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M ..
Constructors of Reliable Ready-to-Erect Homes
Sawmillers and Timber Merchants
Head Office, Mills, Factory and Stores :
Breakfast Creek Road
Mills also at MOORE nnd MT. RYRON
Address communications to Head Office
======== ===


-- --
--- ---

I I I . \ 1i1111111111111111111mm111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r.: I I I
E absolutely guarantee all m:i.t erials in
" B & B ewst ead Homes " to be just
er guarantee to furnish enough
materials with each home to erect the home in
accordance ns of t hat home
as described f we fail to fu lfil
I detail, yo" rn I
= =
the same in c

iii11111nmnn1111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iF.
[ J
In all Homes in the catalo e T ee Kennedy " and " The Burnett"
we have provided for exposed tlO ndahs) t o be doublc-i.e., boarded
on the outside and lined inside.
If buyers desirQ to further leSsen , the lining can be omitted, and
allowance will be de in price.

ll1I 111 I lll \l;;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r.; lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Steps machined and fitted before delivery.
Doors, joiner y, windows, fanlights, rench lights an
fret panels carefully packed. Floorings linings, walls an
ceiling timbers, together with e ll maul inas dressed fro1
seasoned timbers, supplied in bu
tities guaranteed.
Roofing Materials-Galvanisec , ridge ap-
ping, spouting, down pipes and fixings all comp
Ironmongery- Locks, hinges at sasli fascentnJ
etc., with all screws required, are inclu ed.
Nails of proper size for the entire ho . .,.e ... . _____ _
A Section of Pine Forest
waste pipe, and tap, and
Paint Materials- Paint of be olour the buyer may select,
sufficient for three coats on all exterior sary brushes.
As a further proof of the value we give it is important to note that we do not handle
cheap paints, there being no false economy in our policy. We guarantee that the paints
we supply are second to none. It is the 1 n uality you want, and in ours
you have it.
Stump Caps-Moulded caps to plain caps to inside stumps.
Anchor Bolts- Sufficient number to anchor frame to stumps.
Stumps and Battens under Homes in this Catalogue-
we desire to make quite clear the fact lude stumps or battens under
homes in any of our prices. The reason for is obvious. Stumps are generally
obtainable at or near the site, and in sequence it is to your advantage to
provide these. As the height of all homes m the round is not uniform, we cannot make
an exact estimate on this item. \\The a ens are required we quote separately on
application, and at bedrock prices.
The ilsn
One big advantage in HOME" is the
money you save in . rail freights. no waste to pay
freight on, and a special low n ready-cut homes.
Constructors of
"Houses Built in Half the Time."

I I I I 1111 lllll :;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr: I I I 111 .111111111
_\TIL quite recently the
a local contractor or b
our shoes made by
passed out of existence bee
The old way of building is so exr nsfre
is ra:t: idly passing out of cxis ence an g1vmg piace to the modern money
saving way of building-the "B & B" Newstead Way.
First let us consider the old method of employing the contractor, or builder
to build us a home. To start with we must buy our timber from the timber merchant,
and materials from all the other me ich the builder must have his profit.
Then t here arc freight charges to pay, s age expenses-piling up and taking down
and re-piling-and then when the er docs at last reach us it is not improved
by the knocking about it has rece e . 1 cn comes the waste of time, of labour and
of material, which must be considered. s must spend costly time- sawing and
cutting to right length and size-be 1c timber they waste by not endeavouring
to get the most out of every stick. this waste of Jabour, in tirn.c, and in material
will be charged up to the owner. Now get these old fashioned methods
of building and learn of the new w-- --
e home, we are experts, and know
engaged in the production of "B & B"
They are men who
made a study of it. vVe are
knowlc gc-and artistic knowledge- and
u and e cry prospective home buildcr- t:1e
knowledge that gives you that as you sit in your home of an
evening, secure in the thought that yours is a fit and substantial home-a proper
abode for your,Zgreatest treasure- your family.

1111 I I II! l:;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr. I I 1 111 !1111 I
minute detail is quality sacr !iced.
Homes is carefull y select ed and graded by expert . Our mills are in t he country as
well as in the city, and we own p extent, from which we r eceive many
thousands of feet daily. Think , " me o you. Our own timber , direct from
our own forests to our own mills is cut and then thoroughly seasoned. Only
matured timber is used in " B & You pay only one profit. You have no
cartage to be added to the pri is connected with our mills, and
we load all our materials into tru

without saying t hat modern
ry can do better work at less cost
and labour. All the timber for
" B & B " Newstead Homes is machined,
and cut to fit by the latest time and cost
.. ,achinery at our Newst ead mills,
a is marked and numbered to correspond
with t:1e specifications and pla ns . \Vhen all
i s read it goes to you- right in qua lity-
right in quantity- right in ever y particula r.
ming being all machine cut a nd
carefull y marked, specially skilled la bour
is not needed. You- yourself, or a n ordin-
can fit it together quite easily.
er the limits of our work. If you
style of home, our Architectural
We can
Prices for "Newstead" Homes are a ase upon "Selected " quality of timber
but we have a very good quality known as " Merchantable. " containing
slight defects, and by using this, a further considerable saving ma y b(! cf-f cctecl. Please
write us on this matter.

111 llllllll
JU8T imagine the waste of money in the usual building operations !
Carpenters a ncl otherr for t!: e timber , or for Rome
materia_l M"el p t o'.T ." ith some ot}rnr
excuse is macle. All this talt8 tbs bu de is pu.yrng for idle bbour . Now
not e the saving in erection the " B & B " Te"stead way. All t he mateTia1
for your comes at the one time- cvcr jthing r eacly t o start at oncC' .
E\ery part of the fra me carefully marked, and mouldings carefully tied
together. EYer y of w rdwar e, paint, ironmongery, etc.,
is there to work with. N"o \' you can sec here the savings come in. Ho,,
time, work a ncl worr.v are ien when the actual building is
commenced, ?OU sec the wisdom r iethods unfolded. You just unfold
our plans and directions w every home, ancl the erection can
proceed \Yithout a hitch, and in dou uick time your home stands before
ou now understand planning, measuring, sawing
and fitting at our ills, b the m st modern machinery, a gr eat
portion of the work s don before arrived on your ground.
Before you build you know
exactly what your home is
going to cost.
You are sure of an artis
home and a substantial home,
at a less price than you can
---ti-_...,_ ...
buy through any other source.
You can erect the home in
half or less than half the ti
usually taken by building the
old way, and you get all
labour, paint, hardware,
_ _....,..
timber and plans complete,
a cost much less than the ld
You pay but one profit, aJ.Y- -Mt;
get all the materials throu 1-
out the entire home for l """' s,,__..
than by any other way. A
we guarantee absolute sat s -
faction in even the
Felling a " Newstead" Giant Queensland
particular. Hoop Pine

ii I I i1111 I 111111 il
ll>i!!! lh>fill
The scientific planning, designing of the Homes, the Milling and Machining
of Timber, the Elimination of Waste and the ' B & B " organisation are
your safeguard.
R!!W1 m3i!!!fill @rril;:)
You need not confine 9 your home to the design&
in this book, for all " J ewstea es can be had with an:v changes you
desire, or we will supply plans aft r 1 ideas. We can save you an
endless amount of worry, a amount of money, and put you on a basis
equal to that of an expert superinte t. e place in hand Yaluable
information that will gfre yot er hand in the construction of your
building ; you " ill know ever. is going on, " hat mf.:. terial i
going to be use::I., where ii; is oing to be use , and the amount. There " ill
be no disj:mtes on acco:rnt of shortages. Y i "ill be ma tor of the situa-
tion from foundation to finish. on't build until yon l:r..Ye first
consulted us. Write to us fo are at :vour service!
We furnish material. for tl:.e construction of
buildings of every kind, an ltee to s ipply everything ,,e pecify
in sufficient quantities to in a first-class manner,
according to plans.

I I I I j 111 ' 111
.. '
E want to leave your mi Vl e haYe already
told how
profita. le the e .1 .;'.;o::d " roa::l-to- erect r la.n is for
home builders. :N" ow e are g ing t'.) prove 1: 0\1 pract ical it is. Just
look at the picture top of s an actual photograph of
" Barcoo " Newstead
Ho c, an:l " hich you will find
in a completed state
e lse,vhere in t\is book. Here
ou see the frame, just erected
he very bones and sine" of
house. It wa put up- not
a n experienced carpenter, but
by a man with practically no
building experience. That's the
of the " Newstead "
read-to-erect plan. Any man
" ith the ordinary amount of in-
strength , and energy,
by following our '' easy - to -
_:;-.. u-.... erstand " " orking plan which
is supplied wit h every home, can
d he same. You don't have

to be an experienced carpenter,
------+,_lause tr.e frame is cut, fitted,
an marked-justready-to-erect.
rs are all ready to hang, win-
,__ vs r eady to be fi tted.
mg is so arranged and marked
that its next door to imp0ssible
a mistake. If you want
"' il home, a sabst::-,ntial home,
vo can have it the " Newstead"
at a substa.ntial saving.
______ _.
Plans of Y crandah Railings which can be
.u1,plied with any of the Homes
pictured in this book. If you do not care for
those shown on the home you fancy, at a very
little extra cost we will supply any of these.
tate numher when writing.
" Build to Stay the
Newstead Way"

I 11111 I Ii I I ! Ill
Here ar:?; proofs of the soundness of the Newstead Ready-io-Erecl
Plan from people best qualified lo s,oeak, These letters tell an
interesting story of saiis/. lion and mone saved. All written
because customers were so pleased and saii ed, and 'D!ilh no other
purpose than to le l e
. Mr. R. T. JOLT. Y, The Summit,
ll!r. W. R. VOGEL, T<frcheim, writes :-
" ::\Iy house is finished a nd I am hirrhly the workman style t1'lereo, it
is a credit to Brown and Broad's
llfr. G. F . SJrIITH, Thistlebanll, via Aram'.l.c, writes :-
" \Ve are proud of our Home, and I must sa
in it good workmanship. If a t any time I ca1
that apart from a good hom:;) I
t an order in your way I will be only
too pleased to do so."
.lllr. V. PALAZZI, ",vforuva,"
during our dealings.
Mr. F. W. CHART.ES, Jlontvilte,
and looks very smart indeed.
dy-to-erect cottage for a ny firm
it is a cheap place."
"The house was finis:1ed satisfied wit:1 it. It is well put
up and no trouble has been spared to make it ic would call well finished."
Mr. PERCY H . ] ERRARD, Ballogie, via Wondai, writes:-
" The house was finished yesterday, an:l your men have made a very satisfactory
., ob of it, an:\ I am well plea5ed."

I :;'llll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllF. I
Unsolicited Letters Continued
.l!r. GIOVA:V.VJ COJIBA , Hawken' s Cree11, l-ucinda Poi nt, writes :-
" I have much pleasure in t e ing you t a t my 1L me is jus t completed and I a m highly-
pleased with it." J
I will always recommend
W. P . LOUGHLAN, Punch's Cree
"My ' Stanley ' House is j ust a bout erect ed and I must say tha t I a m well satisfied
with same. It is a ver y nice house and I a m well pleased with your firm. With r eference
to your carp:mters, they are ver y ompet ent men, and they under st and their work
from t he letter A to Z in the bu ding hey re very obliging, and no doubt that
class of man is a credit t o your customers to you for houses in t his.
Mr. C. T. P. GARDINER. "Oaklei h "Charlevitte
" Just to let you know I a m ith the house you sent and also t he-
two men, both of whom worked very eighbours who have seen the house-
express t heir warmest be able to do business with some-
of them in t he n ear fut ure. "
Ter ment:
Half cash material s are ready for
If we erect: Half upon completion
TI1e f g cultural Bank
money to Farm rs 1provement of property
arrangements are ttibcc:; m e for the payment of
Newstead Homes in this way.

f 11f f If f 11111111J1 f 111f 11111
:i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111F. I
N the past we have often been asked to quote a
second price So, for the information of those
interested, we are quoting in this New Price List
cost of Homes built entirely with selected timber,
also the cost if built with " merchantable '' timber.
Of course, whether you decide on " Selected" or
" Merchantable " quality the will be
just the same- the best to be had throughout;
the only difference being in the timber, which is not
quite the same good quality as selected.
But, as there is a difference, we are calling your
attention to it.
To Home Builders:with limited means, with whom
every penny counts, we have no hesitation whatever
in recommending " Merchantable " quality. And, in
doing so, we have in view our reputation for
building Better Homes. For, whether you build a
B & B " Newstead Home" of "Merchantable" or of
"Selected" quality timber, it will be a "Better Home "
-"Better Built "-:-and certainly cost. you much less
than if built in any -other way !

II I 51111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr: I f .
lst DECEMBER, 1918
Ready-to-Erect, Free on Rails, at our Works, Brisbane.
Newstead Homes
Selected Merchantable
Quality. Quality.
THE OXLEY ........................
Page 11 591 548
THE WINDSOR ........... .......
12 655 607
THE LOGAN ........................
13 582 540
14 461 426
THE ALBERT ............ ........ .
15 480 442
THE MARANO A ........ ........
16 456 424
THE ABERDEEN ... ............
18 I
554 516
THE BARCOO ..... ...... ..........
19 f
425 394
THE KILLARNEY .. . : ..........
20 I 438 403
THE CLEVELAND ..............
414 384
THE MORETON .. ................
22 271 257
23 760 704
THE STANLEY ... ........ .......
24 344 320
THE FASSIFERN ....... .........
25 390 363
26 357 330
ON OUR SELECTIOl\l .......
27 257 242
THE BURNETT .. ................
28 216 203
THE KENNEDY .. ................
29 177 165
'} "
30 181 170
34 129
34 1
.. 43
... ,
TE.- Owing to the unseJ.$1ed condition of the Market, the Prices set
out on this Sheet ar6 d&'ect to alteration without notice.

111 111 1111 I I I li11 I Ill 11111
HIS distinctive home will win favour with the most critical. It is
an architectural triumph- the crowning achievement of our expert
designers. It is not a picture house, but a practical home of rare
b eauty . Both good to look at and pleasant to live in.
Size, 46/t. x 39/t. SPECIFICATION
Floor Plan-The Oxley
46ft. x 39ft.
- ""-_ .... ... iT. - -- --- - ... 4-
v r o Ari DN-A

' I
' I
-__ l __ -_-_-_-_ -__ ... _ ...
LAl"1 0 l"C.
Framing- FITTED and numbered.
Plates and Bearers . . 5 x 3 H.W.
Joi:; t s . . . . . . . . 4 x 2
Studs . . 5 x 4, 3 x 3, and 3 x 2
Top Plates . . . . 3 x 3
\Vindow Sills . . . . 7 x 2
Verandah Plates .. 8 x 2
Door Sills .. 6 x lt
Verandah Posts . . . . x
Verandah Railings 3 x 3 and 3 x 2
Verandah Flooring . . . . 4 x 1
Verandah Balusters 2 x 1 and 4 x 1
Verandah 'op Plates, 6 x 2t D. Pine.
Ceiling joists and rafters, x 2 R. Pinc.
Roof Battens, 3 x 1 t R. Pine.
Flooring, 6! x 1 '!.'. & G. Pine.
Chamfer Boards, 6;\- x 1 P.C.R. Pine.
Partitions, 6 x T.G. and V. Jt,d. or
T.G.B. Pine. -
Linings and Ceilings, x i or 4! x g T.G.V
Jtd. or T.G.B. Pinc.
Door Studs, 3 x 3 D. Pine.
Studs, llft. Front door B.M. and half
glass (fancy), with fanlight, corner lights, and
side lights to match. Inside doors four panels.
Four light sashes, where shown on plan.
French lights with fanlights as shown on
plan. Ledge doors to verandah rooms. Fret
panels over inside doors. Ornamental arch
in Hall. Moulded partition rails to inside rooms. Sliding sashes and louvres where shown on
plan. Architraves to openings on verandah. Dressed hardwood partition rails under verandahs.
Scotias to ceilings. FilletR on fioor, and stops to all openings. Verandah brackets to posts. Two
sets steps fitted to a height of 6 feet. Complete materials for E.C., 5 x 4. Materials for 1,000
gallon galvanised iron tank an4 stand. . Stove recess and sheet of iron for floor . 26 gauge
galvanised iron and other pl umbmg materials for completion of roof. Moulded stump caps to
outside stumps, plain caps inside, with sufficient anchor bolts. Galvanised iron shades to
exposed windows. All hardware, locks, !1inges, knobs, and nails. All paints and brushes for
three coats exterior woodwork. Suffiment Red Danbolinc Paint for iron roof will be supplied
at a little extra cost. \ Vrite for quotations.
Best Bedroom
Verandah Room
Size of rooms over all-
21ft. Oin. x 13ft. Oin. Kitchen ..
13ft. Oin. x 13ft. Oin. Living Room
13ft. Oin. x 8ft. Oin. Hall
10ft . Oin. x 7ft. 6in. Sleeping Verandah
Verandahs 8ft. Oin. wide
11ft . 6in. x 10ft. Oin.
25ft. Oin. x 10ft . Oin.
4ft. 6in. wide
23ft . Oin. x 8ft. Oin

ii I I I I 1 I I
HIS home with its air
example of t he
being imposing it is a ...... o.r
for comfort, ut ility, and goo
to save time, a nd at the lea
Dining Room
Kitchen . .


D.ii . \\'.
Sft. Oin. x 5ft. 3in.
10ft. Oin. x Sft. Oin.
16ft. Oin. x 10ft. Oin.
4ft. Sin. wide
Sft. wide J

: 111 I 1111 ll :;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr: 11 I Iii
m the finest localit y . The-
Newstead architects Bungalow style as a
basis and embodied all ovements making it a home
St u , llit. 6in. French lights, corner
fanligl s, anJ sidelight to living room.
Frencl lights and fanlights to other rooms,
..._ ____ on plan. Inside doors, four panel s.
Four light sashes, where shown on Lodged rs to kitchen and bathroom. Fret
panels over inside doors. Moulden o inside rooms, Dressed H."'- partition
rails under verandahs. Skirting an cs to main rooms. Scotia s to all rooms, and
fillets to kitchen land bathroom. all openings. Verandah brackets to posts.
Two sets steps fitted to a height of plcte materials for E.C. , 5ft . x .Ut. .Materials
for 1 OOO gallon galvanised iron tank: . recess and sheet of iron for floor.
26 gauge galvanised iron, a :1d all other plumbi "!\ls for completion of roof. Moulded
stump caps to outside stumps, plai idc, with sufficient anchor bolts. Galvanised
iron shades to exposed windows. A I hardw re, locks, inl\"eS, knobs, and nails. All paints
and brushes for three coats to exterior 'l'oodwor . Sufficie t Red Danbolinc Paint for iron roof
will be supplied ot a little extaa cost. Vrite fo quotation .
Bedrooms ..
Living Room
Sizes of rooms over a l-
12ft. Oin. x t2ft. Oin. Kitchen
24ft. Oin. x 12ft. Oin. Bathroom
8ft. wide
11ft. Oin. x 11ft. Oin.
8ft. Oin. x 8ft. Oin.

J 11 II II I I ::illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllffi I I I I
F this home it can be truthfully said, " There's no place like it."
Possessing that quaint charm which makes country homes delightful,
the home illustrated on this page represents a perfect type of residence,
.and at the same time equally appropriate for any lot. The picture of this
house tells better than any written description of its architectural excellence,
.and its large living verandah is a big feature.
40/t. x 30/t.
Floor P lan the Mount Coot- th a- 40ft . x 30ft.
' !'.:kale

' ,ll

Framing FI'l''l'ED and numbered.
Plates and Bearers . . 5 x 3 rr.w .
Joists .. .. 4 x 2
Studs .. 3 x 3 and 3 x 2
Top Plates .. 3x3
Sills 7 x 2 and 7 x 3 x 2
Door Sills .. 6xlt
Porch Posts .. 5x5
Porch Flooring .. 4 x 1 D.H.\Y.
Ceilings Joi sts and Hafters, 4 x 2 Pine.
Hoof Battens, 3 x 1 Pine.
Flooring, 6! x 1 'l'. and G. Pinc.
\Vcathcr Boards, 7 x 1 x ! II.\V.
Partitions, 6! or 4! x 1 'l'.G. and V. Jtd. or
'l' .G.U. Pinc
Linings and Ceilings, 6! or 4! x i 'l'.G.V. Jtd.
or T.G.B.
Door Studs, 3 x_3_D. Pinc.
'' Studs, lOft. 6in. Porch, with French lights
and casement windows leading to sitting
room. Cottage casement windows to all
rooms. Fancy glass doors between sitting
room and living verandah. Panel doors to
all other rooms. )foulded partition rails.
Scotias to ceilings. Skirting to three main
rooms o ntside facias to all casement windows. Fillets on floor , and stops to all openings.
i::iuitablc step to front porch, and set of steps fitted for back, to a height of 6ft. Complete materials
for E.C. 5ft. x 4ft. Materials for 1,000 gallon gal vanised iron tank and stand. Stove r ecess
and shcdt of iron for floor. 26 gauge galvaniRed iron and all other pl umbing materials for completion
or roof. )fonlded stump caps_ to all outside stumps and plain caps for inside. with sufficient
anchor bolts. All hardware, lunges, l ocks, knobs, and nails. All paints and Lrushes for three
coats Lo exterior woodwork.
. Sitting Room
Sizes of Rooms over all-
14ft . Oin. x 13ft. 6in.
12ft. Oin. x 1tft. Oin.
14ft. Oin. x 10ft. 6in.
Living Veranda'.1
Pantry ..
16ft. 6in. x 26ft. Oin.
6ft. Oin. x 6ft . Oin .
8ft. Oin. x 6ft. Oin.

i I :illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr.: I I I
THE most striking impressi passing glance at this
Newstead Home is the p rfect and trim appearance. But
a further inspection any number of admirable
features, so perfectly arranged 1at w you o invest in this Home you
would say with us after occupyi1 g It's sur ly good to look at, but its
better to live in."
Size, 44-ft. 6in. x 38/t. 6in.
Floor Plan- The Albert
44ft. 6i n. x 38ft. 6in.
Plates and Verandah Rafters, 4 x 2
D. Pinc.
- - ___________ 4.; _(') ___ -- ---- -------...;
5 X 3 H . W .
Verandah Purlins, 3 x 2
D. Pinc.
"1 JJ.H. W.
Verandah Balusters, lin.
r ound D.II.\V.
Ycrandah Top Plates,
6 x 2} D. Pinc.
Ceiling Joist and Rafters
4 x 2 H. Pine.
Roof Battens, 3 x H H.
Fascias, 8 x 1 D. Pine.
Flooring, 6! x l T. and G.
Chamfer Boards, 6! x 1
P.C.R. Pine.
Partitions, 6! x 1 and
4! x 1 T.G. and V.
Jtd. or T.G.B. Pine.
Lining and Ceiling, 6! x i
or H x i T. G. andV. Jtd.
or T.G.B. Pinc.
Door Studs, 3 x 3D. Pine
s cs, where shown on plan. French
kitchen a nd bedroom on ver andah.
Dressed hardwood par
15ft . x 12ft. 6in. Living Room .. 14-ft. x 13ft. 6in,
. . 13ft . 6in, x 12ft. 6in . Kitchen 12ft. 6i n. x 10ft .
13ft. Gin. x 10ft . Front and Side Verandahs Sft. wide
10ft, x Sft. Back Verandah 10ft, wide
ERE is an excell-
ent home with
man\' admirers-
a home of which we
have sold hundrods-
and with 'great satis-
faction to t he purchas-
ers. It is a complete,
comfortable, fine-look-
A Beaittifttl Home Easily Ruilt
i ng family home. Nothing in
its pl anning has been o\er-
looked- nothing slighted . A
design unsurpassed in com-
fort, convenience, a nd room-
iness. Let us look over thi s
fine "'Newstead " home to-
gether. Note the verandahs
- wide - consequent!)' cool.
The sleepi ng verandah at side
is one of the special features
of this home. Note a lso the
three fine Hecl rooms - the
spacious Dining Room, con-
nected by an arch- the most
modern 11ay. How convenient
and compact this " Ne11stead .,
home is, you will say. But
don' t oveiIook the kitchen, ha ndy to the
Dining l{oom, with door opening on to the back
verandah so t hat it will catch the breeze a nd
always be cool. And a part from all these ad-
vantages at the price quoted it is wonderful
value. Why it is so is because we sell more
" llfaranoa's" than any other " Newstead "
home, and the more we sell the keener we
can make the cost.
Before you finally decide on vour home
have a second look at this one and.consider it
.... .--'""!.., ... very carefull y. It' s a really charming
home that would add charm to a ny
locality !
Price quoted is for iron roof,
unpainted ; suffici ent Reel Danbo-
line Paint for roof supplied at a
small extra cost. Write for quota-
Framing FITTED
and Numbered.
Stud.:;, I Lrt:. . IHn. .Front door JJ.J\L
and ln.8ide tour
Four whc1:c fihown on plan.
.French with faullglits as Fhown on
pin11. J door to en and e:mo.11
verandah toom. Lat.bee and do?r .ror
i-hlc vcran1lnh. l'rct panels over meHk
door,;;. .\reh brnclwt!i ,hall and '?r.m
mcnt.ul ntch bct.wcc1_1 .... uud <11111111.;
room .... )louldc<l purt1tt0n ralls. to in.,.i<lc
roo111-;. Dre:;,e1l. portitio.n. ra1IB 1!.ntl<'r
vcrundnh1:1. to l' 1Jlct<.i
on floor nntl '-tOJl B .. o all opC'nilli:t'"' \"trn111lnh brurkd'i uud
Jlorch. to a hl'ir.cht or 1;rt. Co1111>ktc
rnnt.crinla for ,"ifl. x lft.
Floor Plan- The Maranoa. 36 x 40ft.

iron ror 11oor.
irou. urnl all other
for romphtio11 or
roof. :\IouMcd
htump ... , 11laiu cupii
in-..idc, ".-ltll sutti-
cicnt. anchor holts.
fOl' CXJIO:;Cd
window.:i, All hard-
Wl\r<', lockFt, hingeR,
k11oh"1, nnd naJJs .
Al l paint!. and
brush cl)
!or three
coats to
wood -
Two bedrooms
Sitting Room
Dining Room
12ft. Oin. x 12h. Oin. Bedroom on Verandah ltlt . o;n. x Sit. Orn.
t2ft. Oin. x tort . Oin
41t. wide
12ft.. Oin. x t2ft.. Oin. Kitchen
16ft. Oin. x 12ft. . Oin. Hall 11

I ! 11 I 1111111 111111
Size, 45/t. x 40/t.
Floor Space- The Aberdeen
Size, 45ft , x 40ft, Kitchen, 16ft, x 12
FITTED and numbored.
x 3 u .w.
x 2
x J
Verandah Bal ust ers, lin
rom1d D.H.W.
r---16 -0- --
J__ - - 'i;, 1
I -
"' --
3 x 3 and 3 x 2
Top Plates . . 3 x 3
Vorandah Top Plates,
6 x 2t D. Pine.
Ceiling Joist and Rafters,
J x 2 R. Pine.
Hoof Batt,cns, 3 x 1 t R.
Flooring, 6! x 1 T. and G.
Chamfor Boards, 6t x 1
P.C.H. Pine.
x J Partitions 6! x 1 or
J ! x 1 'l'.G. and V. Jtd.
or T.G.B. Pine.
Linings and Ceilings,
x i or Ji} x i T.G.V.
Jtd. or T.G.B. Pine.
Door Studs, 3 x 3 D.P.
Front door aud fauJight .
m J,cdge doors to kitchon.
where shown on plan. French
_,._ .. 1;;, '"1;.;: 1;ts with llights, shown on plan. Arch in
-c ,- - - panels over inside doors. l\Iouldod par-
rails 4 x ll to inside rooms. Dressed bard-
partitiou rails tmder >erandahs. 8eotias to
1gs. .l!'illets on floor, and stops to all openings.
__ .... ___ oollol_kets to posts. Two sots steps fitted
6ft. Complete materials for E.C,.
erials for 1,000 gallon galvanised tank
and ata.nd. :::>tovc recoss and o 6 gauge galvanised iron and all other
plumbl.nk materials for the completion l\Ioulded mup caps to outside stumps, plain
caps inside, with sufficient anchor b anised ir u shades to exposed windows. All
hardware, looks, hinges, knobs, and n brushes for three coats to exterior
Bedr oom
Living Room
Kitohen .
Sizes of r ooms over a ll-
12ft. 6!n. x 12ft. Oin. Pantry .
16ft . 6m. x 12ft. Oin. Hall ..
12ft. Oin. x 12ft. Oin. Veranda hs
12ft. Oin. x 4ft. Oin.
4f t . wide
8ft. wide

l I Ill llll1 l ll :;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr. I I I
O matter how large or how small a home you desire, you can save much
money by placing yourself in our hands. For instance, the price of this
elegant home conclusively dem::m3trates the economy of constructing
a " B & B " l'\ewstead home. 'fhe "Barcoo" is as strong and beau tiful
as modern arc:'litectural skill can devise with the simple lines and restrained
good taste that characterises the best in modern building ideas.
Size, 34/t. x 44/t.
IFloor Plan- The Barco:>. Size, 34 x 44ft. FIT'l'ED and number ed.
and Verandah Baluster s, lin.
Hearers 5 x 3 n.w. rouud H.,V .

.Toi-<ts . . l x 2 Vera ndah 'l'op Plates,
Br.uds 5 x I. :1 x 3 6 x 2} dressed Pine.
an<l 3 x 2 Ceiling Joists and Rafters
Top Pintos . . x :1 'l x 2 Pine.
Wi ndow :'Jills 7 x 2 RooC B:J1t,tens 3 x H Pine.
I i
Dour :-iill<; . . Ii x 1 } Fac.ia.Q, 8 x 1 Pine.-
Verandah .l<'aeia5 8 x l! Flooring 6;\- x 1 T. and G.
l x 4 Pine.

Hniling<; 3 x 3 Chamfer Boards, 6! x 1
and :1 x 2 P.C.R Pinc. -
Floorin;,: Part itions 6! x 1 or -I } x 1
l x 1 dressed 'l'. G. and V. Jtd. or
Rafters 'l'.G.B. Pinc.
. 4 x 2 D. Pinc Lining and Ceiling, 6} or
Pttrhn8 4;\- x i 'l'.G.V. Jtd. or
x :l 'l'.G.B. Pine.
Door Studs, 3 x 3 dressed
Studs, 11 rt. Gin. Front door bolcction moulded,
with fanlight. Inside doors, four panels, with fret
panels over. Back door, four panels, wit.h fanlight.
Kitchen door, lodged. French lights to dining room.
Windows. four lights. Moulded partition rails .
/ Scotias to all ceilings, stops to all openings and
fill ets on floor. Fancy arch in hall, and l.tetween
': "- I dining and sitting room. Bracketq for verandah
vtoANDA.. I posts. Two sets steps fitted to a height of 6ft.
"'-. 8tovc recess and sheet of iron for floor. 26 gauge
. J. galvanised iron, and all ot1101 plumbing materials
- for completion of roof. Shades to e:J\.-posed windows.
111ouldcd caps to outsi<le stumps, plain caps inside.
Complete materials for E .C., 5ft. x Mt. 111aterials
for 1,000 gallon galvanised iron tank and stand.
Sufficient anchor bolts, and all paints and brushes
is for iron roof, unpainted, Sufficient
cost. ' Vrite for quotation.
for three coats to exterior woodwork. Price quoted
Red Danboline Paint for roof supplied at small extra
Sitting Rooms . .
Dining Room . .
12ft, x 11ft, Sin,
12ft. x 11ft, 3in,
14ft, 9in, x 12ft,
Hall .
12ft, x . 11ft, Sin,
Sft, 6in, wide
8ft, wide

111 I I 11 !il111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr. I I I
AXY distinctiYe and stn un
pictured on this p
quality of the
designs. Rare distinction
the horn
pressions in the "Killarne ." nd of home of which one would
never tire, because its char in rue proportions give it artistic-
qualities that will recommend it to the lover of a bea utiful home. A
h ome of this type would be a source of lifelong pleasure, and can be er ect ed
with a limited outlay. ION .
Size 36/t. x 30/t.
Framing FITTJ.; v <T!TtrlTI1mbcrccl.
sheet of iron
12ft . Oin. x 12ft. Oin.
13ft. Oin. x 11ft. Oin.
11ft. Oin. x 9ft. 6in.
Verandah . .
o r
6 x 1}
8 x :l
fix ;3
x :3
Sitting Room
Living Room
Kitchen ..
7ft. wide
Ceil ing Joists and Rafters
4 x 2 Pine.
Hoof ilattcns, 3 x 1 t Piue-
Bargc Boards, 8 x 1 Pine-
F looring, 6t x 1 'l'. and G.
\\'eathc1 Boar ds 7 x 1 x ii:
P art itious, Gt or H x :t
T.G.Y. Jtd. or 'l'. G.B. P .
Ceili ng ancl Linings, 61 or-
H x g. T.G.V. Jtd. or
or 'l' .G.B. P ine
Door Studs, 3 x 3 D. Pine
14ft. 6in. x 10ft. 6in.
16ft. Oin. x 11ft. Oin.
10ft . 6in. x 10ft. 6in.

111111111 111 1! :;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffi l I 11111111111 II
T the first glance ) ' OU
fine home, then as y
will wonder how we
with the substantiality of this
do-because our method of production makes it possible for us to eliminate
all unnecessary expense.
Size, 26/t. x 40/t.
Framin<; FITT I: D
Plates and Bearers 4 x n.w.
Joists .. 4 x 2
Studs .. 3 x 3 and 3 x 2
Top Plates . . 3 x :i
Window Sills 7 x 2
Door Sills G x l!i
Verandah Fae!as .. S x 2
Verandah Posts .. 4 x !
Verandah Railings, 3 x
and 3 x 2
Verandah Floorin,. 4 x 1 D.11.w.

and numucrcd.
Verandah Dalustcrs, 1 inch
round D. ll.\\' .
Top Plates, (ix 2!
Front door, 111"""'"'"'"''""......,"'"'ll"'-.
Sittins Rootn
DininJi Room
12ft. x
over all-
Floor Plan- The Cleveland.
26 x 40ft.
. . 1 tft. x 1 Ut. 6in'
.. 5ft. x 4ft. 6in.
.. 6ft. 6in. x 5ft.

:;i11111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr: I I I I .
E fancy \ \'e hear you say, after looking at this picture, and learning
the price---=- " It is too good to be true." This is only another example
of what is possible by the "B & B " Newstead plan. Just imagine
1yhat it would cost to build this home in the ordinary way ! The "Moreton"
is a beautiful, comfortable, convenient, well -though t -out home that will
give absolute satisfaction for a surprisingly small out lay.
Size, 24/t. x 29/t.
Floor Space- The Moret on.
Size, 24 x 29ft.

, ,
0 /
J:)t:D RM
" //
_J_ __ _ ,,....
Framing FITTED and numbered.
Plates and Bearers 4 x 3 rr.w.
Joists . . . . 4 x 2
Studs .. 3 x 3 and 3 x 2
Top Plates . . 3 x 2
Window Sills 7 x 2
Door Sills 6 x l ! ,,
Veran_dah Facias .. 8 x 2
Verandah Posts . . 4 x 4
Verandah Railing 3 x 3
and 3 x 2
Verandah Flooring 4 x 1 D.rr.w.
Verandab Balusters, 1 inch
round R .\V.
Verandah Top Plates, 6 x 2
Coiling Joists and Rafters,
4 x 2 Pine.
Roof Battens, 3 x 1 t Pine.
Facias, x 1 Pine.
Floorings. 6! x 1 T.G. Pine.
Boards G} x 1 P.C.
Partitions, 6! or 4! x 1 T.G.
V. Jtd. or T.G. B. Pine.
Lining and Ceilings, 6t or
4! x i T.G.V. Jtd. or T.G.
B. Pine.
Door Studs, 3 x 3 D. Pine.
Studs, llft. Doors, four panels. Back door !edged.
Sashes, four lights, or casements, as de ired. Fanlight over
fron t door. panels to iJLqide doors. Hin. scoUa to cei!ings.
4 x 1 tin. moul ded partition rails. Fillets 011-floors and stops t o all
opemngs. Verandah brackets. Two set s steps fitted to a height
of 6ft. Complete materials for E.C. , 5 x 4ft. l\IateriaJs for
1,000 gallon _galvanised iron tank and stand. Stove r ecess
and sheet of .iron for floor. 26 gauge galvanised iron and all
other plumbmg for completion of roof. Moulded
stump caps to all outside stumps and plain caps for inside, wit h
sufficient anchor bolts. Shades to exposed windows and baoJ;:
do?r. AU hardware, hinges, locks, knobs, and nails. All
pamts 11:nd brl!slres for throe coat s t o exterior woodwork. Price
qu?ted is .for iron r oof, unpainted. Sufficient Red Danboline
Pamt f_or iron r oof supplied at a small extra cost. write for
quotation. Sufficient Red Danbol ine Pain tror iron roof will
b e supplied at a little extra cost,
Sizes of rooms over all-
Living Room
1 tft. Oin. x 11ft. Oin. Kitchen
13ft. Oin. x 1 tft. Oin.
7ft, wid9
13ft. Oin. x 11ft. Oin. Verandah

11111 I I I I l;;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r.: lllll 111 I II .

HOUGH the k eynote of this beautiful home is simplicity, it has a certain
refinement of line and attractiveness that make a marked impression
on all who behold it. The '' Carpentaria" is of a t ype which will
fit in well with any surroundings, and is particularly suitable for a Station
Homestead. The wide verandah on three sides makes it tvpically Australian.
49/t. x 56/t. SPECIFICATION
Floor Pla:i.-T:n Carpe:i.tarb., 49ft . x 56ft.
Qcol 1
__ _..J

Framing FITTED anil numbered.
Plates and Bearers .. 5 x 3 II.\\".
\' crandah Plates .. s x :l
:1oist.< . . . . . . 4 x 2
St ud,; . . 5 x 4, 3 x 3, and 3 x 2
'l'op Pl ates .. ;{ x ;{
Window :-;u1s . . . . 7 x 2
Door :-:u1s . . . . (ix 1;\-
Ycrandalt Posts .. 4 x 4
Verandah C\cwcls . . . . 4 x 4
Verandah Railing 3 x 3 and 3 x 2 ,,
Verandah Flooring . . . . 4 x 1 D.II. \\ .
Veranda h Balusters, I t inch II.\V. lrountl).
Veranilah Top Plates, G x 3 D. Pinc.
Verandah Rafters and Purlins, 5 x 3 ,i ud 4 x 2
D. Pine.
Ccilin':( Joists and Rafters, 4 x 2 Pinc.
Roof Battens, ;{ x 11 Pinc.
Floorings, G& x 1 T. anrl G: P irie.
Partitions a nd Outside Wa ll s, or x 1
T.G. V. Jtd. or T.G. 13. Pine.
Ccilimrs, 6t or H x i T .G.V. Jtd. or T.G.B. P .
Door :-;tuds, 3 x a D. Pinc.
S:tuds, 11 ft. Gin. Front door, B.l\L and
coloured fanlight. Inside doors, four
panels. Four li ght Rashes where s hown on
pl a n. French li ghts wi t h Fo nJight. s, as s hown
on . Lcdgcd doors to l<itchen . and small
verandah room. Fret panel over inside
door.o;. Arch brae kPt in hall. :\fouldcd p ar -
ti ion railo to ins ide rooms. Dressed ha rd
wool partition rails under verandahs. Scotias
to ccilin':(s. Skirtilw:s to ftrnll, a nd principal
rooms. a nd architraves to all French
and front door openings. FiilctR on floorR, and
stops to all openings. Verandah brackets and
Porch as ohown. One double set of steps, and landing to front verandah, and one single set
of step, to back, fitted to a height of 6 feet. CompletP materia ls for E.C' . . 5ft.!x I rt. Materials for
1,000 gall on 1rn lvll 11iscd tank and :-;tovc recefis sheet of iron for f1oor. 26 gauge
galnrniscd ;ron, and all other plnmbrng materials for con1plehon of roof. :\lonlded stump caps for
outs ide st umps a nd plain caps ins ide, with s uffi clent anchor bolts. Shades to exposed windows. All
hardware, loC' ks, hinges, knob , and naHR. All paints and brush<>s for three C'oatR to exterio1
Sizes of rooms over all -
Four Bedrooms . . 14rt. Oin. x 12ft. Oin. Living Room
One Bedroom 12ft. Oin. x tOft. Oin. Kitchen . .
Sittin&" Room 14ft. Oin. x 14ft. Oin. Pantry ..
Front and Side Verandahs Sft. wide Back Verandah ..
19ft. Oin. x 14ft. Oin.
14ft. Oin. x 12ft. Oin.
7ft. Oin. x 5ft. Oin.
tOft. wide

111111 I 1 II I
so easv.
any location: and is
Size, 26/t.
Framing FITTED and numbered.
Plates and Bear ers 4 x 3 n. w .
.Joists . . 4 x 2
Studs .. 3 x 3 and 3 x 2
Top Plates . 3 x 3
Window E' ills 7 x 2
Door Sill s 6 x 1! ,,
V er andah Faeias . . 8 x 2
Verandah Posts . . 4 x 4
Verandah Hailings x 3
and 3 x 2
Verandah Flooring 4 x l n.11. w.
Sizes of roo::ns over all-
.. 12ft. Oin. x ttft. 3in. Living Rocm
now. The N e\L teacl
suitable for
Fl oor Plan- The Stanley; -
Size, 26 x 40ft.
/ ..
/ H
. . 12ft. Oin x 1 tft 3in. Hall
Verandahs Sft
14ft. 9in x 12ft Oin .
3ft Sin wide

. I I I 11111 I !;;i111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;;i I I 111111111111 I
HE late Elbert Hubbard cl
to change our clothes to go
ance and soothing comfort
best sense of the word, not just
delighted to " st ay at home" if
is this so of the "Fassifern.'' It is
.... ....... .........
.a. home that anyone ma:v well be prou
Size, 28/t. x 42/t.
Floor Plan- The
Size 28ft. x 42ft.
1 I


and numbcreJ.
PlaLcs and
.Joi ts
.. 5 X 3 11.W.
Verandah Balusters, 2 x 1 D.
u. w.
V crandah Top Plates, (i x 2}
Dressed Pinc.
Ceil ing Joist s and Haftcrs, J x 2
Hoof Battens. :l x 1} l'ine.
Facias, 1\ x 1 Pinc.
Flooring 6;! x l T. and G. Pinc.,
Chamfer Board>'. CH x 1 P.C.H.
Partitions. (i} x 1 or 4 J x 1
T.G.V. Jtd. or T.G.B. Pino
Linings and Ceilings. 6 J x .g or
4}x. T.G. Y . .ltd. orT.G.13. P .
Door Studs. 3 x 3 D. Pinc.
"ith large fancy glass panel
'our pane oors i:lSide. Kitchen door ledged.
t....1'!"1"1..-ollWLck . .\ rch in hall. FreL panels oYcr
l h'.\'ht to front Yerandah rooms. and
other rooms. 4 x 1 ! partition rails. .\rchi-
or entrance. :-;cotia to all ceilingR. Fillets
T1Yo sets steps fitted to a
rac c s on Yerandah an 1 fancy arch
rcce s and sheet of iron for floor.
all other plumbing- materials for
caps to outsiie stumps, plain
for 1.000 gallon P:al\anised iron
,.._..,. _____ _. and brnshc for t!irec coats to
Sizes of r:ions over all-
Bedrooms ..
Living Room
12ft. Oin. x t21t. Oin. Kitchen
12ft. Oin. x 10ft . Oin.
t6ft. Oin. x 12ft. Oin. Front Verandah
Sft. wida
Back Verandah 10ft. wide
() -

;;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr:I I I 111 I
E take considerable pride in presenting to our prospective customers
the '' Stanthorpe." We are certain that no one could want more
in a home at anything like the price. I sn' t it a beauty ? Don' t you
feel a desire to own it ? The" Stanthorpe" is a home that you can point
to with all the pride of ownership. You will find, on l ooking at t he floor
plan, that the" Stanthorpe" has been laid out generously in regard
to room. The home throughout is solid and substantial , " ith an air of
distinctiveness about it.
Size, 31/t. x 30/t.
Floor Space- The Stanthorpe.
Size, 31ft. x 30ft.
_!.I 0
Framing FITTED and numbered.
Plates and Ceiling Joists and Rafters,
Bearers .. 5 x 3 n . w. 4 x 2 Pine.
Joists . . . . 4 x 2 Roof Battens, 3 x H Pinc.
Studs 3 x 3 and 3 x 2 Barge Boards, 8 x 1 Pinc.
Top Plates .. :l x 3 Flioring, x 1 T. and G.
Window Sills .. 7 x 2 Boards, 1 x i x t
Verandah Posts 8 x 3 H.\Y.
,, Top Plates .. 6 x 3 Partitions, 6} or 4t x 1
4 3
T.G. V. Jtd. or 'l'.G.B. P.
,, ms .. x C
eilings and Linings. 6b or
an 3 x ;3 H x j T.G.V. Jtd." or
,, :Flooring- .. 4 x 1 D.11.w.' T.G . .13. Pine
Door :-l111s .. 6 x l} rr.w. Door i:ituds, 3 x 3 D. Pinc.
:-ltnds, lOft. 6in. Front door framed and sheeted with
fancy glass panel. Fanli ght and dimini shed
Back door , lodged. Glass door in hall. Other internal
doors, four panel s , wiLh frcL panels over. Cottage
casements a nd slrndc as shown. Louvre panel in front
gable. partition rails. Rcotias to all ceilings.
Fillets on floor, a nd stops to a ll openings. Dressed
shelves for pantry. i:iuitable Rtcps fitted for front and
back. ::;tovc recess a nd sheet of iron for floor. Materials
for 1,000 gallon tank and stand. Complete materials
for E.C .. 5ft. x 4ft. 26 gauge gal vani eel iron anu all
. other plumbing materials for completion of roof.
l\Iouldcd stump caps for all 011ts1dc stumps ancl plain caps for inside, with sufficient anchor
bolts. All hardware, locks . and nails. ,\Jl paints a nd brushes for three coats to ext erior
woodwork. HL1adcs to wmdows. Price quoted iR for iron roof unpainted, sufficient Red
Danbolinc paint for roo[ supplied at a small extra cost. \\' rite for
Two Bedrooms . .
One Bedroom ..
Sizes of rooms over all-
13ft. Oin. x 11ft. Oin.
11ft. Oin. x 10ft. Sin.
Verandah . .
Livi ng Room
Kit chen . .
Sft. wide
11ft. Oin. x 10ft. Oi n.
11ft. Oin. x 10ft. Sin.

111 111111111111111 11 :il111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111fflll/i 1111 11111 I
HIS illustration shows a ho y shilling invested has been
ex1Jended for substantial c uld not compass within four
walls more actual conven eve that this represents for
the money as much real value as any design in our catalogue. At the same
time it is neat., homelike and substantial looking.

Size, 24/t. x 28/t.
Floor Plan- " On Our Selection."
24ft. x 28ft.

,._ 0
, .__ _ __..,

"', .
Framing FITTED and
Plates and Bearers 4 x 3 H.W Verandah Balusters, 1 inch
round H.w.
Joists Verandah Top Plates, 6 x 2
Ceiling Joists and
J x 2 Pine.
lloof Battens, 3 x H Pinc.
Facias, 8 x 1 Pinc. -
Flooring, 6! x 1 T. and G.
Chamfer Boa.rds 6* x 1 P.C.
R. Pine. -
Partitions, 6! or H x 1 T.
G.V. Jtd. or T.G.B. Pinc.
Linings and Gt or
H x i T.G.V. Jtd. or T.
.11.w. G.B. Pine.
Door Studs, 3 x 3 D. Pine.
iis, llft Fi:ont doo , four panels, others !edged. Sashes,
hts. 1' anlight ov front door, and fret panels over

t to ceilings. 4 x 1 cHn. moulded par-
. . c .s o . r and stops to all openings. Two
t flttcd . eight of 6ft. Complete materials for E.U.,
for 1,000 gallon tank and stand. Stove
of iron for floor. 26 gauge gal>aniscd iron
lumbing materials for completion of roof'.
outside stumps and plain caps for
. bolts. Shades to exposed
Sizes of room over all
cks, hinges, knobs and nails. All
e coats to exterior woodwork.
12ft. x tort. 6in. and 10ft. x 9ft. Living Room
13ft. 6in. x 9ft.
7ft. wide,
Hft, :ii: 9ft. Verandah
I I I I I\ 1111111'11111111' '1\\11\11111111
111111111\ 111111111111\\I

E present this N ewstea
value it gives you.
justifiable pride for the \YOnderful
Wtrr1te-1')lo;::J;IImis on larger, more complicated
re aLle to effect. a
designs clearly show ig savi
proportionate saving on suchL_ a _c_o__..__ __ __,-
Size, 27 ft. x 24/t.
Floor Plan-The Burnett
Size, 27ft. x 24ft.
--- 24

Framing FITTED and numbered.
Verandah Top Plates, 6 x 2 D.
u. w. Pino.
Coiling Joists and I afters, 4 x 2
R. Pino .
..c.----'iW'.....,. ........ -.o: "- Roof Battens, 3 x 1} R. Pine.
Fascias, S x 1 D. Pine.
Flooring, 6} x 1 T. and G. Pine.
cs S x 2 ,, Chamfer Boards, 6} x 1 P.C-R .
.. 6 x l}D.u.w. Pino .
. 4 x 1 Partitions, 6} x 1or4} x 1 T.G.
and V. Jtd. or T.G.B. Pino.
Ceilings, 6} x i or!! x i T.G.V.
Jtd. or T.G.B. Pine.
Door Studs, 3 x 3 D. Pino.
Sootias to
Living Room
t2ft. Oin. x
10ft. Oin. x Sft. Oin.
12ft. Oin. x. t21t. Oin.
Baok Verandah
Vuandah 7ft. wide
Sft. wide

II 1111 :illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr.: I I 111111
HIS practical design and onveni nt horn will appeal to the man of
moderate means who is a s own home. It is planned
so that it can at any time be added to, and it is priced particularly low so
as to meet his pocket.
Size, 24-ft. x 19/t.
Floor Space- The Kennedy.
24ft. x 19ft.
I /
N n;
I 'o
' '
t i
"'I I
, . I
I o <
I <1
li! ?
3 x 3
-------"Ii. 3 x 2
and numbered.
Roof Battens, 3 x 1 t R.
Fascias, S x 1 D. P inc.
Floori ng, G;t x 1 T . and G.
P inc.
Chamfer Boards, 6,t x 1
P.C.R. P inc.
Dodr Studs 3 x 3 D. P ine.
. in. Ledge door s. Sashes four lights.
eeilings. 4 x 1 !t moulded partit ion rails .
floor a nrl st ops to all openings. Two sets
st eps, fit ted for a heigh t of 6ft . E.C. 5ft. x Jft. Materials for
1,000 gallon t ank a nd stand. Stove

for floor. 26 gauge galvanized

iron and all other plumbing materi s for ompletiou of r oof. l\Ioulded stump caps
u 11
for all stumps a nd plain ca11s in r bolts, galvanized iron shades to
exposed windows. All hardware, l ocks nails. All paints and brushes for
three coats to ext eri or woodwork.
Sizes of rooms over all- Each 12ft, x 12ft, ; Verandah, 7ft,

I I I I illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii 111111 111111 I I
HI S Newstead store was design d common-sense demand
for a business premise. that vould c ver t he requirements of the
small country or suburban storekeeper without being prohibitive
in cost . The small price which includes al timber , glass, hardware, roofing,
etc., will come as a big surp se.
Size, 20/t. x 15/t.
Floor Plan- 20ft. x 15ft.

FITTED and numbered.
Ceiling Joists and Rafters, 4 x 2
R. Pinc.
Roof Battens, :l x 1 H. Pine.
Flooring, x 1 T. all(l 0 . Pine.
Cl1amfcr ll} x 1 P. C. R.
Partitions, G! x 1orHx1 T.G,
and V. Jtd. or T.G.B. Pinc.
Ceilings, 6l x i or H x l T.G.
and V. Jtd. or T.G.B. Pinc.
glass. Other doors !edged
co1 ulded stump caps to outside stumps,
plain caps inside, with sufficient anchor bolts. Galvanised
iron shades to exposed windows. All hardware, locks, hinges,
knobs, and nails. All paints and brushes for.:t11rce_:coats to
exterior woodwork.

I I I \:;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr: .I I I I I 111
EH.E"S a handsou1e garag at a :; irpn::;m ly lo\\ cost. Large enough
to hold t " o full-sized touring cars It will enhance
and fit in admirably with the smroundings of the best of home:;.
J,t the price quoted all timLer, n aint, and paint brushes are
::;upplie:l- inclutling Reel D:mbo ine p t for r )Of. A::; this class of garage
has usually a concrete floor no ed in this quotation.
Size (as a b ove) 20 feet x 19 feet. Studs 9 feet.
Frame FITTED and NU:'.IIBEFt8D; wind in one wall. All timber of selected
quality. Galvanised iron r oof, hardwsre paints to complete t l1e
This is a suggestion for lower pr ed
garage, end is very easily erected .
the on0 above, the frame Is fitted and
marked, and all materials arc provi 'l ,
including sufricient paint fur throi> co is,
with brushes. ln this Ci<HC the tin )Cl'
i11 of "i\Icrchantahle ., quality, ha\'Jng
slight defects but not impairing its
value for constnLCtional purposes. \\-hen
painted it will look a.s well as if of first
quality timber .
The "Newstead " Garage

OU have looked through . , OU ha.YO Seen \\ith your O\\n
eyes the beautiful comforta io1 es pictured. You have read
how easy it is to own them under t _1 actical N 'vay. And
you must have been struck by ilTOT -. possibilitie8 when you saw
their small cost! But did you thi ik it possible to arry out on such a large scale
as the ' ' Station Homestead ' as )icturcd o the o-:;hcr side of this page ?
Of course you didn' t. You never c rcamt su a thing possible. Now you
know it is. We prove it her e. But J ll11!.6ine the saving to be effected
- what a lump sum oi money t be sa. e:l on a, Station Homestead such as
1is. On the smallest house in ve a purse full of sovereigns.
We've a.lready proved that! b like this think of the big
sum oi money r ---
you will leave in i ; '
your pocket - ! :
bigger tha11 you
1 1
ever dared hope.
For this Station
Homestead we
s n pp l y every-
thing needed ;
all material to
build the home-
stead, the
garage, the beef-
house, the men's
tL uarters, t h e
bath house.
Everything from
stump caps to
the last coat of
paint we supply.
All frame work is cut, numberc
are ready to hang, windows
c.i.rpenter to quickly erect it a
thing is supplied in apple pie or
is well seasoned and properly
lca ves the forest in our own
This Station Homestead m
for full particulars, prices, etc. ___ __..__ __ _.
Br wn &

I 1 I 1 I I 11111 I ' :;i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr. 11111
You arc now convinced C::tt t J build a home y any other me thoJ tha n
" lJ & B " :'\E\\' STEAD way is We have expla incJ to you
exactl y how it is possible for us to save you many hard-earned pounds.
The r-!st lies entirdy wit: : you. \Vhet her o:.i wi ll money on t he old met hod
and probably not be satisfi ed wit!1 t : complet ed job, r buy your home from us and
get satisfaction plus a big saving. sho Id not t a ke you 1 ng t o decide. Your own good
juclgmcnt will sa y " The ' B & B ' N peals t o me i n ever y way, a nd
to lose sight of the advantages it offers would lr
It may be that you are not you prefer, or proba bly some
ot!:er member oi your family likes one h other . \Vhy not compromise ?
All you need do is t o send us a rough gr und pla he size of the rooms you require,
and a ny arra ngement you care to su gest, th igners will immediately set t o
work and evolve a design t o your exact reqmrements.
Don' t forget tha t the more than the timber, and
t hat we save you a big proportion of the labour cost , because " B & B" NE \VSTE.\ D
HOMES come to you r eady-to-erect . Don't forget that you yourself can erect a
NEWSTEAD HOME before t:1e best nd erect the frame of a home
in the ordinary way. Don' t forget & B " EWSTEAD HOl\IES are
real homes-not houses- the kind of ho women love for the conveniences-that men
love for the comforts- that everyone ty and r efinement .
You will talk about NEWSTEA . nnd probably find them
policy is said in self interest .
f all their argument , p ut them
ons . We will not leave a stone
only way t o build to-day is t o
treet, Brlsb&ne
- .. . ..

.. ,., ....
.. .... ';, ..
- . .:._: .... _ . ... .. ... .

Wholly Set up and frinted in Australia by H. J. Diddams & Co.,
George Street, Brisbane

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