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Which record would be retrieved in VSAM RRDS if RRN has 95 when executing the be low command, assuming record

has 1000 records in a file? EXEC CICS READ DATASET(MYDATASET) INTO (MY-DATA-AREA) RRN(95) END EXEC ans--lets assume it as a fixed length record, so it retrieves 95th record VSAM relative file organization (Also referred to as VSAM fixed-length or variable-length RRDS (relative-record data set) organization.) A VSAM relative-record data set (RRDS) contains records ordered by their relative key. The relative key is the relative record number t hat represents the location of the record relative to where the file begins. The relative record number identifies the fixed- or variable-length record. In a VSAM fixed-length RRDS, records are placed in a series of fixed-length slot s in storage. Each slot is associated with a relative record number. For example , in a fixed-length RRDS containing 10 slots, the first slot has a relative reco rd number of 1, and the tenth slot has a relative record number of 10. In a VSAM variable-length RRDS, the records are ordered according to their relat ive record number. Records are stored and retrieved according to the relative re cord number that you set. Throughout this documentation, the term VSAM relative-record data set (or RRDS) is used to mean both relative-record data sets with fixed-length records and wit h variable-length records, unless they need to be differentiated.

If you want to define fixed length records, which one of the following parameter s in the FCT do you code? Choice 1 The LENGTH parameter Choice 2 The STRNO parameter Choice 3 The RECFORM parameter Choice 4 The BASE parameter Choice 5 The FIXED parameter

The 3270 bridge provides an interface so that you can run 3270-based CICS transac tions without a 3270 terminal. The 3270 terminal and end-user are replaced by an application program, known as the client application. Commands for the 3270 terminal in the CICS 3270 user tra nsaction are intercepted by CICS and replaced by a messaging mechanism that prov ides a bridge between the client application and the CICS user transaction. CICS provides two types of 3270 bridge mechanism:

The Link3270 mechanism This mechanism is introduced in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 2 R elease 2 and provides a simplified interface using LINK, ECI or EXCI. All messag es have a fixed format and you are not required to provide any user-written supp orting programs. This mechanism supports CICSPlex SM load balancing; bridge facil ities are shared between CICS regions on the CICSplex. The START BREXIT mechanism This 3270 bridge mechanism requires a bridge monitor transaction to initiate the bridge environment by issuing a START BREXIT command, which specifies the t arget user transaction and also the name of a user-written bridge exit. The brid ge exit is called to intercept 3270 requests and pass them in the form of messag es to the client application. You can write your own bridge exit and also define your own message formats. Bridge exits are provided to support client applicati ons using Temporary Storage, the Web and WebSphere MQ as transport mechanisms for requests, using sample message formats. This mechanism is single region only: b ridge facilities are local to the region. MAPFAIL occurs if the data to be mapped has a length of zero or does not contain a set-b uffer-address (SBA) sequence. It applies only to 3270 devices. The receiving dat a area contains the unmapped input data stream. The amount of unmapped data move d to the user's area is limited to the length specified in the LENGTH option. Th e input map is not set to nulls. This condition also arises if a program issues a RECEIVE MAP command to which the terminal operator responds by pressing a CLEA R or PA key, or by pressing ENTER or a PF key without entering data. Default act ion: terminate the task abnormally. Normally MAPFAIL just indicates that no data has ben entered in any of the fiel ds, and thus the MDT-bit is not set in the fileds attribute-byte. CICS issues a "Read Modified" 3270-command, and receives data from fields that has the MDT-bit set. When you get MAPFAIL, this just tells you that no field has been modified, an really is "normal". In program logic you have to check if data has been entered in mandatory fileds. The result may vary, and is a result of users action. Zero or many fileds may h ave been modified. In your program logic you should FIRST check for invalid PF/PA/Clear-keys, and O NLY do a Receive Map after the check. There is no need to do a Receive Map if th e user pressed the Clear or a PA-key, as an example. The EIBAID contains the val ue for the key pressed to initiate this pseudoconversation - even without a Rece ive Map. If you use Resp Option, coding RESP(ws-variable) in your Receive Map, you can el iminate the Mapfail problem. If you have an "old-style" program using Handle Con dition, there is more to say, and recommendation is to just go away from this st yel/model. At minimum, how many times do you need to press the ENTER key to execute a comma nd in CECI? ans----

CECI CA T(NAME) Question What does the command above do? What does the LENGTH option of the SEND command do?


Any error messages that the CICS translation step produces are stored on which o ne of the following DD statements? Choice 1 SYSPRINT Choice 2 SYSUDUMP Choice 3 SYSOUT Choice 4 SYSPUNCH Choice 5 SYSIN

RBA What data area contains execution information for the currently running task? Choice 1 CWA Choice 2 EIB Choice 3 TWA Choice 4 TCTTE Choice 5 TCTUA What option do you use to specify retrieval of a specific TSQ record? Choice 3 RIDFLD Choice 4 QUEUENUM Choice 5 How do you get a TDQ TRIGGER to fire?

What are the three essential commands in a pseudo-conversational program? SEND, RECEIVE, and RETURN EXEC CICS RETURN END-EXEC. Question If the program has not been invoked by a LINK command, what is t he result of executing the above command? Choice 1 The program RETURNs to its state prior to execution.

Choice 2 A fresh screen is displayed, saving previous information. Choice 3 The program relinquishes control to CICS. Choice 4 The program RETURNs the information CICS requests. Choice 5 The program passes its COMMAREA to the RETURNed program When you enter an invalid statement in CECI, how do you find out what problem CE CI had interpreting it? Choice 1 Check the transaction dump produced by the error. Choice 2 Query the RESP code. Choice 3 Look in the TCTTE for the error code. Choice 4 Search the EIB for the error code. Choice 5 View the messages panel. How do you switch from the CICS program that you are currently running to anothe r CICS program with the intention of returning to the current CICS program? Choice 1 Perform a CALL using the new program name. Choice 2 Perform a LINK. Choice 3 Execute the new program name. Choice 4 Perform a RETURN. Choice 5 Execute the XCTL command. What does the CICS translator do? If you are sending a logical message of more than one map and have executed some SEND commands with the ACCUM option, what happens if you omit the ACCUM option from a SEND command? Choice 1 A terminal error occurs. Choice 2 The map is not sent. Choice 3 You are not able to accumulate a map count. Choice 4 The map is sent, overlaying existing data. Choice 5 The terminal beeps, and the program terminates.

What is one method to add entries to system tables while CICS is running? Choice 1 By using RDO Choice 2 By using CEMT Choice 3 By using CEBR Choice 4 By using the transaction server Choice 5 By using CECI What is the file source for the CICS pre-compiler? Choice 1 The output from the map assembler Choice 2 The output from the link-edit Choice 3 The input to the COBOL compiler Choice 4 The output from the COBOL compiler Choice 5 Your source code file

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