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Name: Vlad Cabral



PRINT" Whoopee's canteen " PRINT" @@@@@@@@@@ San beda college alabang @@@@@@@@@@ "

PRINT" Menu for today " INPUT" Meal A=Menudo ";Menudo$ PRICE1=P50 INPUT" Meal B=Kaldereta ";Kaldereta$ PRICE2=P55 INPUT" Meal C=Karekare ";Karekare$ PRIC3E=P60 INPUT" Meal D=Adobongmanok ";Adobongmanok$ PRICE4=P65 totall=PRICE1+PRICE2+PRICE3+PRICE4 PRINT INPUT" Name of costumer: ";costumer$ INPUT" Enter Meal: ";MealA$ INPUT" How much is your money?: ";money$ INPUT" Your change is=30 ";Change$ PRINT" Thank you vlad "

FPT_3 Dim Names$(2) Dim ID(2) Dim MiniPT(2) Dim FPT(2) Dim ClassParticipation(2) Dim Assignment(2) Dim HandsonActivities(2)

DO Print Print "********** Menu ******************************" Print " Type P to populate the student information." Print " Type D to display the student information." Print " Type C to calculate the Grade." Print " Type E to exit." Print "***********************************************" Print Input answers$ Select Case upper$(answers$) Case "P" print " ID","Student's Name"," MiniPT","FPT","Class Paticipation","Assignment","Hands-on Activities" for position = 1 to 2 print "";position,Names$(position),,MiniPT(position),FPT(position),ClassParticipation(position),Assignment(position),HandsonA ctivities(position) next Print "" Print "Please enter ID :" Print "" Input position if position > 0 and position < 3 then ID(position) = position Print "Please enter student's name." Input Names$(position) Print "Please enter the MiniPT to be recorded for "; Names$(position) Input MiniPT(position) Print "Please enter the FPT to be recorded for "; Names$(position) Input FPT(position) Print "Please enter the ClassParticipation to be recorded for "; Names$(position) Input ClassParticipation(position) Print "Please enter the Assignment to be recorded for "; Names$(position) Input Assignment(position) Print "Please enter the HandsonActivities to be recorded for "; Names$(position) Input HandsonActivities(position)

end if Case "D"

Print "" Print "Please enter the ID of student." Print "" Input position if position > 0 and position < 3 then print " ID","Student's Name"," MiniPT","FPT","Class Paticipation","Assignment","Hands-on Activities" print "";position,Names$(position),,MiniPT(position),FPT(position),ClassParticipation(position),Assignment(position),HandsonA ctivities(position) end if Case "C" Print "" Print "Please enter the ID of student." Print "" Input position if position > 0 and position < 3 then Print "" Print "Student: "; Names$(position) Print "ID: "; ID(position) Print "MiniPT= "; MiniPT(position) Print "FPT= "; FPT(position) Print "ClassParticipation= "; ClassParticipation(position) Print "Assignment= "; Assignment(position) Print "HandsonActivities= "; HandsonActivities(position) Print "Final Grade: "; Grade$(position) end if Case "E" Print "Good bye." Case Else Print "" Print "Invalid selection. Please try again." Print "" End Select loop UNTIL answers$="E" End Function Grade$(position) SUM =(MiniPT(position) * 0.2 + FPT(position) * 0.3 + ClassParticipation(position) * 0.2 + Assignment(position) * .1 + HandsonActivities(position) * 0.2 ) select case case SUM>=99 :Grade$="INVALID GRADE" case SUM=75 :Grade$="STUDY MORE!" case SUM>=76 and SUM<99 :Grade$="VERY GOOD YOU MADE IT!" case SUM>=65 and SUM<74 :Grade$="NOT SO GOOD!" case SUM<65 :Grade$="IM SORRY YOU FAILED!" end select End function

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