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The Features of the BEC; 1 Greater emphasis on helping every learner to become more

successful reader. 2 Emphasis on interactive/collaborative learning approaches. Between

teachers and students, between students and self-instructional materials, between students (collaborative learning), between students and multimedia assisted instruction.
3 Emphasis on use of integrative learning approaches. 4 Greater focus on values formation in all the subject areas. Every teacher is a values education teacher. 5Emphasis on the

development of self-reliant and patriotic citizens. 6 Emphasis on the use of effective strategies for the development of critical and creative thinking skills.

The principal goals of primary curriculum are as follows: 1. To provide basic education for all 2. To provide experiences applicable to learners daily living 3. To provide education for national unity with common purposes and opportunity for local authorities to develop part of the curriculum suitable to their conditions and needs.Education provided according to this curriculum shall develop in learners the following characteristics: 1. Basic learning skills, retention of literacy and mathematical skill. 2. Knowledge and understanding about self, natural environment and social changes 3. Ability to take care of personal and family health. 4. Ability to identify causes of personal and family problems and to apply scientific reasoning skill in suggesting ways and means to solve them. 5. Pride in being Thai, unselfishness, fairmindedness and ability to live happily with others. 6. Habits of reading and life-long learning 7. Basic knowledge and skills in work, good work habits and ability to work cooperatively with

others 8. Knowledge and understanding about social conditions and changes at home and in the community; ability to play the roles and carry out responsibilities as good members of the family and community, to conserve and develop environment, to promote religion, arts and culture in the community.

The primary school curriculum is made up of 5 learning experience groupings as follows: 1. Tool Subjects, comprising Thai language and mathematics. 2. Life Experiences, dealing with the process of solving social and daily life problems with an emphasis on scientific process skills for better living. 3. Character Development, dealing with activities necessary for developing desirable habits, values, attitudes and behaviour, which will lead to a desirable character. 4. Work-oriented Experiences, dealing with general practical work experiences and basic knowledge for career. BUREAU OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. English as a subject is concerned with developing competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening is an information processing act. It includes skills in auditory discrimination and cognitive comprehension. Speaking includes skills in using the language expressions and grammatical structures correctly in oral communication.

Reading is getting meaning from the printed page. It includes skills for vocabulary development, levels of comprehension namely, literal, interpretative, critical analysis and application, literary appreciation and study skills. Writing includes readiness skills, mechanics, guided writing, functional, and creative writing. Learning activities to develop competence in these phases of communication should be varied, meaningful and realistic. Science and Health concepts may be used as content in English especially for Grades I and II, but not to the extent of neglecting the content in the English books for the grade. Grade III is considered the

threshold in reading. Thus, at the end of the third grade, every child is expected to be a functional/successful reader.

Some of our students are very mobile. Sometimes in the course of the school year ,they change residence and transfer to another school. Furthermore, the DepEd uses the national curriculum as the standard for assessing your performance and the performance of your pupils. There must be only one standard for all. History of Restructured Curriculum As we all may know, there were other education acts before the 1980s that influenced earlier national curricula. The National Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) implemented from 1984 to 2002 and the New Secondary Education Curriculum (NSEC) implemented from 1991 to 2002. This serves as background information for the superior understanding of the present Basic Education Curriculum (BEC). The educative community helps its students to be self-disciplined and self-directed and to acquire a set of personal criteria based on the Gospel values in order to respond meaningfully to persons and situations. The Basic Education Curriculum helps students to develop habits of intellectual concentration, creative thinking and critical appreciation and judgment. They are directed to have a strong sense of commitment to service, to be men and women for others especially for the poor.

The Basic Education Curriculum strives to help students to be rooted in the Filipino heritage, committed to love, cherish and preserve the best desirable aspects of our culture and tradition. The Basic Education Curriculum provides a curriculum with stronger integration of the principles of personalized education, emphasis critical thinking skills to help the students with decision making process, greater emphasis on learning process and increase time for task to gain mastery of competencies of the basic subjects. To achieve these goals, the school utilizes varied and adequate methods and approaches to respond to the needs, qualities and possibilities of the students, always respecting the uniqueness of persons.

The ideal Filipino learners are empowered learners; who are competent in learning how to learn and have life skills so that they become self developed persons who are makabayan (patriotic), makatao (mindfu of humanity), Makakalikasan (respect of nature), and Maka-Diyos (Godly). Functional literacy is the essential ability for lifelong learning in our dynamically changing world. The ideal teacher of the curriculum is not the authoritarian instructor but the trustworthy facilitator or manager of the learning process. She enables the learners to become active constructors of meaning and not passive recipients of information The ideal teaching learning process is interactive where the learners, the teachers, instructional materials and information technology interact with one another reciprocally.

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