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3 Rotational Motion
Most fundamental concepts are substracted from the web site:

Circular Motion For circular motion at a constant speed v, the centripetal acceleration of the motion can be derived. Since in radian measure,

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Basic Rotational Quantities

)he angular displancment is defined by:

For a circular path it follows that the angular velocity is

(n addition to any tangential acceleration, there is always the centripetal acceleration:

and the angular acceleration is

where the acceleration here is the tangential acceleration. )he standard angle of a directed *uantity is ta+en to be countercloc+wise from the positive , a,is.

or!ue!.html#tor! - tor*ue is an influence which tends to change the rotational motion of an ob.ect. /ne way to *uantify a tor*ue is

or!ue " #orce applied $ le%er arm

)he lever arm is defined as the perpendicular distance from the a,is of rotation to the line of action of the force.

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Right &and Rule 'or or!ue

)or*ue is inherently a vector *uantity. %art of the tor*ue calculation is the determination of direction. )he direction is perpendicular to both the radius from the a,is and to the force. (t is conventional to choose it in the right hand rule direction along the a,is of rotation. )he tor*ue is in the direction of the angular velocity which would be produced by it in the absence of other influences. (n general, the change in angular velocity is in the direction of the tor*ue.

(e)ton*s +econd La)

0ewton1s Second 2aw as stated below applies to a wide range of physical phenomena, but it is not a fundamental principle li+e the 3onservation 2aws. (t is applicable only if the force is the net e,ternal force. (t does not apply directly to situations where the mass is changing, either from loss or gain of material, or because the ob.ect is traveling close to the speed of light where relativistic 4 !4"4#$.doc, %age $ of '#

effects must be included. (t does not apply directly on the very small scale of the atom where *uantum mechanics must be used. 4ata can be entered into any of the bo,es below. Specifying any two of the *uantities determines the third. -fter you have entered values for two, clic+ on the te,t representing to third to calculate its value.

0ewtons 5 pounds 5

+g 6 slugs 6

m/s' ft/s'

2imitations of 0ewton1s Second 2aw

(e)ton*s +econd La) ,llustration

0ewton1s 'nd 2aw enables us to compare the results of the same force e,erted on ob.ects of different mass.

Limitations on (e)ton*s -nd La)

/ne of the best +nown relationships in physics is 0ewton1s 'nd 2aw

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but, though e,tremely useful, it is not a fundamental principle li+e the conservation laws. F must be the net e,ternal force, and even then a more fundamental relationship is

)he net force should be defined as the rate of change of momentum7 this becomes

only if the mass is constant. Since the mass changes as the speed approaches the speed of light, F5ma is seen to be strictly a non-relativistic relationship which applies to the acceleration of constant mass ob.ects. 4espite these limitations, it is e,tremely useful for the prediction of motion under these constraints.

.ariable Mass /pplications

)he generali8ation of 0ewton1s 'nd 2aw to apply to variable mass systems ta+es the form

)he term involving the derivative of the mass is responsible for the thrust in roc+et propulsion and must be included in any problem where the mass changes.

(e)ton*s -nd La): Rotation'rame.html

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)he relationship between the net e,ternal tor*ue and the angular acceleration is of the same form as 0ewton1s second law and is sometimes called 0ewton1s second law for rotation. (t is not as general a relationship as the linear one because the moment of inertia is not strictly a scalar *uantity. )he rotational e*uation is limited to rotation about a single principal a,is, which in simple cases is an a,is of symmetry.

(et e$ternal tor!ue " moment o' inertia $ angular acceleration

0m5 0m5 +g m' , +g m' , rad/s' rad/s'

9ou may enter data for any two of the *uantities and then clic+ on the active te,t for the *uantity you wish to calculate. )he data values will not be forced to be consistent until you clic+ on the *uantity to calculate.

Conditions 'or 0!uilibrium

-n ob.ect at e*uilibrium has no net influences to cause it to move, either in translation :linear motion; or rotation. )he basic conditions for e*uilibrium are:

)he conditions for e*uilibrium are basic to the design of any load-bearing structure such as a bridge or a building since such structures must be able to maintain e*uilibrium under load. )hey are also important for the study of machines, since one must first establish e*uilibrium and then apply e,tra 4 !4"4#$.doc, %age " of '#

force or tor*ue to produce the desired movement of the machine. )he conditions of e*uilibrium are used to analy8e the <simple machines< which are the building bloc+s for more comple, machines.

Moment o' ,nertia

Moment of inertia is the name given to rotational inertia, the rotational analog of mass for linear motion. (t appears in the relationships for the dynamics of rotational motion. )he moment of inertia must be specified with respect to a chosen a,is of rotation. For a point mass the moment of inertia is .ust the mass times the s*uare of perpendicular distance to the rotation a,is, ( 5 mr '. )hat point mass relationship becomes the basis for all other moments of inertia since any ob.ect can be built up from a collection of point masses.

1arallel /$is heorem$.html )he moment of inertia of any ob.ect about an a,is through its center of mass is the minimum moment of inertia for an a,is in that direction in space. )he moment of inertia about any a,is parallel to that a,is through the center of mass is given by

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1erpendicular /$is heorem

For a planar ob.ect, the moment of inertia about an a,is perpendicular to the plane is the sum of the moments of inertia of two perpendicular a,es through the same point in the plane of the ob.ect. )he utility of this theorem goes beyond that of calculating moments of strictly planar ob.ects. (t is a valuable tool in the building up of the moments of inertia of three dimensional ob.ects such as cylinders by brea+ing them up into planar dis+s and summing the moments of inertia of the composite dis+s.

Show the development of the relationship.

1erpendicular /$is heorem

)he perpendicular a,is theorem for planar ob.ects can be demonstrated by loo+ing at the contribution to the three a,is moments of inertia from an arbitrary mass element. From the point mass moment, the contributions to each of the a,is moments of inertia are

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Rotational and Linear Example

A mass m is placed on a rod of length r and negligible mass, and constrained to rotate about a fixed axis. If the mass is released from a horizontal orientation, it can be described either in terms of force and accleration with Newton's second law for linear motion, or as a pure rotation about the axis with Newton's second law for rotation. This provides a setting for comparing linear and rotational quantities for the same s stem. This process leads to the expression for the moment of inertia of a point mass.

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Moment o' ,nertia: Rod

For a uniform rod with negligible thic+ness, the moment of inertia about its center of mass is
For mass M 5 25 (5 +g m? +g and length Show m, the moment of inertia is

)he moment of inertia about the end of the rod can be calculated directly or obtained from the center of mass e,pression by use of the %arallel a,is theorem. )he moment of inertia about the end of the rod is (5 +g m?. Show

,' the thic2ness is not negligible3 then the e$pression 'or , o' a cylinder about its end can be used.

Moment o' ,nertia: Rod

3alculating the moment of inertia of a rod about its center of mass is a good e,ample of the need for calculus to deal with the properties of continuous mass distributions. )he moment of inertia of a point mass is given by ( 5 mr', but the rod would have to be considered to be an infinite number of point masses, and each must be multiplied by the s*uare of its distance from the a,is. )he resulting infinite sum is called an integral. )he general form for the moment of inertia is:

@hen the mass element dm is e,pressed in terms of a length element dr along the rod and the sum ta+en over the entire length, the integral ta+es the form: Show details

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Rod Moment Calculation

The moment of inertia calculation for a uniform rod involves expressing an mass element in terms of a distance element dr along the rod. To perform the integral, it is necessar to express eve thing in the integral in terms of one variable, in this case the length variable r. !ince the total length " has mass #, then #$" is the proportion of mass to length and the mass element can be expressed as shown. Integrating from %"$& to '"$& from the center includes the entire rod. The integral is of pol nomial t pe(

Rod Moment About End

)nce the moment of inertia of an ob*ect about its center of mass has been determined, the moment about an other axis can be determined b the +arallel axis theorem(

In this case that becomes

This can be confirmed b direct integration

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Rotational-Linear 1arallels

Common Moments o' ,nertia

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Moment o' ,nertia 0$amples

Moment of inertia is defined with respect to a specific rotation a,is. )he moment of inertia of a point mass with respect to an a,is is defined as the product of the mass times the distance from the a,is s*uared. )he moment of inertia of any e,tended ob.ect is built up from that basic definition. )he general form of the moment of inertia involves an integral.

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Moments of inertia for common forms Where moment of inertia appears in physical quantities

Moment o' ,nertia3 4eneral #orm

Since the moment of inertia of an ordinary ob.ect involves a continuous distribution of mass at a continually varying distance from any rotation a,is, the calculation of moments of inertia generally involves calculus, the discipline of mathematics which can handle such continuous variables. Since the moment of inertia of a point mass is defined by

then the moment of inertia contribution by an infinitesmal mass element dm has the same form. )his +ind of mass element is called a differential element of mass and its moment of inertia is given by

0ote that the differential element of moment of inertia d( must always be defined with respect to a specific rotation a,is. )he sum over all these mass elements is called an integral over the mass.

Asually, the mass element dm will be e,pressed in terms of the geometry of the ob.ect, so that the integration can be carried out over the ob.ect as a whole :for e,ample, over a long uniform rod;. Baving called this a general form, it is probably appropriate to point out that it is a general form only for a,es which may be called <principal a,es<, a term which includes all a,es of symmetry of ob.ects. )he concept of moment of inertia for general ob.ects about arbitrary a,es is a much more complicated sub.ect. )he moment of inertia in such cases ta+es the form of a mathematical tensor *uantity which re*uires nine components to completely define it. C,amples of integration to get moment of inertia. Straight rod 3ylinder Sphere

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1arallel a$is theorem

http://en.)$is5theorem3 From @i+ipedia, the free encyclopedia (n physics, the parallel a$is theorem can be used to determine the moment of inertia of a rigid ob.ect about any a,is, given the moment of inertia of the ob.ect about the parallel a,is through the ob.ect1s centre of mass and the perpendicular distance between the a,es. 2et: ICM denote the moment of inertia of the ob.ect about the centre of mass, M the ob.ect1s mass and d the perpendicular distance between the two a,es. )hen the moment of inertia about the new a,is z is given by: )his rule can be applied with the stretch rule and perpendicular a,es rule to find moments of inertia for a variety of shapes.

%arallel a,es rule for area moment of inertia. )he parallel a,es rule also applies to the second moment of area :area moment of inertia;7 where: Iz is the area moment of inertia through the parallel a,is, Ix is the area moment of inertia through the centre of mass of the area, A is the surface of the area, and d is the distance from the new a,is z to the centre of gravity of the area. )he parallel a,is theorem is one of several theorems referred to as +teiner*s theorem, after Da+ob Steiner.

,n classical mechanics
(n classical mechanics, the %arallel a,is theorem can be generali8ed to calculate a new inertia tensor 6i7 from an inertia tensor about a center of mass ,i7 when the pivot point is a displacement a from the center of mass: Jij 5 Iij E M:a'Fij G aiaj; @here a is the displacement vector from the center of mass to the new a,is. @e can see that, for diagonal elements :when i=j;, displacements perpendicular to the a,is of rotation results in the above simplified version of the parallel a,is theorem.

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/ngular Momentum o' a 1article

)he angular momentum of a particle of mass m with respect to a chosen origin is given by

2 5 mvr sin H
or more formally by the vector product

)he direction is given by the right hand rule which would give 2 the direction out of the diagram. For an orbit, angular momentum is conserved, and this leads to one of Iepler1s laws. For a circular orbit, 2 becomes

2 5 mvr

/ngular Momentum
)he angular momentum of a rigid ob.ect is defined as the product of the moment of inertia and the angular velocity. (t is analogous to linear momentum and is sub.ect to the fundamental constraints of the conservation of angular momentum principle if there is no e,ternal tor*ue on the ob.ect. -ngular momentum is a vector *uantity. (t is derivable from the e,pression for the angular momentum of a particle

3omparison of linear and angular momentum

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/ngular and Linear Momentum

-ngular momentum and linear momentum are e,amples of the parallels between linear and rotational motion. )hey have the same form and are sub.ect to the fundamental constraints of conservation laws, the conservation of momentum and the conservation of angular momentum .

Rotational 8inetic 0nergy

)he +inetic energy of a rotating ob.ect is analogous to linear +inetic energy and can be e,pressed in terms of the moment of inertia and angular velocity. )he total +inetic energy of an e,tended ob.ect can be e,pressed as the sum of the translational +inetic energy of the center of mass and the rotational +inetic energy about the center of mass. For a given fi,ed a,is of rotation, the rotational +inetic energy can be e,pressed in the form:

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)he e,pressions for rotational and linear +inetic energy can be developed in a parallel manner from the wor+-energy principle. 3onsider the following parallel between a constant tor*ue e,erted on a flywheel with moment of inertia ( and a constant force e,erted on a mass m, both starting from rest.

For the linear case, starting from rest, the acceleration from 0ewton1s second law is e*ual to the final velocity divided by the time and the average velocity is half the final velocity, showing that the wor+ done on the bloc+ gives it a +inetic energy e*ual to the wor+ done. For the rotational case, also starting from rest, the rotational wor+ is JH and the angular acceleration K given to the flywheel is obtained from 0ewton1s second law for rotation. )he angular acceleration is e*ual to the final angular velocity divided by the time and the average angular velocity is e*ual to half the final angular velocity. (t follows that the rotational +inetic energy given to the flywheel is e*ual to the wor+ done by the tor*ue.

9or2-0nergy 1rinciple
)he wor+-energy principle is a general principle which can be applied specifically to rotating ob.ects. For pure rotation, the net wor+ is e*ual to the change in rotational +inetic energy:

For a constant tor*ue, the wor+ can be e,pressed as

and for a net tor*ue, 0ewton1s 'nd law for rotation gives

3ombining this last e,pression with the wor+-energy principle gives a useful relationship for describing rotational motion. 4 !4"4#$.doc, %age & of '#

Rolling :b7ects
(n describing the motion of rolling ob.ects, it must be +ept in mind that the +inetic energy is divided between linear +inetic energy and rotational +inetic energy. -nother +ey is that for rolling without slipping, the linear velocity of the center of mass is e*ual to the angular velocity times the radius.

+phere on incline. ; &oop and cylinder on incline.

8inetic 0nergy o' Rolling :b7ect

(f an ob.ect is rolling without slipping, then its +inetic energy can be e,pressed as the sum of the translational +inetic energy of its center of mass plus the rotational +inetic energy about the center of mass. )he angular velocity is of course related to the linear velocity of the center of mass, so the energy can be e,pressed in terms of either of them as the problem dictates, such as in the rolling of an ob.ect down an incline. 0ote that the moment of inertia used must be the moment of inertia about the center of mass. (f it is +nown about some other a,is, then the parallel a,is theorem may be used to obtain the needed moment of inertia.

Rotation .ector 0$amples, )his is an active graphic. 3lic+ on any e,ample. 4 !4"4#$.doc, %age &> of '#

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