledge of the use of a series of normally little known physiological elements (M andelbaum effect, Enteric Brain, plexuses etc...) that will greatly help also yo ur other current practices. The SECRET "SYSTEM" Hypnotic and magnetic fascination and mesmerism are a "system" of many elements. Here we outline just some of the basic points we teach in our seminars: the power of the gaze the power of mental concentration and will the rhythmic breathing the charging of the interior organs the power of words and of silent mantras the interior ingredients muscular tensions how to charge your will will and must revitalizing sexuality the internal photography the cauldron practical uses

The QUANTUM SCIENCE behind the "SYSTEM" We have analyzed the results obtainable by these techniques with the most recent quantum researches on the mind. We get in fact striking results, as our system, even if based on ancient wisdom, encompasses many quantistic elements and it is probably the most clear and evid ent application of quantum technologies existing today. Among the key elements for the highest results seems to be the capacity of awake

ning "gamma waves" in the brain. We explain some modern Quantum Scientific Explanations The "Gamma Waves", faster than the "Beta Waves" account for creating a mental st ate of synchronicity in the brain and were found also in many meditations, such as in the practice of Tibetan monks. We help quantum states also with specific techniques, as light. We have introduc ed many techniques based on the use of light, which in combination with the mesm eric techniques will completely change the way in which reality is observed and lived. ?The creative mind will open up. Our focus in creating change is in fact always to awaken a powerful and autonomo us quantum intelligence residing inside every human being. We accomplish change as we make our clients able to create and live in a new Quantum reality, more sa fely and effective.

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