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Jennie Bates Bozic Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 by Jennie Bates Bozic LLC A rights reser!ed" #his boo$ or any portion thereo% may not be reprod&ced or &sed in any manner whatsoe!er witho&t the e'press written permission o% the p&b isher e'cept %or the &se o% brie% (&otations in a boo$ re!iew" )&b ished by Jennie Bates Bozic LLC Co!er *esign by Jennie Bates Bozic Copyedited by +ebecca ,eston -./000-/-.31.0101

S23A+ )L24 is a companion no!e ette to *A4SEL5L6" 7t is appro'imate y 10 pages ong and can be read either be%ore or a%ter *A4SEL5L6" #o contin&e the ad!ent&re8 p&rchase the print !ersion o% *A4SEL5L6 and get the 9ind e !ersion %or 5+EE thro&gh Amazon:s 4atchboo$ program; *A4SEL5L6 is a so a!ai ab e thro&gh the <oo$ store8 i#&nes8 9obo8 Sony8 and Smashwords"

#here are twe !e days &nti Christmas8 and 7=m ce ebrating by getting my arms encased in p astic" 4y pac$ager snaps the right one in p ace and ad>&sts my dress s ee!es so they disg&ise the spot where the %a$e arms mo d against my body" #his way8 7 can re a' and my hands wi sti stic$ straight o&t %rom my sides" #he p astic is s&pposed to he p me stay motion ess so 7 am indisting&ishab e %rom a Christmas tree ornament" 7=m a so wearing a do mas$8 and 7 can bare y see o&t o% the eye ho es" 4y s$in is a ready stic$y with sweat" #he ne't co&p e o% ho&rs are going to %ee i$e years" 7 wigg e my %ingers inside the hands as an itch creeps &p my e%t %orearm" ?@o d sti "A A crop o% short red hair appears thro&gh my eye s its" Bdette sha$es her %inger at me" ?Stop mo!ing" 7=!e a most got yo& cinched in"A ?7 ha!e an itch;A 7 screech8 b&t it comes o&t m&%% ed" ?,hatCA ?An itch;A She ro s her eyes and steps bac$" ?B$ay" ,e ha!e to test the re ease mech anyway"A 7 press my th&mbs against the b&ttons and the p astic arm casing snaps o%% whi e the restraints aro&nd my an$ es and midd e open" 7 yan$ the mas$ o%% and &se it to scratch away" Bdette %o ds her arms" ?6o& doneCA ?<o" #here aren=t eno&gh air ho es"A ?#here are p enty" <o one e se has comp ained"A

7 ho d the mas$ o&t" ?@ow many other peop e ha!e worn this thingCA ?7 don=t $now" Eno&gh" ,hy does it matterCA She gathers &p the casings and ho ds &p my e%t arm" ?Come on" Be i$e Jes&s %or >&st %i!e min&tes whi e 7 p&t these bac$ on" 7 sti ha!e to get pac$aged8 too"A ?7 want to $now who 7=m sharing sweat and spit with today8A 7 m&tter" She snaps my p astic arms in p ace and sho!es the mas$ bac$ on my %ace in rep y" @er head disappears %rom my narrow %ie d o% !ision as she re%astens my waist ho der" She=s gr&%% and (&ic$ b&t has this way o% going bac$ o!er her wor$ with gent er hands8 as i% she=s remembered she=s dea ing with a h&man being" ,e=re the same ageDse!enteen Db&t Bdette has been wor$ing here at the Candy 5actory %or a ot onger than 7 ha!e" A o% &s mar$ the moment we wo$e &p as o&r new birth and we don=t ta $ abo&t what o&r i!es were i$e be%ore that point beca&se we don=t remember them" #he day 7 wo$e &p8 the %irst thing 7 noticed was how %ar away the cei ing oo$ed" 7 %e t i$e 7 was inside a s$yscraper with a the % oors $noc$ed o&t8 and 7 was oo$ing &p8 &p8 &p at the !ery highest cei ing" #he names o% things8 the de%initions o% words8 s ow y ret&rned to me as 7 ay there on the tab e" And the tab e %e t so di%%erentE the te't&res were strange" 4y body was %eather0 ight8 and it too$ so m&ch ess e%%ort to i%t my hand to my %ace and wipe away my tears" 7 sti don=t $now why 7 cried" Some nights8 the same sadness ta$es o!er me and 7 cry again" )art o% my brain remembers something that the rest does not" 7t too$ me a whi e to rea ize 7 was not dreamingE 7 rea y was si' inches ta " B&t the biggest s&rprise was my new set o% iridescent p&rp e damse % y wings" *r" Lee ga!e me a %ew min&tes to panic by myse % be%ore approaching the cot" @is h&ge head oomed o!er me8 and 7 was so %rightened 7 hyper!enti ated" ?6o&r s&rgery went %ine8A he said8 as i% 7 sho& d $now what s&rgery he was ta $ing abo&t" ?*o yo& remember anythingCA 7 rac$ed my brain %or a memoryDany memory at a Dand came &p with nothing" 7 didn=t $now my name8 my age8 or where 7 came %rom" A 7 $new was that 7 carried this o!erwhe ming sadness" 7 shoo$ my head" ?3ood"A @is sm&dged g asses mo!ed a ong with his nose as he scr&nched his %ace into an &ncon!incing smi e" ?#hat was part o% o&r agreement" 6o& wo& d wor$ %or me i% 7 wo& d erase yo&r memories" 6o&r name is now S&gar ) &m" 6o& are se!enteen years o d" 6o&r ad>&sted height is %i!e0and0a0ha % inches" @ow do yo& i$e yo&r wingsCA 7 e'tended them witho&t e!en ha!ing to thin$ abo&t it" 7t st&nned me how responsi!e they were to my wishes" #he dingy % &orescent ight ca&ght them8 trans%orming them into something %rom the rea m o% %airies" ?#ry them o&t8A he said" So 7 did" 7 e'pected them to % ap8 b&t instead they % &ttered i$e a h&mmingbird=s wings" #hey were near y in!isib e at %& speed" 7=m not s&re why 7 $new how to % y" 4aybe it=s $now edge e%t o!er %rom ear ier in o&r e!o &tion" ,hen 7 anded8 *r" Lee eaned o!er again" ?,e come to the Candy 5actory8A he said" ?#here is p enty o% room aro&nd here to stretch yo&r wings8 b&t don=t thin$ abo&t ea!ing witho&t permission"A @e tapped the tip o% my right wing" ?#hey=re a so trac$ing de!ices"A

#hat was one year ago8 and 7 soon earned 7 was not the on y one who had made a dea with *r" Lee" #here are h&ndreds o% &sDa teenagers" ,e traded o&r physica %reedom %or peace o% mind %rom a pre!io&s i%e none o% &s can remember" Bdette=s head reappears" ?6o&=re a set" 7= te the boys to sea &p yo&r bo'" @ope%& y 7 won=t see yo& soon"A 7 nod beca&se 7=m s&pposed to" 7% today=s mission is s&ccess%& and 7=m &c$y eno&gh to be p aced with a Crosser8 it co& d be months be%ore 7 ret&rn" 7% not8 7= be bac$ tonight" She disappears8 and a %ew min&tes ater8 @ar an and <&tty appear" 7 can sme <&tty be%ore 7 can see him" @e m&st ha!e been wor$ing in the stoc$ing department be%ore the ornaments" #hey i%t the sides o% my p astic bo' and tape them into p ace" Bne o% themD7 can=t see whichD% ies &p top to tape down the % ap" #he who e wor d becomes m&%% ed8 and the air %ee s e!en sta er" @ar an pats the %ront o% the bo' where 7 can see him and gi!es me a th&mbs0&p and a si ent ?good &c$"A 7 brace myse % as they pic$ &p my bo' and stac$ me with the others in the !an" #here are h&ndreds o% &sDtiny teenagers disg&ised as %airy Christmas tree ornaments" ,e come in a co ors" 4ost are white or @ispanic or Asian" Some8 i$e me8 are b ac$" *r" Lee prides himse % on ha!ing a di!erse se ection" @e wo& dn=t want any chi d to %ee e%t o&t and decide not to pic$ one o% &s8 especia y i% that chi d is a Crosser" *r" Lee c oses the !an door8 and e!erything goes dar$" Someone whist es ?Jing e Be s"A 7t doesn=t so&nd !ery merry" FFF ,hen the !an doors open again8 the s&n b inds me" #he so&nd o% chi dren c amoring to be %irst in ine is periodica y drowned o&t by the whirring o% he icopters o!erhead and the r&sh o% cars on the nearby highway" 7=!e been to this par$ Gn ride more times than 7 can co&nt" #here=s a % ea mar$et here e!ery wee$end8 and se!era charities bring items to gi!e to the ess %ort&nate" *r" Lee=s assistant8 4atthewDthe on y norma 0sized person to wor$ at the Candy 5actory other than the good doctor himse %Dbegins to &n oad &s" Since 7 was pac$ed on the ast pa et8 7 am one o% the %irst o&t" 7 can=t see m&ch thro&gh my eye s its8 b&t 7 do see a the $ids" #hey=!e %ormed se!era ines in %ront o% the distrib&tion tab e that wi soon be %i ed with &s and stoc$ings" 4atthew s ices thro&gh the c ing wrap aro&nd my pa et and arranges &s on the tab e in a pyramid" 7=m not s&re why he bothers" #here are h&ndreds o% $idsDway more than there are ornamentsDand a his hard wor$ wi be &ndone in seconds" 7 shi%t my weight as s&bt y as possib e" 7t=s a most Christmas8 and it=s pretty co d to be wearing a thin8 si $y dress" 7 wonder what Ca i%ornia was i$e bac$ be%ore the weather patterns shi%ted so m&ch" 7=!e heard it was pretty mi d8 b&t now it gets down to the sing e digits in the winter" A itt e b ac$ gir stares at me intent y as i% she=s trying to p&t dibs on me by p&re %orce o% wi " She=s abo&t si' years o d8 7 thin$8 a tho&gh it=s a ways hard to te " #he $ids tend to oo$ o der than they act&a y are beca&se their %aces don=t ha!e the spar$ o% we 0 %ed $ids" #hen again8 how do 7 $now thatC Sometimes 7 can %ee the edges o% my o d memories8 i$e they=re oc$ed away inside instead o% act&a y being gone" 4aybe they

are sti there and 7 on y need to %ind a way to %ree them" 7 a most sha$e my head at myse % b&t remember to ho d sti >&st in time" ?,e come to the Candy 5actory S&rp &s 3i!eaway;A *r" Lee says o!er a megaphone" 7t=s a ie" #here is no s&rp &s8 and the Candy 5actory hasn=t made anything sweet in o!er a h&ndred years" ?) ease ta$e either one ornament or one stoc$ing so there is eno&gh %or e!eryone8A he contin&es" ?Bne ornament or one stoc$ing" And remember8 the ornaments are !ery %ragi e8 so be gent e" 4erry Christmas;A And with that8 the chi dren swarm the tab e i$e de!o&ring oc&sts" 7 wince as dozens o% sma hands reach %or me and my %riends" Someone yan$s my bo' %rom behind8 and 7 a most c ic$ my re ease b&ttons o&t o% p&re panic" B&t then my new owner t&rns me aro&nd8 and 7 see the itt e gir who c aimed me with her eyes >&st a %ew min&tes be%ore" She smi es8 re!ea ing a missing %ront tooth" ?7 got yo&8A she whispers be%ore r&nning o%% with me8 her new treas&re" ?4om;A she sho&ts8 wa!ing her %ree arm in the air" ?4om;A And that=s when 7 $now 7=!e been c aimed by a Crosser" 7t=s s&ch a sma detai Da chi d ca ing o&t to her mother" 4ost peop e probab y wo& dn=t catch it8 b&t i% they oo$ed aro&nd at the other chi dren8 they wo& d see a most a o% the other $ids reach %or a tab et or to&ch their ears to acti!ate their phones" #hing is8 comm&nication de!ices can be trac$ed8 and that=s the ast thing a Crosser %ami y wants" Anonymity is their goa " 2n%ort&nate y %or them8 anonymity isn=t an option anymore" 7 press my inde' %inger into my a ert b&tton and a most hit the re ease mech by accident when the itt e gir whips me aro&nd to oo$ at me again" ?6o&=re so pretty8A she says8 pressing her nose against the p astic whi e her %ingers go to wor$ against the tape" ?7=m C ara"A 7 sti can=t see her !ery we thro&gh the mas$8 b&t 7 can ma$e o&t hope%& brown eyes and chee$s that sti ha!e a ot o% ?babyA in them" She=s not as h&ngry as the others8 which might mean she=s a prime target" 4aybe she=s the da&ghter o% someone important" Bon&s %or me" ?4ama;A She ho ds me &p at a precario&s ang e8 and 7 can=t see anything b&t the gro&nd" 3ood ord8 don=t drop me p ease" 7t wi h&rt i$e he " An ad& t0sized shadow ooms o!er the gro&nd" ?@&sh8A her mama whispers" ?*o yo& remember what 7 to d yo& abo&t sho&tingCA ?7 %orgot8A C ara says8 her !oice %& o% remorse" 7 was right" Another shadow >oins &s" 7t has to be *r" Lee" ?7 see yo&=re a !ery &c$y itt e gir 8A he says in the syr&py !oice he reser!es on y %or chi dren" 7t=s the sort o% !oice that ma$es a yo&r hair stand on end" 7t screams ?chi d abd&ctor"A C ara cr&shes me to her chest" ?#hat=s right8A *r" Lee says" ?#a$e good care o% her"A 7 can see him >&st bare y" @e stoops down and eans in" C ara p& s bac$" ?Can 7 te yo& a secretCA he as$s" 7 can %ee her hesitate" Smart $id8 this one" ?B$ay8A she says"

?She=s a rea %airy8A he says" ?B&t she=s &nder a terrib e c&rse" 7% yo& open her bo' be%ore Christmas E!e8 she= stay an ornament %ore!er" B&t i% yo& wait8 she= get to be a %airy again"A ?B&t what i% we are going to decorate o&r tree be%ore thatCA @e sha$es his %inger" ?7t doesn=t matter" She has to stay in her bo' &nti Christmas E!e"A C ara t&rns me aro&nd again so 7=m oo$ing &p into her %ace" ?,i she rea y become rea CA 7 can=t hear *r" Lee=s answer8 so 7 ass&me he nodded" @e stands" ?Lo!e y itt e gir 8A he says to C ara=s mother8 and then he wa $s away" As soon as he=s gone8 7 e'ha e s ow y" 7 a ways %ind myse % ho ding my breath aro&nd that man8 as i% breathing in his air wi poison me" Bne more s&ccess%& mission and 7 get to go %ree" #here=s a gro&p o% e'0ornaments i!ing in an abandoned b&i ding in the deserted section o% San *iego" #hey ca themse !es the Hamps beca&se they can on y go o&t at night" )eop e >&st ass&me they=re bats when it=s dar$" 7t=s not m&ch o% an e'istence8 b&t it=s better than what 7=!e got right now" C ara wa $s bac$ to her %ami y=s car" E!ery step she ma$es >o ts thro&gh me" A my restraints are starting to cha%e8 b&t 7=!e got to ho d o&t &nti she goes to s eep" #hen 7 can ditch the %a$e arms since 7= on y ha!e to ho d pose when someone is watching" 7 c ose my eyes inside my mas$ and try to ignore the pain" Bn y one more mission" #hat=s it" 7 can do this" FFF #hat night8 C ara t&c$s my container &nder her arm be%ore she %a s as eep" ) astic bo'es don=t ma$e the c&dd iest teddy bears8 b&t 7=!e heard o% this happening" 7t=s no big dea 8 b&t it does ma$e it a itt e harder to get o&t" 7 wait a good ha % ho&r to ma$e s&re she won=t wa$e &p8 then 7 hit my re ease" She=s got me positioned so 7=m %acing downward8 so 7 end &p be y0% opping against the bottom o% the bo'" 7 p& o%% the mas$ and breathe deep y" #he air is sta e b&t m&ch better than the spitty8 thic$ air 7=!e been s&c$ing in %rom the inside o% the mas$ %or the past eight ho&rs or so" 7 gather &p my do parts and p& &p the escape % ap on the bottom o% my bo'" #hen 7 s ide o&t and craw &nder the co!ers to the edge o% the bed" 7 stash the arms and mas$ inside a d&st0co!ered shoe and stretch o&t" 7 can=t remember the ast time 7 was this sti%%" 7 % ic$ my wings aro&nd to get the b ood mo!ing and then % y &p to C ara=s nightstand where her mom set a water g ass ear ier" 7 t&g o%% my c othesDserio&s y8 %airy cost&mes are incredib y &ncom%ortab eDand s ide myse % down into the g ass8 praying C ara doesn=t bac$wash !ery m&ch" #he so&nd o% gent e snoring %rom the other side o% the room reminds me 7=m not a one in here" @er parents are on the other bed8 b&t 7=m not terrib y worried abo&t them" 7 got a good oo$ at their %aces ear ier8 and they ha!e that bone0weary oo$" #he $ind that mar$s a person who $nows hope has its imits" 7 wonder who they=re crossing %or" ,hy wo& d they ta$e the ris$ with a da&ghter in towC 7 %inish rinsing o%% whi e ta$ing care not to get my wings wet8 and then 7 wash my c othes" 7 may be tiny8 b&t 7 can=t stand the %ee ing o% dirty s$in and c othing"

,hen e!erything is c ean8 7 s ip the damp dress bac$ o!er my head" 7t=s stic$y and itchy against my s$in8 b&t once 7=m done chec$ing o&t the rest o% the ho&se8 it wi be dry" 7 % y &p to the cei ing %an and perch on one o% the b ades" 4y %eet sin$ into a thic$ ayer o% d&st8 and it act&a y %ee s sort o% good8 e!en tho&gh it=s a so rea y gross" 5rom &p here8 7 can see the who e room" 7t=s >&st arge eno&gh %or the two beds8 a nightstand8 and a dresser" 7 >&st ha!e to %ig&re o&t where they=re hiding their papers" 5i!e years ago8 the 3reat American Ci!i ,ar ended8 b&t the co&ntry di!ided into three parts rather than so !e the deep ideo ogica di%%erences that had %estered %or a cent&ry" <ow8 in order to get %rom the ,est to the East8 yo& ha!e to cross thro&gh the 4ids" And the 4ids is no picnic" Since they don=t ha!e as m&ch ind&stry as the East and ,est8 they ha!e been trying to restrict tra!e between the two coasts and pro%it %rom the passage o% goods thro&gh their ands" 6o& can=t e!en % y o!er the 4ids" #hey shot down se!en p anes ast year" B&t there are sti %ami ies that were di!ided d&ring the war that are now trying to re&nite8 and since they can=t pay the %ees the 4ids demands8 they cross i ega y in sma cara!ans" A ot o% them act&a y pay the %ees8 b&t the 4ids magica y oses their paperwor$" So they=re o&t a ot o% go d and desperate" 7% that was the who e story8 tho&gh8 7 wo& dn=t be here" 7=m a abo&t getting %ami ies i$e C ara=s bac$ together8 b&t they aren=t the on y Crossers" #he ,est has had a h&ge prob em with spies %rom the East8 and the easiest way to catch them is to nai them on their way o!er" #hat re(&ires a better $now edge o% Crosser cara!an ro&tes than we=!e c&rrent y got" #hat=s where 7 come in" #he war e%t the ,est witho&t m&ch o% a po ice %orce or a mi itary" Brnaments i$e myse % are a cheap a ternati!e" 7 don=t i$e it8 b&t it he ps to $now 7=m doing something that might ma$e a sma di%%erence" #he tho&ght o% disco!ering a spy on their way o!er to the ,est brings me s&ch a r&sh 7 thin$ it has to be a c &e to my ost memories" 7 try to $eep trac$ o% when 7 %ee rea y strong y abo&t something witho&t &nderstanding why" 7=m hoping 7 wi be ab e to piece my past bac$ together at some point" 7 $now the 3as ight *istrict o% San *iego %i s me with a deep dread" 7 $now the sight o% intact %ami ies brings me tremendo&s grie%" 7 $now 7 don=t tr&st *r" Lee" ,hoe!er the o d me was8 she m&st ha!e been rea y desperate to accept his he p" C ara=s mom ro s onto her bac$ and opens her eyes with a sigh" She=s probab y in her thirties8 b&t her eyes oo$ o der and she mo!es as i% her imbs are tight as r&bber bands" She sits &p s ow y and p&shes bac$ the co!ers8 ta$ing care to ma$e s&re C ara=s dad is sti t&c$ed in" #hat simp e act o% care brings tears to my eyes" Another edge o% a memory" She stands and stretches8 then stares o&t the open bedroom window" #here=s nothing reass&ring o&t that windowD>&st b&i dings beaten down by years o% po!erty and war" Beyond them8 the moon is &n&s&a y arge and orange" 7t oo$s as i% it=s been painted onto the star0st&dded s$y" She stands there8 roc$ing %rom one %oot to the other i$e she=s singing a si ent & aby to herse %" 7=m not s&re what sort o% com%ort she=s ab e to draw %rom that scene8 b&t she seems to grow ta er and steadier as 7 watch" She carries her head high despite her circ&mstances" 7 wonder i% she $nows she=s bea&ti%& " 7s that the sort o% thing she thin$s abo&t anymoreC

She snaps o&t o% her re!erie as i% coming o&t o% hypnosis and $isses C ara gent y on the head be%ore wa $ing o&t o% the room" 7 % y o!er to the door and peer into the ha way" Bo'es and p astic crates are stac$ed a ong the wa sDthe ones on the bottom care%& y taped8 whi e the ones on top are haphazard y c osed and b&rsting at the seams" Something m&st ha!e happened to prompt them to pac$ %aster" #o cross %aster" C ara=s mom ri% es thro&gh the c&pboards8 ta$ing care to sh&t them (&iet y" 7 hear the gas ignite on the sto!e" 7 % y as (&iet y as possib e a ong the wa &nti she=s within my sights" She=s standing o!er the sto!e8 her hand o!er the % ame" She=s staring down at it i$e she=s daring herse % to do something8 b&t what that is something is8 7 don=t $now or &nderstand" She owers her %ingers toward the heat8 biting her ip the who e time" 7s she h&rting herse % on p&rposeC She throws her head bac$ and breathes deep y" +e ease" <ow 7 &nderstand" J&st as (&ic$ y8 it=s o!er" She yan$s her hand away8 t&rns on the %a&cet and ho ds her b&rned %ingers and pa m &nder the water" #hen she %i s the teapot and p aces it on the b&rner" Sh&%% ing so&nds come &p behind me8 and 7 shoot &p into a dar$ corner to a!oid being seen" B&t C ara=s dad ne!er oo$s &p" @e enters the $itchen with hea!y steps and sits down at the tab e" C ara=s mom sets o&t two m&gs and retrie!es a p astic bag %rom the %ridge containing a so itary8 &sed tea bag" 7 g&ess they=re r&nning short on those" C ara=s dad h&nches o!er his c&p8 e!en tho&gh the water is sti heating on the sto!e" ?Can=t s eepCA he as$s" ?<o"A ?Big day tomorrow"A @is !oice is too cheer%& " #he tea $ett e whist es8 and she yan$s it o%% o% the b&rner" ?7 don=t want C ara to wa$e &p8A she says" She p ops the tea bag into his m&g %irst and po&rs the water" @e nods" ?#hings wi get better" #hey wi "A ?7% we ma$e it8 Car " 7 sti ha!en=t heard %romIA @er !oice brea$s" She oo$s away" @e doesn=t reach %or her hand" @e doesn=t try to to&ch her" ?,e $new that wo& d happen8 Bea" 7=m s&re yo&r sister is sa%e and >&st can=t get word across"A Bea sha$es her head" Loo$s i$e they=!e had this con!ersation be%ore" ?,e= be sa%er there8A he insists" ?At east there won=t be anyone trying to $i &s"A @e pa&ses8 searches %or words" ?@a!e yo& to d her yetCA ?<o8 7 can=tI @ow do 7 do itCA @er tone t&rns angry" ?@ow do yo& te a itt e gir her co&sins were shot to death in their bedsC *o yo& ha!e any ideasC 7% yo& do8 %ee %ree to do it yo&rse %"A ?7= te her"A ?,e can=t e!en go to the %&nera " #hat is >&st soIwrong" 7 wish there was some way"A @er !oice crac$s8 and she co!ers her mo&th with her hand" Car stares at her hand8 gent y p& s it toward him8 and oo$s at her pa m" ?6o& did it again8A he says" She snatches her hand away" ?Can we ta $ abo&t thisCA ?<o" *on=t ma$e me %ee g&i ty right now" 7t=s >&st a becoming too m&ch" 7 needed it"A @e sighs" ?7 $now8 b&t h&rting yo&rse % won=t ma$e it better" 6o&=re going to be miserab e tomorrow8 babe"A

?7= dea with it then"A ?,e=re going to be oading bo'es a day8 and yo&=re going to be in pain"A ?7s that what yo&=re worried abo&tC #hat 7 won=t be ab e to p& my weightCA ?Bea" <o"A ?7t is; @ow do yo& do itC <o matter what horrib e thing happens8 e!erything is >&st a chec$bo' %or yo&" 6o&r brother and his entire %ami y were assassinated8 and yo& are worried abo&t bo'es" #hey are dead;A ?,o& d yo& >&st sh&t &pC 7 don=t care abo&t the bo'esD7 care abo&t yo&r hand" 7 care abo&t yo& and what a this is doing to yo& and to C ara" And 7=m scared o&t o% my mind >&st i$e yo& are" 7=m >&st trying to $eep on doing what needs to be done" 7=m sorry my way o% coping is not the same as yo&rs" 6o& don=t hear me acc&sing yo& o% being heart ess %or tort&ring yo&rse %8 do yo&C So gi!e me a %&c$ing brea$"A An &ncom%ortab e si ence b&i ds in the room" 7t presses into me8 i$e the sensation o% swimming too deep in a batht&b" ,e 8 this is certain y a new sit&ation" #hey m&st be po itica re%&gees" #raitors o% some $ind" And i% 7 he p bring them to >&sticeI 7 can=t thin$ abo&t it" 7 >&st need to do my >ob" ?7=m going to bed8A Bea says" ?A%ter a 8 we=!e gotta mo!e a ot o% bo'es tomorrow"A Car says nothing8 b&t his mo&th twists in anger" Bea gets &p and goes bac$ to bed8 c osing the door behind her" Car drin$s his tea and throws o&t the bagE then he sits bac$ down and stares at the tab e" @e doesn=t seem i$e a bad man" #hen again8 it=s a ways hard to te " <o one is a good or a e!i 8 and yo& ne!er $now i% yo&=re seeing the side o% them that ma$es &p the ma>ority o% their character &nti yo&=!e $nown them %or a whi e" 7 can=t he p b&t thin$ my dad probab y oo$ed a ot i$e him" 7 i$e to imagine my dad was protecti!e o% me and my mom and any sib ings 7 might ha!e" 4aybe he died in the war" 4aybe my mother did8 too" Car % ic$s o%% the ights and ret&rns to the bedroom" #he moon o&tside is %& and presses thro&gh the s its between the b inds" 7 % y aro&nd the edges o% the $itchen to the window to ta$e a oo$" ,e=re downtown in one o% the abandoned sections" A ot o% peop e ha!e been c aiming the &nocc&pied homes in this area" 4ight as we since the origina residents are probab y dead or disp aced somewhere e se" 7 wonder where 7 i!ed be%ore" 7=!e tried to remember so many times8 b&t 7 come &p with nothing" And no matter how hard 7 try8 those memories are not coming bac$ tonight" 7 d&st myse % o%% and % y bac$ to the bedroom" #here=s >&st one itt e prob em" #he door is c osed" 7 stare at the c osed door separating me %rom the bo' C ara is c&dd ing" 7 pace bac$ and %orth o&tside the door" 4aybe her parents wi wa$e &p %irst and 7 can snea$ in" 4aybe 7 can >&st ie on the % oor and pretend to be a do " <o8 that won=t wor$ beca&se 7=m missing my arms and mas$" She= notice something is di%%erent" 9ids a ways pic$ &p on annoying itt e detai s i$e that" 7t might be my on y option tho&gh" At east *r" Lee to d her 7 was enchanted" 4aybe she= thin$ 7 ha!e >&st started to change into a rea gir " 7 sigh" 7 rea y didn=t want it to reach this point a ready" Anonymity is a h&ge boon in this ine o% wor$8 and 7=d rather not gi!e it &p" Seems i$e 7 don=t ha!e m&ch o% a choice tho&gh" #he best 7 can do is wait it o&t and try to snea$ in a%ter her parents get &p"

Bac$ in the $itchen8 7 drag a c ean towe &p on top o% the c&pboards" 7t=s dirty &p here" <ot e!en Bea=s mad c eaning s$i s ha!e reached this spot8 b&t it= ha!e to s&%%ice" 7 %o d the towe into a ma$eshi%t bed and c imb into the crease" 7t=s act&a y pretty com%ortab e8 and it doesn=t ta$e ong %or the h&m o% tra%%ic o&tside to & me to s eep" FFF #he morning ight brea$s thro&gh the b inds8 casting bright ines on the wa " 7 ie there %or a moment8 staring &p at the white b&mps on the cei ing &nti 7 %ig&re o&t where 7 am" 7 %ee m&ch warmer than &s&a 8 and then the scream o% the teapot >o ts me o&t o% any resid&a drowsiness" #hey=re &p" #hey=re &p8 and 7=m sti on top o% the c&pboard" 7 craw thro&gh the d&st to the edge and peer o!er" Bea is b&st ing aro&nd preparing brea$%ast" 7=m a most direct y o!er the sto!e8 so it=s no wonder it=s getting warm &p here" 7t=s a open air to get bac$ to the ha way8 and there=s no way 7 wi be ab e to get thro&gh witho&t being spotted" 2n ess 7 create a distraction" 7 g ance o!er at the dishtowe " 7t might do the tric$8 b&t she= a so wonder how the hec$ it %e on her head" Bh8 we 8 7 g&ess there=s no way %or her to %ind o&t" #he towe %ee s hea!ier than it did ast night" 7 drag it to the edge and wait &nti Bea eans o!er the sto!e to samp e the eggs8 and then 7 p&sh it o!erboard and immediate y % y o!er her head to the ha way" She shrie$s8 and 7 g ance behind me to see her %&mb ing wi d y thro&gh the &tensi s drawer" ,ith a pair o% tongs8 she grabs the % aming dish towe and tosses it into the sin$" 7 g&ess it hit a b&rner instead o% her" Bon&s points %or me" #he door is wide open8 and C ara=s dad is nowhere to be seen" ,ith a sigh o% re ie%8 7 c imb bac$ into my bo'" #hen8 >&st as 7 rea ize my mas$ and arms are sti &nder the bed in her shoe8 she wa$es &p" #he b ood %reezes in my !eins as C ara ro s onto her bac$" 7=m not e!en %astened into my pose ho der yet8 so the mo!ement t&mb es me aro&nd in the bo'" 7 >&st bare y manage to p&sh the escape % ap c osed be%ore she ho ds me &p and gazes at me with her s eepy eyes" 7 wi myse % to stare straight ahead at her sho& der witho&t b in$ing" She r&bs her eyes and sits &p" 7 try to oo$ as sti%% and do 0 i$e as possib e" C ara taps the side o% the bo' and whispers something8 b&t it=s so (&iet 7 can=t ma$e it o&t" She tries again8 a itt e o&der this time" ?Can yo& hear me yetCA 7 don=t mo!e" ?6o& oo$ more rea 8A she says" ?4aybe 7 can ta$e yo& o&t o% yo&r bo' nowCA 7 ga&ge her e'pression o&t o% the corner o% my eye" She oo$s serio&s y torn" 7% she ta$es me o&t now8 7 might not become a the way rea " B&t she wants to" She wants it bad" She sets my bo' down care%& y" ?7= wait8A she says with a twinge o% regret in her !oice" And with that8 she r&ns o&t o% the room to get brea$%ast8 and 7 breathe a sigh o% re ie%" 7 t&rn aro&nd in the bo' so 7 can see the door and ean against the wa " Stretching my egs o&t in %ront o% me8 7 get as com%ortab e as possib e" 4y stomach r&mb es" 7 sho& d

ha!e %o&nd something to eat whi e 7 was in the $itchen" ) anning hasn=t been my %orte on this mission so %ar" #he ne't %ew ho&rs pass in a % &rry o% pac$ing" C ara=s parents r&sh abo&t in the bedroom8 p&tting the ast items into bo'es and oading them into whate!er !ehic e is waiting o&tside" 7 a so catch a g impse o% the other %ami y" #hey=re o der8 in their ate %i%ties or ear y si'ties8 with a son who oo$s to be abo&t twenty" #hey don=t seem to be good %riends with C ara=s %ami y8 >&st peop e with a common p&rpose who wi go their separate ways when they reach their destination" If they reach their destination" 5ina y8 C ara comes %or me and her pi ow" ?6o&=re going to ride with me8A she says" Awesome" 7 wi ha!e zero opport&nity to get o&t o% this bo' and stretch my egs i% she=s got me on her ap the entire time" #hey=!e got a rather impressi!e cara!an ready" #here are a co&p e o% trai ers that act&a y ha!e tires8 gigantic ones that oo$ i$e they be onged to m&ch to&gher !ehic es at one time" 7 don=t thin$ 7=!e e!er seen a !ehic e with tiresE a modern cars are magnetica y dri!en" B&t 7 g&ess that won=t wor$ o!er the deserts we= be crossing" A co&p e o% tr&c$s with open beds comp ete the ensemb e o% !ehic es" Car he ps C ara into the tr&c$" ?B&c$ e &p8A he says" Bea is a ready in the midd e seat" She wraps an arm aro&nd C ara=s sho& ders and gi!es her a s(&eeze" ?Aren=t yo& going to open yo&r %airy ornamentCA she as$s" ?So yo& can p ay with herCA ?<o8A C ara says" ?7 ha!e to wait"A =Atta gir 8 C ara" Bea a&ghs" ?*id yo& bring anything e se to p ay withC 7t=s a ong dri!e to o&r ne't stop"A C ara p& s a boo$ o&t o% her pi owcase" ?#his"A ?The NutcrackerCA She nods" ?4y ornament oo$s i$e the S&gar ) &m 5airy"A ?She $inda does8 doesn=t sheCA C ara ho ds me &p and gi!es me a ong oo$" ?7 thin$ she rea y is her"A #hen she st&%%s me down between the door and her seat and opens her boo$" FFF ,ith C ara=s pi ow b oc$ing her !iew o% me in my bo'8 7 ha!e the opport&nity to stretch o&t and en>oy the trip as m&ch as my h&ngry stomach wi a ow" 7n my ast mission brie%ing8 7 earned o&r most recent inte igence te s &s most Crosser cara!ans meet &p near Coache a8 which is abo&t three ho&rs %rom San *iego" 7% that=s where we=re headed8 it wi be (&ite a whi e be%ore 7 get to eat" ,hen we arri!e8 7=!e had (&ite eno&gh o% sitting on hard p astic" <o matter how 7 mo!e aro&nd8 7 can=t get com%ortab e" #hat night8 we s eep in the trai er with another %ami y 7 ha!en=t seen be%ore" #he two %ami ies mo!e aro&nd each other care%& y8 &n%ami iar0 i$e" @ow did these peop e e!er get gro&ped %or a cara!anC A o% the other Crossers 7=!e heard o% on y ris$ed the trip with peop e they co& d tr&st" Anonymity m&st be more important than camaraderie in this case" #hat=s pretty te ing"

J&st who are C ara=s parents and why wo& d someone want them deadC Bnce e!eryone is s eeping8 7 get o&t o% my bo' again and raid the pantry" #he c&pboard door is a pain in the b&tt8 b&t 7 %ina y get it open" ,hen 7 t&rn on my LE* g obe8 7 e'pect to %ind canned goods8 dried rice8 pasta8 etc" #hose things are there in ab&ndance" ,hat 7 don=t e'pect to see is Bdette=s %iery red hair g inting bac$ at me" She rips o%% a ch&n$ o% raisin and ho ds it o&t" ?*innerCA @er green %airy dress oo$s comp ete y o&t o% p ace on her" She &s&a y wears st&%% %rom the boys= c othes pi e8 b&t when we=re wor$ing8 we don=t ha!e m&ch choice" 7 accept the raisin grate%& y and scar% it down" 7t=s a itt e e'tra chewy b&t sti de icio&s" 7 gest&re toward the beds where o&r %ami ies are s eeping" ?,hat are the chances8 h&hCA She shr&gs and % ies to a sac$ o% rice" She stamps on it &nti it resemb es a beanbag chair8 then sits down" ?7t happens sometimes" 6o&r itt e gir is c&te" @as she tried to p ay with yo& yetCA 7 >oin her on the rice bag" ?<o8 b&t 7=!e had a %ew c ose ca s" And 7 ost my mas$ and arms"A ?Bops"A She %inishes o%% the raisin and ic$s her %ingers" ?<ot that it rea y matters" By the time they %ig&re &s o&tDi% they e!er doDwe= be gone"A ?,hat abo&t yo&CA ?<o prob ems" 9id is a straight0edge" @as me pac$ed in her bag a ong with some potato chips" Open potato chips"A 7 a&gh" ?L&c$y"A She shr&gs again" ?A in a day=s wor$ 7 g&ess"A ?@ow many o% these ha!e yo& doneCA ?7 don=t $now" *ozens probab y"A 7 %rown" ?7 tho&ght they were s&pposed to et &s go a%ter tenCA ?6o& be ie!e that shitC Come on8 S&gar8 7 tho&ght yo& were smarter than that" ,hen ha!e yo& e!er seen anyone ea!e the %actoryCA She sha$es her head" ?7t won=t happen &nti *r" @orrib e gets ca&ght"A 7=m not s&re what to say" 7 trace the b& ge o% a grain o% rice thro&gh the p astic" ?,hy are we doing thisCA 7 as$ %ina y" 7 don=t e'pect an answer" ?7 i$e i!ing8A Bdette rep ies" ?7t s&re beats the a ternati!e"A ?B&t i% we ran8 how wo& d he get &sC E!en i% he can trac$ &sCA She ro s her eyes at me" ?6o& $now it=s not >&st him8 rightCA ?Sti 8A 7 say" ?E!en i% there are ots o% them8 we co& d get awayDA ?<o" <o8 we co& dn=t" 6o& didn=t see what happened to that one $idIcan=t remember his nameI @e tried to ea!e the %actory when he wasn=t on mission8 and they ca&ght him within %i!e min&tes" #hey &se meta % ying things" #hey oo$ i$e 25Bs"A She gets &p8 grabs another raisin and tosses it to me" ?So don=t e!en thin$ abo&t it8 S&gar" 7t=s not worth it" J&st $eep yo&r head down and do what yo&=re s&pposed to"A ?B$ay8A 7 say" B&t 7 don=t mean it" FFF

#he ne't morning8 the %ami ies are &p at dawn" C ara and 7 are oaded bac$ into the tr&c$8 and the cara!an8 which has do&b ed in size now8 starts mo!ing toward the 4ids" #he border ies on the eastern side o% o d Arizona8 and the on y p ace to cross is in the midd e o% the desert" As we get c oser8 the tension in the tr&c$ b&i ds" E!ery time C ara says something8 her parents snap at her to be (&iet" #he going gets b&mpier when the cara!an ea!es the road8 and the h&ge tires come in handy" Abo&t two ho&rs away %rom the border8 e!eryone stops" ?,hat are we doingCA C ara as$s" ?6o& get to ride in the trai er %rom now on8A Bea says in the high8 happy !oice ad& ts thin$ is con!incing to chi dren" ?#hat way yo& can go to the bathroom whene!er yo& want"A 7nterpretationJ #here wi be no stopping %or at east eight ho&rs" E!eryone ta$es t&rns re ie!ing themse !es8 and the contents o% the +H toi ets are emptied and b&ried" C ara and the other itt e gir 8 Addie8 p ay in the shadow o% the trai er with me and Bdette whi e the men attach sweepers to the bac$s o% the !ehic es" #hey oo$ i$e h&ge ra$es8 and they= he p co!er &p the tire trac$s" #hen they throw sand0 co ored tarps on top o% the trai ers and tr&c$s to he p camo&% age them" 2n ess search p anes are riding ow8 the cara!an wi be hard to detect" And e!eryone $nows the 4ids doesn=t ha!e the money %or that sort o% thing" Bdette catches my eye as Addie wa $s her bo' o!er to mine" She=s not wearing her mas$ anymore either8 b&t she=s got the arms" She oo$s comp ete y miserab e" 7 manage a smi e %rom my corner where 7=m sitting com%ortab y" ,e 8 as cozy as yo& can be sitting on hard p astic" Bnce a the preparations are %inished8 we=re herded into the trai er" Bea >oins &s8 b&t she doesn=t >oin in the p ay" 7 don=t thin$ she can" She c imbs into the %orward o%t8 p& s &p the g&ard rai 8 and ies down" 7 wonder i% she= be ab e to s eep at a " #he ne't two ho&rs tic$ by s ow y" #he itt e gir s get tired o% their games and whine &nti Bea c imbs bac$ down and p& s o&t a tab et" ?7 recorded some shows" 7 thin$ yo&= i$e one o% them beca&se it has itt e peop e >&st i$e yo&r do s" J&st watch these8A she says" ?And p ease be (&iet"A #here=s no rea reason %or them to $eep their !oices down" <o one wi e!er hear them o!er the r&mb ing o% the engines" Sti 8 they obey with gigg es8 prop the tab et &p against a pi ow8 and watch %rom their c&shions" #hey p ace me and Bdette in %ront o% them so we can watch8 too8 and %or once8 7 am grate%& that C ara is so attached to me" #he screen comes to i%e8 and an anno&ncer=s !oice introd&ces the show as Little Love: A Tom and Thumbelina Story abo&t a tiny winged gir who has to pic$ a h&sband %rom si' g&ys her size" At %irst 7 thin$ it m&st be an animated show" 7 can=t imagine any st&dios ha!e the money to prod&ce a i!e0action show i$e this" B&t it=s neither o% those things" A tiny8 b onde gir with wings near y identica to mine e'cept %or their b &e co or s&dden y %i s the screen" She=s as rea as 7 am" 4y >aw %a s8 and 7 stea a g ance at Bdette" @er mo&th is set in a grim ine" #he anno&ncer drones on8 b&t 7 don=t hear anything he says" A 7 can absorb is the %ootage o% teenagers i$e me starring in a rea ity #H show8 teenagers the wor d isn=t s&pposed to $now abo&t"

,hat is going onC FFF #hat night8 7 can=t get the show o&t o% my head" 7t=s being shot in *enmar$8 where!er that is" 4y geography memories got wiped a ong with the rest8 and 7=!e on y re earned the things that are abso &te y essentia to my >ob" 7 $now Ca i%ornia8 Arizona8 and <e!ada inside o&t" 7 s(&eeze my eyes sh&t" *enmar$" ,here co& d that beC 7t=s probab y not in <orth America" E&rope maybeC Co& d it mean there are peop e my size a o!er the wor dC *read seeps thro&gh my !eins" Something >&st isn=t right abo&t this" Bb!io&s y 7=!e $nown %or a whi e that there=s something wrong with ta$ing teenagers8 erasing their memories8 and shrin$ing them8 b&t peop e do desperate things in the a%termath o% war" #hat=s the way 7=!e >&sti%ied my own trans%ormation" B&t this %ee s bigger somehow" 7 snea$ bac$ into the c&pboard and %ind Bdette waiting8 >&st as 7=d hoped" ?So what was that a abo&tCA she as$s be%ore 7 get a chance to grab something to eat" ?7 don=t $now" ,here=s *enmar$CA ?E&rope8 7 g&ess"A She g ares down at her own tapping %oot" 7=m s&rprised she=s so (&iet abo&t this" Bdette &s&a y has opinions on e!erything" And 7 mean immediate opinions" ?,hy wo& d they want anyone to $now abo&t &sCA 7 wonder o&t o&d" 7 grab another raisin since they=re the on y edib e things in this c&pboard" ?7 mean8 it $ind o% b ows o&r co!er as spies i% the who e wor d $nows we e'ist"A ?6eah8 b&t 7 bet no one $nows there are more o% &s" Sti 8 it=s rea y weird" 7 wonder i% they=re connected with the Candy 5actory at a "A ?#hey ha!e to be" #hey=re the same size8 with the same $ind o% wings" @ow co& d two di%%erent peop e come &p with that idea at the same time witho&t wor$ing together somehowCA She raises her eyebrow" ?7 >&st said Gsame= three times8 didn=t 7CA ?7 was >&st thin$ing the same thing"A 7 snort a a&gh8 then %orce myse % to get serio&s again" ?7 thin$ my %ami y is r&nning %or their i!es"A ?Boh8 po itica intrig&e" J&st the sort o% thing 7 i$e being in!o !ed in8A Bdette says sarcastica y" ?A soIyour %ami yCA ?7=m not $idding" #he dad=s brother and his %ami y were assassinated" 7 o!erheard them ta $ing8 and they were terri%ied"A ?#here=s nothing yo& can do abo&t it"A ?7 $now8 b&t 7 sti %ee bad" ,hat i% somebody comes a%ter them o&t hereC ,hat i% *r" Lee %ig&red o&t who they are and t&rned them o!er to the go!ernment or somethingCA Bdette shr&gs" ?,hat i% he didC #hey probab y did something to deser!e it"A ?7 don=t thin$ so"A ?Bh8 so yo&=re bosom b&ddies with them nowC #hat $id=s gotten &nder yo&r s$in8 hasn=t sheCA ?4aybe8A 7 say with a grin" ?6o& ha!e to admit she=s pretty sweet"A ?6o&=re impossib e"A

?#hat=s why we=re %riends" ,e=re both n&tcases"A She sha$es her head" ?<o8 yo&=re in another category a together" 7 do what 7 ha!e to do" 7 don=t get attached to the $ids" ,hat=s come o!er yo&CA ?7 don=t $now" #hat gir reminds me o% me somehow" She %ee s %ami iar in a way 7 can=t e'p ain" *o yo&Ido yo& remember anything at a CA ?<o8 and 7=m s&re it=s better that way" ,e wo& dn=t ha!e wanted to %orget so bad i% o&r i!es had been worth remembering"A #he words sting8 b&t 7 can=t deny their tr&th" ?4aybe we wo& d ha!e %e t di%%erent y i% we=d $nown how it %ee s to not $now who we are"A ?7 $now who 7 am8A Bdette says" ?7 don=t need to remember who 7 was to $now that" And i% 7 were yo&8 7 wo& d set my eyes on the prize8 %inish this mission8 and $eep my head down" *r" Lee is not someone yo& mess with"A And with that8 she ta$es a winged eap &p %rom the beanbag chair and e'its the c&pboard" 5r&stration rises in me as 7 watch her go" 7 can=t simp y accept this sit&ation8 b&t 7 don=t $now how to %ight it either" Bea and Car =s growing an'iety ma$es the trai er %ee i$e a press&re coo$er8 and 7 can=t he p b&t %ee i$e something aw%& is going to happen" FFF *ays ater8 Christmas E!e arri!es on the hee s o% Jac$ 5rost8 and the co d pro!es to be too m&ch %or Car =s o d tr&c$" #he so ar battery oses its charge o!ernight8 and the %ami ies gather o&tside to decide what to do" C ara and Addie ha!e me and Bdette with them &nder a withered Josh&a tree" ?<ow yo& % y &p here to this branch8A C ara says as she whips me into p ace" #oo bad 7= ne!er be a %ighter pi ot beca&se at this point 7=m s&re 7 can withstand a the 3s 7 wo& d need" ,ho $new a si'0year0o d was better than any ro er coaster o&t thereC ?#hat=s my branch8A Addie says with a stomp o% her %oot" ?#hat=s my gir =s ho&se"A ?6o& had it ast time"A ?7 >&st mo!ed her %or a second and then yo& too$ it"A ?6o& ha!e that roc$ o!er there and it=s nicer"A ?<o8 it=s not8A Addie whines" Bdette ro s her eyes at me8 and 7 ha!e to wor$ rea y hard not to a&gh" ?5ine8 7= ta$e it"A C ara sets me on the roc$8 b&t then her eyes % &tter away and she stares at something on the gro&nd" 7 can=t t&rn aro&nd beca&se that wo& d be too ob!io&s8 and Bdette=s not in my ine o% sight either" A 7 can see is C ara standing motion ess8 her mo&th hanging open and horror %i ing her e'pression" #hen she screams" )anic rises in my throat8 and it ta$es a o% my se %0contro to stay sti " ,hat is itC A sna$eC A scorpionC #he ad& ts r&sh o!er and s$id to a stop" Bea scoops &p C ara with an ?oh8 honey8A and C ara=s %oot catches my bo' and sends me % ying toward the scary thing" 7 th&d into the gro&nd8 the impact >arring me to the bone" ,hen 7 open my eyes again8 7 %ind myse % staring into two i%e ess soc$ets" #hey be ong to a eathery h&man head8 ha %0co!ered in sand and ong separated %rom the rest o% its body" Snar ed8 ong gray hair swir s aro&nd it i$e an o d nest" )arts o% the s$in ha!e charred ho es re!ea ing scorched bone" ,hoe!er this was8 she didn=t die o% e'pos&reE she was b&rned"

C ara=s screams are m&%% ed now that she has her %ace pressed against Bea=s sho& der8 b&t Addie has ta$en o!er %or her and is starting to hyper!enti ate" ?@&sh8 Addie8A her mom imp ores8 b&t her own !oice has gone higher in pitch and it=s a toss0&p which one o% them is more panic$ed" 7 c ose my eyes8 b&t 7 can see that head e!en when 7=m not oo$ing at it" ,ho was this person8 and why did she dieC ,as she a cas&a ty o% warC Seems $ind o% strange %or her to be a the way o&t here in the midd e o% nowhere i% she was a ci!i ian !ictim" BrI was she a CrosserC A (&easy %ee ing oozes o!er me8 and s&dden y 7 rea y want to be o&t o% this bo' and high &p in that tree" Are there more bodiesC Am 7 B< oneC 7 sh&dder a o!er8 and when gent e hands pic$ me &p and carry me away %rom the scene8 7 breathe a si ent thank you" Bea is carrying C ara into the trai er8 so my resc&er m&st be Car " @e ho ds my bo' cas&a y as he strides o!er to the tr&c$8 and then he sets me on top and seems to %orget abo&t me" As he wor$s &nder the hood8 Addie=s dad comes o!er8 his %ace grim" ?Car 8 7=!e gotta ta $ to yo& abo&t s&mthin="A ?,hat=s thatCA ?,e can=t stay here" ,e=!e gotta mo!e" )at is a most in hysterics8 and she=s scared spit ess"A ?7t= ta$e me a day to charge bac$ &p" ,e=!e got a o% o&r pane s going on this battery" As soon as it=s &p and r&nning8 we can mo!e on"A ?<o8 no" 7=m sorry8 man8 b&t we can=t wait" 7= ha!e a m&tiny on my hands i% we do" 7=m rea sorry" ,e can go on ahead &nti o&r batteries are r&nnin= ow and wait %or yo& in a spot that don=t ha!eIcorpses"A Car s ams down the hood8 and 7 >&mp in spite o% myse %" ?,e need to stic$ together8 )a& " #hat=s what we agreed to do"A ?7 $now8 7 $now" And 7=m rea sorry" 7 tr& y am" B&t my wi%eIA ?7s an ad& t8A Car snaps" )a& =s eyes narrow" ?*on=t go ins& ting my wi%e now"A Car a&ghs bitter y" ?7% yo& thin$ it=s an ins& t to ca yo&r wi%e a grown woman8 7 don=t rea y $now what to te yo&"A ?Loo$8 7=m trying to be reasonab e" 6o& can=t e'pect &s to stay here with a se!ered head yin= on the gro&nd" Something bad happened here8 and we both $now it"A ?6eah8 yo& $now8 yo&=re abso &te y right" 7t=s rea y se %ish o% me to not want to be abandoned in the midd e o% a desert witho&t a wor$ing !ehic e" 6o& go right ahead"A )a& ta$es his baseba hat o%% and %idd es with it" C ear y8 this is not how he e'pected this con!ersation to go8 and now he=s warring with his conscience" B&t )a& seems to be one o% those peop e who gets his mind set on something and has a hard time assimi ating new in%ormation" E!eryone here $nows how this is going to end" ?7=m rea sorry8A he says %or the &mpteenth time" Car >er$s his head toward the trai er" ?3et yo&r st&%% then"A ?6o& $now" 4aybe i% we >&st go abo&t a mi e" ,e can wait %or yo& there and not be by thatIhead"A ?,e b&ried the head"A )a& ic$s his ips ner!o&s y" ?6eah8 we 8 there might be more"A

4y throat constricts as it a becomes rea " #hey=re ea!ing &s here8 and they=re ta$ing Bdette with them" ,hat i% they decide to >&st $eep on goingC ,hat i% Car can=t get the tr&c$ r&nning againC ,e= be sitting d&c$s" 5or the %irst time e!er8 my wings %ee hea!y on my bac$" 7 $now *r" Lee is wor$ing with the ,est8 and i% he=s connected to the peop e who are trying to assassinate C ara=s %ami y8 7=m eading the $i ers here" #he image o% the se!ered head in!ades my head and won=t go away no matter how hard 7 try to ignore it" 7 can=t ignore the %act that someone e se died near this !ery spot" Someone who was trying to get across the 4ids" 7% they %o&nd her8 then they a ready $now this ocation is part o% the Crosser cara!an trai " 7t=s probab y being patro ed and who $nows how o%tenC A crazy idea enters my head" ,hat i% 7 tipped them o%%C ,hat i% 7 co& d he p them get away %rom the trai that=s norma y &sedC B&t we wo& d need a wor$ing !ehic e %or that8 and 7 wo& d ha!e to stay with them" Considering 7 am part o% the prob em8 that probab y wo& dn=t he p" 7% on y 7 $new how to %i' so ar car batteries" 7 thin$ as hard as 7 can8 trying to %orce &p some non0e'istent memories" Do 7 $now how to %i' batteriesC <othing comes to mind" So probab y not" 7 co& d ea!e" 7 wo& d be %o&nd e!ent&a y and that wo& d probab y be the end o% me8 b&t at east C ara=s %ami y wo& dn=t be in danger" #he throat0tightening %ee ing comes bac$8 and a ayer o% tears %orms o!er my eyes" 7 ha!e to open my mo&th to breathe beca&se 7 s&dden y %ee i$e 7=m drowning" 7 don=t $now i% 7 can do it" At the !ery east8 7 need to wait &nti tomorrow %or Christmas" 7 can ?come to i%eA %or C ara and that wi gi!e me a good e'c&se in her eyes to ea!e" #hat way 7 can hope%& y atone %or ta$ing so ong to decide" 7 ta$e a deep8 sha$y breath and oo$ at the distant mo&ntains" 7 can hide there %or a whi e8 b&t 7 hope they %ind me (&ic$ y" Better to get it o!er with than i!e in %ear o% the ine!itab e" #he screen door on the trai er bangs c osed8 and Bea r&ns &p to Car with C ara hot on her hee s" ?,hat=s going onC )at says they=re ea!ingCA ?6ep"A Car =s !oice is tense8 c ipped" Bea c asps both hands on her head and t&rns aro&nd in circ es i$e she=s searching %or something to sa!e her" C ara >&mps &p and points at me sitting on top o% the tr&c$ cab" ?*addy8 gi!e me my do "A @e hands me to her witho&t a word8 and she r&ns bac$ into the trai er" )at is throwing c othing into bags whi e Addie cries and c &tches Bdette to her chest" 7 try to catch my %riend=s eye8 b&t C ara is mo!ing too %ast" She c imbs &p into the o%t with me and co!ers both o% &s with the sheet" ?<ow we=re sa%e8A she whispers to me" 7 wish that was tr&e with a o% my being" FFF #hat e!ening8 as C ara naps in the o%t8 7 snea$ o&t to grab a bite to eat" )a& and )at are sti getting their be ongings pac$ed into the other trai er8 b&t it doesn=t oo$ i$e they=!e got m&ch e%t to do" Soon they= be gone8 and who $nows how ong it wi ta$e

C ara=s %ami y to catch &p with themC #he s&n is going down now8 and it won=t be ong be%ore Christmas E!e is %& y &pon &s" <ot that it wi %ee !ery merry" 7n %act8 7 can=t remember any happy Christmases" #he on y good thing abo&t this one is the pac$aged coo$ies Bea has opened %or the occasion" 7=m >&st starting to nosh on some de icio&s choco ate chip bits when 7 hear %ootsteps o&tside" 7 bare y ma$e it into the o%t be%ore the trai er door swings open and Car enters with a scragg y e!ergreen tree" 7t=s sma and sic$ y and on y !ag&e y resemb es a Christmas tree" @e p& s o&t a pot8 %i s it with water8 and sets e!erything &p on the sma dining tab e" Bea comes in bearing odds and ends that she scro&nged %rom aro&nd the campsiteDse!era %eathers and some indiscernib e shapes %ormed %rom twigs" She hangs these on the tree8 p& s a >ar o% popcorn $erne s o&t o% the c&pboard8 and heads bac$ o&tside with a pan" 4in&tes ater8 7 can hear the pop0pop0pop o!er the %ire" She ret&rns with a h&ge bow o% popcorn and begins stringing it into gar ands" She and Car wor$ in si ence8 on y spea$ing to one another with their eyes and itt e smi es here and there" ,hen they=re %inished8 the sad8 near y0dead sap ing oo$s i$e a respectab e Christmas tree" Car nods to Bea8 and 7 scramb e to get bac$ into my bo' as she c imbs the adder to the o%t" She gent y sha$es C ara" ?,a$e &p8 baby" 7t=s Christmas E!e;A C ara near y ro s on top o% me as she sits &p and b in$s the s eep %rom her eyes" Lying in my bo'8 7 oo$ &p at her as she ta$es in the scene" @er who e %ace ights &p8 and immediate y she grabs me and t&gs at the string at the top o% my container" ?Let=s p&t her on the tree;A she says" Bea ta$es me and8 a%ter he ping C ara down8 positions me at the top o% the tree" Awesome" 7=m the ange %ig&rine" Sort o% a s &mpy one since 7=m sitting down and my wings are s(&ished8 b&t an ange ne!erthe ess" 7% ?g owA co& d be a %ee ing8 7=m s&re the sensation 7=m e'periencing right now wo& d be simi ar" 7t=s weird8 b&t 7=m pretty honored by my itt e ro e" 7 %ee i$e 7=m part o% this %ami y %or the night8 and my stomach drops when 7 remember this is temporary" 7t has to be temporary" 7 watch Bea b&st ing aro&nd to prepare a sma Christmas E!e dinner that sme s amazing whi e Car reads to C ara on the co&ch" #he ights ha!e been owered8 and a sing e cand e sp&tters on the co&nter8 throwing happy shadows on the wa " #he trai er has been trans%ormed into a home8 and it=s a sensation that is strange y %ami iar" 7t opens &p the ho e in my heart that is a ways aching8 e!en tho&gh 7 can=t remember why" A%ter a n&mber o% bedtime stories8 C ara %ina y %a s as eep8 and her mom and dad t&c$ her into the co&ch bed together" Bea b ows o&t the cand e8 and then they $iss in the (&iet and the dar$ness" 7 c ose my eyes to gi!e them a itt e more pri!acy8 b&t they ha!e no intention o% staying there" #hey e'it the trai er %or some a one time" 7n the tr&c$8 7 pres&me" 7 don=t rea y want to thin$ abo&t that too m&ch" 4&sic % oats in %rom o&tside" Silent ni ht! holy ni ht" All is calm! all is bri ht"

)eace s&rro&nds me8 and some o% the sadness 7 a ways carry me ts away" 7 rest my head against the co d p astic and sigh happi y" FFF 7t=s >&st past midnight8 and e!eryone is so&nd as eep" Car =s snores and C ara=s steady8 baby0 i$e breathing sett e down on me i$e a warm b an$et" 7 stretch o&t in my bo' and prop my %eet &p against one o% the wa s" 7t=s chi ier tonight8 and %or once 7=m than$%& %or the st&%%y atmosphere o% my container" A so%t pattering noise %i s the trai er" 7t=s rain0 i$e8 b&t not e'act y" 7t=s gent erI (&ieter" 7 c imb o&t and % y &p to window where 7 p&sh &p one o% the b inds" Snow" 7t=s snowin in Ari#ona" 7 can=t e!en see the mo&ntains8 the white is coming down so %ast and thic$" And now that a o% the ights are o&t8 the %& moon is the on y so&rce o% i &mination" ?4erry Christmas8A 7 whisper in awe" 7t happens a at once" #he wor d is whiteDwhite noise8 white %orce a aro&nd me" 7t s&rro&nds me8 %i s me &nti 7 no onger $now who 7 am or i% 7 e!en e'ist" ,as 7 e!er e!en a i!eC ,hen did the snow get so o&dC ,hen did it start h&rting i$e the %ists o% a tho&sand men p&mme ing my bodyC J&st as soon as it became !io ent and everythin KBr was it ongerC @ow can 7 e!er $nowCL8 the snow ret&rns to being nothing more than a patter on the roo% and a %airy co!er on the gro&nd" E'cept there is no roo%" 7 am no onger by the window" 7 drag myse % in the direction 7 thin$ is ?&p8A &rch sideways8 and %a bac$ down" E!erything is white" 7 can=t see anything8 so 7 %ee with my hands" C oth" Hiny " Snow" ,et" #he scent o% iron and smo$e" ,ait8 that=s not a %ee ingE that=s a sme " #he white in my !ision t&rns to gray and shapes appear" #hey are not mo!ing" 7 r&b at my eyes and open them again" E!erything snaps into p ace" ,hy didn=t 7 r&b the ash o&t be%oreC #hat wo& d ha!e made sense" <ow 7 &nderstand the smo$e sme " #he wor d is b&rning" E!erything b&t the mo&ntains" @ow can they be so sti and &nto&ched when a e se is a writhing mass o% % ameC #hey %o&nd me" B&t wait8 7 wasn=t e!en r&nning away" 7 was on mission8 on point" ,hy wo& d they do thisC A p ane engine roars o!erhead" #here is a screaming so&nd and more white noise po&nding at my head" ,ho is screamingC #hen 7 rea ize that my >aw h&rts and my mo&th is as wide open as it can possib y be and 7 ha!e no more air in my &ngs beca&se I am the one who has been ye ing her g&ts o&t" 4y wings wor$ better than my %eet8 and they p& me &p8 &p into the air where 7 can dance with the thic$ white % a$es o% snow" And then 7 hear her" A itt e gir =s con%&sed cry %ights its way thro&gh the patter that so&nds so &nbe ie!ab y o&d again" 7 p&sh aside the % a$es as i% that wi he p and % y toward C ara" 7 $now it=s her" 7 can=t te how 7 $now8 b&t 7 do"

7 %ind her &nderneath the tab e" 7 don=t $now how she got there or why she=s not in the trai er" B&t there is no trai er" 7 stop and oo$ aro&nd8 b&t 7 can=t %ind it anywhere" 7nstead8 it=s e!erywhere8 >&st i$e the snow" @ow ong wo& d it ta$e to p&t it bac$ together piece by pieceC 7 don=t $now" 7 % y down to C ara=s %ace" ,hen did she get so redC #here is red e!erywhere" +ed and white and her dar$ brown s$in8 i$e cherries and mi $ and choco ate" 7t isn=t &nti 7 t&rn aro&nd that 7 see them" Car and Bea8 sti wrapped in their b an$ets8 sti with their eyes c osed8 b&t Car no onger snores" @is >aw hangs at an &nnat&ra ang e that ma$es me want to gag" Sh&t yo&r mo&th8 Car " $Shut your mouth when you chew! Su ar"% #he memory e'p odes %rom the snow8 and 7 %orget how to % y" 4y mother stands o!er me8 her eyes snapping in irritation" 7=m not s&re how 7 $now she=s my mother8 b&t 7 do" B&r $itchen is warm as %ireE my mo&th is %& o% wa%% es that are stic$y" Stic$y i$e the st&%% 7=m standing in now" ,ipe it o%%" 4y mom wipes o%% my %ace8 and 7 et her beca&se 7 $now that beneath that gr&%% e'terior8 she o!es me" ,e=re going somewhere today8 b&t the edge o% that memory is sti sharp and >agged and 7 can=t remember where" She sets a piece o% choco ate to the right o% my p ate" She says8 ?4erry Christmas"A #his is a 7 wi get8 b&t it is the who e wor d" &hocolate" 7 stare into C ara=s %ace" 7 am a she wi get %or Christmas" 7 ta$e a deep breath" ?C ara8A 7 say" ?Bpen yo&r eyes and oo$ at me"A She obeys and b in$s thro&gh her tears" @er eyes widen when she sees me8 and she reaches o&t her hand" ?Bn y oo$ at me8A 7 say" 7 stand on her hand and % &tter my wings" ?7=m rea " 6o& bro$e the c&rse"A She ta$es a deep8 sh&ddering breath" ?7 didCA ?6o& did"A 7 &rch to the side again b&t catch myse % be%ore 7 t&mb e o%% her hand to the gro&nd" ?*idn=t yo& %ee the magicCA She hesitates and bites bac$ more tears" ?6e0yes"A 7 thin$ o% my mother=s %ace8 the eyes 7 ha!en=t been ab e to remember %or years" #hey had the same oo$ in them 7 saw in Bea=s %ace the night be%ore we e%t8 when she he d her hand o!er the % ame" 7t=s the %ear o% a cornered anima " 7 &nderstand now why 7 wanted to %orget" Someday8 C ara wi want to %orget8 too" B&t tonight there wi be Christmas and %airies" ?7=m going to ta$e yo& somewhere magica 8A 7 say" ?,i yo& come with meCA She sits &p and nods" ?B$ay8 b&t there are r& es" 5irst8 do yo& see that b an$et on the gro&ndC 6ep8 that one" 3o ahead and pic$ it &p" <ow8 yo& ha!e to c ose yo&r eyes and %o ow the so&nd o% my wings and my !oice" 7% yo& open yo&r eyes8 the magic won=t wor$" Are yo& readyCA She c oses her eyes and8 with another ragged sob8 nods her head" ?3ood" B$ay8 can yo& wa $ toward meCA She points her %oot i$e a tiny ba erina and tests the gro&nd %or anything that might trip her" She ta$es two steps %orward" ?)er%ect8 C ara" <ow8 et=s try again"A

Step by step8 7 ead her away %rom the wrec$age" @er tears s&bside8 and her breathing e!ens o&t" 7 chec$ behind her to see i% she is b eeding into the snow8 b&t the b ood she wears is not her own" 7 get her sa%e y into the she ter o% a tree" 7s it the same tree where we %o&nd the headC 7 do&b e0chec$" <o8 a sa%e" ?B$ay8 yo& can open yo&r eyes now"A @er ashes % &tter8 and she stares at me" ?6o&=re a rea gir 8A she whispers" ?7 tho&ght he was %oo ing me"A 7 %orce a smi e" ?<ope8 it was a tr&e" <ow8 7 >&st need yo& to wait here whi e 7 get one more thing to comp ete the magic"A 2ncertainty washes o!er her %ace" ?B&t where are yo& goingCA ?7 won=t be %ar" 7% yo& get scared8 yo& can >&st c ose yo&r eyes and imagine that 7=m here and 7 wi be in no time at a " B$ayCA She bites her ip and pinches her eyes c osed" ?7= be right bac$"A As 7 % y bac$ toward the wrec$age8 the %&zzy %ee ing in my head c ears i$e %og be%ore a h&rricane" A that=s e%t o% the trai er and tr&c$ are b&rned0o&t meta s$e etons and meta ch&n$s ittering the gro&nd" #here is %ire e!erywhere8 a tho&gh the snow is beginning to p&t some o% it o&t" ,e were bombed" 7 ha!e to %ind Bdette" 7 s$irt the edges o% the debris and contin&e on to the %irst gro&p" #&rns o&t8 they didn=t e!en go a mi e away8 b&t my &ngs are sti b&rning %rom the sprint when 7 arri!e" #here is ess %ire at their campsite" 7n %act8 there is ess o% anything" 7t is eeri y (&iet as 7 approach8 and the ast % ames are sp&ttering to death &nder the b izzard" 7 see green wings % &ttering in the si ence and the snow" #hey are ha %0b&ried" ?<o;A #he word b&rsts o&t o% me witho&t my permission as 7 race to her side" ?Bdette" 4o!e something" Can yo& hear meCA @er eyes trac$ s ow y to meet mine" ?#hey= come bac$8A she whispers and co&ghs" #he chi wraps aro&nd &s i$e a !ise" ?#hey= bomb &s &nti there=s no one e%t"A ?E!eryone is dead" #here=s no one e%t to bomb"A She b in$s" ?6o&=re not"A #he co or drains %rom her s$in8 the i%e ea!es her eyes" She stares at me8 b&t it=s not her anymore" ,hy does her hair ha!e to be so redC ,hy co& dn=t she ha!e died an o d ady with gray hair and a her imbs intactC ,hy did she ha!e to die i$e this8 with her bones t&rned to powder and her wings tornC 7 r&n my hand o!er the edge o% her right wing" 7t oo$s i$e a trans &cent % ower peta " A rea %airy wo& d ha!e $i ed %or wings i$e that" 9i ed" 7 gag on the tho&ght as the sit&ation becomes rea 8 i$e a mo!ie coming to i%e be%ore my eyes" She can=t rea y be dead8 can sheC 7 % y bac$ward8 e'pecting her to hop &p and sho&t8 ?J&st $idding;A Bdette the pran$ster" Bdette the con%ident" Bdette the in!incib e" Bdette the dead" <o" ) ane engines drone in the distance" She was right" *amn her8 she was right and they are coming bac$ %or me" 7 di!e bac$ down to her body and p& her s$irt &p to the waist"

I'm sorry! Odette! but I have to do this" 7 yan$ her $ni%e o&t o% its sheath8 the $ni%e she had more a%%ection %or than she had %or any h&man being" She ca ed it S&rprise" 7 rep ace her s$irtE it=s the east 7 can do" 7 ret&rn to C ara and manage to compose myse % >&st be%ore 7 reach her" 7 cannot oo$ a%raid8 and 7 certain y can=t thin$ too ong abo&t this" ?6o& came bac$8A she says" She had her s&spicions" ?B% co&rse 7 did"A 7 trace my %inger across the b ade" ?And now 7 need yo&r he p with something"A 7 try to ma$e my !oice so&nd ight8 i$e what 7=m abo&t to as$ her isn=t a big dea " ?B$ay"A ?7% 7=m going to be a rea gir 8 7 won=t need my wings anymore" So 7 need yo& to c&t them o%%"A She oo$s s$eptica " ?,hyCA 7 st&%% down my irritation" Damn it! &lara! don't ive me time to reconsider this unless you want to die! too" ?Beca&se my wings are part o% my c&rse" 7 went and got the magic $ni%e8 and 7 need yo& to c&t them o%%"A 7 ho d o&t the tiny $ni%e to her8 and she ta$es it" ?Bnce they=re o%%8 7 need yo& to drop them on the gro&nd and r&n to that pi e o% roc$s o!er there" 6o&= ha!e to r&n as %ast as yo& can8 o$ayC And ma$e s&re yo& don=t drop me"A ?,hy do 7 ha!e to r&nCA So many (uestions) ?Beca&se the wings are going to b ow &p"A @er eyes widen" ?B$ay"A ?3ood" Let=s do this;A ?,on=t it h&rt yo&CA )anic swe s in my chest" ?<o8A 7 ie" ?4aybe >&st %or a moment" B&t 7 need yo& to c&t them both o%% e!en i% 7 cry otherwise 7= go bac$ to being a do "A ?7 don=t want to h&rt yo&"A ?7 $now"A 7 point to where she sho& d ma$e the incision" She ta$es ho d o% one o% my gorgeo&s p&rp e wings and ho ds it o&t" And she c&ts" 7t %ee s i$e someone is po&ring boi ing water down my bac$" 7 scream into my hand &nti 7 ha!e no air8 and then 7 ta$e in big8 g& ping breaths" 4y hands reach o&t on their own8 searching %or something that wi stem the pain" 7 need re ie%8 b&t then C ara c&ts the other one and 7 !omit on myse % be%ore 7 ha!e the chance to bend o!er" 7 begin to dry hea!e and wipe the mess o%% o% my %ront with my hands" 7 %ee C ara=s %ingers wrap aro&nd me8 and then we=re r&nning and e!ery step sends $ni!es o% pain thro&gh my bac$" ?Stop;A 7 scream8 b&t she can=t hear me" ) ane engines % y o!erhead8 or is it on y oneC 7 grit my teeth together and grip C ara=s %inger with a my might" 7 am b ind with agony" She r&ns and r&ns and r&ns %or what seems i$e an eternity o% stabbing" #hen it is dar$ and co d and too (&iet" Boom" #he o&d snow so&nd is bac$8 b&t it is %&rther away and not as ear0shattering this time" ,e are sti a i!e" 7 oo$ &p at C ara=s %ace" @er eyes are wide as she meets my gaze" ?6o&r wings e'p oded8A she whispers8 then gigg es"

#here=s nothing rea y %&nny abo&t it8 b&t she doesn=t $now that" And somehow8 hearing her itt e gir a&gh in the Christmas snow ma$es me %orget %or one sp it second what has >&st happened8 and 7 smi e at her" #onight is sti magic %or her8 and 7 want her to be ie!e that ie %or as ong as she can" @ec$8 i% $ids can be ie!e in Santa &nti they=re twe !e years o d8 C ara can be ie!e in %airies and e'p oding wings %or at east a co&p e o% days &nti we can get o&t o% here" ?Are yo& co dCA 7 as$ her" She nods" ?4e too" Let=s get &nder the b an$et" #here=s a spot right there &nder the roc$ that doesn=t ha!e snow" ,e can s eep there"A ?,here are my mom and dadCA @er !oice and eyes are hope%& 8 as i% she=s e'pecting them bac$ %rom a trip to the store" 7 don=t thin$ tragedy has e!er to&ched this gir D not rea tragedy8 the $ind that changes yo& %ore!er and c&ts a n&c ear waste zone thro&gh yo&r heart" 7t=s wrong 7 $now more abo&t her %ami y D her dead &nc e and co&sins and parents D than she does8 b&t tonight she is going to $eep her innocence" She is not going to ose that a ong with e!erything e se on Christmas i% 7 can he p it" 7 ta$e a deep breath" ?A rea y bad wizard too$ them away8 so we=re going on an ad!ent&re to get them bac$" 7 wi need yo&r he p"A ?,i 7 see them againCA And then 7 te the worst ie" ?B% co&rse" <ow ro &p in that b an$et8 and we= go to s eep"A She does as 7 as$8 and 7 c imb into the ma$eshi%t bed with her" 7t doesn=t ta$e her ong to go bac$ to the wor d o% dreams where %airies and hea!en rea y e'ist" B&t %or me8 re ie% ta$es its sweet time to come a ong" E!en inside the st&%%y b an$et8 7 cannot get warm eno&gh" 4y who e body is sti somewhat in shoc$ and 7 can=t rea y process what has >&st happened" ,hat ha!e 7 gotten &s intoC ,e=re a i!e now8 b&t how are we going to get to sa%etyC ,hat good wi 7 be to her now that 7 can=t % yC C ara e'ha es hard against my hair8 b owing it aro&nd my head and into my %ace" @er breath sme s i$e Christmas coo$ies and popcorn" A horrib e c enching %ee ing o!erwhe ms my chest and stomach" #hey=re a dead" +ea y dead" Bn Christmas8 no ess" ,ho wo& d do s&ch a thingC 7 grip the b an$et as hard as 7 can as another wa!e o% pain washes o!er me" 7 don=t $now how 7 wi get &s home or e!en where that is" B&t 7 wi 8 and a%ter 7 do that8 7 wi %ind whoe!er did this and ma$e them pay" By ne't Christmas8 no mirac e wi be ab e to sa!e them" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

*id yo& en>oy this %ree no!e etteC Contin&e the ad!ent&re by reading *A4SEL5L6; 7n 20MN8 the Li ip&t )ro>ect created Lina 0 the %irst si'0inch0ta winged gir 0 as the so &tion to a wor dwide energy and %ood crisis" 7so ated in a compo&nd amidst the %orests

o% *enmar$8 Lina has grown &p aware o% on y one p&rposeJ earn how to s&r!i!e in a wor d %i ed with haw$s8 b&mb ebees8 and one iness" @owe!er8 on the e!e o% her si'teenth birthday8 she disco!ers that she=s not the on y teenager her size" Si' :#oms: were created short y a%ter Lina8 and now her creators need to pro!e to the wor d that tiny peop e are the ne't ogica step in h&man e!o &tion" 7n other words8 they need to pro!e that reprod&ction is possib e" 2m" <o than$s" Lina:s a ready %a en in o!e with a boy she met on ine named Jac$" Bn y he has no idea that th&mbe ina1/1. co& d itera y %it inside his heart" ,hen her creators threaten to h&rt Jac$ &n ess she chooses a h&sband %rom among the G#oms=8 Lina agrees to star in a rea ity #H series" Bnce the episodes begin to air8 the secret o% her size is o&t" C&t o%% %rom any contact with the o&tside wor d8 Lina ass&mes Jac$ is no onger interested" A%ter a 8 what g&y wo& d want to date a gir he can=t e!en $issC S ow y8 !ery s ow y8 she be%riends the si' yo&ng men who see her as their on y tic$et to happiness" )erhaps she can ma$e >&st one g&y=s dream o% o!e and companionship come tr&e" B&t her creators ha!e a %ew more twists in store %or her that she ne!er tho&ght possib e" She=s not the on y one p aying to the cameras" 9ind e O <oo$ O Smashwords

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