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Media file extension help sheet

Raster = Raster graphics use pixels to store data. The quality will get worse as you zoom in and you will start to see pixels. Cameras and scanners will produce work in raster files, which means it needs to stay as a raster file when it is being edited. Vector = Vector graphics use mathematic equations (points, lines, curves, shapes and polygons) to store data. Vector graphics will stay at the same quality no matter how far you zoom in. When printing, vector graphics are normally used as when you resize the image it stays the same quality.

.JPG = Joint photographic experts group. - Raster - You can open a .JPG file in most computer programs. - It is well supported from computer softwares. - However, a .JPG file is not suitable for simple pictures that lack colour and brightness. - EXAMPLE: photo or email. .PNG = Portable network graphics. - Raster - Stays at the same quality when the images size is reduced. - It is an independent platform so opens with its own program (doesnt need a separate program/software to open). - Older browsers and programs dont support it. - It doesnt open animated files (gifs) or multi images. - EXAMPLE: A website .PDF = Portable document format. - Raster and vector. - It opens on any system. - It is easy to share. - However, you cant edit the file once youve saved it. - EXAMPLE: Own company

.PSD = Photoshop document. - Raster - Images are stored in layers therefore it is easier to control them. - You can import your pieces onto other softwares. - You can also create vector graphics on it even though it is a raster file. This means you will able to get better quality pictures no matter how far you zoom in. - Its a very large file and needs to be reduced every time you use it. - It doesnt work on all programs. - EXAMPLE: Photoshop or advertisement. .GIF = Graphics interchange format. - Raster - The Internet supports the file. - However, it only supports 256 colours that means files that contain large amounts of colours wont show as well. - It looses quality when the size changes. - EXAMPLE: A website. .CGM = Computer graphics metafile - Raster/Vector - Works on many systems. - It is international standard. - However, it needs another program to open it. - It also needs converting if you want to open it in other programs. - EXAMPLE: Foreign Businesses. .TLF = Tagged image file format. - Raster - Its well supported by computer software and programs. - Compatible with both Mac and Windows. - However, web browsers dont support it. - It also creates a large file that cant be compressed. - EXAMLPE: Used for scanning.

.BMP = Windows bitmap. - It supports a wide range of colours, which gives a better quality image that contains a lot of colours. - Its compatible with most windows programs. - However, every file it creates is big and cant be changed to reduce the size. - It also isnt supported by Macs and the Internet. - EXAMPLE: Offices that use Windows.

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