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ATMSoft Project Plan


I. About us 3
II. Document Introduction 3
III. Project Summary 4
IV. Project Estimation 4
1.Data size estimation 9
2. Line code estimation 9
3. Object points 10
V. Resource 11
VI. Work Breakdown 11
VII. Risk Management 14
I. About Us.

Coop-Pro is an IT student team that worked together from 2006 with 10

members. The team has changed a little from 2007. Now we have 8

Although each member may in difference major but our business in this
project is to focus on developing software for a banking system – ATM
software. Our ex-projects :
+ Diamond game : A simple game base on a Popcap game.
+ SMSS-Supermarket Management System Software: A software help
to manage business of a supermarket system.
+ Commercial Cleaning Management System: A software with database
help to manage business of a cleaning company.

II. Document Introduction.

The purpose of this document is to represent relative plans for
AMTSoft project. This document can be used as a reference material by
Development Team, and any personnel who are concerned with ATMSoft
project. It is also can be modified during the project development
Following main topics will be covered in this document:

1. Project summary.

2. Project estimation including database size estimation and Line of

Code (LOC) estimation.

3. Human resources
4. Identification of milestones and deliverables.

5. Risk identification and risk planning will be used.

III. Project Summary.

The ATMSoft is a simulation of the real-world automatic teller

machine (ATM) which is widely used in banking industry. ATMSoft will
serve 2 types of users: bank customers and system administrators.

Customer : After authenticating the bank account ID and PIN code,

customers are welcomed by a friendly main menu that helps them in
checking their account balance, changing their PIN code as well as doing
any basic transactions such as: withdrawing money from the ATM machine,
transferring money from their account to any other account… They can also
print a receipt for their transactions.

Administrator : Administrator will be provided a special

administration account and PIN code so he/she can perform the system
administration work, apart from the basic transactions as other normal
customers. The system administration work comprises the ability to enable
or disable customer accounts, to check the current ATM status including the
remaining amount of money, the total number of accounts and transactions.
Administrators can also deposit money into the ATM machine or print a

IV. Project Estimation.

1. Data size estimation

In the ATMSoft, there are 9 main types of data considered: customer,
account, transaction, administrator, administration action, ATM machine,
account type, transaction type and configuration.

Customer Data:
− These attributes is related to the customer data.

• Customer ID.
• Customer Name.
• Email
• Address.
• Phone.
• Bank Name

− The following descriptions are approximate values of each field in the

customer data. These values are maximums in size.

•Customer ID : 11 bytes.
•Customer Name : 50 bytes.
•Email : 30 bytes.
•Address : 60 bytes.
•Phone : 10 bytes.
•Bank Name : 30 bytes

Total : 191 bytes.

− It’s assumed that the ATM software is used in Ho Chi Minh City having
about 6 million citizens. About 10% of citizen uses this system. So the total
size of the customer is max: (191 * 6.000.000*10%) ~ 115 MB.

Account Data:

− These attributes is related to the account data.

• Account ID.
• Customer ID.
• Pin code.
• Valid From
• Valid To
• Status
• Balance.
• Account Type ID
• Total Withdraw Money
• Total Withdrawing Time
• Current Date
Each customer can have many accounts belongs to the bank. Each field of
the account data is:

•Account ID : 11 bytes.
•Customer ID : 11 bytes.
•Pin code (about 10 digits) : 10 bytes.
•Valid From : 8 bytes
•Valid To : 8 bytes
•Status : 1 byte
•Balance : 4 bytes
•Account Type ID : 11 bytes
•Total Withdraw Money : 4 bytes
•Total Withdraw Time : 1 byte
•Current Date : 8 byte

Total : 77 bytes.

− Each customer has at least 1 account and at most 5 accounts. We will use
the average value: 3.
− With 600.000 customers, total database of customers and accounts should
be about: (600.000 * 3 * 77) ~ 139 MB.

Transaction Data:

− The transaction data includes some attribute:

• Transaction ID.
• Account Type
• Transaction Type ID
• Transaction Date
• Amount Money
• Account ID To

− Transaction data is recorded information of customers when they have a

transaction with the bank. These fields of the transaction data are:

•Transaction ID : 11 bytes.
•Account Type : 10 bytes.
•Transaction Type ID : 11 bytes
•Transaction Date : 8 bytes
•Amount Money : 7 bytes
•Account ID To : 11 bytes.

Total : 58 bytes.

− We assumed that maximum transaction of each account is 10 in a day. So

the average transaction of each account is 6 and the average customer is
300.000 accessing the system a day each with 3 accounts, the total size of
the transaction data is: (300.000 * 3 * 6 * 58) ~ 313 MB.

Administrator Data:

− The administrator data consists of some attributes:

• Administrator ID.
• Bank Name.
• PIN code.
• Description

− These attributes are used to describe the information of administrator. And

the values of these are:

•Administrator ID : 11 bytes.
•Bank Name : 30 bytes.
•PIN code : 10 bytes.
•Total : 101 bytes.

− There are 100 administrators. So the total administrator database should be

about: (101*100) = 10.1 MB
Admin Action Data:

− There are the attributes of the administration action data:

• Action ID.
• Administrator ID
• Action Type ID
• Action Date

− The maximum values of these attributes are:

•Action ID : 11 bytes.
•Administrator ID : 11 bytes.
•Action Type ID : 11 bytes.
•Action Date : 8 bytes

Total : 41 bytes
Account Type Data:

− There are the attributes of the account type data:

• Account Type ID.

• Account Type Name
• Description
• Daily Withdraw Limit
• Allowed Withdrawing Time

− The maximum values of these attributes are:

•Account Type ID : 11 bytes.

•Account Type Name : 20 bytes.
•Description : 50 bytes
•Daily Withdraw Limit : 7 bytes
•Allowed Withdrawing Time : 1 byte

Total : 89 bytes
ATM Machines Data:

• ATM Machine ID.

• Total Money
• Location

− The maximum values of these attributes are:

•ATM Machine ID. : 11 bytes

•Total Money : 11 bytes
•Location : 50 bytes

Total : 72 bytes
Login Data:

• ID.
• Login Retry Limit
• Access Time Limit

− The maximum values of these attributes are:

• ID. : 11 bytes
• Login Retry Limit : 1 bytes
• Access Time Limit : 1 bytes

Total : 13 bytes
Transaction Type Data:

• Transaction Type ID
• Description

− The maximum values of these attributes are:

• Transaction Type ID : 11 bytes
• Description : 30 bytes

Total : 41 bytes

− Total size of the database is about 577 MB.

2. Lines of Code estimation

No Main Function Estimated Code Line
1 Main menu 1000
2 Customer Login 500
3 Checking account balance 700
4 Withdraw money (of customer) 700
5 Transfer money 700
6 Print receipt 300
7 System Login 500
8 Enable/Disable customer account 700
9 Check ATM status 700
10 Deposit money 700
11 Withdraw money (of administrator) 700
Total LOC 6500

3. Object points

The number of screens: 13 screens

No Name of screens Weight
1 Administrator Main Menu 1.0
2 Log in 1.0
3 Check ATM Status 1.0
4 Customer Account 1.0
5 Customer transaction 1.0
6 Deposit Money 1.0
7 Manage Customer Account 1.0
8 Administrator Change PIN 1.0
9 Customer Main Menu 1.0
10 Account Info 1.0
11 Customer Change PIN 1.0
12 Withdraw Money 1.0
13 Transfer Money 1.0

The number of reports: 4 reports

No Name of Reports Weight
1 Report of withdraw money 1.0
2 Report of transfer money 1.0
3 Report of deposit money 1.0
4 Report of Check ATM status 1.0

The number of modules: 2 modules

No Name of Modules Weight
1 Business Object 5.0
2 Entity Space Core 5.0

Total of Object points: (13 x 1.0) + (4 x 1.0) + (2 x 5.0) = 27

Man - month: 8
Productivity: 27/8 = 3.375

V. Human Resource.

ATMSoft Project members:

No Name Role Phone Email

1 Nguyen The Project 098 6972 698 IT050043_TheBaoNguy
Bao Manager ,
& technical Victory_Bravo@yahoo.
Writer com,
2 Vo Thanh Software 098 4119 869
Kiet Engineering
3 Nguyen Tran Database 098 8800 095
Tien Engineering
4 Dinh Thien Database 090 9896 294
Linh Engineering
5 Nguyen Tuan GUI 093 8787 998
Linh engineering
6 Le Tan Thanh Software 093 8102 990
7 Truong Nhat GUI
Anh engineering
8 To Vo Hoang Tester 098 2793 597 Try_again19081986@y

VI. Work Breakdown: milestones and deliverables

Milestone Responsible Deliverable Estimated

members completion date
Finish project Team Project 11/03/2008
survey requirement
Finish T.Bao Team & 12/03/2008
Introduction Document
Finish project T.Thanh Project summary 12/03/2008
Finish Project T.Kiet +T. Tien Size and line of 14/03/2008
estimation code estimation
Finish resource T.Bao Human resource 13/03/2008
estimation and member’s
role deliverable
Finish risk T.Bao Risk estimation 12/03/2008
Finish project Team Finish project 16/03/2008
planning planning and
presentation 1
Finish D.T.Linh Stakeholder 18/03/2008
stakeholder requirement list
Finish user T.Thanh Customer and 20/03/2008
Requirement Admin
(Customer and requirement list
Admin) survey
Finish system T.Kiet System 23/03/2008
requirement requirement
survey report
Finish non- T.Bao Non-functional 27/03/2008
functional requirement
requirement report
survey (including
data base)
Finish T.Tien Information 24/03/2008
information description report
Finish interface N.T.Linh + Interface 20/03/2008
requirement N.Anh requirement
Finish all H.Vinh Testing results 28/03/2008
requirement report
Finish all Team Modify 06/04/2008
Finish system Team Finish system 07/04/2008
requirement requirement
specification and
presentation 2
Finish software T.Bao+T.Thanh Whole software 17/04/2008
analysis +T.Kiet analysis
Finish data base D.T.Linh+ T.Tien Database 17/04/2008
analysis analysis
Finish software T.Bao+T.Thanh+ Sofware design 15/05/2008
design ( multi T.Kiet Diagrams and
level of data notations
Finish data base D.T.Linh+T.Tien Database 15/05/2008
design Diagram(ERD)
and tables
Finish GUI N.T.Linh+N.Anh “How Interface 15/05/2008
design look like?”
document and
Finish testing all H.Vinh Testing result 17/05/2008
design report
Finish Team Modify 17/05/2008
modification all
design document
Prototype Team Giving software 18/05/2008
prototype(at least
the GUI)
Finish system Team System design 19/05/2008
design specification
specification and the
presentation 3
Finish database D.T.Linh+T.Tien Database 25/05/2008
Finish source T.Thanh+T.Kiet Source code 27/05/2008
code T.Linh + N.Anh
Finish final T.Bao Final planning 29/05/2008
version of Project document
Finish final T.Kiet + T.Thanh Final 29/05/2008
version of system T.Bao requirement
requirement document
Finish final D.T.Linh+T.Tien Final system and 29/05/2008
version of system +T.Bao database design
design diagram
specification ( including
Finish final H.Vinh Whole test on 01/06/2008
testing final documents
Finish final Team Integrate all 01/06/2008
document documents and
diagrams to a
final document
Finish Project Team Final document, 02/06/2008
Development component
source code,
program ,
Presentation 4

VII. Risk Management

List of potential risks:

Risk type Possible risks

Technology Don’t have real-world automatic teller
machine to test produce.
People Members are ill or busy.
All members does not have much
experience in doing project
Tool CASE tools cannot be integrated.

Priorities risk list:

Risk Probability Effects

There is not real-world High Insignificant
automatic teller machine to test
Members are ill or busy. Moderate Serious
All members does not have High Serious
much experience in projects
CASE tools cannot be Moderate Tolerable

Risk avoidance and contingency plans:

Risk Strategy
Machine, hardware problems. Use existing machines or simulated
programs to test software
Members problems Reorganize team so that there is more
overlap of work and people therefore
understand each other’s jobs.
All member must practice more and before
the discussion lab, making a list of
question to ask
CASE tool problems Use CASE tools that are familiar with
engineers of this software in previous

Risk assessment:

Risk type Potential Indicators

Technology Machine is crash when processing Database
is lost by virus or wrong backup
People Poor relationships among team members
Tool CASE tools don’t provide enough

Estimation Failure to meet agreed schedule

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