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Hum Core Lecture Notes October 2, 2013 John Kim Lecture 2: Deliberation, Action, and Authority in the Iliad

Review From Lec 1: 1. We can regard the Iliad as foreign humanities as an antiquarian enterprise 2. We might embrace the Iliad as timeless humanities as an axiological enterprise. 3. We can take the Iliad from an interpretive view humanities as an intepretive enterprise. Humanities not value neutral nor celebrates values. Humanities is critical (understanding and judgement.) The Iliad is not just meant for us to interpret, it gives us interpretations on war. Iliad Book 1 Lines 1-8 Epic poems traditionally start with a pro. Proem-states and frames the central theme and encapsulate the whole story. Paradise Lost (1667, 1674)- intro is a statement of theme and tells us how the story will end. Prob of the Iliad is more opaque. The theme is rage (mnis.) Mnis: anger that is attributed to gods. Achillis feels this divine rage. Kholos and kotos: human anger, unlike Mnis. Achillis: in the prob, we see both the divine nature and human nature of Achillis. Why Start the Iliad in this Way? The Poet specifically commands the muse to begin (line 6.) Why start the Iliad with the conflict between Achillis and Agamemnon rather than conflict between the Greeks and Trojans? Epithets: Agamemnon lord of men and brilliant Achilles. Clash or lordship vs brilliance. Strange syntax of the opening: the smooth series describing the rage is interrupted by the line and the will of Zeus was moving towards its end. Highlights disconnection between the will of the immortals and the actions of the mortals.

Iliad Book 1 pg222-261 Athena grabs Achilles's hair when Achilles is deliberating whether to kill Agamemnon or not. Achilles is questioning Agamemnon's orders but when Athena commands him, he orders it at once. He does not resist her command. When gods command, the mortals simply obey. Immortals Affecting Events Throughout the book, the gods appear both directly and indirectly to affect the war. (IE Zeus's dream for Agamemnon, Athena egging on the archer to shoot Meleneus, Patroclus killed by Hector with Apollo's help, etc) Characters are Slaves? It seems that the characters in the Iliad do not have plans, reasons, or motives of their own. The actions are from the actions or speeches of gods. Deliberative part of the soul- missing from slave, woman has it but lacks authority, child has it but is incompletely devloped. -Aristotle Are the Greeks in the Iliad merely slaves of the gods? Are they acting out of compulsion and necessity or of their own reasons and motives. Achilles Undecided He is shown deliberating and undecided, but he is not paralyzed by his indecision. While he is deliberating inside, he is already acting out. He is already drawing his sword. Achilles drawing his sword means his decision is final. Achilles already decided, but Athena stops his actions. She does not decide an action for him, she stops him. Athena's orders halts actions, and then she reasons with Achilles and suggests. Athena gives Agamemnon and Achilles something to deliberate. Possible Causes of the Trojan War 1. Paris, Priam's son seduces Helen adns teals her from Meneleus. 2. Judgement of Paris: Athena and Hera and Aphrodite argued which one among them was the most beautiful. Paris is elected to judge and he asks for something in return. Aphrodite promises him the most beautiful woman (Helen.) 3. Judgement took place at wedding feast of sea goddess Thetis and Peleus (Achilles' father.)-Marriage arranged by Zeus because there was a prophecy that a divine child of Thetis would overthrow Zeus. What the Iliad Shows Us Determination: Even with our free will, we always act with deliberation and determination.

Power And Authority: Oaths of Agamemnon and Achilles: (different scepters) Achilles: he himself made himself powerful. Agamemnon: authority from lineage. His scepter is passed on from other great gods and mortals Achilles: his authority derives from his own power, and he is there for his own motives. He is the greatest warrior among the Greeks, and his plunder measures his greatness in a way. Agamemnon: his power comes from his authority to command. Agency: capacity to act for reasons (both good and bad.) Being an agent means on deliberates and acts based on those thoughts.

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