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1. For Reverse PN junction - the C increase as Reverse PN junction decrease 2. What exist in 0 K - the valence and conduction band do not overlap 3. In forward bias - decrease in potential barrier 4. In reversed bias cause - increase in potential barrier 5. Annealed Silver - 108.8%conductivity 6. Annealed Copper - 102% conductivity 7. Difference of CB to CE - larger current amplification for CE 8. Method of substitution of V and I - Substitution theorem 9. Superposition Theorem - needs Linear and Bilateral 10. Charge that exist in both direction of a PN junction - fixed donor and acceptor ion 11. ICBO - collector to base current 12. Early Condition exist in BJT - base narrowing 13. For CE - VCB versus IB varies constantly to VCE 14. For Beta - VCB versus IC varies constantly to IB 15. For CB - VCB versus IC varies constantly to IE 16. Comparison of mesh and Branch current - mesh is a assumed current while branch is a actual Current and mesh will not divide to branch 17. Conductor resistance - 10^-4 to 10^-6 ohms 18. Semiconductor resistance - 10^-4 to 10^9 ohms

19. Insulator resistance - 10^9 to 10^25 ohms 20. Potentiometer color for always counterclockwise - yellow 21. Potentiometer color for always clockwise - green 22. Potentiometer color for wiper - red 23. Potentiometer color for color not used - blue 24. 99% of gold - 72.6% conductivity 25. 99.2% of aluminum - 63% conductivity 26. For max transformer coupled Class A - 50% efficient 27. Transformer coupling will Increase the Class - efficiency 28. What is larger R between12gauge copper wire versus 12gauge aluminum wire - aluminum 29. Why emitter is heavily doped - more power dissipation 30. When wire increase to 0-40D - the diameter decrease 31. What Resistor is not suitable to 50Khz - wire wound resistor 32. High frequency Resistor - film type resistor 33. High level language for low level machine programming - C language 34. LED operates in - reverse bias 35. Peak inverse voltage SI diode - 1000V 36. Maximum forward I for SI diode - 600A 37. Signal handling capacity of a transistor must exist

- operating point must be near operating point 38. Intrinsic Semiconductor - InP 39. Add to Si to be intrinsic - Antimony 40. For 1000K water decrease by 25% is - 1333 41. No molecular movement in temp. - absolute zero 42. For Class A - 30K 43. Lead Temperature - 7.26K 44. Aluminum temperature - 1.2K 45. Full wave current of the diode exist in - half cycle 46. Half wave rectifier exist in - less the half cycle 47. If the loop in Kirchoffs Law is not completed - the algebraic sum of voltage is from start to end 48. Difference of NPN to PNP - they differ in majority carrier hole for PNP and electron for NPN 49. Not included in memory processor - interrupt 50. Transistor terminal voltage - terminal increase than common terminal 51. Common Emitter - medium Ri, high Ro 52. Common Base - Low Ri, high Ro 53. In transistor, emitter has - Low resistance 54. Hold next instruction - program counter 55. Special register that Hold current instruction - instruction register 56. Increase in internal resistance of collector - can cause smaller voltage gain

57. Avalanche breakdown occurs when - reverse current meets a maximum value 58. DC load line has - negative slope 59. The amount of minority carriers vary in - potential barrier 60. Increase in current that generates more heat and the cycle repeats itself - thermal runaway 61. Peak voltage of a transformer is VM. What is it maximum voltage in diod - VM 62. The arrow in the symbol of a transistor - hole pointing towards emitter 63. How to get the max heat of a line by connecting - all in parallel 64. Zero depletion region - equal number ofMajority and minority carrier 65. Improper biasing - cause distortion 66. What exists in depletion region of a PN junction? - Fixed acceptor andDonor ions 67. Transistor PN junction - base to emitter FBBase to collector RB 68. Principal node - branch current canCombines and divide 69. Small increase in reverse biased in base to collector - large increase in Collector current 70. Current that flows in RB (reversed bias) - minority carrier 71. Opposes barrier potential - majority carrier 72. PNP, electrons flow - collector to base 73. 1KWh - 860kcal 74. Current in emitter - designated as ICO 75. ICEO - current in collector in 76. ICBO current

- increase with temperature 77. In PN junction, why does holes flow from P to N junction? - Because there are more holes in the P junction 78. Positive Swing, transistor should be clipped? -cut-off 79. Increase in collector resistance -large change in collector current 80. Reverse bias -produce small majority carriers 81. ICBO current -flows in collector and base leads 82. Increase in holes and electron carriers os because of -thermal carrier progression 83. Reverse bias current -increase the flow of minority carriers 84. Collector current in a common emitter increase -By decrease recombination of carrier to base 85. Zener diode -operates in reverse bias 86. The Q is zero and can be increase by excitation -class B 87. PN junction electron exists from low to high value. When a rapid increase in voltage to increase in the current. -the minority carrier increase to get to the avalanche region 88. PN junction electron exists from low to high value. When a rapid increase in voltage to increase in the current. -only if its potential barrier exceeds certain limit 89. Difference between triode and N-channel JFET -triode needs more voltage 90. Transistor quiescent occur when -no signal applied 91. The capacitance in a reverse biased diode -depend on the intensity of the reverse voltage 92. The potential barrier is responsible on -the increase of minority carriers 93. Zener diode works as voltage regulator -reverse bias 94. Small amount of majority carriers in PN junction cause from -the magnitude of potential barrier

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