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DTD: indicates in which XHTML 1.0 DTD the tag is allowed. S Strict! T Transitional! and " "ra#eset Tag $%&&...&&' $%DO)T*+,' $a' $abbr' $acrony#' $address' $applet' $area /' $b' $base /' $base(ont /' $bdo' $big' $bloc13-ote' $body' $br /' $b-tton' $caption' $center' $cite' $code' $col /' $colgro-p' $dd' $del' $dir' $di.' $d(n' $dl' $dt' $e#' $(ieldset' $(ont' $(or#' $(ra#e /' $(ra#eset' $h1' to $h7' $head' $hr /' $ht#l' $i' $i(ra#e' $i#g /' $inp-t /' Description De(ines a co##ent De(ines the doc-#ent type De(ines an anchor De(ines an abbre.iation De(ines an acrony# De(ines contact in(or#ation (or the a-thor/owner o( a doc-#ent Deprecated. De(ines an e#bedded applet De(ines an area inside an i#age&#ap De(ines bold te0t De(ines a de(a-lt address or a de(a-lt target (or all lin1s on a page Deprecated. De(ines a de(a-lt (ont! color! or si2e (or the te0t in a page De(ines the te0t direction De(ines big te0t De(ines a long 3-otation De(ines the doc-#ent4s body De(ines a single line brea1 De(ines a p-sh b-tton De(ines a table caption Deprecated. De(ines centered te0t De(ines a citation De(ines co#p-ter code te0t De(ines attrib-te .al-es (or one or #ore col-#ns in a table De(ines a gro-p o( col-#ns in a table (or (or#atting De(ines a description o( a ter# in a de(inition list De(ines deleted te0t Deprecated. De(ines a directory list De(ines a section in a doc-#ent De(ines a de(inition ter# De(ines a de(inition list De(ines a ter# 5an ite#6 in a de(inition list De(ines e#phasi2ed te0t De(ines a border aro-nd ele#ents in a (or# Deprecated. De(ines (ont! color! and si2e (or te0t De(ines an HTML (or# (or -ser inp-t De(ines a window 5a (ra#e6 in a (ra#eset De(ines a set o( (ra#es De(ines HTML headings De(ines in(or#ation abo-t the doc-#ent De(ines a hori2ontal line De(ines an HTML doc-#ent De(ines italic te0t De(ines an inline (ra#e De(ines an i#age De(ines an inp-t control DTD ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" T" ST" ST" ST" T" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" T" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" T" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" T" ST" " " ST" ST" ST" ST" ST" T" ST" ST"

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De(ines inserted te0t Deprecated. De(ines a searchable inde0 related to a doc-#ent De(ines 1eyboard te0t De(ines a label (or an inp-t ele#ent De(ines a caption (or a (ieldset ele#ent De(ines a list ite# De(ines the relationship between a doc-#ent and an e0ternal reso-rce De(ines an i#age&#ap Deprecated. De(ines a #en- list De(ines #etadata abo-t an HTML doc-#ent De(ines an alternate content (or -sers that do not s-pport (ra#es De(ines an alternate content (or -sers that do not s-pport client&side scripts De(ines an e#bedded ob8ect De(ines an ordered list De(ines a gro-p o( related options in a select list De(ines an option in a select list De(ines a paragraph De(ines a para#eter (or an ob8ect De(ines pre(or#atted te0t De(ines a short 3-otation Deprecated. De(ines stri1ethro-gh te0t De(ines sa#ple co#p-ter code De(ines a client&side script De(ines a select list 5drop&down list6 De(ines s#all te0t De(ines a section in a doc-#ent Deprecated. De(ines stri1ethro-gh te0t De(ines strong te0t De(ines style in(or#ation (or a doc-#ent De(ines s-bscripted te0t De(ines s-perscripted te0t De(ines a table 9ro-ps the body content in a table De(ines a cell in a table De(ines a #-lti&line te0t inp-t control 9ro-ps the (ooter content in a table De(ines a header cell in a table 9ro-ps the header content in a table De(ines the title o( a doc-#ent De(ines a row in a table De(ines teletype te0t Deprecated. De(ines -nderlined te0t De(ines an -nordered list De(ines a .ariable part o( a te0t Deprecated. De(ines pre(or#atted te0t

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