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Gaming Solutions
ayolnL.neL provldes gamlng operaLors wlLh
an lnnovaLlve paymenL soluLlon offerlng
markeL leadlng feaLures and funcLlonallLy
Lhrough one slngle lnLegraLlon.
WlLh over 9 years' experlence ln processlng
gamlng paymenLs for markeL leadlng brands,
ayolnL.neL allows buslnesses Lo accepL
credlL, deblL card and cash paymenLs over
Lhe web.
We undersLand Lhe requlremenLs of our
gamlng merchanLs and have bullL our
advanced offerlng around:
8obusL paymenL plaLform wlLh upLlme ln
excess of 99.99%
Fraud management
owerful rlsk managemenL Lools, proven Lo
reduce fraud by up Lo 70%
Powerful Reporting
8eal Llme reporLlng lnLerface allows you Lo
manage your accounL when and where you
Payment functionality
lully flexlble paymenL plaLform allows you Lo
accepL and pay ouL wlnnlngs and supporLs
mulLl-currency paymenL processlng
Optimising revenue
8educe refused LransacLlons and maxlmlse
PCI DSS Level 1
lully Cl compllanL and secured Lo Lhe
hlghesL posslble sLandard
payment solutions
clients include:
We know LhaL every buslness ls dlfferenL so
we offer our gamlng merchanLs a Lallored
approach Lo meeL Lhelr lndlvldual buslness
PSP Solution
A fully conflgurable and robusL real Llme
paymenL processlng plaLform provldlng your
buslness wlLh over 99.99% upLlme
Reporting and Reconciliation
1he ayolnL.neL LxLraneL ls an advanced
cusLomer lnLerface whlch enables fully
flexlble real-Llme reporLlng for all gamlng
Mlnlmlse fraud and reduce your rlsk exposure
wlLh our comprehenslve and hlghly
conflgurable rules based englne and markeL
leadlng funcLlonallLy
Dedicated Support
WlLh our experlenced relaLlonshlp managers
we ensure you recelve Lhe hlghesL level of
supporL for all day Lo day acLlvlLles and lssues.
Comblned wlLh our hlghly skllled merchanL
and Lechnlcal supporL Leam, you can resL
assured we'll be on hand when you need us
Transaction Optimisation
WlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo revlew, undersLand and
opLlmlse your LransacLlon conflguraLlon, you
can reduce card decllne raLes and lncrease
deposlL converslons for your buslness
Additional Payment Methods
As well as Lhe broad range of addlLlonal
paymenL meLhods offered Loday such as
ayCash, we malnLaln a sLrong plpellne
focused on exLendlng our currenL sulLe of
Multiple Acquirers
SLraLeglc parLnershlps ln place wlLh numerous
acqulrlng banks ensures we are able Lo aLLaln
sLrong acqulrlng commerclals for your
PCI Compliance
8egardless of your compllance needs, our Cl
uSS Level 1 sLaLus allows us Lo offer you a
qulck, easy and slmpllfled approach Lo
becomlng compllanL
Adding value
to your business
WlLh our dedlcaLed rlsk managemenL Leam,
fraud and chargeback analysLs, plus many
years' experlence, fraud prevenLlon ls an area
ln whlch we excel.
IraudGuard ls our markeL leadlng fraud
soluLlon and lncludes everyLhlng you'll need
Lo screen LransacLlons, conLrol rlsk and
manage operaLlons, all vla easy Lo follow
lnLerfaces. 8egularly developed over Llme
uslng feedback from our leadlng cllenLs, our
lraudCuard producL conLlnues Lo seL Lhe
sLandard among Ss, so much so LhaL we
look Lo Lhlrd parLy fraud experLs, noL Ss
when comparlng our servlce.
1he servlce operaLes ln real-Llme and ls
conLrolled, conflgured and managed vla Lhe
ayolnL.neL MerchanL LxLraneL.
lraudCuard ls seL up and managed vla flve
key conflgurable secLlons:

Comprehenslve 8ules Lnglne

MulLl-level lraud Screenlng

1errlLory ManagemenL Mapplng

CusLom veloclLy ConLrols

8lackllsLlng & WhlLellsLlng

Highly configurable
fraud management

AccepLs all ma[or credlL cards lncludlng

MaesLro, vlsa, MasLerCard, uelLa & Laser

AlLernaLlve paymenL meLhods lnclude


1he ablllLy Lo accepL and process forelgn


A powerful paymenLs englne capable of

baLch paymenLs, parLlal refunds,
preauLhorlsaLlon, dlrecL refunds and more

LxLremely scalable - can handle huge

numbers of LransacLlons

Secure mulLl-user role deflned


8eal-Llme reporLlng Lools offerlng

sophlsLlcaLed and conflgurable analysls

3u secure appllcaLlon plug-ln (Al) for 3u

auLhenLlcaLlon wlLh ensulng llablllLy shlfL
Lo Lhe card lssulng bank

24/7/363 1elephone and emall supporL

wlLh full Lechnlcal experL help
Key Features
Cur exLenslve experlence worklng wlLh a
wlde varleLy of gamlng merchanLs, from small
sLarL-ups Lo more esLabllshed brands, has
allowed us Lo effecLlvely ldenLlfy and Lallor
our offerlng Lo sulL our gamlng merchanLs
nere's what some of our ex|st|ng gam|ng
merchants have to say:
We selecLed ayolnL.neL for Lhe flexlblllLy and
reslllence lL offered, buL whaL we hadn'L expecLed
was Lhe ouLsLandlng level of dedlcaLed supporL.
ayolnL.neL's hands-on approach and sLrong
experlence ln gamlng paymenLs ensured we had a
very smooLh, seamless lnLegraLlon. 1he producL
and Lhe supporL Leam boLh Lhoroughly deserve
Lhelr good repuLaLlon wlLhln Lhe lndusLry."
1omoslo Nottls, 5pottloqbet
We are dellghLed wlLh whaL ayolnL.neL has Lo
offer - noL [usL ln Lerms of Lhe consummaLe
funcLlonallLy of lLs currenL plaLform, buL lLs secLor
lnslghL and lLs wllllngness Lo work closely wlLh us.
1he level of servlce we recelve, parLlcularly durlng
peak LransacLlon perlods, ls very reassurlng and
ensures we offer our cusLomers Lhe besL posslble
1lm cook, Ceoetol cooosel,
As a leadlng onllne gamlng provlder, Lhe ablllLy Lo
accepL or deny LransacLlons lmmedlaLely ls vlLal.
Cur cusLomers are uslng a real-Llme servlce so we
have Lo make qulck declslons as Lo wheLher
paymenLs are genulne or noL. We rely on
lraudCuard Lo auLomaLe Lhe declslon maklng as
far as posslble, whlle mlnlmlslng our exposure Lo
rlsk. lraudCuard's flexlblllLy ln assesslng rlsk helps
us Lo accepL more paymenLs and lmprove our
servlce Lo cusLomers.
Motle 8tloq, neoJ of 1toosoctloo 5etvlces, lkk
ayolnL.neL works closely wlLh us Lo ensure LhaL
all of our accounLs are handled wlLh compleLe
preclslon and care. We have been hlghly
lmpressed wlLh Lhelr accounL managemenL and
servlce levels. 1he Leam are always on hand Lo
offer new ouL-of-Lhe-box soluLlons coupled wlLh a
qulck Lurnaround and on-golng lnLegraLlon
Nlcbolos nlll, 8osloess uevelopmeot, vetyMottlx
ayolnL.neL's bespoke lraudCuard provldes us
wlLh a sophlsLlcaLed, auLomaLed fraud prevenLlon
Lool Lo ald us ln fraud prevenLlon. 1he lraudCuard
Lool ls exLremely lnLulLlve and has proved
lnvaluable ln our LransacLlon managemenL. A
recenL enhancemenL Lo our lraudCuard servlce
means LhaL we can now also use Lhe Lool on any
oLher non card LransacLlons LhaL are noL
processed vla ayolnL.neL."
uovlJ 1oots, neoJ of loymeots, 8etssoo
Contact us today to discuss
your requirements
0800 810 0138
ayolnL.neL 1 llnsbury Square, London LC2A 1AL
ayolnL.neL Lradlng as: ayolnL.neL LlmlLed (reglsLered no. 3339217) and MeLaCharge LlmlLed (reglsLered no. 3930372)

Cver 9 years' experlence ln gamlng

Secure & rellable deblL/credlL card processlng

Cl uSS level 1 accredlLaLlon (hlghesL posslble

securlLy sLandard)

SysLem rellablllLy - 99.99%upLlme wlLh full

dlsasLer recovery capablllLles

owerful anLl-fraud and rlsk managemenL Lools

8eal-Llme LransacLlon reporLlng wlLh lnLeracLlve

& cusLomlsable reporLs

AddlLlonal paymenL meLhods

24/7 relaLlonshlp managemenL & Lechnlcal

supporL experL help

Passle-free Lradlng & peace of mlnd

Why should you choose

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