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Simon Bolivar a Diaphanous man

A diaphanous man is the one that says what he feels and acts with honesty. The
one who doesn’t hide himself or his thinking. A diaphanous man is the one who proceeds
always according to his principles, publicly, in front of everyone.

The word diaphanous is the transparence. The word is being used originally to the
atmosphere, to the open space. The diaphanous air is clean, clear, polished, and

Bolivar said from himself that he was a diaphanous man. He knew himself
sincere. He thought that his political action, his military role, his intellectual piece of art,
his entire life to the service of the freedom of America, had a meridian cleanness of the
pure crystal and the entire light.

In this book it tells the life of Simon Bolivar. He was a patriot, worker, brave man
and generous. He had a particular geniality. He knew to write with elegancy and to
expose in a brilliant way his ideas. He was a man like all the men, had virtues, limitations
and defects, but for the truth of his cause he occupies in history the place of a Superior
Hero. He’s meaning grows with the centuries.

Here we are going to know Bolivar, following the curse of his existence: Since he
born was a common boy; then in the difficult time to reach the maximum glory. which for
him it came in a resume in the Fulgurate title of Liberator in Spanish “Libertador” , same
was a discreet and modest good citizen-; At last his dead was starting to live for the

Bolivar lives for always in the simple and permanent lesson of his example. His
only name is like a message and a flag, a stimulating and enthusiastic consign, an
Augustus luminous and crystalline presence; he was a diaphanous man.

Why Bolivar?

High in the sky shines a star, discovered in 1911, located just in the middle of the
distance between the sun and Jupiter, is the star Bolivar. Thus was baptized his discoverer
the French astronomer Flammarion.

In the earth, different places have the same name: Bolivar. From this way are
known a county and many cities from the United States, and not a few others- besides of
many departments or provinces- from there until Argentina, passing through the Central
America and for all South America.

Bolivia, a beautiful and haughty republic with rich mines of silver and tin. Which
summits of vicuñas and condors crowned of entire snow, look like kissing the firmament.
born, to the independence, proud of his derived appellative from the distinguished
caraqueño( a person born in Caracas).
The biggest elevation of Venezuela 5007 meters over the see level, covers mostly
of this ground blessed for the providence, is: the Bolivar Peak. In a similar way: Bolivar,
is emerging from the national iron and steel sector and hydroelectric- and it’s pushing
capital: Bolivar city. Very close to this is found an imposing strapping of iron almost
pure. Famous in the world: Bolivar Mountain or Cerro Bolivar.

Every year around to the 15th of February- Day of the speech of Angostura-
celebrates in all the schools, lyceums, and centers of venezolanian teaching, the week of
Bolivarian studies. In the auditorium and the classrooms of each staff, in their purses and
through the special guests, talk with lived will of the Libertador.

The image of Simon Bolivar results very familiar. In front or from profile we
identify it easily. We have him in the coins, in the money paper of the bank and in the
stamps. In the public offices the picture of the portrait of Bolivar is in an honorable place.
Like this in many homes, including the humblest homes and the farest. To every step he
walks with us the memory of his exemplar presence and stimulant.

There are many in the districts, municipals, hamlets and neighborhoods, called
Bolivar. In people of Venezuela. As the same in Brother countries of Colombia, Ecuador,
Peru, Bolivia and Panama, all and every one recognize him as the Father of the
Fatherland- generally the street or the principal avenue honors with his name, and in
many in which there is a central square with a statue.

Also have his name or Bolivar or Libertador numerous docent institutes, apart
from the Hospitals, headquarters, battalions, homes, hotels, ships, theaters, buildings,
airports, societies, enterprises and establishments of the vary nature.

In Caracas, the native house of Simon Bolivar, the scattering of his family and the
pantheon that save his sacred rests, are wide opened to the patriotic reverence, very
visited all days of the big national commemorations. The properties that some time
occupied, like this in Bogotá as in Trujillo, Lima, El Cuzco, Pativilca and other places, in
particular the Fifht of San Pedro Alejandrino- in Santa Marta- where exhaled his sight,
are sanctuaries for remembering with the history. In the museums are conserved as
venerable relinquishes the objects that belonged to him.

Continually are being publishing, reediting and commenting the numerous

writings that he produced. In books, brochures, speeches, articles in magazines and
newspapers, he is being studied, being quoted, and evoked without stopping.

By Radio and television his name, his words and his image, pass by everyday. He
is the constant subject to the work of the intelligence. In the domains of science- botanic
and mineralogy- had received tributes in the proposal for the designation of vegetable
species- Bolivaria and Bolivarensis- and the designation of a consisted silver- bolivian o
A modern caraqueña(from Caracas) university, built between beautiful gardens,
full of responsible youth, is the Simon Bolivar University, same designation hold an
academic unity- the course of Simon Bolivar- for the service of the American culture, that
works in England, inside of the ancient and prestigious University of Cambridge.

Monuments to the glory of Bolivar there are in the first metropolis of the eastern
hemisphere: Paris, Rome, London, Buenos Aires, Washington, Madrid, Lima, New York,
Quito, Mexico…Commonly represent on a splendid steed of bronze, with his cape to the
wind, uncovered head, with a look to the horizon, reflexive and energetic, serene in his

Statesman, soldiers, artists, politic men, workers, thinkers, students, poets and
scientists, have a Bolivar like a permanent model of inspiration. The man and the
common woman, all who know his life, and his ideas and his actions, feel him as an
enlightened, human and always alert. As a guide for the present and the future. In martial
hymns, in couples of the people, and until in an untitled opera “Simon Bolivar” is being
sang his achievements and is being excited the romantically dimension of his existence.
Why he is being remembered so much? Who was him? What did he do? What he means?

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