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DP World showcases new mobile a lica!ions a! "ITE# Technolo$% Wee& Jebel Ali o''ers ())* elec!ronic !ransac!ion 'acili!% !hro+$h !he or!,s comm+ni!% or!al

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, October 20, 2013-. In line wi!h D+bai,s o/erarchin$ olic% o' +sin$ !echnolo$% !o im ro/e e''icienc%0 DP World0 1AE Re$ion !oda% 2Oc! 3)4 o''iciall% rolled o+! a new ini!ia!i/e !ha! +ses smar! hone mobile a lica!ions !o in!e$ra!e i!s en!ire ran$e o' c+s!omer ser/ices a! Jebel Ali Por!5 The smar! new a roach !o boos! rod+c!i/i!% and enhance o era!ional e''iciencies 'or im or!s and e6 or!s assin$ !hro+$h !he DP World 'la$shi 'acili!% was +n/eiled on !he o enin$ da% o' !he "ITE# Technolo$% Wee& in D+bai5 DP World0 1AE Re$ion0 !he re$ion,s remier or! o era!or0 is showcasin$ i!s s!a!e o' !he ar! !echnolo$ical and a+!oma!ion ini!ia!i/es !ha! had earned i! a lace amon$ !he !o !en con!ainer or!s o' !he world5 Mohammed Al Muallem, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DP orld, UAE !egion, said7DP World is led b% !he /ision o' His Hi$hness Shei&h Mohammed bin Rashid Al Ma&!o+m0 8ice.Presiden! and Prime Minis!er o' !he 1AE and R+ler o' D+bai0 and his '+!+ris!ic o+!loo& wi!h !he ob9ec!i/e o' an ad/anced s%s!em wor&in$ ro+nd !he cloc&5 We belie/e in ado !in$ !he la!es! !echnolo$ies !o boos! e''icienc% and enhance o+r ser/ices wi!h smar! rocesses5 O+r aim is !o increase o+r c+s!omers, com e!i!i/eness and lower s+ l% chain cos!s5: Mohammed Ali Ahmed, "hie# O$erations O##icer, DP orld, UAE !egion0 said7The "ITE# Technolo$% Wee& is an e6cellen! la!'orm !o showcase o+r s!ren$!hs and ne!wor& wi!h !echnolo$% de/elo ers 'rom aro+nd !he world and e6chan$e /iews5 We in/i!e all /isi!ors and ar!ici an!s !o /isi! DP World,s s!and and $e! !o &now !he wonder'+l !echnolo$ies a! Jebel Ali Por! !ha! &ee !he wheels o' !he s+ l% chain ind+s!r% mo/in$5 O+r IT !eam will be dis la%in$ !he so his!ica!ed 8essel Trac&in$ S%s!em0 as well as !he In!erac!i/e Por! Sim+la!ion s%s!em5: Jebel Ali is !he onl% or! in !he Middle Eas! and !he wider re$ion !o o''er smar! mobile a lica!ions0 wi!h ())* elec!ronic !ransac!ion 'acili!% !hro+$h !he or!,s comm+ni!% or!al5 ;+rren!l% more !han 3)) ser/ices o' !he or! are ro/ided seamlessl% online0 3<6=0 >?@ da%s a %ear5 Im or!ers and e6 or!ers can clear car$o0 a% !he rela!ed car$o char$es0 boo& !rans or! online a! !heir con/enience0 ro+nd !he cloc&5


Photo Caption: His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, VicePresident and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, talks ith Mohammed Al Muallem, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DP !orld, UAE Region, at DP !orld"s stand at the #$%E& %echnolog' !eek in Dubai(

Media in%uiries& 'hoder Ma((i Media ;omm+nica!ions DP World0 1AE Re$ion Tel- AB=( 2)4 <C)<)3)3 Mob- AB=( 2)4 @)@@B33?C Dhoder5ma&&iEd world5com

About DP


DP World has a or!'olio o' more !han ?@ marine !erminals across si6 con!inen!s 2(40 incl+din$ new de/elo men!s +nderwa% in India0 A'rica0 E+ro e0 So+!h America and !he Middle Eas!5 ;on!ainer handlin$ is !he com an%,s core b+siness and $enera!es more !han !hree F+ar!ers o' i!s re/en+e5 In 3)(30 DP World handled more !han @? million TE1 2!wen!%.'oo! eF+i/alen! con!ainer +ni!s45 Wi!h i!s commi!!ed i eline o' de/elo men!s and e6 ansions0 ca aci!% is e6 ec!ed !o rise !o more !han ()) million TE1 b% 3)3)0 in line wi!h mar&e! demand5 DP World has a dedica!ed0 e6 erienced and ro'essional !eam o' 3C0))) eo le ser/in$ i!s c+s!omers aro+nd !he world0 and !he com an% cons!an!l% in/es!s in !erminal in'ras!r+c!+re0 'acili!ies and eo le !o ro/ide F+ali!% ser/ices !oda% and !omorrow0 when and where c+s!omers need !hem5 In !a&in$ !his c+s!omer.cen!ric a roach0 DP World is b+ildin$ on !he es!ablished rela!ionshi s and s+ erior le/el o' ser/ice demons!ra!ed a! i!s 'la$shi Jebel Ali 'acili!% in D+bai0 which has been /o!ed 7Bes! Sea or! in !he Middle Eas!: 'or (B consec+!i/e %ears5 www5d world5com 2(4 As o' A+$+s! 3)(>5

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