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Palaeoparasitological study of gastro-intestinal content in horses at a Scythian kurgan (3rd century BC) found in Kazakhstan

Matthieu LE BAILLY

Universit de Reims Champagne-Ardenne UFR de Pharmacie, EA 3795 GEGENA2, Laboratoire de Paloparasitologie 51 rue Cognacq-Jay F-51096 Reims Cedex (France) CNRS UMR 5197

CNRS UMR 5197 Archozoologie, Histoire des Socits humaines et des peuplements animaux Musum national dHistoire naturelle 55, rue Buffon F-75005 Paris (France) Institut dArchologie Margulan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Sbastien LEPETZ

Zainullah SAMASHEV

Maison dArchologie et dEthnologie, CNRS UMR 7041 Mission Archologique franaise en Asie centrale 21 alle de luniversit F-92023 Nanterre cedex (France) Universit de Reims Champagne-Ardenne UFR de Pharmacie, EA 3795 GEGENA2, Laboratoire de Paloparasitologie 51 rue Cognacq-Jay F-51096 Reims Cedex (France)


Franoise BOUCHET

L e Ba ill y M . , L epe tz S . , Sa m a s he v Z . , F r a n c fo rt H .- P . & B o u c he t F . 200 8. Palaeoparasitological study of gastro-intestinal content in horses at a Scythian kurgan (3rd century BC) found in Kazakhstan. Anthropozoologica 43 (2) : 69-75.

ABSTRACT As part of the excavations of the Scythian kurgan of Berel (3rd century BC), twenty samples were studied, taken from nine of thirteen horses inhumed with the corps of a prince and a woman discovered under the stone tumulus. The palaeoparasitological diagnosis of the samples, based on the identification of preserved helminth eggs, revealed a well known equine parasite, Oxyuris equi, and another nematode belonging to the Strongylidea order. The identiANTHROPOZOOLOGICA 2008 43 (2) Publications Scientifiques du Musum national dHistoire naturelle, Paris.


Le Bailly M., Lepetz S., Samashev Z., Francfort H.-P., Bouchet F.

KEY WORDS Palaeoparasitology, helminths, eggs, Scythian, Kurgan, Kazakhstan.

fication of parasites provides information on the health status of the horses, and the results are compared with palaeoparasitological diagnosis conducted on the two bodies recovered in the princely tomb. This original work has established the first paleoparasitological record of horse remains from ancient Kazakhstan. RSUM tude paloparasitologique des contenus gastro-intestinaux des chevaux dun kourgane scythe (IIIe sicle av. J.-C.) retrouv au Kazakhstan Dans le cadre des fouilles dun kourgane scythe retrouv Berel (IIIe sicle av. J.-C.), vingt chantillons sont tudis, provenant de neuf des treize chevaux inhums avec les corps dun prince et dune femme dcouverts dans le tumulus de pierre. Le diagnostic parasitologique, bas sur lidentification des ufs dhelminthes conservs, rvle la prsence dun parasite quin bien connu, Oxyuris equi, ainsi quun autre nmatode appartenant lordre des Strongylidea. Lidentification des parasites fournit des indications sur ltat de sant des animaux, et les rsultats sont confronts ceux obtenus sur les deux corps humains retrouvs dans la tombe princire. Cette tude est unique en paloparasitologie et dbute le rfrentiel des parasites anciens de chevaux pour le Kazakhstan.

MOTS CLS Paloparasitologie, helminthes, ufs, Scythes, Kourgane, Kazakhstan.

INTRODUCTION T he A l t a i Sc yt hi a n f r o z en t om b s of Pa zyry k c u l tur e h a v e b een kno w n in c en tr a l A s i a since 1927, when a Soviet expedition discovered a group of royal burials on the eponym site of Pazyryk, southern Siberia (Rudenko 1970). A large amount of organic artefacts, such as clothes, ornaments, sacrificed horses, or tattooed mummie s a r e of t en r e c o v e r ed f r om t he s e f r o z en tombs. In 1998-1999, a new frozen tomb, dating from the beginning of the 3rd century BC, was excavated in the Kazakhstan eastern Altay mountains b y a n a r c h a eologi ca l t e a m di r e c t ed b y Zainullah Samashev, from the Kazakh Institute of Archaeology and Henri-Paul Francfort from the CNRS, France (Francfort et al. 1998). The tomb, 23 m in diameter and 2.40 m high, was located in a Scythian cemetery by the Bukhtarma River, near the modern-day village of Berel. Four meters below the surface, the preservation of the remains from the burial pit was excellent. Despite having been looted, the burial, containing two

human bodies, was associated with important o r g a ni c r em a in s , a mong w hi c h w e r e t hi rt een sacrificed horses with full trappings. The study of t he h u m a n b odie s w a s c oo r din a t ed b y E. Crubzy, A. Ismagulova and E. Ljudvikova, while the horses were first studied on site, then in the laboratory by S. Lepetz. The analysis showed t h a t t he ho rs e s w e r e e x c l us i v el y m a le s a ged b e tw een eigh t a nd nine t een y e a rs of a ge. T he horses were positioned in two layers, seven in the lo w e r p a rt , s i x ab o v e , acc o r ding t o a n o v e r a ll S o ut h- w e st e r n / N o rt h-e a st e r n a x i s , t he he a d toward North East. All seemed to lie on their bellies. All bodies were collected, taken to Almaty in a refrigerated truck and then stored in a refrigera t ed r oom. I n 2000 , s a mple s w e r e t a ken b y S. Lepetz and Cl. Puyalto-Moussu for various analyses, among which palaeoparasitology. A palaeoparasitological diagnosis was established based on the morphological and morphometrical characteristics of the intestinal parasite helminth eggs found in the samples after extraction. The aim of the study was to assess the parasitic intenANTHROPOZOOLOGICA 2008 43 (2)

Palaeoparasitological study of gastro-intestinal content in horses at a Scythian kurgan

sity and the origin of the horses (breeding area or geographical origin) (Francfort et al. 2000). The a r c h a eologi sts r a i s ed t he h y po t he s i s t h a t t he horses may have been offered as a sacrifice by neighbouring allied populations. This theory was based on the discovery of many different artefacts in the tomb, some of them from the Achaemenid c u l tur e t h a t indi ca t e c on t ac ts b e tw een lo ca l Sc yt hi a n c u l tur e of A l t a i a nd t he P e rs i a n Achaemenid Empire. MATERIAL AND METHOD Twenty samples from the content of the gastrointestinal tract were retrieved for Paleoparasitological analysis, coming from nine of the thirteen ho rs e s f r om t he f r o z en tu m u l us ( Tab le 1). T he samples were composed of well preserved digestive tract contents, which may evade the issue of contamination. The samples were constantly stored in a cold chamber or freezer from the setting to the Palaeoparasitology lab to keep their integrity. The materials were treated following the standard protocol used in our laboratory (Le Bailly 2005). A portion of each samples were first rehydrated for a week using 0.5% trisodium phosphate and 5% glycerinated solution. The material was then crushed in a mortar. The suspension was submitted to an ultrasound device for 1 minute at 50C, on a frequency of 35 kHz (Sonorex, RK 103 H), and the suspension strained through 315-m, 1 60 -m , 5 0 -m , a nd 2 5-m me s he s , u nde r a c on st a n t u l tr a p ur e w a t e r fl ux o b t a ined w i t h a purification system (Millipore, Direct-QTM 5). A portion of each sample was used for microscopic examination. The material was placed between slides and cover slides, and examined for evidence of parasites. Twenty slides of each sample were examined at magnification of 100 and 400. Ob s e rv a t ion s w e r e r e c o r ded us ing a n u me r i c camera linked to a computer with SAISAM software (Microvision instrument). RESULTS Two different egg morphotypes were found in the samples.

TABLE 1. List of the samples studied in Reims (M. Le Bailly).

Samples Horses 37 43 47 55 69 74 79 82 83 84 88 96 98 100 127 129 135 141 161 C C B F G H L L L L L K K K K K N N I

Description Stomach or intestine content of C. Alimentary content of C (colon?). Rectum axis. Intestinal wall containing SL 46 Rectum content of F. Content of G. Content of H. Content of L (rectum?). Caecum content of L. Digestive content (ventral part) near hip bone of L. Digestive content of L. Digestive content of L. Large intestine content of K. Digestive content lower part 3 and 4 of K. Dorsal intestine content right side (large intestine?) of K. Rectum content of K. Intestine wall with hemorrhagic zones K. Digestive content of N. Digestive content with large intestine wall of N. Large intestine content + wall of horse I.

The eggs of the first group were ovoid with a smooth, thick and operculated eggshell, measuring between 63-80 m in length and 39-45 m in width (Fig. 1). The typical characteristics of these eggs indicate that they belong to the genera Oxyuris sp. The species Oxyuris equi, the horse pin w o r m , i s a di r e c t - c y c le p a r a s i t e of eq u ine intestines, responsible of limited pathogenic significance. Gravid females migrate down the rectum and out through the anus to cement their eggs, perpetrating anal pruritus (Georgi 1980, Kassai 1999). The eggs from the second group were ovoid. They appeared as thin and smooth eggshell, and measuring between 63 and 80 m in length, for 28 and 43 m in width (Fig. 2). The morphological and morphometrical data of these eggs were not sufficient to determine the taxa beyond the

Le Bailly M., Lepetz S., Samashev Z., Francfort H.-P., Bouchet F.

F IG . 1. E gg of O xyur i s eq u i fo u nd in ho rs e F f r om B e r el (84 40 m). Photographer: M. Le Bailly.

F I G . 2 . S tr ong y lide a egg fo u nd in ho rs e K f r om B e r el (67 39 m). Photographer: M. Le Bailly.

TABLE 2. Results of the paleoparasitological analyses (presence/absence) (M. Le Bailly).

Samples 37 43 47 55 69 74 79 82 83 84 88 96 98 100 127 129 135 141 161

Horses C C B F G H L L L L L K K K K K N N I

Oxyuris equi No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

Strongylidea No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No

of these eggs (70.72 m in length and 38.91 in width) provides a possible additional evidence for t he nem a t ode f a milie s T r i c ho str ong y lid a e o r Strongylidae, responsible for mucosal infections of ho rs e g a str o-in t e st in a l tr ac t ( T hienpon t e t a l . 19 7 9 , S o u l s b y 198 2 ). G ene r a l r e su l ts a r e presented in table 2. DISCUSSION The eggs identified in this study are common parasites of horse gastro-intestinal tract, and the di s c o v e ry of su c h p a r a s i t e s i s no t sur p r i s ing. However, some points deserve to be discussed. OXYURIS EQUI The discovery of Oxyuris equi eggs is not new in Palaeoparasitology. Jansen and Over (1966) ident ified of egg s of t he ho rs e pin w o r m in s a mple s coming from Valkenburg-on-Rhine, a Holland R om a n s i t e d a t ed f r om t he 1 st c en tury AD . In 1988, Jones et al. published the identification of the equine nematode in a British Roman site d a t ed f r om 8 0 -9 0 y e a rs AD . F in a ll y in 199 7 Bouchet and Bentrad identified eggs of Oxyuris equi in samples coming from the lakeside settlemen t of C h a r a v ine s , F r a n c e , d a t ing f r om t he 11th century AD. The discovery of horse pinworm in t he B e r el s a mple s i s a no t he r a r c h a eologi ca l example of a horse parasite, and pushes back the historical limit of the horse pinworm presence.

Strongylidea order, which include many families such as Strongylidae, Ancylostomidae, Trichostrongylidae, or Haemoncinae. The average size

Palaeoparasitological study of gastro-intestinal content in horses at a Scythian kurgan

In modern horses, to the best of our knowledge, there is no published data about horse pinworm in Kazakhstan. From all the neighbouring regions, only Iran and Ukraine give respective prevalence of this parasite in around 1.7% (Eslami et al. 2005) and 36% (Kuzmina et al. 2005). STRONGYLIDEA ORDER T he p r e s en c e of S tr ong y lide a egg s in a nim a l samples had not previously been established by palaeoparasitological studies (Bouchet et al. 2003, Gonalves et al. 2003). The present work provides first evidence and a chronogeographical context fo r t he s e a nim a l p a r a s i t e s . T he di s c o v e ry of S tr ong y lide a egg s in B e r el d a t ing f r om t he 3 r d c en tury BC indi ca t e s t he p r e s en c e of t he s e animal parasites in ancient Central Asia. Current veterinarian studies in Kazakhstan and neighbouring regions have identified the presence of Trichostrongylidae and Strongylidae families. The prevalence of infection in herbivores varies between 0.1% to 0.6% in sheep and goats from Kazakhstan (Morgan et al 2006), 7.7% to 19.5% in goats from Mongolia (Sharkhuu 2001), 28.3% in ho rs e s f r om I r a n ( E s l a mi e t a l. 200 5) , a nd 1 3 . 6 % t o 27 . 3 % in ho rs e s f r om U k r a ine (Kuzmina et al. 2005). The difference of parasitic charges observed in the nine horses of our study is not significant, and the pathologies found are frequent in horses (Dunn 1978). As a consequence, it is not possible to determine differences in the geographical origin or in horse rearing. The hypothesis raised by the archaeologists regarding the possible horse offering from different allied neighbouring tribes ca nno t b e c onfi r med b y p a l a eop a r a s i t ologi ca l evidence. However, the common parasites found are not responsible for serious infections in adult horses and therefore not lethal. For that reason, the health status of the animals could not have been the cause of sacrificing. Finally, the animal offering as a sacrifice is a more probable cause of death than a bad health status. This result is additional evidence to support a strong bonding between Scythians and their horses, and the importance of these animals during Scythian life and death.

The palaeoparasitological analysis carried on the tw o h u m a n b odie s fo u nd in t he tu m u l us (Crubezy et al. 2006) revealed the presence of ovoid eggs identified as Ancylostomidae, with size and form similar to the eggs found in the horse samples. The identification of eggs belonging to the Strongylidea order, in both human and animal samples, is very interesting and raises the issue of a possible parasitic disease common to b o t h ho rs e a nd h u m a n , su c h a s T r i c ho str ongyliasis, which is quite prevalent in rural regions. The prevalence of these parasites is not known in Central Asia, as opposed to neighbouring region su c h a s I r a n , w he r e i t v a r ie s b e tw een 7 .5% a nd 85% b y h u m a n in I s p a h a n ( Ac h a & Szyfres 2005). The palaeoparasitological results obtained in Berel may represent a human disease tr a n s mi tt ed b y a nim a l s , w hi c h i s a v e ry r a r e o b s e rv a t ion in a r c h a eolog y ( D i tt m a r & Teegen 2003). However, the determination of these eggs solely based on their morphology and s i z e o b s e rv a t ion s i s t oo u n c e rt a in ( T hi b e rt e t al. 2006). The definitive answer to the real nature of these eggs would probably be revealed using mole c u l a r me t hod s , w hi c h i s b e c oming f r equently applied to Palaeoparasitology (Iniguez et al. 2006; Loreille et al. 2001, 2003). CONCLUSION The palaeoparasitological analysis conducted on the Berel horses are unique and represent a first r e c o r d of a nim a l Pa l a eop a r a s i t olog y fo r t hi s pe r iod , in a r egion ne v e r stu died b efo r e. T he presence but also the absence of parasites shed ligh t on t he c h r onogeog r a phi ca l mig r a t ion of parasites, and also on animal palaeopathology, often neglected in archaeological studies. Furthermore, the analyses demonstrate the excellent preservation of helminth eggs in cold climate a nd pe r m a nen t f r o z en s oil (pe r m a f r o st ) , a s already observed with the Alps iceman (Aspck et al. 1996). In terms of cultural anthropological aspects, this study enforces the real sacrificial nature of the animal deposit in the human burial. However,

Le Bailly M., Lepetz S., Samashev Z., Francfort H.-P., Bouchet F.

like horse ancient mitochondrial DNA analysis (Keyser-Tracqui et al. 2005), this study does not allow the identification of different geographic origins or rearing types of the horses inhumed with the human bodies. Finally, the absence of real differences in horse analysis, both in parasitological and molecular ones, could be an additional evidence for a unique horse group coming from the same breeding, and offered as a sacrifice to the prince. Acknowledgments T hi s w o r k w a s su ppo rt ed b y t he CNRS, t he French archaeological mission in central Asia, the Ile de France region, Millipore, and Microvision instrument. REFERENCES
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Palaeoparasitological study of gastro-intestinal content in horses at a Scythian kurgan

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