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Colegio ALPAMAYO Matemtica Lima Per

Asesora de Programa del Diploma

Gua de Repaso 01- Prueba Tipo 1

Alumno: ___________________________________________________ Fecha: ___ / ___ / ___ Profesor: Ciro Tu o!ue 1. "rado ## In the diagram the shaded region represents a circular track with centre O, within a square field PQRS. The outer edge of the track touches the sides of the field. The radii of the inner and outer edges of the track are x m and y m respectivel . P Q

x y O

S Diagram not to scale !a" !%" #rite down an e$pression for the area of the track. The area of the field PQRS is &'(( m). !i" !ii" Working: *ind y. +iven that x , )-, find the area of the track.

Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" !i" //////////////... !ii" //////////////...

(Total 4 marks)


The universal set U is defined as the set of positive integers less than -(. The su%sets A and B are defined as. A , 0integers that are multiples of 12 B , 0integers that are factors of 1(2 !a" 3ist the elements of !i" !ii" !%" A4 B.

Place the elements of A and B in the appropriate region in the 5enn diagram %elow. U


Answers. !a" !i" /////////////// !ii" ............................................................

(Total 4 marks)


The diagram %elow shows the graph of y , 6 a sin x7 8 c, ( 9 x 9 1:(. y ; & 1 ) ( 66) 61 '( -<( )=( 1:( x

>se the graph to find the values of !a" !%" Working: c4 a.

Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)


On a certain game show, contestants spin a wheel to win a pri?e, as shown in the diagram. The larger angles are 40 !the shaded sectors", and the smaller angles are 20.

@ o P ri? e + A @ o P ri? e

# B @ o P ri? e + A

@ o P ri? e # B @ o P ri? e # B C D R @ o P ri? e

*ind the pro%a%ilit that a contestant !a" !%" !c" !d" Working: will not win a pri?e4 will win a holida in +reece !+A"4 will win a washerEdr er !#B", given that he knows that he has won a pri?e4 will win a holida in +reece or a washerEdr er.

Answers. !a" !%" !c" !d" ////////////////.. ////////////////.. ////////////////.. ////////////////..

(Total 4 marks)


F!p q" pG q !a" p T T F F !%" Complete the truth ta%le %elow for the compound statement a%ove. q T F T F H$plain the significance of our result. p q !p q" p F!p q" pG q


Answers. !%" ////////////////.. ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)


Of a group of five students, two will %e selected to visit the >nited @ations. The five students are Iohn, Jaria, Raul, Aenri and Susan. !a" #ith the aid of a tree diagram or a ta%le of outcomes, find the num%er of different possi%le com%inations of students that could go to the >nited @ations.

!%" Working:

*ind the pro%a%ilit that %oth Jaria and Susan will go on the trip.

Answers. !a" ////////////////..

!%" ////////////////..
(Total 4 marks)



*or y , (.; cos (.; x, find !i" !ii" the amplitude4 the period.


3et y , 61 sin x 8 ), where '(7 9 x 9 )=(7. K drawing the graph of y or otherwise, complete the ta%le %elow for the given values of y. x y 6)

L Working:

Answers. !a" !i" //////////////.. !ii" //////////////..

(Total 4 marks)

>nder certain conditions the num%er of %acteria in a particular culture dou%les ever -( seconds as shown % the graph %elow. < = : ; @ um %er of & % a c te ria 1 ) ( -( T im e !se c o n d s" !a" Complete the ta%le %elow. ( -( )( 1( )( 1(

Time !seconds" @um%er of %acteria !%" Working:

Calculate the num%er of %acteria in the culture after - minute.

Answer. !%" ..................................................................

(Total 4 marks)


In an e$periment researchers found that a specific culture of %acteria increases in num%er according to the formula N , -;( M )t, where N is the num%er of %acteria present and t is the num%er of hours since the e$periment %egan. >se this formula to calculate !a" !%" !c" the num%er of %acteria present at the start of the e$periment4 the num%er of %acteria present after 1 hours4 the num%er of hours it would take for the num%er of %acteria to reach -' )((.


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ////////////////.. !c" ////////////////..

(Total 4 marks)


In a school, -<( pupils are asked which is their favourite outdoor sport in winter. The pie chart shows the result of the surve . The diagram is not accuratel drawn.

* o o t% a ll !; : "

A ocke !& 1 "

O th e r @ e t% a ll !1 & " !a" !%" Working: Calculate the angle of the sector representing rug% .

R ug% !1 < "

Hstimate the pro%a%ilit that a pupilNs favourite outdoor sport in winter will %e hocke .

Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ////////////////..

(Total 4 marks)


The graph of y , x) 6 )x 6 1 is shown on the a$es %elow. y )(


6& !a"





Braw the graph of y , ; on the same a$es.


>se our graph to find. !i" !ii" the values of x when x) 6 )x 6 1 , ; the value of x that gives the minimum value of x) 6 )x 6 1


Answers. !%" !i" //////////////... !ii" //////////////..

(Total 4 marks)



D woman deposits O-(( into her sonNs savings account on his first %irthda . On his second %irthda she deposits O-);, O-;( on his third %irthda , and so on. !a" !%" Aow much mone would she deposit into her sonNs account on his -=th %irthda P Aow much in total would she have deposited after her sonNs -=th %irthda P


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ////////////////..

(Total 4 marks)


Dt Ium%oNs Kurger Kar, Ium%o %urgers cost QJ each and regular cokes cost QC each. Two Ium%o %urgers and three regular cokes cost Q;.';. !a" !%" #rite an equation to show this. If one Ium%o Kurger costs Q).-;, what is the cost, in pence, of one regular cokeP


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ////////////////..

(Total 4 marks)



Jr Iones decides to increase the amount of mone he spends on food % d +KP ever ear. In the first ear he spends a +KP. In the <th ear he spends twice as much as in the &th ear. In the )(th ear he spends &((( +KP. *ind the value of d.


Answer. ////////////////..........
(Total 4 marks)


!a" !%"

D girlNs height is -.:)1 m. #rite her height to t"e nearest cm. The time taken to fill a tank was ) hours &1 minutes. #rite this time to t"e nearest 5 min#tes.

!c" !d"

The attendance at a show was );'- people. Aow man people, to t"e nearest 100, were at the showP The mean distance of the Joon from the Harth is appro$imatel 1<& &(1 km. #rite this distance in the form a M -(k where - 9 a R -( and k .


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ////////////////.. !c" ////////////////.. !d" ////////////////...

(Total 4 marks)


The following diagram shows part of the graph of an e$ponential function f!x" , a6x, where x . f!x " y

P ( x

!a" !%"

#hat is the range of f P #rite down the coordinates of the point P.

!c" Working:

#hat happens to the values of f!x" as elements in its domain increase in valueP

Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" .................................................................. !%" ////////////////..

(Total 4 marks)



Three propositions p, q and r are defined as follows. p. the water is cold. !a" q. the water is %oiling. r. the water is warm.

#rite one sentence, in words, for the following logic statement. ! p q" r


#rite the following sentence as a logic statement using s m%ols onl . "The water is cold if and only if it is neither oiling nor war!"


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ////////////////..

(Total 4 marks)

1 .

The fourth term of an arithmetic sequence is -) and the tenth term is &). !a" +iven that the first term is "- and the common difference is d, write down two equations in "- and d that satisf this information. !%" Solve the equations to find the values of "- and d.



Answers. !a" ////////////////.. .................................................................. !%" "- , ........................................................... d # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

(Total marks)


The diagram %elow shows a part of the graph of y , ax. The graph crosses the yLa$is at the point P. The point Q !&, -:" is on the graph. y Q !& , - : "

P O x

*ind !a" the coordinates of the point P4

!%" Working:

the value of a.


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" //////////////..........

(Total marks)


The four diagrams %elow show the graphs of four different straight lines, all drawn to the same scale. Hach diagram is num%ered and c is a positive constant. y c @ um %er @ um %er 1 y c

( y c @ um %er )

( y c @ um %er &

In the ta%le %elow, write the num%er of the diagram whose straight line corresponds to the equation in the ta%le. Hquation Biagram num%er


y,c y,6x8c y,1x%c

y, 1 x8c
(Total marks)


The diagram %elow shows the graph of y , c 8 kx 6 x), where k and c are constants. y Q

O !a" !%" Working: *ind the values of k and c. *ind the coordinates of Q, the highest point on the graph.

P !; , ( "


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ..................................................................

(Total marks)


The equation & , '( M )6tE)( gives the amount, in grams, of radioactive material held in a la%orator over t ears. !a" #hat was the original mass of the radioactive materialP

The ta%le %elow lists some values for &. t & !%" !c" *ind the value of '. Calculate the num%er of ears it would take for the radioactive material to have a mass of &; grams.

:( --.);

<( '

-(( ).<-);


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" .................................................................. !c" //////////////..........

(Total marks)


D student has drawn the two straight line graphs 3- and 3) and marked in the angle %etween them as a right angle, as shown %elow. The student has drawn one of the lines incorrectl .


y 1 3


) ( 6x



6) 3



Consider 3- with equation y , )x 8 ) and 3) with equation y , 6 & x 8 -.

!a" !%" !c" #rite down the gradients of 3- and 3) #sing t"e gi$en e%#ations. #hich of the two lines has the student drawn incorrectl P Aow can ou tell from the answer to part !a" that the angle %etween 3 - and 3) should not %e '(7P !d" Working: Braw the correct version of the incorrectl drawn line on the diagram.

Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" .................................................................. !c" //////////////..........

(Total marks)



D rectangle has length ).: M -(& and width -.' M -(&. *ind each of the following, giving our answer in the form a M -(k, where - a R -( and k . !a" !%" The area of the rectangle4 The perimeter of the rectangle.


Answers. !a" /.././//////// !%" ///////////...

(Total marks)


Consider the function f !x" , )sinx 6 - where ( 9 x ( =)(7. !a" !%" !c" #rite down the period of the function. *ind the minimum value of the function. Solve f !x" , l.


Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" .................................................................. !c" ..................................................................

(Total marks)



The conversion formula for temperature from the *ahrenheit !*" to the Celsius !C" scale is given ;! ) 6 1)" ' % C# . !a" #hat is the temperature in degrees Celsius when it is ;(7 *ahrenheitP

There is another temperature scale called the Selvin !S" scale. The temperature in degrees Selvin is given % * , C 8 )=1. !%" Working: #hat is the temperature in Fa"ren"eit when it is ?ero degrees on the Selvin scaleP

Answers. !a" ////////////////.. !%" ..................................................................

(Total marks)



The diagrams %elow show the graphs of two functions, y , f!x", and y , g!x". !a" y y , f!x " ) ( ) x 61:(T !% " y - .; ( .; 6 - < ( T 6 ( .; 66 - .; State the domain and range of !a" the function f4 -<(T 1:(T x y , g !x "

!%" Working:

the function g.

Answers. !a" Bomain of f ...............//////...... Range of f ............................................. !%" Bomain of g ...............//////..... Range of g .............................................
(Total marks)


2 .

Consider the statement +,f a fig"re is a sq"are- then it is a rho! "s+. !a" *or this statement, write in words !i" !ii" !iii" its converse4 its inverse4 its contrapositive.

!%" Working:

Onl one of the statements in part!a" is true. #hich one is itP

Answers. !a" !i" /.////.///..... ....................................... !ii" //////............... ....................................... !iii" ....................................... ....................................... !%".................................................
(Total marks)



The graph %elow shows the tide heights, h metres, at time t hours after midnight, for Tahini island. h T id e h e ig h ts fo r T a h in i

; A e ig h t in m e tre s & 1 ) -

1 & ; @ u m % e r o f h o u rs a fte r m id n ig h t

< t


>se the graph to find !i" !ii" the height of the tide at (1.-;4 the times when the height of the tide is 1.; metres.


The %est time to catch fish is when the tide is &elo' 1 metres. *ind this %est time, giving our answer as an inequalit in t.

Bue to the location of Tahini island, there is ver little variation in the pattern of tidal heights. The ma$imum tide height is &.; metres and the minimum tide height is -.; metres. The height h can %e modelled % the function h!t" , acos! t7" 8 1. !c" !d" !e" >se the graph a%ove to find the values of the varia%les a and $

Aence calc#late the height of the tide at -1.((.


Dt what time would the tide %e at its lowest point in the second < hour periodP
(2) (Total 15 marks)



The 5enn diagram %elow shows the num%er of students stud ing Science ! .", Jathematics !&" and Aistor !/" out of a group of )( college students. Some of the students do not stud an of these su%Uects, < stud Science, -( stud Jathematics and ' stud Aistor . U . & ) 1 1 / A &


!i" !ii" !iii"

Aow man students %elong to the region la%elled AP Bescri%e in words the region la%elled A. Aow man students do not stud an of the three su%UectsP

!%" !c"

Braw a sketch of the 5enn diagram a%ove and shade the region which represents . /.

Calculate n!. /".


This group of students is to compete in an annual qui? evening which tests knowledge of Jathematics, Science and Aistor . The names of the twent students are written on pieces of paper and then put into a %ag. !d" One name is randoml selected from the %ag. Calculate the pro%a%ilit that the student selected studies !i" !ii" !e" all three su%Uects4 Aistor or Science.

D team of two students is to %e randoml selected to compete in the qui? evening. The first student selected will %e the captain of the team. Calculate the pro%a%ilit that !i" !ii" !iii" the captain studies all three su%Uects and the other team mem%er does not stud an of the three su%Uects4 one student studies Science onl and the other student studies Aistor onl 4 the second student selected studies Aistor , given that the captain studies Aistor

and Jathematics.
(5) (Total 15 marks)


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