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Bean Soup Boosts HGH and IGF-1 Levels

Growth Hormone Soup is a releaser that boosts HGH levels and provides a saf e and natural alternative to boosting Human Growth Hormone. Researchers stumbled on a new way to boost HGH (Human Growth Hormone) they wanted something that could give muscle building and f at reducing but was natural, saf e and legal. Well, they f ound one. [1] Its called dopaminea substance naturally produced by your own body. (Its actually a neuro-transmitter and manuf actured by the brain) But there was a problem with this our bodys cannot digest dopamine that we eat. So the next logical place to look are dopamine pre-cursors raw materials the body uses to build dopamine [2] T he best pre-cursor is the amino acid l-dopa and it is contained in Vicia Faba or as many of us would know it Broadbean! Yes, the common Broadbean is f ull of l-dopa! Whats more, a study perf ormed in Australia at the Monash Medical Center demonstrated that the l-dopa content in 100 grams of growth hormone soup broadbean pod mixture was 250mg (a dosage equivalent to the prescription dosage of an l-dopa [3] treatment f or Parkinsons disease). T he researchers concluded f rom the study Vicia f aba HGH soup produced equal L-dopa [4] circulating blood levels to several prior f asting studies, providing twenty f ive percent L-dopa per weight of bean and pod mixture. Vicia f aba has enough raw L-dopa to qualif y as pharmacologically potent. So, in a nutshell growth hormone soup can ef f ectively and cheaply provide l-dopa [5] which your body converts to dopamine which is a B2 agonist that is the bases f or muscle and f at burning. Now, heres the best part Dopamine is one of the most powerful HGH releasers. Not only do we have a f ood (Broadbean) which can act as a B2 agonist, it also boosts HGH. And boosting HGH also boosts igf -1 [6] and testosterone two strong anabolic hormones! Why not have a cup of broadbean soup bef ore you workout? And f or those who want to restore youth, have a cup of growth hormone soup bef ore bed, because this is another time the body naturally releases HGH into the bloodstream. I suggest you f ollow the recipe below point-f or-point its no ordinary bean soup recipe this special soup includes the pods. T his is critical because the research that provided the proof that broad beans contain active L-dopa [7] actually used a broad bean pod mixture of beans and pods. In f act, the pods contain a higher concentration of l-dopa than the actual bean. Also make sure that the Broad Beans you purchase are young because young beans contain larger amounts of l-dopa. [8] Dont sell yourself short on the cream eitherthe hormones (HGH) were going to boost will be aided by the animal f at in the cream. (the body manuf actures the hormone testosterone f rom Cholesterol) On the surf ace it may look like an ordinary soup recipe however, behind the scenes quite a bit of clever pharmacology is happening. So dont change the Recipe!

Ingredients 32 ozs f resh young Broadbeans 1 small Onion, peeled and chopped 4 cloves Garlic, peeled and chopped 6 tablespoons Olive Oil 1 quart water (approx) 6 tablespoons Whipping Cream 1 small bunch of Mint, picked and sliced Method Remove the pods f rom the broad beans, keeping the pods. Wash then chop into small pieces. Sweat the chopped onion and garlic in the olive oil f or about two minutes. Add the pods f rom the beans then sweat f or a another 3 minutes or until sof t. Cover with the water then bring to a boil. Simmer f or about f ive minutes then add 1/2 the beans. Boil f or a another f ive minutes then puree and strain through a f ine sieve. Blanch the remainder of the beans f or 1 minutes then add to the pureed soup with the cream. Reboil, add sliced mint and serve. Serves 4 Top HGH Products References: [1] US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. L-dopa stimulates release of hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone in humans. Available f rom: [2] Science Direct. Plasma growth hormone response to L-dopa. Available f rom: [3] Examine. L-DOPA. Available f rom: [4] Society of Endocrinology. EFFECT OF L-DOPA ADMINIST RAT ION ON GROWT H HORMONE SECRET ION IN NORMAL SUBJECT S AND PARKINSONIAN PAT IENT S. Available f rom: [5] New England Journal of Medicine. Stimulation of Human-Growth-Hormone Secretion by L-Dopa. Available f rom: ull/10.1056/NEJM197012242832602 [6] Science Magazine. Growth Hormone Responses to L-Dopa in Depressed Patients. Available f rom: [7] Research Gate. Growth hormone inhibitory and stimulatory actions of L-dopa in patients with acromegaly.. Available f rom: _Ldopa_in_patients_with_acromegaly [8] Eric. Growth Hormone Response af ter Administration of L-dopa, Clonidine, and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone. Available f rom:

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