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Enliven your Body and Plug into 5D Consciousness.

Kathryn Davis, copyright 2013 Qigong, originally referred to as "The Healthy Living Method," provides a path for communion with one's intuitive body intelligence. Breathing while and moving combined with inner stillness gently integrates the consciousness levels of body, feeling and mind with the source consciousness of spirit, soul and divinity. Each of these aspects, mind, body, feeling, spirit, soul and divinity are frequencies of vibration. Within each vibration are infinite frequencies. Qigong, is based in the practice of traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoism, Buddhism and Shamanism. It has cultivated a comprehensive understanding and mapping of these frequencies over many centuries of time. The movement practices of Qigong are designed to first, awaken our sleeping selves to awareness of our primary frequencies. Second, open communication with and develop an understanding of our energetic system, Dan Tiens, Chakras, Channels and Fields. And third, to be empowered by the clearing of blocked energy and the integration of clear frequency streams at the conscious causal level. The delight is that the transmission of understanding occurs in the movement, breath and stillness, not the mind. The affect of which is to drain stress from the mind. The positive after affect is a healthier life, a strengthened immune system, healthier joints and bones, and clearness of mind and emotions. Like all things it is a process, an initiation into the cultivation of evolutionary consciousness. Step One - getting acquainted with vibrational self. Begin with gentle movements to bring the body into balance. Introduce breath practice to optimize circulation. Your meditations process will cultivate awareness of energy streams and fields within the body. Stillness practice. And to top it all off add vibrational toning with voice. Step Two - sequences Learn short qigong sequences that can serve to provide quick digestible sequences of movement for daily practice and also introduce the various forms of practice. This exploration will allow you to explore which qigong practice best harmonizes with your personality and needs.

Step Three - apprentice to the medicine, the message, the transformation provided by a discipline to a chosen practice In a play-shop environment, learn the movements, philosophy and focus of a chosen form. The points of focus are those interactive movements of breath and body performed in a specific pattern designed to cultivate healing and optimization of the physical and energy bodies. Step Four - visioning, exploration and integration. Enter into a conscious relationship with the practice. This by taking note of the transformations that occur spontaneously and by learning to access the qigong form as a guide in the development, transformation and evolution of self. Allow the integration of intuitive body consciousness, heart guidance, soul wisdom, expansive mind with causal creation stream and experience of being.

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